Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1905 Tang Peng's Conspiracy

C1905 Tang Peng's Conspiracy

0Chu Liangxiao noticed that after Tang Peng suddenly glanced at the door, although he lowered his head quickly, she still noticed something strange.    


Subconsciously, Chu Liangxiao turned around to look at the door as well.    


There were a lot of people standing in the corridor outside the door. There were the staff at the clubhouse, the staff at the city center, Enforcer who came after hearing the news, and Mr. Yamaguti's entourage. There seemed to be dozens of people there.    


Who was Tang Peng looking for?    


Chu Liangxiao, who was very familiar with Tang Peng, noticed something after he glanced at the door: there must be someone with an unusual relationship with him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a reaction.    


But she didn't find anyone 'special'.    


Chu Liangxiao frowned slightly. Just as she was about to look for that person, the sound of an ambulance came from outside.    


After the people who were with Mr. Yamaguti realized that he was beaten up, they would definitely call the ambulance at the same time they called the police.    


Soon, a few paramedics hurried in with a stretcher. They found Yamaguti Shiqi without anyone's order and immediately carried him onto the stretcher and ran away in a hurry.    


After Yamaguti Shiqi was carried away, the atmosphere relaxed a little.    


After all, the presence of such a half-dead person would definitely affect everyone's mood. Besides Tang Peng, everyone was probably worried that he would die. If that happened, things would be quite troublesome.    


"Take him away, take him away!"    


After getting his men to film the scene, Wang Dawei immediately replaced Officer Deng and sent people to escort Tang Peng and Bai Ci out.    


"There are also the two of them. They can be considered involved in the investigation, so I have to bring them back!"    


Just as Wang Dawei was about to follow them out, Faang Yunkang pointed at Huo Tianqing and Hisao Hiao.    


When he entered, he noticed that Huo Tianqing and her companion were present.    


Especially Hisao Hiao, who was taking photos with her phone during this period of time. She took a picture of Faang Yunkang's flustered look. Third Young Master Fang definitely didn't want those things to get out.    


Reminded Wang Dawei to take them with him, Faang Yunkang simply rushed to Hisao Hiao, snatched her cell phone.    


"What are you doing!?"    


Hisao Hiao protested loudly.    


Huo Tianqing was right next to her. If she stopped Faang Yunkang from stealing her phone, it would be easy for her.    


However, he did not move, but a cold glint flashed in his eyes as he said indifferently, "Mr Fang, isn't your actions a bit too domineering? The two of us arrived at the scene after the incident, and didn't do anything to the R Country people. At most, we have the obligation to cooperate with Enforcer's investigation, but you shouldn't mislead Enforcer like this, and even more so, shouldn't steal my girlfriend's phone. "    


Faang Yunkang didn't know who Huo Tianqing was, so he thought she was Hisao Hiao's boyfriend.    


He didn't even care about Bai Ci right now, so how could he care about Hisao Hiao's boyfriend?    


With a "pa" sound, Faang Yunkang fiercely threw Hisao Hiao's phone to the ground. He then kicked the memory card to crush it a few times before sneering, "Where did all this nonsense come from? Take him away! "    


Since he had already handcuffed Bai Ci and brought her assistant back, this wasn't a big deal for the Enforcer. Wang Dawei immediately waved his hands to let people think highly of Huo Tianqing and Gu Ruoyun.    


"And those security guards at the door, they are also counted as the accomplices that caused Mr. Yamaguti's injuries!"    


At this moment, Faang Yunkang decided not to do anything. Since he had angered them, there was no reason for him to let Xie Jun and the others who stopped him off.    


With regards to the few guards, Enforcer naturally did not have much of an eye contact with them. He didn't even need to give Wang Dawei instructions to have the Enforcer ask who the leader of the security team was.    


Faang Yunkang, the director of the change, stood beside the Enforcer silently with an expressionless face when he gave the order on behalf of Chu Liangxiao.    


She had a premonition, a very bad premonition. She felt that she had fallen into someone else's trap. Faang Yunkang was also acting so domineering, which was more beneficial to Tang Peng.    


The problem was that she still hadn't figured out where the trap was.    


Tang Peng, who was being escorted by two Enforcer s, passed by Chu Liangxiao without even looking at her.    


Chu Liangxiao had a very complicated expression on her face as she stared at his back. While she was trying to figure out where that bad feeling came from, she saw that when Tang Peng walked out of the door, he suddenly turned his head to look at the resting room's Southeast Angle and was immediately pushed away by Enforcer.    


This time, Chu Liangxiao clearly saw Tang Peng's gaze sweep across her face when he turned his head, and he even seemed to smile.    


Mr. Tang often said that his handsome appearance was the biggest asset for him to make it to this point in time, so his smile must be very charming. Although Chu Liangxiao used to call him arrogant and shameless, but she also admitted that the way he smiled when he was naughty really fascinated her.    


Just now, Tang Peng seemed to be smiling at her.    


However, this time, Chu Liangxiao did not feel enchanting. Instead, she felt her heart beating faster and the bad feeling intensified. She immediately realized something and was about to turn around when she heard a low, sinister voice behind her, "What, you can't bear it anymore?"    


Chu Liangxiao turned around and saw Faang Yunkang, who had a pampered expression on his face.    


"Faang Yunkang, what nonsense are you talking about, why can't I bear it!?"    


Suddenly, Chu Liangxiao's heart was filled with a surge of anger. She could no longer control it and shouted at him in a shrill voice, startling the others.    


Faang Yunkang had seen the complicated look in Chu Liangxiao's eyes as she stared at Tang Peng. That was why he felt displeased and could not help but say this.    


However, he didn't expect Chu Liangxiao's reaction to be so huge. His face instantly flushed red as he became angry from embarrassment. "What can you not bear? You know it yourself, hmph!"    


After that, without waiting for Chu Liangxiao's reaction, Faang Yunkang snorted coldly and walked out quickly.    


Ai, is this the person I'm going to entrust my life to?    


Chu Liangxiao stared blankly at the door. She was so disappointed that she forgot everything that had happened until her secretary asked her if she could also leave. She then took the windbreaker from her secretary and put it on before walking out of the lounge with heavy steps.    


When Chu Liangxiao walked out of the Imperial Society hall, the parking lot outside was already filled with people.    


Many customers who came to spend their money stood there to watch the commotion.    


These people were not ordinary people. After all, the customers that could come to the clubhouse to buy were all either rich or noble, and each of them had an outstanding background.    


Since the creation of Imperial Society, added to this time, there had been a total of two times that people had paid close attention to the matter.    


The last time was after Mu Tianya's death, when Gao Fei's main club set fire to the wreath at the door.    



However, that time, Mrs. Bai Ci didn't show her face.    


This time, not only did she appear, she was also forced away by Enforcer in handcuffs. Even though she was a phoenix without feathers, she definitely had some influence on them. If she was taken away openly by Enforcer, she would definitely attract the attention of many people.    


After all, Bai Ci being Concubine was no longer a secret for some people.    


Now that the Enforcer dares to be rude to her, does it mean that those powers of the Gods Dynasty have begun to take action against Gao Fei?    


All of these were things Faang Yunkang didn't expect.    


Truly, never in his wildest dreams would he imagine that his impulsive actions would actually affect some form of change.    


Even the currently dazed Chu Liangxiao hadn't thought of this.    


However, under the cover of her secretary and a few staff members (her identity was different, after all, and it would be better not to expose her on the occasion), she was about to hurry away from the door when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a car in the parking lot.    


"Chu …."    


Chu Liangxiao's abnormal action gave her secretary a fright. She quickly ran in after him.    


Now that all the people watching the commotion were paying attention to Bai Ci, not many people noticed Chu Liangxiao.    


"I know, I know!"    


Luckily Chu Liangxiao was wearing tennis shoes, so she didn't have to worry about sprinting when she sprinted.    


In reality, even if she was on stilts right now, she still hoped that she could run as fast as she could into the restroom.    


When she accidentally saw the light on the door of the car flash, she suddenly understood why Tang Peng's evil smile appeared on his face when he was taken away.    


A trap, this was a trap that Tang Peng had meticulously set up!    


In the resting room, there was definitely a monitor that could record every word that was being said!    


In fact, not to mention a high level club like Imperial Society, even if it was an ordinary lounge, there definitely wouldn't dare to have a supervisor. After all, this was a crime, and once exposed, it would result in a heavy blow.    


However, this kind of thing was nothing to Tang Peng. With his ability, it was nothing at all if he wanted to sneak into Bai Ci's changing room to install a camera while she was playing outside, waiting for a good show.    




Tang Peng's conspiracy.    


Chu Liangxiao, who suddenly understood everything, felt a sense of panic, even though she clearly knew that everything recorded by the monitor was taken away when Tang Peng was dragged out of the lounge and turned around to smile proudly at her. However, she was still unwilling.    


Chu Liangxiao hoped so much that everything she thought of was unnecessary. Tang Peng didn't have such a deep scheming mind.    


However, when she rushed to the door of the resting area as fast as she could, and saw Officer Deng, who was at the scene, taking down a mini surveillance head from above the Southeast Angle ceiling of the resting area, Chu Liangxiao felt her knees go weak, and she almost fell to the ground, leaning on the door frame.    


"Prefect Chu, why have you come back?"    


Seeing that Chu Liangxiao suddenly ran back, Officer Deng quickly jumped down from the cabinet and walked in front of her with quick steps.    


Chu Liangxiao didn't answer his question. She stared at the monitor head in Officer Deng's hand blankly and asked in a hoarse voice, "Wh-what is this?"    


"Oh, this is a very professional, currently the most advanced wireless surveillance camera in the world."    


Although he didn't understand why Chu Liangxiao brought it back, Officer Deng still answered honestly. He took a plastic bag from his subordinate and pointed to a button-like thing. I really don't understand, in a resting room of the level of Imperial Society, how could such a thing possibly appear. "    


"This was planned long ago …"    


Chu Liangxiao's eyes were filled with despair. As she slowly turned around, she turned around and said: "Officer Deng."    


Officer Deng quickly said, "Leader Chu, please speak."    


"Return to the unit immediately and report everything you saw today, including how CEO Fang and Fang interfered with the details of your Enforcer to your boss." Yue Yang instructed.    


"Ah, what?"    


Officer Deng was stunned, he stuttered: "Isn't, isn't this …"    


"Listen to me. If you don't lose out, I won't harm you."    


Chu Liangxiao smiled bitterly.    


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