Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C674 Fried Rice in Thai Restaurant

C674 Fried Rice in Thai Restaurant

0For two days in a row, Shen Yinbing, who was busy with work, always thought she hadn't eaten for a long time after lunch.    


The whole corporation was like a high-speed engine, while Shen Yinbing, who appeared to be the secretary of the chairman but was actually the leader, was the internal core of this engine. Any major decisions would be made without her help.    


"Director Shen, have you eaten lunch yet?"    


When Xiao Soong came in to pour some water for Shen Yinbing, she noticed that the meal that she had called for at noon was still on the table. It was already cold to the extreme.    


"Oh? What time is it? "    


Shen Yinbing took off her radiation-proof glasses and rubbed her eyes.    


"It's already past two-thirty."    


After checking her watch, Xiao Soong said, "I'll go outside and buy you lunch."    


Shen Yinbing shook her head. "There's no need for that. Let's just make do and eat. You're busy too."    


"Yesterday afternoon, you were just barely able to make it up. Occasionally, it's not bad, it's always like this. I'll be right back. It won't be long."    


Xiao Soong didn't say anything further, picked up the box of cold food, and walked out.    


Shen Yinbing smiled but didn't say anything. She put on her glasses and went back to work.    


Xiao Soong walked out of the headquarters building and looked around. She recalled that there was a Thai restaurant not too far away on the left. Director Shen had once visited it with her. Director Shen had been full of praise for their fried rice at that time.    


"Mm, let's go over there."    


Xiao Soong muttered to herself as she walked down the stairs.    


Following the Beishan Group's powerful comeback on the stock market, it had attracted more and more partners. After work every day, many of the business personnel of other groups would come and go.    


As soon as she walked down the stairs, a middle-aged man wearing glasses greeted her with a smile, "Oh, Director Song, where are you going?"    


Xiao Soong looked up. It was the General Manager of a foreign trade company in Lin City. His surname was Wang. She stopped and replied with a smile, "Hello, Director Wang. I'll go to the Thai restaurant over there to buy some Egg Fried Rice."    


"Haha, Director Song, haven't you had lunch yet?"    


Director Wang laughed, "Do you want me to invite you to your Jinnan, which is the most famous place in your clan, to have a seat for a while?"    


In the past, Director Wang, who came from a state-owned enterprise, would never have treated Xiao Soong, a private enterprise secretary, with such courtesy.    


But it was different now. I heard that he really hoped to be able to cooperate with Beishan Group, so I came here quite a few times.    


Xiao Soong smiled as she shook her head and thanked him, "Thank you, Director Wang. I have already eaten. I bought it for us, Director Shen. "Alright, let's not disturb Director Wang anymore. I need to hurry up, otherwise, Director Shen will starve. Goodbye."    


After waving goodbye to Director Wang, Xiao Soong greeted at least three or four foreign staff members politely before walking out of the parking lot and arriving at the zebra crossing line.    


Xiao Soong was proud of her respect. She turned around and looked at the headquarters of the corporation. She took a deep breath in satisfaction and suddenly heard an old woman's voice saying, "Miss, poor old woman. Give me some money for a snack."    


Xiao Soong turned around and subconsciously took a step back.    


In front of her stood a female beggar about sixty years old. She had a face full of age and was holding an aluminum lunchbox in her left hand.    


Xiao Soong had seen this old beggar before when she got off work. He seemed to have appeared in the last two months, standing at the intersection and asking for money while people waited for the green light to come on.    


Xiao Soong was a very compassionate child. She did not hate the old beggar just because he was dirty. Instead, she would give him one or two pieces every time.    


Today was the same. Xiao Soong took out a coin from her bag and placed it in the old beggar's aluminum lunchbox. She smiled but didn't say anything, waiting for the red light to turn green.    


However, she did not expect that the old beggar would once again stand in front of her, still holding the lunchbox and asking to take pity on the old lady.    


A charity was like a donation. It was all voluntary. No one had the right to force others to donate and donate. This would only make others unhappy.    


Xiao Soong was already very unhappy.    


It wasn't that she felt bad for a few dollars. She just hated being repeatedly asked for money, so she frowned and said, "Old granny, I've already given you a dollar."    


The old beggar slightly squinted his eyes, a peculiar glint flashed across his eyes, his shriveled mouth opened and closed, "Girl, look at how well-dressed you are, isn't it too stingy for you to give me a dollar?"    




Xiao Soong was stunned, "Yo, you want more food? I won't give you a dollar.    


The old beggar forcefully shook the lunchbox, and a few coins inside emitted a loud clattering sound, attracting the gazes of passersby who were waiting for the green light to come on. They loudly said, "Girl, you can look down on this old beggar woman, but you shouldn't beg for my sake.    




Xiao Soong was stunned once again. "When … When did I start scolding you?"    


"Everyone, kind-hearted Citizen is here to judge, she scolded me just because the old granny asked for food … …"    


The old beggar acted as if his brain was caught by a door as he reached out his dirty hands and pulled out Xiao Soong's sleeves, opening his mouth and letting out a howl.    


The citizens always had the mindset of watching a good show. When they saw an old beggar pester a white-collar lady in the capital, they did not bother to cross the road after seeing the green light come on. They all gathered around and watched the fun with folded arms.    


"How outrageous! How can there be such a beggar?"    


Noticing the confusion and sarcasm in the eyes of the crowd, Xiao Soong was too shy to argue with the old beggar anymore. She pushed him away and ran across the road with her head lowered.    


She had already run across the road, but she could still hear the old beggar crying and complaining to passersby that her dignity had been harmed …    


"In the future, I'll never donate to beggars again. I'm so angry!"    


Xiao Soong didn't even dare to look back, she could only hasten her steps as if she was escaping. When she arrived at the Thai restaurant, she let out a long sigh of despondency before walking up the steps.    


It was certainly undesirable to meet such an immoral old beggar, but no matter what, this was just a small matter. It wasn't enough to affect Xiao Soong's ability to buy food for Director Shen.    


Xiao Soong found a table and sat down. She asked the waiter who came to serve her a plate of Egg Fried Rice and said that she would take it with her when she packed a bag.    


A few minutes later, the waiter placed a paper bag of boxes of food in front of her.    



After paying the bill, Xiao Soong walked to the door with her paper bag under the waiter's earnest 'Welcome next time'.    


Unfortunately, just as she passed a table, a woman also carried a paper bag and stood up to walk towards the door. The two of them were caught off guard and bumped into each other. The paper bag in their hands fell to the ground.    


Fortunately, the box lunch did not fall out of the paper bag.    


"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I was reckless, please forgive me."    


The woman in her thirties apologized profusely and picked up the paper bag on the ground first. She placed it on the table and opened it to take a look, then pushed one to Xiao Soong and apologetically said, "Lady, I'm really sorry. This is your box lunch. See if I can get you another one."    


Xiao Soong didn't want to say anything else, so she opened the paper bag to check that the box of rice was safe and sound. She laughed and said, "It's okay, the Egg Fried Rice hasn't fallen out yet, so there's no need to ask for another one. Just pay attention in the future."    


Under the woman's repeated thanks, Xiao Soong quickly walked out of the restaurant with the paper bag in her hand. She didn't notice the complacent smile on the woman's face at all.    


On the way back, Xiao Soong was worried that she would run into that old beggar again at the intersection.    


After she passed the intersection, she didn't find the old beggar. It seemed like she had 'moved her position'.    


"How strange."    


Xiao Soong heaved a sigh of relief, feeling much more relaxed.    


When she returned to the CEO's office, Shen Yinbing was still working there.    


"Director Shen, let's eat first. It won't be good if it gets cold."    


"Oh, thank you. Let's eat first."    


Shen Yinbing smiled as she took off her glasses, stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When she came out again, Xiao Soong had already opened the box lunch and placed it on the table.    


"Wait, Xiao Soong, tell me about the factory at Fengshan."    


Seeing that Xiao Soong was about to leave after finishing her work, Shen Yinbing called out to her. She picked up her chopsticks and picked up the lunchbox. "I'll eat. Tell me."    


Liu Xiaoloong was now in charge of building the factory on Fengshan's side. However, before leaving, Gao Fei had instructed Shen Yinbing to pay proper attention to it. After all, Liu Xiaoloong was very enthusiastic and lacked business experience.    


"That CEO Liu is very interested in his work. Other than his youth, his background, and the way he talks, he doesn't have any shortcomings. When I went there, he was just showing off his image as a big boss, giving a meeting to the people from the construction company."    


While Xiao Soong was reporting on her work, Director Shen had unknowingly finished all of the box of Egg-Fried Rice. In the end, she licked her lips and said with great joy, "Yes, the taste of the Egg Fried Rice today is not bad. I think I can have another bowl."    


The boss praised the taste of the Egg Fried Rice he had bought, making Xiao Soong very happy. "I bought it from the Thai restaurant over there. Director Shen, how about I buy you another one?"    


Shen Yinbing laughed as she shook her head, "Hur hur, I was just saying that. If I were to eat another one, I would definitely get fatter. "Alright, let's go to that restaurant for lunch tomorrow."    


After the beggar turned into a small street, his stooped body straightened up and his staggering steps quickened. He arrived at the door of a warehouse and leaned against the wall.    


Among the people coming and going, no one paid attention to an old beggar. Only a woman came over and took out a coin, placing it in her lunchbox.    


If Xiao Soong had been there, she would have recognized this woman. It was the woman she had met at the Thai restaurant.    


The old beggar opened his narrowed eyes. "Is everything done?"    


"It's done."    


The woman laughed lightly and said: "Today's matter has gone smoothly. First, Number Four heard from the little girl and Director Wang that you were going to buy a box of food for your target at the Thai restaurant, then you pestered her and gave me some time to rush over to the hotel … … "Hur Hur, I believe she has already eaten up the Egg Fried Rice. Furthermore, she will definitely want more."    


The old beggar laughed as well, feeling pleased with himself.    


The woman swallowed subconsciously and said in a regretful tone, "Didn't we already get our target into our trap? Why do we have to go through the procedure again? Sigh, isn't this a waste of good stuff? "    


"That's not something you should ask."    


The old beggar's smile faded and his gaze sharpened. The woman hurriedly nodded her head, "Yes."    


"This is your reward."    


The old beggar took out a small bottle and threw it into the woman's arms. He then turned around and walked away, sticking close to the wall.    


"Thank you, thank you!"    


The woman clutched the bottle and whispered her thanks.    


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