Star Core War

C13 Grade-1 Medicinal Herb

C13 Grade-1 Medicinal Herb

0Artificial medicine, chapter 13.    


Qin Tian looked at the herbs in front of him and felt a little excited. He knew how precious herbs were and how important herbs were to martial cultivator warriors. No one could remain indifferent to so many herbs. Everyone saw so many herbs in front of them. This was human nature. But this was just a thought. Looking at the price below the herbs, you will feel how difficult it is to have all of these herbs.    


Qin Tian looked at the herbs on the shelf that was closer to him and looked at the price on it. He could not help but sigh. If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely be shocked.    


"First grade herb, Spirit Accumulating Grass, 10,000 gold."    


Looking at the price of the herbs on the shelf, Qin Tian could not help but sigh. This was only a first grade herb, he wanted this price.    


The herbs contained a lot of spiritual energy, it was very beneficial to the human body. The herbs were divided into nine grades, the first grade herb was the lowest, and the ninth grade was the highest. It was very difficult to obtain herbs, and the process of obtaining herbs was often accompanied by a very dangerous battle. In dangerous battles, there were often injuries and deaths. Therefore, the price of the herbs was also very high, but the effects of the herbs were definitely worth this price.    


Qin Tian walked around the area and found that most of the herbs in the herb area were from the first tier to the third grade herb tier. He could not help calling the shop assistant beside him and asked curiously, "Why don't you have herbs of the third tier and above here?"    


"There are herbs of the third tier and above in Baoshai. You can proudly say that. The herbs in the Baoshai are very complete. We have all kinds of herbs. Herbs of the third rank and above are no exception. However, herbs of the third rank and above cannot be bought with ordinary money. That's why we didn't put it on the first floor, on the second floor of the Baoshai." The shop assistant said proudly.    


Hearing this, Qin Tian suddenly realized why there were no herbs above the Third Stage in such a big shop in Baoshai. Qin Tian realized that among these herbs, he could only afford first grade herb.    


He touched the belt on his waist. It contained all of his wealth, more than ten thousand gold coins. This was something he had accumulated since he was young, and now it was only enough to buy one first grade herb.    


Qin Tian slowly strolled around the herb area. He looked at the herbs here. He focused on the first grade herb, because he could only feel the price of the first grade herb.    


Very quickly, Qin Tian called over the shop assistant. He pointed at the Spirit Accumulation Grass that he had first seen and said, "Give me a Spirit Accumulation Grass."    


"Okay, Young Master. I'll wrap it up for you right away." The shop assistant said respectfully.    


Qin Tian walked to the counter, took out ten thousand gold coins from the Space Belt, and handed it over.    


When the shop assistant saw the Space Belt on this young master's body, he became even more respectful towards Qin Tian.    


The Space Belt could be said to be a symbol of status. The value of the Space Belt was very high. It could only be owned by a big family or a powerful martial cultivator. This was something that ordinary people wouldn't even think about.    


The clerk respectfully handed over the exquisite box containing herbs and said, "Young master, please keep it well."    


Qin Tian took the box, opened it, and took a look at the medicinal herbs. Then, he received the Space Belt.    


He turned around and walked out of Baoshai.    


"Young Master, please leave. You're welcome to come again next time." The clerk's respectful voice was heard.    


As soon as he walked out of Baoshai, Qin Tian found that there were two pairs of eyes staring at him. As a two-star martial cultivator at Vein Refining Stage, his senses were naturally sensitive. If there were two people staring at you, you would be an ordinary person. He would also feel something. He walked forward. There were two sneaky people behind him.    


Qin Tian did not reveal anything. After a while, Qin Tian walked to a remote alley. He turned around and looked behind him. "Come out. You have been following me for so long."    


Two people walked out from behind. They were both in their twenties. They looked at Qin Tian and said, "Kid, rob. Now take out all the money you have. Otherwise, we, Lang Dong Duo Sha, will not be polite to you."    


Qin Tian looked at these two men and couldn't help but laugh. How dare they call themselves Lang Dong Duo Sha? Qin Tian could tell that they were ordinary people just by looking at them. They didn't have the Qi of a martial cultivator.    


"If you want money, ask my fist if it agrees." Qin Tian said in a mocking tone.    


"Kid, you are asking for a beating." One of them heard Qin Tian's words and rushed towards him with a furious voice. He then threw a punch at Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian looked at this punch that was full of holes. Without any hesitation, he kicked forward.    


"Boron." Without any suspense, Qin Tian kicked him unconscious.    


When the other person saw his companion fall, he was frightened. He looked at his companion not moving at all, thinking that he was dead. He couldn't help but speak with a trembling voice, "You... you... you are... a martial cultivator." Because in his knowledge, only a martial cultivator could do this. Originally, he thought that Qin Tian would be easy to blackmail since he was so young. He never thought that he would run into a tough guy.    


When he thought of this, "Pa." He knelt down immediately and wailed, "Sir, Sir, please spare this lowly one. Please, I beg of you." As he spoke, he crawled forward, getting closer and closer to Qin Tian.    


Suddenly, the person who was crawling on the ground suddenly took out a coin head from his clothes without any warning, and stabbed it towards Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian looked at the dagger in front of him. He did not panic. He had been prepared for this since long ago. In his previous life, he had seen this kind of plot countless times in movies and movies on Earth. Furthermore, in this cruel world, it was necessary to guard against others.    


In a split second, Qin Tian circulated his spirit energy and kicked the man's head. A shadow streaked across the sky, and the man had already been kicked. Blood was flowing out of his eyes, nose, and mouth as he looked at Qin Tian unwillingly. This was the last time he had seen ___ in this world, and his eyes were filled with regret and unwillingness. He fell to the ground with a thud.    


Qin Tian looked at the corpse in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This was the first person he had killed in this world. He knew... He would definitely kill people in the future. In this cruel world... Either you die, or I live. If you want to survive in this world, you have to be ruthless... No one will pity you, the kindness to your enemies is the cruelty to yourself. This incident also gave him a warning, you have to be careful in everything. Be careful. ... If he hadn't been on guard just now, he might have been the one to fall now. Besides, this world was filled with danger everywhere. If he was careless... He would be irresponsible towards his own life.    


However, the most important thing was to have strength. Strength was everything. Without strength, it was useless to say anything.    


Today, he was just an ordinary person without any martial strength. However, what would happen if he encountered a martial cultivator who was stronger than him?    


The result would be completely different. Therefore, looking at the corpse in front of him, Qin Tian knew that there was still a long way to go in the future. It was the right path to improve his strength. Otherwise, he would follow the footsteps of the person in front of him in the future.    


Qin Tian looked at the other person who was knocked unconscious by him. Without any hesitation, he walked over and broke his neck.    


Qin Tian looked at the person in front of him and said quietly in his heart, You can only blame your own bad luck.    


Qin Tian wasn't a bloodthirsty person, but he knew... If he didn't kill the other person who fainted, when he woke up... There would be endless troubles in the future, because they had already formed a grudge. It was hard to guarantee that they wouldn't run into this person in the future. It was hard to guarantee that he wouldn't be stabbed in the back by this person. Therefore... Qin Tian's actions would end once and for all.    


Qin Tian calmly walked out of the alley. The alley was as quiet as usual, leaving only two corpses there.    


Occasionally, people who passed by would see these two corpses, but there was no reaction, because in Stellar Core World, countless people died every day.    


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