Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C632 I Was Scratched in the Face by a Woman

C632 I Was Scratched in the Face by a Woman

0After a crisp slap, five finger marks appeared on the left side of Shen Yinbing's face.    


"You dare hit me?"    


Director Shen was completely dumbfounded by Gao Fei's sudden slap. Her eyes were wide open in confusion: "Everyone agreed to put on an act, how did you suddenly start beating him up?"    


Before she could turn around, Gao Fei slapped her again. Instantly, Director Shen's tender cheeks swelled up and traces of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth.    


"Sigh, I thought your perception was very good. So you were also an idiot."    


Seeing Shen Yinbing staring at him in a daze and not knowing what to do, Gao Fei sighed, raised his hand and put it on her head, "Sister, since you can already imagine that I won't forgive you so generously after I wake up, how can you expect others to believe me if I don't slap you twice? "Although this is an act, there is a price to be paid for it, no?"    




When Shen Yinbing said those three words, her right hand had already turned into a claw, grabbing towards Gao Fei's little face at lightning speed...    


The day after the snow was over, the weather was very good. When one looked out from the moderate temperature of the house, they could see the blue sky, the white clouds here and there, the golden sunlight shining on the treetops.    


Of course, if the windows were opened, there would be a piercing north breeze blowing in.    


The commoners often said that snow didn't freeze the snow, which made a lot of sense.    


Gao Fei stood by the window and looked out at the beautiful scenery of the city which was rarely seen. He held a hot towel in his hand and pressed it to his cheek, hoping to make those scratches disappear as soon as possible.    


That woman's hand was too fast and her nails were too sharp like knives. Even an expert like Mr. Gao only had time to see a flash of white light and then felt pain.    


Brother, you always boast that your skin is thicker than the city walls, why can't you withstand her claws?    


Thinking about Shen Yinbing's sharp claw last night, Gao Fei was very depressed. He was too busy admiring her silly expression after getting slapped that he forgot that the woman was a genius in acting. By the time he had reacted, five scratches had already appeared on his face.    


Fortunately, after a night's time and a few more warm compresses, the scratches were not very obvious. However, Gao Fei believed that Liu Xiaoloong's vicious eyes were unavoidable.    


Looks like the only way to avoid being mocked by that fellow is to silence him.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of several kicks on the door could be heard.    


There was no need to ask, this was Liu Xiaoloong knocking on the door. If it wasn't because of the soundproofing of the door, he would have definitely heard Liu Xiaoloong's raspy voice.    


"Are you up yet? Hurry up and open the door for Master Liu. Let's smoke a cigarette first. I forgot to buy a cigarette. Hey bro, what happened to your cheeks? Did you get caught by a cat?" "Or …"    


The moment Gao Fei opened the door, Liu Xiaoloong's vicious eyes locked onto his face. He was first surprised, then burst into laughter like a rich wife: "Wahaha, it was captured by a woman! Cha, who would be so daring as to bully Master Liu's brother? Quickly tell me, when I kill my way over there, tell her that it's amazing! "    


Sister Decai and the others who were cleaning in the restaurant on the second floor all subconsciously looked over when they heard Liu Xiaoloong's laughter. They saw Master Liu being grabbed by one hand by the collar like a chicken whose neck was being stepped on, and his laughter suddenly stopped and he was dragged into the office.    


Looking at the tightly closed door, Decai's sister thought of something: The weasel steals chickens.    


The act of the weasel stealing the chicken was done so quickly.    


"If you keep laughing, I'll kill you!"    


Wu pulled Liu Xiaoloong into the room, kicked the door shut, and threw him on the sofa.    


He cried out when he fell, but before he could ask, which woman dared to scratch Gao Fei's face? Did Gao Fei play some bullsh * t games last night?    


Gao Fei was too lazy to explain anything to this kind of brainless playboy, so he directly used his big foot to threaten him to shut up.    


"Alright, if you don't want to say it then just say it. Being caught by a woman is nothing amazing, it's not like your wife got slept in."    


Liu Xiaoloong found Gao Fei's cigarettes, lit a beautiful one and smoked: "Hurry up and eat. After eating, go to Fengshan Development Zone to get the contract, first things first. Grandmother, you have been at the Jinnan for so many days, yet you still haven't done anything.    


According to what was agreed upon yesterday, today I will go to Fengshan Development Zone to get the contract, then I will go to Lin City's Dragon Mountain Development Zone and quickly decide the address of the factory. I will try to break through the soil as soon as possible and build the factory before doing anything else, since the construction is not affected by the weather anymore.    


Gao Fei could see that Liu Tie, Lian Xue and the others had seen the scratches on his face, but these people's self-restraint was much better than Liu Xiaoloong's. They would rather work so hard to hold back their laughter than to say it out loud.    


After having breakfast, Gao Fei had a boring meal. He quickly drank two bowls of congee and ate half of the pot paste. Then, dragging Liu Xiaoloong, who could eat like a pig, he left the restaurant in a hurry.    


The man's face was scratched by a woman, which was not a big deal. Liu Xiaoloong laughed at the fact that they were not even halfway there, and then felt bored. He then started to talk about the area he liked the most, "Oh, how old is that Zhang Wenwen?"    


Gao Fei, who was sitting in the front passenger seat and playing with his phone, asked without raising his head, "What, you like her?"    


Liu Xiaoloong said frankly, "It's alright. I really like her character. She's so carefree and loyal."    


Gao Fei sneered, "Tsk, you guys are not suitable."    


Liu Xiaoloong asked, "Why?"    


"Two open-minded men and women, they might be able to become friends, but they definitely can't be husband and wife. Even if they were to forcefully get married, they would still continue to fight and eventually break up."    


"Stop acting like you're very experienced, I don't believe this. Unless you treat her right. "    


"F * ck, what are you talking about? I just think of her as my niece, do you understand?"    


When Gao Fei raised his hand and hit Liu Xiaoloong's arm, his phone rang.    


It was Liu Xiaoloong's phone, and he received a call from Fengshan Development Zone's head.    


Liu Xiaoloong wouldn't let go of the opportunity to get on his good side after the incident with Liang Ming. On one hand, he was trying to please his father, and on the other hand, he wanted to leave a company for the development zone.    


For this, the head of the development zone called him personally.    


When he was talking to the leader on the phone, Liu Xiaoloong's usual unruly attitude was completely gone. Whether it was the way he talked or the way he used his words, it showed that he was a well-educated son of a influential family. There was bound to be an 'uncle' in the next three sentences: "Ok, Uncle Zhang, I will be there right away. "Hur hur, I'll leave it to you to worry about it. Goodbye."    


Liu Xiaoloong casually threw his phone on the dashboard and explained: "Zhang Cheng, the head of Fengshan Development Zone. Last time when we investigated Deputy Chief Kang, he put in a lot of effort. He wants to talk to me and hopes that we can build a factory at Fengshan. "    


Although the two of them had decided to choose the Longshan Development Zone, since Zhang Cheng had called Liu Xiaoloong himself, he had to go over no matter what and explain it to him in a tactful manner.    


"Mn, send me to Merchants Bureau. Go find him yourself, it's not convenient for me to follow him."    


Gao Fei didn't mind, so he continued to play on his phone.    


Although last night's snow was not small, it was still the first snow of the year. Apart from the country road being covered with snow, the road had been completely melted, not affecting the speed of the car in the slightest.    



Very quickly, the Mercedes-Benz stopped at the Merchants Bureau entrance. Liu Xiaoloong said that he would be back very soon, so he accelerated and ran towards the district committee.    


Gao Fei slowly walked into Merchants Bureau with his hands in his pockets.    


Inside the Merchants Bureau courtyard, a few staff from the department were sweeping up the snow. Seeing how busy it was and how united they seemed, it was hard for them to imagine that this would be the coldest office in the development zone.    


When they arrived at the lobby steps, Gao Fei stopped a girl with glasses: "Excuse me, where is your bureau chief's office?"    


The little girl looked him up and down, then pointed to the easternmost window of the building. "Well, that's the bureau chief's office."    


Gao Fei thanked him, "Oh, thank you. Is your bureau chief here?"    


"He probably came a long time ago."    


The little girl looked in the direction of the parking lot and was about to say something when someone called out to her to help push the snow.    


"Go take a look for yourself."    


"Alright, thank you."    


Gao Fei thanked him once again. As he walked up the stairs, he thought: Superior is indeed Superior.    


Following the little girl's directions, Gao Fei arrived at a door on the east side of the third floor.    


Above the door was a small wooden sign that said, "Director's Office."    


After helping out, Gao Fei knocked on the door.    


A moment later, a female voice came from inside, "Please enter."    


Eh, does this sound familiar?    


Gao Fei pushed the door open in confusion. He saw a girl in a black suit standing in front of the window with her back to the door. She was pouring water into the lunchbox with a thermos.    


Gao Fei walked into the office and subconsciously observed the office.    


The office was well decorated, with luxurious furnishings such as leather sofas, mahogany desks and the like. The air conditioner was on and warm.    


"The bureau chief of the development zone's Merchants Bureau is only a proper subject, not a big deal. He only has this kind of office and he also has a female secretary."    


Thinking about this, Gao Fei knocked on the door again and asked, "Hello, where is your bureau chief?"    


"Our director?"    


The girl was about to put down the thermos, but she was surprised. She turned around and looked at Gao Fei. Her eyes suddenly lit up and her smile was as bright as a plum blossoming in the snow. "Gao Fei, you're here?"    


Gao Fei was also stunned. Looking at the girl who turned around, he blinked his eyes in disbelief: "Wang Chen? Why are you here? "    


The girl that Gao Fei thought was the Merchants Bureau Secretary was none other than the former secretary of Faang Xiaotine, Wang Chen.    


"Ha, I work here. Of course I work here."    


Wang Chenha chuckled and quickly put down the thermos. She said enthusiastically, "Come in quickly. Sit here. I just finished sweeping the snow. I haven't even washed my face yet. Wait a moment. It will be ready soon."    


Before Gao Fei could say anything, Wang Chen walked into the bathroom and heard the sound of running water.    


"She works here? The dignified Secretary Secretary of the City Council, was now a secretary to a crappy Merchants Bureau Chief? It's incredible. "    


Gao Fei scratched the back of his head in confusion, closed the door and walked into the room, then sat on the sofa.    


A few minutes later, taking advantage of the time it took to wash her face, Wang Chen tidied up her clothes and walked out of the bathroom, "Gao Fei, have you eaten yet? I can't cook for you without food, you can only eat instant noodles. "    


"Yes, I ate it when I came. "How can you only eat now?"    


"I came here to sweep the snow."    


"Oh, that."    


Gao Fei stood up and asked, "Where's your bureau chief?"    


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