Star Core War

C228 The Spiritual Energy Was like an Ocean

C228 The Spiritual Energy Was like an Ocean

0The spiritual energy is as vast as the sea.    


After a day of absorption, Qin Tian was still unable to stand up. He was still pressed to the ground by the huge gravity.    


Qin Tian wasn't anxious. He knew that he wouldn't be able to recover so quickly. After all, the place he was at right now was fifty times the gravity. Under such a terrifying gravity, his body wanted to get used to it. That was normal.    


Qin Tian felt relieved when he saw that his injuries had stabilized.    


Qin Tian continued to absorb the Spiritual Qi, and began to treat his injuries.    


In an instant, the dense spiritual Qi around Qin Tian started to gather in his body.    




Qin Tian's body was like a black hole. The surrounding spiritual energy was forcefully absorbed into his body, and the sound of explosions kept echoing in the air.    


He could feel that the speed at which Qin Tian absorbed the spiritual energy was extremely terrifying.    


Just like that, Qin Tian kept absorbing the spiritual energy and started to heal his injuries.    


Time slowly passed.    




One day passed.    


At this moment, Qin Tian was still lying on the 99th step, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy. He still did not stand up because he wanted to do it under 50 times gravity. It wasn't that easy to stand up. It was really too difficult.    


However, after absorbing the energy for the whole day, Qin Tian looked much better than before. He could feel that Qin Tian had recovered a lot.    


Qin Tian could slowly move his body a little bit. He had improved by leaps and bounds.    


Qin Tian was able to make such progress because he had been constantly cultivating and improving his spiritual Qi during this period of time.    


However, there was more than one reason why he could recover so quickly. There was another reason, and that was the 99th step he was on. The spiritual energy here was too dense. It was definitely not weaker than the spiritual energy contained within the Spirit Liquid. That was why Qin Tian was able to make such progress.    


However, the amount of spiritual energy Qin Tian had absorbed during this period of time hadn't increased by much. He still couldn't break through to the Fourth Star True Blood Stage, and was still at the peak of the Third Star True Blood Stage.    


Although the spiritual energy in Qin Tian's body didn't increase much, the absorption of the spiritual energy would increase the strength of his body. It would also be a great help to Qin Tian's body.    


Qin Tian laid on the ground and continued to absorb the spiritual energy.    


Time slowly passed.    




A day quickly passed.    


At this time, after a day of absorption, Qin Tian's body could slowly move. His movements could be bigger, and he could no longer only move slowly.    


Qin Tian stopped cultivating and sat up with difficulty.    


"Crack crack. Kaka..."    


Qin Tianyi sat up. In an instant, he could feel that his bones began to make slight sounds under the effect of the enormous gravity. It was as if his bones were unable to withstand it.    


Qin Tian felt extremely painful.    


But immediately, a cool spiritual Qi started to affect Qin Tian's body, instantly alleviating his pain.    


After a while, Qin Tian finally recovered.    


Qin Tian checked his body's current condition. He found that the wounds on his body were already scars, and they were no longer bleeding. His external injuries were basically all healed.    


However, the situation inside his body was still not very optimistic. The gravity was really too strong. Qin Tian found the internal organs in his body. They were still under tremendous pressure. The organs inside... There was also blood flowing out from time to time, and they were still continuously injured.    


Fortunately, there was a cool spiritual energy.    


That was why Qin Tian's body was constantly being repaired.    


Every time Qin Tian was injured, after the cool spiritual energy healed his wound, it would become slightly stronger.    


This was how Qin Tian was constantly being destroyed and healed. His body's strength kept getting stronger and stronger.    


Qin Tian took a deep breath and continued to absorb the spiritual Qi.    


Qin Tian knew that even though it was very painful in this place, however, he could only persist in his cultivation. There was no other way to take advantage of this situation. After all, he had already reached the 99th step. There was only one last step left.    


Success was right in front of him.    


So, he had to continue.    


However, Qin Tian thought that a long time had passed unknowingly. He had to make the best use of his time. Now, it was time for the sect to recruit disciples. There were only ten days left, so time was of utmost urgency.    


There were only ten days left before the sect started recruiting disciples. Thinking of this, Qin Tian knew that he had to get everything that Blade Lord left behind within ten days, and then leave immediately.    


Qin Tian sat on the 99th step with his legs crossed. He looked in front of him and found that the hazy green light was still covering the platform. He still couldn't see what was on the platform.    


Qin Tian firmly believed that he must get past this place as soon as possible.    


However, Qin Tian thought that it would be very difficult for him to sit up.    


Not to mention, he could now stand up. Through this place, he knew that he had to speed up the absorption of the spiritual Qi. He began to absorb the spiritual Qi with all his might.    


"Hong, hong, hong..."    


Qin Tian could feel that there was a huge amount of spiritual energy rushing into his body.    


The spiritual energy began to repair Qin Tian's injured body.    


Time slowly passed.    



Two hours.    


Four hours.    




Twelve hours passed in the blink of an eye.    


Qin Tian was still cultivating and absorbing the spiritual energy.    


After a long period of hard cultivation, Qin Tian's injuries had basically all recovered, and his condition had also recovered.    


However, this gravity was still too great for him. Therefore, although Qin Tian had already recovered his body, he still couldn't continue forward. He couldn't even stand up.    


Qin Tian sat cross-legged on the 99th step. He could feel that the spiritual Qi on this step was unusually dense. It filled every corner of the step.    


Qin Tian didn't do anything. Just by sitting there, he could feel that the huge amount of spiritual Qi around him was going to drill into his body.    


When Qin Tian saw this situation, he knew that this was a good opportunity for him to improve his strength. He could easily absorb so much Qi.    


"Dao can be said, Dao can be said, Dao can be called, very famous..."    


Qin Tian began to chant the Tao Te Ching.    




The spiritual energy around Qin Tian's body began to surge crazily, making a sound like a tsunami. It was extremely terrifying.    




A huge amount of spiritual energy rushed into Qin Tian's body. Qin Tian's body was hit by the huge amount of spiritual energy, causing him to instantly spurt out a mouthful of blood. He was instantly injured.    


The spirit energy was really too huge and terrifying. Qin Tian's body wasn't in his best condition because of the huge gravity. Now, another wave of such massive spiritual energy had rushed into his body, causing him to be injured in an instant.    


Although Qin Tian was injured, he didn't panic at all. He was still very calm. These minor injuries were child's play to him.    


Qin Tian began to control the surrounding spiritual energy and kept rushing into his mind.    


"Hualala, hualala, hualala..."    


The blood in Qin Tian's body produced a hualala sound. A huge amount of spiritual energy flowed through his blood and began to refine it.    


Qin Tian could feel that the effect of the spiritual energy on the blood was very good. He could feel that the impurities in his blood had been expelled, and the energy within the spiritual energy had become even stronger.    


The primary core in Qin Tian's mind started circulating faster, and the Spiritual Qi rushed into Qin Tian's mind.    


In the blink of an eye, the spiritual energy had already rushed into his mind.    




It sounded like the sound of a stone collapsing. In an instant, the spiritual energy rushed into the primary core in Qin Tian's body.    


"Collapse, collapse, collapse..."    


The primary core in Qin Tian's mind was struck by a huge amount of spiritual energy. It began to shake in an instant.    


Qin Tian could feel the huge amount of spiritual energy rushing into his mind. In an instant, he could feel that the primary core in his mind began to sway under the impact of the huge amount of spiritual energy.    


"The primary core is actually starting to react! Good, good, good, good! Hahahah... "    


When Qin Tian saw the reaction of the primary core in his mind, he immediately felt pleasantly surprised.    


One should know that ever since he reached the peak of three star True Blood Stage... When he absorbed the spiritual energy, the primary core in his mind didn't have such a big reaction. Now that he saw the reaction of the primary core, Qin Tian was naturally very excited. One should know that if the primary core had a reaction, then the chances of advancement would be even greater.    


Qin Tian began to absorb the spiritual energy at a faster rate.    


"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."    


The spiritual energy around Qin Tian began to rumble. The spiritual energy became unusually fierce.    


The spiritual energy around Qin Tian's body was being absorbed at a faster rate by Qin Tian. The surging also began to slowly increase. One could see that... Next to Qin Tian, a huge vortex of Spiritual Qi was slowly formed. All the spiritual energy was rushing into Qin Tian's body.    




A huge amount of spiritual energy rushed into Qin Tian's body.    


Under the impact of the huge amount of spiritual energy, Qin Tian's skin had already been injured. The wound hadn't fully recovered yet, but it exploded once again, causing blood to splatter everywhere.    


This spiritual energy was really too huge. One should know that... Qin Tian's body had become very strong under the constant tempering of the huge gravity. However, even with such a powerful body, Qin Tian still couldn't withstand this massive spiritual energy. It was imaginable how powerful this spiritual energy was.    




Qin Tian let out a muffled groan and endured the pain.    


In an instant, a cool spiritual energy started to heal his injured body.    


Qin Tian eased up in an instant. He began to control the huge amount of spiritual energy and rushed into his body.    


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