Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1810 There be a Gun in the Newspaper

C1810 There be a Gun in the Newspaper

0"Are you sure?"    


Gao Fei pursed his lips, "Tell me in detail."    


Tieh Tu raised his head and said, "I have only heard of this Lady Secondary Commander-in-chief. When a certain Secondary Commander-in-chief was on stage, she was extremely arrogant and domineering. If it wasn't for her persuasion, I, Secondary Commander-in-chief, wouldn't have committed a grave mistake. More importantly, rumors say that she was a chess piece arranged for her Nanhan many years ago. "    


After listening to Tieh Tu's explanation, Gao Fei understood even more clearly: if this Little Respectable Woman, called Soong Huiqiao, was really Secondary Commander-in-chief's wife, then she would definitely escape from the Northern Dynasty as soon as Secondary Commander-in-chief failed his mutiny.    


As for the Northern Tribes, regardless of whether she was a spy sent by Nanhan or not, just the fact that she knew about the secrets of the upper echelons of the Northern Tribes required her to be apprehended.    


If necessary, he would even assassinate her on the spot.    


As for Soong Huiqiao, she seemed to be very smart. After discovering that she was being watched by the Northern Military Department, she immediately started searching for the Protector, hoping to temporarily escape.    


Hearing that Little Respectable Woman turned out to be a North Korean political prisoner with a very sensitive identity, Gao Fei's interest in her became even less. He asked, "Since it doesn't matter, then let's just walk. There's no point."    


"The car hasn't arrived yet, right?"    


Ye Xinshang, on the other hand, was interested in watching the show: "Call Liu Xiaoloong first, there's nothing else to do, let's take a look first."    


"When did you become so gossipy?"    


Gao Fei smiled, took out his phone and started to call Liu Xiaoloong.    


When he was on the phone, he saw Little Respectable Woman stealing glances at him.    


It seemed that she was worried that Gao Fei would expose her plotting against Ye Ci.    


"Be careful, I will expose you!"    


Gao Fei said mischievously to her with his mouth wide open.    


Little Respectable Woman's face paled as she immediately lowered her head and wiped away her tears.    


"I'm here, at the train station. You passed by..."    


Gao Fei walked out of the crowd and dialed Liu Xiaoloong's cell phone. Just as he said that, the right hand holding the phone suddenly swung!    


The phone was as fast as lightning. With a swoosh, it flew out and heavily hit a man's wrist.    


The man was standing in front of a trash can on the side of the road, holding a newspaper in his hand. Like the others beside him, he was looking into the crowd with an interested expression on his face.    


However, his right hand, which was holding the newspaper, had already been lifted up and was moving away from Gao Fei. That was where Little Respectable Woman's forehead was.    


There's a gun in the paper!    


The Northern Military Secret Service wanted to assassinate Soong Huiqiao in the streets!    


When Gao Fei accidentally saw the man raise his right hand, these two thoughts flashed across his mind like a flash of lightning. He didn't think too much about it and just threw out his phone instinctively.    


It was an instinctive reaction to stop an assassination on the streets.    


If he had been given a second to think, he would not have saved Soong Huiqiao. If he had saved her, he would have been viewed as an enemy by the northern government.    


The biggest advantage of being a Northern Dynasty People citizen was that they would take revenge. Even though Gao Fei never took those people seriously, otherwise, he wouldn't have treated Lee Nanzhe that way.    


But then again, a true man should see injustice and draw his sword to help, right?    


Thus, Gao Fei acted and acted recklessly.    


As a result, the North Korean agent who was about to shoot Little Respectable Woman in the forehead was about to pull the trigger. He felt as if he had been electrocuted and could no longer take out his gun.    




Amidst the man's pained screams, the gun and mobile phone fell onto the trash can.    


It was at this moment that Little Respectable Woman raised her head again, and saw this scene. Extreme astonishment suddenly emerged in her large, watery eyes.    


Gao Fei didn't notice Little Respectable Woman's attention. He threw out his phone and jumped towards the man with a tap of his toes.    


After the gun was hit, he immediately grabbed the pistol on the trash can, along with Gao Fei's phone, pulled a fat woman who was watching the show with his left hand, and pushed it towards Gao Fei without waiting for Gao Fei to do any jumping actions.    




The woman, who was only interested in watching the fun, screamed and charged at Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei didn't mind being hit by the charming Little Respectable Woman, but he didn't want to be hit by the fat woman. Plus, there were other onlookers, so he couldn't use a 'shocking' skill, so he could only grab the fat woman's shoulder: "Big sister, be careful!"    


"Who the f * ck is pushing this old lady!? She's going to suffer a thousand cuts!"    


The fat woman was definitely a local. Not only did she scold him in a melodious manner, she even turned around like a lion, but all she could see was a man running away.    


Of course, Gao Fei was unwilling to see that person leave just like that — his phone was taken away, wasn't it?    


But before he could shake off the fat woman, he saw at least two onlookers, their hands in their pockets or covered by their clothes, pointing at him: We'll shoot you if you move!    


These people were the people that were chasing and killing Little Respectable Woman.    


Gao Fei was definitely not afraid of these people. However, he had to consider the safety of the observers. Thus, he could only watch as the man and his companions calmly left.    


"Fuck, I lost a good phone. This is the price of doing good." "Damn it, I was just saying that I wouldn't interfere, but in the end, I just couldn't hold it in!"    


Gao Fei cursed in his heart and smiled at the fat woman who thanked him. When he turned around, he saw Little Respectable Woman looking at him.    


Little Respectable Woman's eyes were bright, like a drunk who had not drunk any alcohol for thirty years. When she saw Mt. Tai's melody, she was naturally filled with shock and gratitude.    


Gao Fei would never care about Little Respectable Woman's gratitude. He would rather take back his phone. Feeling annoyed, he stuck out his middle finger and poked a finger at Little Respectable Woman.    


Poking the middle finger was an international sign language. There was no reason why someone as smart as Little Respectable Woman couldn't see through it.    


Her pale face immediately flushed a bright red. She glared at Gao Fei and went back to crying.    



"This is a loss, right?"    


Tieh Tu also walked out of the crowd with a look of schadenfreude.    


Ye Xinshang followed him out and said indifferently: "Hey, isn't it just a phone? Boss Gao has a lot of work to do now, so a phone is like a drizzle. "    


Gao Fei glared and was about to curse when Tieh Tu said: "Watch, watch."    


People were attracted by the fact that Little Respectable Woman had been knocked down by a country bumpkin. No one had seen Gao Fei resolve a bloody crisis a moment ago. The busybodies were still clamoring about something.    


Lao Tang, who became the center of attention, no longer had any thoughts of flirting with the ladies. His black face was covered in beads of sweat as he looked towards Lian Chunfaang, begging for help.    


Lian Chunfaang secretly hated her husband for being blind, but he was a reasonable person. Since Lao Tang accidentally knocked him down, then he must be held responsible. She quickly walked over to the beauty and held out her hand: "Big sis, it's alright, right? "Get up first. The ground is cold."    


When the older sister saw that Lian Chunfaang was a woman, her attitude towards her was much better than when she faced Chen Liuxiang. She grabbed her hand and stood up. With a forced smile, she said, "I'm fine — Ouch!"    


Along with the big sister's cry of alarm, her left foot went soft and her body fell to the ground. However, the young girl caught her in time.    


The elder sister's pair of beautiful eyes were already filled with tears. She tightly held onto the girl's arm and said with a trembling voice, "It hurts, it hurts. My feet really hurt."    


Seeing that she was already crying, Lian Chunfaang panicked and quickly ordered the girl, "Xiao Yue, quickly show it to this lady!"    


The girl called Xiao Yue lowered her head and glanced at Little Respectable Woman's left leg. She frowned, "Did you twist your leg?" "Just bear with it. Let's go over there and sit down. I'll show you."    


An accident like springing one's ankle was a piece of cake for a bodyguard like Xiao Yue, as it could be fixed in seconds.    


"Yes - yes."    


Little Respectable Woman didn't refuse, and with the support of Xiao Yue, limped to the side of the road and sat down.    


The place she sat happened to be next to Gao Fei and the other two.    


It seemed that Little Respectable Woman also knew that the only thing that could really give her safety was Gao Fei and the others. She was definitely thinking about how to build a relationship with them.    


Tang Wenju did not know about this, and quickly picked up Little Respectable Woman's Large Dark Glasses from the ground and walked over.    


At this moment, Xiao Yue had already removed the heels from Little Respectable Woman's shoes, revealing her flawless, exquisite foot.    


Looking at the foot, Lao Tang's Adam's apple rolled a little. He actually had the urge to pounce on and kiss the foot, which scared him so much that he quickly looked away.    


To be honest, Little Respectable Woman's feet were indeed alluring. Even Xiao Yue, who was a woman, would have a strange feeling when she held them in her hands. However, it was only for a moment, before she calmed down and checked her ankle.    


After examining her twice, Xiao Yue put down her left leg and stood up saying, "Miss, your leg hasn't been dislocated. It might have only been twisted by muscle. You'll be fine after a short rest."    


"Really? But why do I feel such pain? "    


As Little Respectable Woman spoke, she glanced at Lao Tang blankly.    


Only then did Lao Tang notice that she had a familiar accent. He blurted out, "Madam, are you also from Northeast China?"    


Little Respectable Woman nodded. "Oh, I am — and so are you?"    


Lao Tang was overjoyed. "Hehe, yes, I am from Shen City. May I ask where are you from?"    


Little Respectable Woman casually said, "Oh, I'm from Bingcheng. Lai Jingducheng came to visit, but who would have known that his relative left the country because of an urgent matter? I had no choice but to go home, who knows when I would run into -- ah! "    


Lian Chunfaang, who was sitting next to her, was startled. "Sister, what's wrong? Does it hurt again?"    


Little Respectable Woman shook her head. Without caring about the pain in her foot, she stood up barefooted and looked towards the place where she fell. "Where's my bag? Where's my bag?"    


Lao Tang and his wife were stunned: "Bao?" "What bag? We don't see any bags here."    


Tears fell from her beautiful eyes again as Little Respectable Woman said anxiously, "When I … when I fell down, I clearly remembered to hold the bag in my hand. Why is it gone?" There's my ticket, my ID, my cell phone. Where's my bag? Who saw my bag? "    


Chen Liuxiang and Lian Chunfaang looked at each other and thought to themselves, Bag? We didn't see any bags just now. Could this woman be a pengci?    


Lian Chunfaang's expression did not change as she asked softly, "Sister, aside from the plane ticket and cell phone, what other important things do you have in your bag? How much is the cash? "    


Little Respectable Woman sobbed and shook her head, "Nothing, nothing important. Just my phone, ID, and at most a hundred yuan worth of cash. This time, Lai Jingducheng went to his relatives to find work here. Who knows, who knows … "    


Lian Chunfaang was relieved when she heard from the beauty that she had only lost a hundred yuan in her bag. It wasn't a porcelain bag.    


If it was a porcelain medallion, it couldn't be said that it was just this small amount of money. It would have to be tens of thousands, or at least seven or eight thousand, in order to be worthy of this very promising profession.    


A phone would only cost a few thousand yuan. At most, he would just buy a new phone and the ticket back to Bingcheng would be four or five hundred yuan, so it wouldn't be much of a big deal.    


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