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0However, its small movements could not be hidden from Mo Beichen's eyes.    


Afraid that the prey he was about to catch would run away like that, the coldness in his eyes intensified. With a low roar, he roused most of the power in his body and unleashed a powerful strike without holding back!    


The bone lance poured a terrifying power into it, causing the tip of the spear to vibrate rapidly as its speed increased. Like a bolt of lightning, the spear pierced deeply into the Tyrant Wyrm's neck after avoiding its claws, and the tip of the spear entered the flesh and blood.    


The wound looked small, but a terrifying strength erupted from the wound, tearing a large chunk of flesh and bone to shreds.    


It's neck was severely injured, and it had already caused fatal damage to the Overlord Lizard!    


Under the threat of death, the Tyrant Wyrm roared in pain and exploded with shocking power. It raised its sharp claws and smashed it straight towards Mo Beichen's head.    


Facing this last strike, Mo Beichen fiercely gritted his teeth. He used his left hand to block in front of him, but the sharp claws were able to easily tear the bear armor he was wearing into shreds.    


The Iron Armor Steel Back Bear's skin, which had accompanied him through several crises, had finally lost its ability to protect him under the ravages of the Kampa Kampa Kampa Kampa Knife.    


If it was an ordinary War Soldier Stage practitioner, they would at least be severely injured from such a violent attack, even if they didn't die.    


But he did not cut off Mo Beichen's arm, and instead let out an ear-piercing sound of metal striking metal!    


Three deep, bone-deep, bloody marks were left on the ground where the sword had cut down.    


Mo Beichen sweated profusely, but he managed to preserve his life.    


Even so, the overlord lizard's terrifying strength had almost broken the bones in his arms, numbing most of his body and making him spit out a mouthful of blood with a muffled sound. His internal organs had been severely damaged from the shock.    


If it wasn't for the Blood Scale Battle Body, which had already been promoted to the Mastery Stage under the infusion of the Myriad Spirit Pool, it would be impossible for Mo Beichen to block this fierce pouncing attack with just his flesh.    


Seeing that the Overlord Lizard was still struggling and was about to launch another deathly blow, Mo Beichen's gaze turned cold. He ignored the bone lance that had already broken into a few sections and slashed at the air with the bone blade in his hand.    




The sound of a sharp blade piercing through the air entered his ears. It was followed by the sound of flesh being pierced, like a sack of sand being pierced.    


The blood that spouted out, directly poured onto half of Mo Beichen's body, and in the midst of it's warmth, it released a strong fishy smell.    


The bone blade stabbed into the lizard's eye. The burst of blade light had completely crushed its brain and cut off all its life force.    


The flames that were still spewing out of its throat lost control and directly ignited in its mouth. With a sizzling sound, the smell of burning flesh drifted over!    


The Tyrant Wyrm swayed a little, resentment and indignation appearing in its undamaged eyes. Its body crashed onto the ground, completely devoid of any signs of life.    


A gust of white cold Qi shot out from Mo Beichen's palm, freezing its entire head, preventing the flames from spreading.    


The Tyrant Wyrm's entire body was filled with treasures. If it were to be burnt to nothingness, that would be too much of a pity. Fortunately, Mo Beichen had a corresponding method to stop it from continuing to burn.    


Mo Beichen heaved a heavy sigh of relief. A huge wave of weariness washed over him, making him want to sleep on the ground. He closed his eyes and took a good rest.    


But the moment he thought about how he had yet to collect his spoils of war, he used the bone knife to cut open the head of the Kampa Kampa Kampa Kampa Knife and took out an egg-sized golden inner core.    


The higher the level of the Demonic Beast, the higher the chances of them condensing a Demonic Core within their body.    


He could not say that he had every single one, but he could obtain at least two or three out of the ten.    


After removing the Demonic Core, with a wave of Mo Beichen's hand, the enormous body of the Overlord Lizard immediately disappeared from where it was standing.    


The Storage Ring still could not hold this big thing, so Mo Beichen kept it into his item safe.    


"The Blood Scale Battle Body is powerful indeed, to actually be able to compete with the fierce physical defense and strength of a Demonic Beast like the Tyrant King Lizard. Too bad it consumes too much War Qi, so it can't last for too long. "    


Mo Beichen shook his head helplessly. He was satisfied but also regretful in his heart.    


This battle seemed to last a long time, but it actually didn't last long.    


When he was fighting the Tyrant Lizard, he only activated the Blood Scale Body for five minutes, but he had already used up almost a third of his War Qi energy.    


Therefore, the Blood Scale Battle Body could only be used as a trump card in the final showdown. It could not be used as a conventional method of combat.    


Sensing that peace had returned to the outside world, Black Lord appeared at once.    


"Eh, you're not dead yet?"    


Although Mo Beichen was covered in blood, and looked exhausted, he was fine, and this surprised Black Lord.    


"What? You're very disappointed that I didn't die?"    


Rolling his eyes, Mo Beichen really wanted to sew up Black Lord's mouth.    


Indeed, nothing good could come out of his mouth. If you don't know how to speak, then please shut up, no one will think of you as a mute, Mo Beichen scolded in his heart.    


"Look at what you're saying, which one of us is following? If you die, I won't be much better, so why would you have such a terrifying thought?" I'm just very surprised that you managed to escape from the mouth of that Tyrant Wyrm.    


It looks like my training results are still very effective. In front of such a strong Demonic Beast, if you are able to escape unscathed, within this Crying Demon Abyss, there are not many existences that could cause you to be a threat to your life. "    


After his lie had been exposed, not only did Black Lord not admit it, he even shamelessly marked his own achievements and started taking them.    


However, the words that he said afterwards made Mo Beichen's heart move.    


"Oh? Is that true? "    


"Nonsense!" Furthermore, even amongst the Five Star Demon Soldiers, it is the type that stands at the top. How many Demonic Beast do you think can possibly be stronger than that? "    


Black Lord snorted angrily as he gave his explanation.    


"So you're saying, in terms of Crying Demon Abyss, I can already be considered a tyrant?"    


With the long-awaited smile at the corner of his mouth, Mo Beichen seemed to be muttering to himself.    


"I guess it counts as half!" Not forgetting to attack Mo Beichen, Black Lord said this in an indifferent tone.    


"But I didn't run away. Instead, I killed the Overlord Lizard."    



Mo Beichen stared at Black Lord and spat out the truth.    


"Hmm? You killed it, not escaped? "    


Black Lord's eyelids twitched, as though it was the first time that he had seen Mo Beichen, he swept his gaze across him from head to toe, and only believed this news in the end, due to the strong suspicion in his eyes.    


It muttered, "I don't think that fellow's strength is at its peak. From the looks of it, that is indeed the case! Otherwise, it's not your turn to take advantage. "    


It turned out that from the moment Black Lord saw the Overlord Lizard, he had already noticed that there was something strange about it.    


Now that Mo Beichen had killed it, he immediately felt that it was Mo Beichen taking advantage of the Tyrant Lizard's injuries, which was the only way to take the opportunity to kill it.    


"No matter what you say, the one who survived in the end was me."    


Mo Beichen did not reveal everything. Even if it was injured, it was not something that ordinary people could deal with.    


After getting along for so long, he had long figured out Black Lord's personality. No matter how good you were, it would find all kinds of excuses and ridicule to continuously strike at you.    


To get a sincere compliment from its mouth was even harder than ascending to heaven!    


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