Carry-on Anti-virus System



0Mo Beichen watched coldly from the side, with no intention of attacking.    


This kind of thing happened countless times every day around the world. If they really had to interfere, how could they control it?    


Furthermore, he had just walked out of the Crying Demon Abyss, he did not plan to bring trouble upon himself so quickly. However, things did not turn out as he wished. Even though he did not want to cause trouble, it did not mean that trouble would not find him.    


The waitress grabbed a gap and ran out of it in panic, stumbling as she ran towards them. In a panic, his footsteps became unsteady, and he directly fell towards Mo Beichen.    


Mo Beichen frowned slightly and sat in his original position without moving an inch.    


The few burly men couldn't stop screaming as they chased after the waitress at a leisurely pace, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. This kind of chase seemed to make them very happy.    




The waitress pressed both her hands on the edge of the rice bowl on the floor. Immediately, the bowl that held Black Panther's delicacy flew up and sprinkled the colorful food all over the place.    


The waitress saw a pair of legs in front of her and quickly crawled over. She tightly hugged them and said, "Please, save me!"    


Mo Beichen sighed softly in the bottom of his heart. He knew that once he was hugged like this by her, he would no longer be able to stay out of this matter.    


Seeing his delicious food in a mess, the black panther looked at Mo Beichen with a pitiful gaze. Without its master's order, it did not reveal any murderous intent. Instead, it appeared harmless and obedient.    


"Get up and stand behind me."    


Originally, he did not want to interfere in this matter, but seeing the Blue Fire's pleading eyes, he immediately changed his mind.    


Hearing her voice that sounded like it came from heaven, the waitress knew that she had found a way to save her life, and hid behind Mo Beichen while crawling and rolling, her entire body trembling uncontrollably.    


Seeing her action, the few people's gazes immediately shifted towards Mo Beichen.    


"Kid, are you tired of living? "How dare you interfere with my business!"    


Mo Beichen caressed the Blue Fire, not even sparing him a glance. Such contempt immediately angered these people.    


The person who bore the brunt of the attack sneered and swung his fist. Just as that huge fist reached Mo Beichen's face, it was stopped by a hand and was unable to move any further.    


The big man looked at his fist in disbelief. To his surprise, he was easily intercepted by a single hand from the young man. He tried his best to drink the milk, but was unable to retract his fist even when his face was red. As his wrist moved, he slowly kneeled down.    


"Kneel down and apologize, then scram!" Mo Beichen's face was expressionless as he coldly spat out a few words.    


"Kneel down and apologize? Did you fucking take the wrong medicine? Is this girl under your care? Do you really think that you're a hero to want to stand up for her? "    


The big guys burst into laughter, thinking that this young man was even more arrogant than they were. He actually wanted to be the hero and saved the beauty, wanting them to kneel down and apologize to that little girl.    


"It's not her, it's it!" His gaze moved to the ground and licked his lips, looking pitifully at the Blue Fire that was still steaming hot, Mo Beichen's tone of voice was indifferent.    


"What?" You want us to apologize to an animal? I'll kill you! "    


Initially, they thought Mo Beichen wanted to apologize to the waitress, but unexpectedly, the one the young man said was the leopard that had been madly eating the meat.    


The eyes of the big sized man in the front shone with a fierce light, he rushed forward with big steps, raising his big fist, he suddenly rushed towards Mo Beichen's face.    


The punch was aggressive and ferocious. If he were hit, his nose would have been smashed flat.    




However, the next second, the spurting of blood that he had expected did not happen. Instead, he felt a sharp pain coming from his own arm, followed by heaven and earth spinning. His whole body flew up in an instant, leaving the ground.    


He heard a miserable scream. The person who attacked had his arm completely twisted, and his entire body was sent flying out into the air.    


Seeing his own brother being injured in an instant caused the others to go pale and be enraged. Immediately, two more people took out their weapons from their waists, and rushed forward, slashing towards Mo Beichen's head.    


The blade light was sharp and gave off an ice-cold feeling. It was enough to split apart a table and chair, let alone a flesh and blood body.    


Mo Beichen's hand was as fast as lightning, the two people still did not understand what happened, the weapon in their hands had already left their hands, their vision turned black, and they flew out together.    


Light flashed in the eyes of the remaining people as they finally realized that the person in front of them was not simple.    


"No wonder you dare to meddle in our affairs. So you actually have some skills." This humble one belongs to Rainbow Gang, so please give me some face. For today's meal, consider it our treat, how about it? "    


One of the big sized man's eyes flashed with a light, he endured the killing intent in his heart, came up to Mo Beichen and cupped his fists.    


He couldn't help but be careful when he didn't find out Mo Beichen's true identity. The reason he was showing weakness was to stall for time. No matter who he was, when his large force arrived, he would not be able to escape death!    


The Blue Fire licked the leftover soup on the floor, then rubbed its face against Mo Beichen's pants. Her obedient appearance was like that of a small dog.    


"Kneel down and apologize, then scram!"    


It was still those few cold words that made those people feel infuriated.    


The reason why Mo Beichen did this, wasn't only for the female attendant, but more so for the Blue Fire. Having lived with it for so long, Mo Beichen had long treated it as his family.    


After leaving that desolate place with great difficulty, they found a small human town, and seeing that they could bring it to taste a delicacy that it had never tasted before, when it was enjoying the feast, because these few big guys had somehow gotten into trouble, Mo Beichen immediately wanted to kill them.    


That was why his tone was so unyielding.    


If it were not for the fact that he was no longer in the Crying Demon Abyss but a place where humans lived in, Mo Beichen would have started a massacre.    


In reality, a boundless killing intent had been brewing in his heart, but it had always been suppressed within the depths of his heart. If this wave of Blood Qi rushed out, even Mo Beichen himself was not sure, would he be able to kill everyone present in one go?    


This was something that had experienced years of killing and was used to the side effects of a bloodthirsty life.    


If one didn't control it well, the killer would become a bloodthirsty demon king and a terrifying executioner that everyone was afraid of.    


But Mo Beichen was not an ordinary person, he was confident that he could control the desire to kill deep inside his heart. Of course, the prerequisite for that was that these people did not go overboard. If they really forced him into a corner, Mo Beichen would also not show mercy!    


"F * ck!" After all this time, all of my saliva was wasted! Brothers, kill this bastard! "    


The other party refused to budge. It was as if they had been possessed and wanted them to apologize to an animal. If there wasn't something wrong with his head, then he must be purposely looking for trouble!    


The leader was infuriated. Since he doesn't know what's good for him and wants to court death, he might as well grant his wish.    



A few of them ferociously brandished their weapons, their blades and sword images flashing, they all attacked Mo Beichen. Unexpectedly, his vision blurred and he lost sight of him.    


Right at this moment, the person standing at the back felt a gust of cold wind blow by from behind him. His wrist suddenly tightened, followed by a pig-like howling, rolling around on the ground.    


Looking at the ghastly bones at his elbow, the people in the distance felt chills run through their bodies, as if the one with a broken arm was not him, but themselves.    


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