Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C2101 An Old Man

C2101 An Old Man

0Hee Xiucheng only wants to call Hee Xiucheng, do not like others to call him Lu Xiucheng.    


Even though he already knew that he wasn't related in any way to Hee Family at all, his biological father was the Western Anggui King, a great devil.    


Liao Shuifen felt that if she were Hee Xiucheng, she would definitely receive this evil force in pain, because she was sure that as time went by, she would no longer be in pain. When the evil aura greatly increased, it would completely suppress her kindness, turning her into a violent and selfish devil who hoped to conquer the entire world through bloody means.    


That was why she stayed silent for so long when she asked Hee Xiucheng to call him Hee Xiucheng.    


She thought it was Hee Xiucheng saying goodbye to his humanity.    


When the sun rose, Hee Xiucheng would be gone forever, turning into a demon.    


And she, Liao Shuifen, was the witness to Hee Xiucheng's complete transformation into a demon.    


It was getting late and the temperature was dropping. Liao Shuifen had to drink in order to resist the cold.    


This time, he drank white wine. Hee Xiucheng didn't drink it, he just smoked and told the story he wanted to tell.    


God knows, how could Hee Xiucheng have so many stories? Liao Shuifen was still talking when she fell asleep on the table due to the unbearable tiredness.    


Even in her sleep, Lily could hear him coughing. He came over and gave her a light hug and whispered in her ear, "Remember, no matter who you're talking to about me, please call me Hee Xiucheng. I am a disciple of Jingdu City and Jack is my big brother. No matter what I do, I cannot change this fact … "    


Liao Shuifen could no longer hear what Hee Xiucheng said after that.    


Anyone who drank so much white wine would just want to sleep.    


Thus, Liao Shuifen fell into a deep sleep.    


Hong, Hong, Hong!    


Liao Shuifen was awakened from her sleep by the sound of a helicopter propeller.    


It was so cold, so cold that all the blood in her body was frozen solid. This was Liao Shuifen's first feeling after she regained consciousness.    


She slowly raised her head and squinted at the sky. The golden morning sun suddenly pierced her eyes, forcing her to quickly close her eyes. Her brain instinctively started working rapidly: "Where am I?"    


Oh, I remember now, I was in Lu Xiucheng's villa and was forced to marry him yesterday. After listening to his story for over ten hours after the wedding, he finally asked me to call him Hee Xiucheng when I mentioned him in the future.    


Because he hated the fact that his surname was Lu, even though his blood was flowing with Lu blood.    


His surname was He and he was a disciple of Hee Family. Even if he did many wrong things, he would always be proud of his surname — Hee Family's ancestor, who had done meritorious deeds for this country, who had received respect from this nation's people, was definitely not someone who could be compared to those evil things.    


What's next?    


What did he say?    




Where's Yin Jinhua?    


Didn't that woman threaten me that she wouldn't let me see the sun tomorrow?    


Then why am I still alive? After hearing so many secrets.    


Or rather, I'm dead, and this is. The sky?    


There would only be a golden morning sun in the sky.    


If, even after death, one was able to see the golden sun, then one would be too tired to live. He really should have died a long time ago.    


However, why is my whole body so cold, so unbearably cold, shouldn't the sky be as warm as spring?    


Liao Shuifen held her face to the sky for a while before giving her big brother a pinch on the leg. It was painful, proving that she wasn't dreaming and hadn't come to the sky. She was truly still alive.    


She wasn't killed by Yin Jinhua. She saw the next day's sun again.    


She felt cold and numb because she had slept all night on the platform on her hands and knees.    


What about Hee Xiucheng?    


Where's Yin Jinhua?    


The couple should have already gone to their new room and enjoyed their wedding night, right?    


However, Hee Xiucheng's tone of voice last night was really weird. Later on, if I didn't know who he was, I would've suspected that he was listening to an old man's story. Liao Shuifen slowly opened her eyes and saw Black Robe.    


Black Robe sat on the chair opposite her, his back to the sun, motionless like a statue.    


His face was still handsome, full of the charm of a successful man.    


His back was still as straight as it had been at the wedding feast.    


However, his eyes no longer had the luster of yesterday, instead they were as dim as a star on the verge of exploding, devoid of any life.    


White snow hung from his hair and eyebrows. The clothes he wore were still so thin. It should be very cold, right?    


He was holding a person in his arms.    


The man was wearing the most fashionable suit, a White Shirt, a red tie, only — why an old man?    


When an old man who looked to be around seventy or eighty years old wore clothes that only a young person could wear, he would look very awkward. At the very least, his model was a lot larger and looked completely empty.    


What made Liao Shuifen's stomach feel most uncomfortable was that the old man hugged by Black Robe was curled up in his arms like a newborn baby, his white hair and white brows shaking as if he was a baby sleeping.    


Who was this old man?    


Why did Black Robe want to hug him?    


Liao Shuifen looked ahead in a daze, her gaze alternating between the black robe's face and the old man in his embrace.    


Black Robe did not say anything. He just hugged the old man, not moving at all like a statue.    



Liao Shuifen could sense an unprecedented aura of death emanating from the body of the black robe, or from within his eyes. This only made her even more uncomfortable, and she quickly averted her gaze to look at the old man in his embrace.    


When Liao Shuifen looked at the old man this time, she was shocked to discover that the old man looked familiar, just like, like Hee Xiucheng!    


Yes, it was Hee Xiucheng.    


If Hee Xiucheng was in his eighties, he would look like this!    


People often say that after a year when a man is twenty-eight years old, he will be the same as ever and will never change again.    


It was obviously a bit exaggerated to say this. After all, an old man with seventy or eighty years of age was unable to be the same as a young man in his prime.    


However, since people said that, there was a reason. Otherwise, Liao Shuifen would not see the old man and think that he was Hee Xiucheng in fifty years.    


"Who, who is he?"    


Liao Shuifen's curiosity, which would never subside under any circumstances, was once again redirected to ask this question.    


Black Robe's eyes twitched as he returned to his dorm. "You were listening to his story last night."    


"I heard him tell a story last night?"    


Liao Shuifen was stunned.    


Last night, she had listened to Hee Xiucheng's story, alright? She had never seen this old man before, how could she have listened to his story?    


The old man in the black robe opened his eyes as he was awakened by the sounds of their conversation.    


In this lifetime, from the moment a baby starts to die of old age, the body parts could change anything, but only the eyes would remain the same.    


Therefore, when the old man in the black robe opened his eyes and looked at Liao Shuifen, it was as if she had been struck in the head by a sledgehammer.    


As Liao Shuifen had been sleeping for too long, she had long since become numb to the blood circulation in her legs. Therefore, when she jumped up, she fell heavily onto the ground.    


However, as if she didn't feel any pain, she continued to scream: "Hee Xiucheng, Hee Xiucheng, it's Hee Xiucheng!"    


The old man in the arms of the black robe was Hee Xiucheng.    


No matter what Liao Shuifen thought of Hee Xiucheng, she couldn't help but admit that on the surface, he was a handsome man with a handsome appearance. His build was even bigger than his brother Hee Luori, and his manliness was great.    


Yesterday, Hee Xiucheng was still the same. How could he become an old man after just one night?    


Could it be that while I was sleeping, decades had already passed?    


Or was it that everything that happened yesterday was just a dream? I was just an old woman in my dreams, and when I opened my eyes, it was already dusk.    


Other people always hoped to wake up in time to see their teacher's chalk pieces thrown over and hit their heads, but why am I in the future?    


As these thoughts raced through Liao Shuifen's mind, she stopped screaming, her eyes drawn to the stainless steel support of the parasol.    


The stainless steel frame of the parasol was as bright as a mirror, clearly reflecting a person's appearance. Even though her appearance was off and her loss of reality was serious, Liao Shuifen could still see that she hadn't aged.    


She was still the same as before she woke up from her dream. Her charm was still the same!    


She wiped her eyes and slowly got up, extending her hands.    


Yes, she was still so young, her hands were still smooth and smooth, her fingers were as delicate as green onions, and they were full of youthful vigor.    


But, how did Hee Xiucheng become an old man?    


Liao Shuifen blankly raised her head. When her gaze swept across the bath, the corner of her mouth suddenly twitched!    


There was an old woman floating in the bath. An old woman who was older than Hee Xiucheng was also a dead old woman.    


The most disgusting thing was that the old lady was wearing a gorgeous wedding dress. Her bare feet were like the claws of a bat. Just a glance at her made people feel nauseous.    


"That's Yin Jinhua."    


Black Robe spoke. His tone was so calm that it made people go crazy.    


"That's Yin Jinhua?"    


Liao Shuifen repeated in a daze. She slowly turned her head to look at the old man in his arms.    


The old man blinked his eyes at him. He had a mischievous look on his face. He opened his mouth, which was so dry that it had no teeth, and spoke in a hoarse voice that sounded like a broken gong. "Sister Fen, you don't recognize me anymore, do you?"    


Liao Shuifen closed her eyes and opened them again. She slowly sat down and looked at the old man, "Are you really Hee Xiucheng?"    


"With the rapid development of science and technology, a certain laboratory in the America have developed a medicine that can make people age quickly a few years ago. The name that the drug was translated into us is' Silver ', or it could even be called something else. But no matter what its name is, it can make a person's cells age naturally in one night.    


As Hee Xiucheng said this, his cloudy old eyes actually began to shine, once again giving off the color of youth.    


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed across Liao Shuifen's mind, and she yelled, "I know, I know!" I once heard Gao Fei say that when Zhao Xianjing wanted to kill him and take revenge for Zhao Lv, she used this kind of thing! "This poison can only be effective when mixed with moderate amounts of warm water … You, put the poison in the bath!"    


Last night, Hee Xiucheng threw Yin Jinhua into the bath.    


When the water in the bath splashed up, Hee Xiucheng stood in front of Liao Shuifen and wiped his face as if nothing had happened.    


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