Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C633 We Are Friends

C633 We Are Friends

0Wang Chen stood in front of the desk and looked at Gao Fei with a faint smile: "Didn't you see our bureau chief?"    


Gao Fei shook his head. "No, I don't know him."    


"You've known her for a long time. You've known her since half a year ago."    


As Wang Chen said this, she stared at Gao Fei with a tenderness that could even be seen by a blind person.    


When Chen Potian wanted to betroth Wang Chen to Gao Fei, Faang Xiaotine tactfully refused.    


A girl who took the initiative to be nice to a man but was rejected was as normal as it could be.    


However, if it was in a large family, the nature of the matter would be different.    


Even if she took eight hundred baths a day, she wouldn't be able to turn into a white swan. The problem was that Chen Potian was helping her with her work, so she lost a lot of face. After being rejected by Faang Xiaotine, she felt embarrassed, mainly due to her family.    


For the sake of the Wu family, after Wang Chen was rejected, she swore to ignore Gao Fei for the rest of her life, even if there was only one man left in the world …    


The more she tried to force herself to forget Gao Fei, the more intense the feeling became. In the end, she gave up on her so-called oath, and when she needed to leave the most, she decided to stay behind and serve as the director of Fengshan Development Zone.    


Regardless of whether he could compare with Gao Fei or not, as long as he was close to him, it would be fine.    


After Wang Chen had taken office, she had been hoping for Gao Fei to appear every day and made up her mind: As long as Gao Fei didn't personally come, even if the gods came, they wouldn't be able to take away Sunset Group and the development zone's contract.    


Now Gao Fei was here, right in front of her.    


Seeing the astonishment in this fellow's eyes, Wang Chen was singing happily in her heart. She sat on the chair and casually picked up a document. With a little pride in her voice, she asked, "What, you still don't know who the bureau chief is?"    


"If I don't know who the bureau chief is, then I'm a fool."    


Gao Fei smiled bitterly and sat on the sofa.    


He already understood why Wang Chen wanted to be the Director of Merchants Bureau, and was moved by this child's infatuation for him. However, he did not know how to deal with this infatuation.    


To reject Wang Chen again was undoubtedly very cruel.    


Not reject?    


Men and women are together because of love and hate.    


To love a woman or a man, one might stay together.    


To hate a man or a woman could be to hate them to the extreme and then to have love, and finally to stay together.    


Gao Fei didn't love Wang Chen, nor did he hate her. He just appreciated her, admired her, and treated her as a friend.    


As if she knew what Gao Fei was thinking, the smile on Wang Chen's face didn't fade at all. She whispered, "Gao Fei, don't think too much. I didn't stay to pester you. Although I, Wang Chen, am of average looks and birth, I have the dignity of a girl. I won't shamelessly pester a man. The reason why I'm staying is because I like the job of Merchants Bureau. I want to find a platform for my own development and release my greatest charisma. "    


What else could Jack say when Lily had said it?    


With an embarrassed smile, Gao Fei said: "Wang, Director-general Wang, I believe you will shine on your stage. About that, let me come this time, I just want to..."    


Wang Chen interrupted Gao Fei: "Gao Fei, are we friends?"    


As long as it doesn't involve feelings, Gao Fei's reaction was still very fast: "Of course, from the day we first met, we've been friends."    


Wang Chen was the leader of the conversation. "Do you want your friend to do well in her new job?"    


"Sigh, I can't refute Zhang Cheng's honor, but Gao Fei is worried about Liang Ming's feelings, so he doesn't want to build the factory on Fengshan Development Zone. This matter has caused all of it, what can we do to make both sides satisfied?"    


On the way back to the Merchants Bureau, Liu Xiaoloong was troubled by this problem.    


He really did not expect that the head of Zhang Cheng, this grand development area, would personally come looking for him for a small business with a hundred million dollars investment. He even said things so pitifully that Master Liu had the urge to 'if I don't help him, I'm not a human'.    


After Zhang Cheng personally sent him out of the district committee's compound, the cold wind blew on Liu Xiaoloong's head. Only then did he realize that he had fallen into a dilemma: he would help Zhang Cheng, but Liang Ming would not be able to pass. No way, he was just slapping the other party in the face.    


"All of these officials have the ability to fool a dead man to the point of not paying with their life. Even someone as smart as Wu Tie was fooled. Forget it, forget it, I can only beg Gao Fei. At worst, Master Liu will just repay him with his body, so I have to save my face! "    


Liu Xiaoloong, who seemed to be mumbling to herself along the way, drove to the Merchants Bureau entrance.    


Just as the car stopped, Gao Fei walked out of the Merchants Bureau courtyard accompanied by a girl.    


"F * ck, Master Liu was beaten to death by Zhang Cheng just like that, but he was actually trying to pick up a girl here. Wait a minute, why does that girl look so familiar?" "Hey, isn't this Wang Chen?"    


Liu Xiaoloong opened the door and got off the car. He didn't understand why Wang Chen was here.    


Upon seeing Liu Xiaoloong, Gao Fei recalled their conversation yesterday.    


Liu Xiaoloong had proven from all aspects that the choice of Fengshan Development Zone was the most correct.    


However, due to Liang Ming's considerations, Gao Fei firmly rejected this correct decision.    


After just one night, he had already trampled on the decision he made yesterday, especially the decision to guard Wang Chen. With Liu Xiaoloong's vicious tongue, how could he give up this opportunity to mock him?    


Of course, that guy would jump up and down in opposition, disagreeing with the idea of settling in Fengshan.    


"You should have informed me earlier that you were the bureau chief. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so hard to deal with."    


He complained to Wang Chen in his heart, then walked to Liu Xiaoloong with a cough, "Xiaolong, let me introduce you to someone, this is..."    


After Gao Fei finished talking, Liu Xiaoloong walked forward and stretched out his right hand towards Wang Chen, smiling as he said, "Do you even need an introduction? It's not like you don't know her. "Hello, Wang Chen."    


Wang Chen shook hands with Liu Xiaoloong. After sensing that this guy's strength was a bit too much to shake hands with, she hurriedly retracted her hand: "Hello, Liu Xiaoloong. Welcome to Fengshan Development Zone."    


"You welcome me here?"    


Liu Xiaoloong was stunned, then immediately understood: "Ah, you're working on Fengshan Development Zone now?"    


Wang Chen glanced at Gao Fei, and laughed: "That's right, we're still in Merchants Bureau."    


Gao Fei added, "Xiaolong, Wang Chen is now the director of Merchants Bureau."    



"The director of Merchants Bureau?"    


Liu Xiaoloong really didn't expect that Wang Chen would become the bureau chief here.    


Wang Chen slightly nodded her head and politely said, "I still hope that you can support my work more. If you could introduce me to a few big clients, I would be very grateful. "    


"Nothing to say, nothing to say. Ha, ha, ha. That's for sure."    


Liu Xiaoloong thought about it and laughed: "Director Wang, I still have work to do, so I won't disturb you anymore. If there's a chance in the future, I will introduce you to a customer. "Director Wang, goodbye."    


With that, Liu Xiaoloong opened the car door and got in, slamming the door.    


It was clear that they did not want to place the Sunset Group project in the Fengshan Development Zone, even a blind person would be able to see that.    


"Don't worry, I'm still the one in charge of Sunset Group."    


Under Wang Chen's resentful gaze, Gao Fei could only smile wryly, waved his hand, and got into the car.    


The car quickly drove away from the Merchants Bureau gate. Just as Gao Fei was about to open his mouth, Liu Xiaoloong spoke first: "I've already called Long Shan's side. Captain Liu is waiting for us, let's go quickly …"    


With a "pa" sound, Gao Fei slapped the back of Liu Xiaoloong's head and scolded, "F * ck, you did that on purpose, didn't you? Say it. If you want any benefits, hurry up and say it. It will become ineffective in three minutes! "    


Liu Xiaoloong quickly said, "I want you to tie the strings between me and Zhang Wenwen."    


Gao Fei scolded, "I'm not a pimp, don't mention it!"    


"I want to go to Beishan Group to be the second vice president."    


"With your level, you'll be at locust level one if you go. You'll only be a disaster."    


"I want your share of Sunset Group!"    


Liu Xiaoloong finally revealed his true greed after raising two conditions.    


Gao Fei scolded, "Aren't you afraid of being overpowered?"    


Liu Xiaoloong chuckled. "Master Liu has always wanted to live a life of luxury since he was young, but his family's old man is a stingy guy. He gives us a fixed monthly allowance to keep him warm and full." "So I value money more than anything else and I never give up an opportunity to make a fortune.    


1% of the shares, to Gao Fei, was nothing. He was also willing to be slaughtered by Liu Xiaoloong, since there would be plenty of chances to get them back in the future. He was just worried about Wang Chen: "Ai, I really didn't expect Wang Chen to stay."    


Liu Xiaoloong's eyes lit up: "What, do you want Master Liu to take care of her for you?"    


Gao Fei sneered, "Hmph, with your intelligence? Don't be sold for money. Liu Xiaoloong, you just need to calm down and work hard. Once you rely on your own ability to shoot out a sky, this pretty girl will surround you while crying and yelling, making you flustered. Someone once told me that if a man just wants to play, then he should look for those big and brainless guys. At the most, he should pay more. If you want to provoke those with high IQ, then you have to be prepared to be entangled for the rest of your life. "    


Liu Xiaoloong shook his head, "That kind of woman, Master Liu would never provoke her. I need a sea of flowers, not a thorny rose. "    


"Then you'll eliminate the thought of bringing harm to Wang Chen."    


After lighting a cigarette, Gao Fei changed the subject. "In a few days, I might go on a trip. I'll leave the work on the factory to you. I will convince Liang Ming. If you encounter any problems, go and discuss it with him. "    


Liu Xiaoloong asked, "Where to? Do you want me to accompany you? "    


"If you go, it's no different from pulling a pig."    


"F * ck, if you don't mock Master Liu, will you die?"    


"No, but I will not feel well. I've lived so long, and finally met you. If I were to let go of any chance, I might be struck by lightning. "    


"You are ruthless."    


Liu Xiaoloong gave him a powerful middle finger and changed the topic to Wang Chen. "By the way, after seeing the scratches on your face, did Wang Chen care about you?"    


"Fuck off, drive properly. Have a good drink when you get back to the restaurant."    


Gao Fei cursed as he rolled down the window.    


The bone-piercing cold wind, mixed with the snow that fell from the tree branches by the side of the road, immediately drilled into his body, causing him to shiver.    


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