Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C2029 Be Kind Enough to be a Donkey's Liver and Lungs

C2029 Be Kind Enough to be a Donkey's Liver and Lungs

0On the wall to the west of the room was a LCD monitor that could see and hear what was going on in the conference room.    


Gao Fei saw Gao Miaomiao's outstanding performance.    


Very satisfied.    


This was Gao Fei's evaluation of Gao Miaomiao's performance.    


Especially when she invited Fang Yifan out like a thunderbolt. If it was someone else, even if they invited him out, they would not be able to be as overbearing as Gao Miaomiao.    


The reason was simple. Even if Gao Fei were to personally step in, he would have to be wary of the Fang family's influence in the dynasty.    


However, Gao Miaomiao didn't care.    


In the Divine Dynasty, other than Gao Fei and Tang Peng, she didn't have to give anyone face.    


Seeing Gao Fei pick up the glass with both hands, Gao Miaomiao immediately knew that the boss was very satisfied with her previous performance. Her eyes lit up as she quickly walked over and took a glass of wine, saying in a tender voice, "Thank you, Boss."    


"This is your reward. Well done, I hope you won't be too proud of it."    


Gao Fei raised his glass and clinked it with Gao Miaomiao.    


F * ck, if I perform so well, wouldn't you be sending the beggar away by giving me a cup of wine to drink?    


Gao Miaomiao, who was originally in a good mood, frowned slightly upon hearing Gao Fei's words.    


This was her instinctive reaction.    


Because she suddenly realized that Gao Fei's actions of praising and rewarding her were the same as what she told those three generations of Wealthy Class families. He treated her like a servant.    


Just like when you throw a Frisbee, and when your puppy runs up to you and snaps it in its mouth and wags its tail at you, you reward it with a little favor.    


"What? Not satisfied?"    


Gao Fei, who put down his wine cup, noticed Gao Miaomiao's unhappiness and his expression immediately darkened.    


"Ah, no, it's not that I'm unsatisfied. How could I dare to be unsatisfied with your reward?"    


Gao Miaomiao was shocked and realized that Gao Fei didn't think much of her. If she showed any dissatisfaction, Gao Fei would probably make her roll up her blanket and get out of here immediately. She quickly drank the red wine with a flattered look.    


"It's not that you don't dare, it's just that you don't want to."    


Gao Fei said slowly as he swirled the cup.    


"Boss, I really haven't thought of anything to be dissatisfied with. Just now, I was just reconsidering whether I could do better or not."    


Afraid that Boss Gao would make her eat cucumber again, Gao Miaomiao immediately put down the cup, walked quickly behind him, raised a pair of small fist and lightly tapped on his shoulder.    


"Gao Miaomiao, work hard. I won't treat you unfairly. I'm not the kind of rich person who only knows how to ask for money and not return it."    


Gao Fei turned the chair around, picked up a piece of paper from the table beside him and said, "Look at the content carefully. If you think there's no objection, then sign it."    


"What … what is this?"    


Gao Miaomiao took the piece of paper with a little shock.    


She was afraid that Boss Gao had given her countless chapters of the contract, so he was thinking of ways to extract the value from her.    


Although she was happy to be squeezed by Boss Gao, whether it was mentally or physically.    


It was a contract, a contract between Gao Fei and Gao Miaomiao.    


The duration of the contract was one year.    


During this year, Gao Miaomiao was Boss Gao's personal secretary. She had to wholeheartedly work for him, listen to whatever he said, and go through fire and water without any hesitation.    


Within a year, everything she said and did in public represented Gao Fei's wishes. No matter what she said or did, she had to think twice before acting.    


In return, Boss Gao will terminate the contract (one year later), pay Gao Miaomiao ten million dollars salary, restore her self-imposed identity.    


After a year, she would be able to carry the 10 million dollars and do whatever she wanted to do. She would no longer need to care about Boss Gao's expression and would be ordered around by him like a bull.    


The contract was handwritten, and it had just been written.    


Through the 'live broadcast', Gao Fei clearly understood Gao Miaomiao's ability and felt that he was lacking such a helper.    


As a matter of fact, Boss Gao currently had a lot of trustworthy people around him, like Liang Ming, Lao Wang, and Lee Decai. Including Zhang Tao, who was presiding over the meeting, she was groomed by Gao Fei to be the right-hand man.    


However, they could only be said to be loyal, but they were restricted by their birth and lacked the ability to do so.    


If the one who appeared today was not Gao Miaomiao, but Zhang Tao or Liang Ming, who would be able to put down their fear of the Wealthy Class Yamen and intimidate those people?    


Of course, if it was Gao Fei or his wife, Shen Yinbing, they could do the same thing. They could even do it better, but they wouldn't have to do it themselves, right?    


Don't forget, they still have a Atlantis to deal with.    


Therefore, in the next year at the very least, Gao Fei had to find someone who was strong, capable, and good at scheming. As their spokesperson, Gao Fei had to help them.    


Without a doubt, Gao Miaomiao was the best choice.    


She believed that after Shen Yinbing found out, she wouldn't have any prejudice against Gao Miaomiao just because she was a pretty girl and suspected that her relationship with Boss Gao was not ordinary.    


When Gao Miaomiao chaired the meeting, Boss Gao thought for a long time before finally writing down the personal contract.    


Of course, even if Gao Fei didn't give Gao Miaomiao any compensation and wanted to oppress her for a lifetime, she wouldn't say anything. She still had to do what she needed to do, no matter how noisy it was, it couldn't escape his grasp.    


However, Mr. Gao was well aware of the principle of 'if you want to let a horse run away, then you have to let it graze'. If he doesn't give Gao Miaomiao a chance, would she do things properly?    


Gao Miaomiao's ten million USD salary was also to tell her, "I'm not exploiting you for nothing, I'm hiring you for a high salary. Just do your job properly for me."    


Gao Miaomiao held the contract in both hands and read it several times. She read it carefully every time with a complicated expression on her face.    



Gao Fei didn't urge her to take a look, he just filled the cup and slowly sipped the wine.    


After five minutes, Gao Miaomiao let out a light breath and raised her head.    


"How is it? Are you satisfied with this contract?" Of course, if you have any objections, you can ask for them. As long as I feel that it's appropriate, I can agree with you. "    


Gao Fei thought for a while, then put down his glass and reached for the pen to take the contract from Gao Miaomiao.    


Gao Miaomiao hid the contract behind her back.    


"What's wrong?"    


Gao Fei frowned and said: "I just want to write one more sentence, starting from today, even if you make another mistake, I won't punish you by making you kneel on the keyboard and carry the red carpet. At most, you will be like all the other business owners, scolding you when you make a mistake, deducting a bit of your salary."    


Gao Miaomiao lowered her head and put her hands behind her back, still not saying a word.    


Gao Fei was a bit impatient: "Say something to me, what kind of wooden stake are you holding? I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand reason! Do you find the annual salary too low? "Let me warn you, a person shouldn't be too greedy. With an annual salary of ten million dollars, this is definitely the highest annual salary out of all the secretaries in the world."    


Gao Miaomiao remained silent, as if she had really turned into a wooden stake.    


Gao Fei was annoyed. Without thinking, he lifted his foot and tapped on her belly: "You better f * cking talk, mute! Oh, Saul, Saul, I shouldn't have hit you. Next time!"    


"I... "Yes."    


Gao Miaomiao mumbled in a low voice.    




Gao Fei pricked up his ears: "What did you say? Can't you stop chewing on cucumber?"    




Gao Miaomiao took a deep breath and raised her head to look at Gao Fei. She asked with a serious expression, "Can I not sign this contract?"    


Gao Fei was curious: "Why?"    


"Boss, I know that you are doing this for my own good, because you know very well that if I leave you now, it will only take 24 hours before my corpse appears in the gutter. You are protecting me free of charge, and it is my duty to do anything for you while I am under your protection. "    


Gao Miaomiao pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "You've written me a one-year contract, but in fact, after one year, with some things happening, those people will gradually lose interest in me and I can live a life of my own free will."    


Gao Fei laughed. "Hur Hur, I am glad that you can understand this."    


Gao Miaomiao, however, maintained her serious expression. "Giving me ten million dollars a year is to conserve my self-esteem as much as possible. It will be beneficial for my advancement after I leave you."    


Gao Fei frowned again and asked, "Gao Miaomiao, what are you trying to say?"    


Gao Miaomiao lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice, "What I want to say is, can I not leave … Stay with you forever? "    


"What, you like being punished by me?"    


Gao Fei was stunned for a moment. With sympathy in his eyes, he said, "Gao Miaomiao, you can't be a masochist, right? Do you enjoy being punished like that? "    


You're the one who's being masochistic and crazy!    


Your whole family is masochistic and crazed!    


Can't you see that your aunt is very safe with you these days? Even if she kneels down on the keyboard to sleep, it's still very sweet. This has never happened in the past thirty years!    


F * ck, these stinking men, how could each of them be more stupid than the other?    


She only wanted to find a big tree like you to seek shelter. She would only leave after she had ensured her safety.    


At that time, even if you want to keep your mistress, it will depend on her mood!    


Pig, what a pig!    


Gao Miaomiao cursed in her heart and didn't bother to explain anything to Boss Gao anymore. She took out the contract from behind her back and took the pen in Gao Fei's hand, signing her name.    


After she was done, she threw down her pen and said expressionlessly, "Boss, can I make a copy of the contract now?"    


"You've got guts! How dare you steal something from me! You even threw your face at me!"    


Gao Fei looked at Gao Miaomiao in surprise. He gritted his teeth and said, "I've decided that in this year, if you make any mistakes, you will kneel on the keyboard, carry the red house, and eat the cucumbers!"    


"I like eating cucumbers so I can lose weight and improve my appearance. I like carrying the red building so I can cultivate my classical temperament. I like kneeling on the keyboard so I can take it as a workout. Boss, do you have any other punishments? If not, I'll copy it! "    


With that, Gao Miaomiao turned around and walked quickly towards the door.    


She walked quickly, her waist swaying so violently from left to right, two and a half months in circumference. She gave off a very flirtatious vibe, and her small leather shoes made clattering sounds. How could a 'graceful' be enough to describe her?    




After Gao Miaomiao left, she slammed the door, scaring Mr. Gao, "Wah! This little girl is going to overturn the heavens, she has treated me as a good person! "Wait a moment, let me think carefully. Other than kneeling on the keyboard and reciting from it, what other good method does it have?"    


Mr. Gao sincerely wanted to be nice to Gao Miaomiao. Who knew that she would be so mad as to not buy it? How could he not be angry?    


Brother Fei was very angry, and the consequences would be very serious.    


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