Star Core War

C130 A Vicious Thought

C130 A Vicious Thought

0The vicious thoughts in chapter 130.    


Qin Xiaojian didn't hear what the people outside were saying, and naturally, he didn't hear what Qin Hu said. He just stared blankly at Liu Yiyi.    


Qin Xiaojian was deeply attracted by Liu Yiyi. He didn't think that there was such a beautiful girl in the world. He looked at Liu Yiyi and completely immersed himself in her. He did not know what happened around him.    


"Young Master, Young Master." Qin Fu was also standing beside Qin Xiaojian. When Qin Fu saw Qin Xiaojian, he ignored Qin Hu. He immediately knew that things were not going well. He immediately kicked Qin Xiaojian from behind. Qin Xiaojian called out in a low voice. In an instant, he woke up from his daze.    


"Oh, oh, what?" Qin Xiaojian also came back to his senses.    


"What are you thinking? I asked you a question, but you didn't hear me." Qin Hu said with a frown.    


"Sorry, Brother Hu. It's too noisy around. I'm at the corner of the platform. I didn't hear anything at all." Qin Xiaojian woke up and immediately knew that something was wrong. He immediately found an excuse. Fortunately, Qin Xiaojian wasn't in the middle of the platform. Qin Xiaojian was at the edge of the platform. So his explanation was reasonable. Everyone looked at Liu Yiyi. No one paid attention to Qin Xiaojian, so no one noticed his actions.    


"Young master, young master Qin Hu just asked you where Qin Tian is. You two can fight now. Miss Liu Yiyi is waiting for you." Qin Fu immediately took a step forward and whispered to Qin Xiaojian.    


When Qin Xiaojian heard Miss Liu Yiyi waiting, he instantly became alert. He immediately said, "Brother Hu, I can fight anytime now, but I don't know where Qin Tian is now."    


When Qin Hu heard this, he immediately frowned. Qin Tian had not seen this yet, so the competition was still going on.    


The people around him also heard what Qin Xiaojian said. They all said, "Does Qin Tian know that he isn't a match for Qin Xiaojian? He doesn't dare to show up now."    


"Yeah, what you said makes sense. I think so too."    


"That's right. Qin Tian has only been cultivating for a short period of time. How could he be a match for Qin Xiaojian?"    


"In my opinion, this shouldn't have happened back then."    


"That's right. Tell me, since Qin Tian hasn't appeared yet, how long do we have to wait?"    


"There are so many people waiting below. This will be difficult to handle."    


The people on the platform were all talking at the same time.    


Qin Ying sat on the rostrum. When he saw that Qin Tian had not appeared for a long time, he became anxious. If Qin Tian did not appear, then all the work he had prepared in the past would be for nothing.    


Qin Ying looked at Qin Yougui and gave him a look.    


"Everyone, quiet down. Listen to me." Qin Yougui stood up and said loudly. He saw that everyone was looking at him. He immediately continued, "Everyone, calm down. Everyone, don't be anxious. I believe that Qin Tian will definitely come to accept the challenge today. Since he dared to challenge Qin Xiaojian, he would definitely come. He may be delayed by something now. Everyone, wait a moment. We will send someone to find him immediately. "    


After saying that, he immediately called Qin Fu and asked him to send someone to look for him in the prefecture.    


Everyone saw that Miss Liu Yiyi did not say anything and just sat there waiting. Everyone knew that Liu Yiyi also agreed with this suggestion, so everyone quietly waited.    


Qin Ying looked at his son Qin Yougui with praise. He was very satisfied with Qin Yougui's reaction and treatment just now. He had comforted everyone and sent someone to look for Qin Tian. There were two sides to it.    


Qin Tian was in the crowd below at this time. Qin Tian found that there were too many people at the scene. The platform was next to the arena, and was now surrounded by martial cultivator warriors. He couldn't squeeze in at all, and he didn't know what other way Qin Tian could get to the platform.    


Qin Tian asked Qin Gui who was next to him. He asked if he had other ways to get to the main platform, but Qin Gui didn't know either. Qin Gui had never been to the main platform before.    


Qin Tian thought for a while and knew that he had to act quickly. If he did not appear, everyone would have objections. Qin Tian decided to directly charge through the crowd.    


"Everyone, move aside. I am Qin Tian. Everyone move aside. I am Qin Tian." Qin Tian could only use this method to shout as he walked in.    


However, although the method was earth, the effect was really not bad. Once Qin Tian shouted, the people beside him immediately discovered him. Everyone knew that the main person had come, so they all began to make way for Qin Tian to walk in.    


"Everyone make way, I'm Qin Tian."    


"Everyone, make way. I am Qin Tian."    


"Make way, everyone. I am Qin Tian."    




Qin Tian kept shouting. The commotion in the crowd was getting bigger and bigger. Soon, everyone knew that Qin Tian was here. They all moved aside to make way for him.    


The commotion below couldn't be hidden from the people on the platform. They could clearly see what was happening below. Everyone knew that Qin Tian was here.    


Very quickly, Qin Tian passed through the crowd and walked to the platform.    


Once Qin Tian arrived at the platform, Qin Tian glanced at Liu Yiyi and discovered that she was looking at Liu Yiyi from a close distance. He discovered that Liu Yiyi was really very beautiful, but Qin Tian was purely appreciating it. Although Liu Yiyi was beautiful, Qin Tian felt that Liu Yiyi was not a dish. Qin Tian was not very interested in this type of girl.    


"Qin Tian, why are you only here now? Do you know that we are all waiting for you? Do you know how much time you have wasted on so many of us?" When Qin Xiaojian saw Qin Tian, he immediately asked loudly.    


"You did not set any time for me to come. Whenever I come, it is my freedom. You have no right to say anything to me. You are asking for death in such a hurry." Qin Tian said faintly.    


"You, you, good. Qin Tian, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson today. You will know how powerful I am later." Qin Xiaojian said with a hateful voice. Looking at Qin Tian in front of him, the hatred in his heart continued to surge. He hated people calling him a bastard the most. This was the biggest pain in his heart.    


Qin Xiaojian thought that he would never let Qin Tian go in the upcoming battle. He thought of the needle in his hand. This time, he should be able to kill Qin Tian without anyone noticing. Qin Xiaojian couldn't help but sneer in his heart, Qin Tian, since you are courting death, you can't blame me for that.    


"Alright, you two don't have to say anymore." Qin Hu said and immediately asked Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, you have thought it through. If you really want to compete with Qin Xiaojian on the stage, it is not too late for you to regret it now."    


"That's right. Qin Tian, you can go back on your word now. Then you can kneel down and kowtow to me three times. Also, call me Lord three times. Then I can let you go. How about it? This way, you won't have to compete with me on the stage later. When the time comes, you'll have to suffer physical pain again. " After Qin Hu finished speaking, Qin Xiaojian immediately continued. Everyone could tell that Qin Xiaojian was trying to goad him on. After Qin Xiaojian finished speaking, he looked at Qin Tian arrogantly. In fact, Qin Xiaojian was still a little worried in his heart. He was worried that Qin Tian wouldn't dare to fight. If he backed off, he wouldn't be able to humiliate Qin Tian in the arena.    


"Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's see what happens in the ring. Qin Xiaojian, I will make sure you will never forget today." Qin Tian said firmly.    


The people around heard what Qin Tian said. They heard that he wanted to give Qin Xiaojian a day that he would never forget for the rest of his life. In fact, everyone treated this sentence as a joke in their hearts. No one cared about it. This was because everyone present believed that Qin Tian wasn't a match for Qin Xiaojian. After all, Qin Xiaojian was a Five Star Vein Refining Stage martial cultivator. As for Qin Tian, he was only a martial cultivator who had just awakened his primary core for three months, let alone Qin Tian, who had the worst talent. Under such circumstances, it was even more impossible for Qin Tian to defeat Qin Xiaojian. Everyone was thinking about how many moves Qin Xiaojian would use to defeat Qin Tian. They all knew that... Perhaps one move was enough.    


Liu Yiyi looked at Qin Tian with a frown. The moment Qin Tian came up, he gave her a different feeling. But she could not tell what was different, but she could sense Qin Tian's strength. He was around one star and two stars. How could a person with such strength give her such a feeling? Liu Yiyi was also very curious. But Liu Yiyi quickly threw away this thought. Right now, she only wanted to watch this competition closely. Then, she immediately rushed back to the family to start practicing martial arts. Originally, Liu Yiyi did not want to come to such a boring occasion at all. Liu Yiyi felt that it would be better to use this time to familiarize herself with her martial arts, but now there was no other way. Her father must have requested her to come and even absurd to ask her to see the young master of the Qin family. She wanted to see which one she liked the most. Liu Yiyi thought of this matter. She did not know whether to laugh or cry. Right now, she wanted to put all of her energy into training. She would not consider the relationship between children.    


"Alright, Qin Tian, take care of yourself." Qin Hu said to Qin Tian and immediately continued, "Since all of you have agreed, then all of you should be ready. You will also know some of the things you should take note of in the arena, but I still want to tell you two key points. One is that you cannot beat your opponent to death in the arena, and the second is that your opponent only needs to admit defeat. Then, you can't attack anymore. All of you, listen carefully. "    


"Listen carefully."    


"[No problem.]"    


Both replied.    


Qin Xiaojian knew he couldn't kill Qin Tian on the arena, but someone gave him a poisonous needle. As long as this problem was stabbed by his thin needle, the colorless and odorless poison on it would lurk in Qin Tian's body, and it would flare up three days later. He believed that no one would be able to find out that he was the one who killed Qin Tian. Qin Xiaojian believed that with his strength. Thinking of this, he felt relieved.    


Qin Xiaojian and Qin Tian soon stood on the arena. Both of them were looking at each other. The battle was about to begin.    



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