Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C623 The Unkind Hao Lian Crescent Moon

C623 The Unkind Hao Lian Crescent Moon

0Usually, girls from other families would blush when they meet a slut like Liu Xiaoloong, who had a cheeky smile on her face.    


Wang Chen didn't. As Faang Xiaotine's secretary, she had seen a lot of big occasions. The teasing words of a lackey were far from making her feel helpless. Instead, she gave him a gentle smile and looked him straight in the eyes: "Thank you, I'm looking for Gao Fei."    


Liu Xiaoloong, who prided himself as' having been in a hundred flowers but never touched a single leaf ', didn't expect Wang Chen to be so open and generous that he didn't dare to meet her eyes anymore. His heart skipped a beat as he subconsciously looked away, put away his smiling face and pointed at Gao Fei: "Oh, there he is, Gao Fei. Someone is looking for him."    


"Thank you."    


Wang Chen smiled and nodded her thanks, walking towards the bar.    


As Liu Xiaoloong watched Wang Chen's back leisurely walk away, he raised his hand to scratch the back of his head. His eyes began to shine as he muttered: "Too refined, too perfect. Is this the girl I've been waiting for?"    


Gao Fei had a good impression of Wang Chen. Although this girl wasn't born into a wealthy family, she was reasonable and didn't put on airs. She always gave people a good impression that she was honest with them and could win their respect.    


"I came, but unfortunately, you were a bit late and couldn't attend the party. But that's all right, I'll immediately instruct Smith (Chef) to show you his expertise. "    


After seeing Wang Chen, Gao Fei knew who she represented.    


Wang Chen shook her head. "No need. I've already eaten. "Gao Fei, I need to talk to you alone."    


Lian Xue had a good impression of Wang Chen. Just as she was about to walk over to greet her, she tactfully stopped and nodded at her with a smile.    


Gao Fei turned around and glanced at the stairs on the second floor. Several waiters were cleaning up there, so he smiled apologetically and said, "They're cleaning up upstairs. Shall we go to the window?"    


"Sure, it's not a secret anyway."    


Wang Chen smiled and walked over.    


After Wang Chen thanked Lian Xue, who was carrying the coffee herself, Gao Fei asked directly, "She asked you to come, didn't she?"    


Wang Chen, of course, knew that Gao Fei was referring to Faang Xiaotine. "Yes, Aunt Faang stood under the tree over there for a long time. She set off the cannon to celebrate from the moment the guests left."    


Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, Wang Chen continued, "Gao Fei, I can see that Aunt Faang is in pain now, and I regret that she did that before. She wants your forgiveness, I know that I'm just an insignificant person and have no right to participate in resolving the conflict between you two. I just feel that Aunt Faang has her own unspeakable secrets. After all, to her, you and Elegance are nothing but meat on the back of her hand. When a mother fails to stand on the side of justice to resolve the conflict between her two sons, it's actually not an unforgivable mistake. You should understand one … "    


Gao Fei raised his right hand and Wang Chen immediately shut her mouth. She lowered her eyes and apologized in a low voice, "Sorry, I was too arrogant."    


Gao Fei shook his head: "I don't blame you. I know you are doing this for our benefit, but there are some things that you are not clear about. Let's put it this way, if Elegance is only a scheme against me, then she is on the side of Elegance, so it's nothing to me, after all, I'm the elder brother, so it's fine for me to suffer a little. But Elegant shouldn't have attacked my brother and forced him to his death. They don't understand what Liang Ming and I have to do with each other. "    


After a pause, Gao Fei continued: "How should I put it? Let me tell you something about our childhood. Well, I forget that I was nine or ten and not very well. It was a snowy night in the winter and I had a high fever. Coincidentally, our dean had something to take care of at home, so the orphanage's doctor wasn't here at night. Only the vice principal, an old man in his seventies, could walk by himself without any problems. That night, it was Liang Ming who was a year older than me. He carried me on his back and walked in the snow for most of the night. It was only at dawn that they arrived at a clinic in the eastern suburbs. "    


When Gao Fei said this, his tone was very calm, as if he was talking about someone else, "At that time, we had no money and could not see patients in the hospital in the city. At the small clinic in the eastern suburbs, he was a distant cousin of Liang Ming's. He had no choice but to go there. Perhaps even until the day of my death, I will never forget that Liang Ming, who was one year older than me but was thinner than me, fell and fell many times along the way. He even lost one of his running shoes, and his feet were so cold that they were black, and he almost had his toes cut off. "    


Lifting up his coffee cup and taking a sip, Gao Fei smiled and said, "That time, I didn't wake up until late at night. When I woke up, I saw him smiling at me from the window with a dirty face. For a whole day and a half he did not sleep, but lay by the window watching over me until the abbot came. "    


Even after Gao Fei's story, his face was still calm, but Wang Chen could feel that he had feelings for Liang Ming.    


Gao Fei treated Liang Ming as his blood brother and could do anything for him.    


Once he had the ability, he wouldn't allow anyone to bully Liang Ming.    


Even if that person was a brother of his brethren.    


Guilt appeared in Wang Chen's eyes. She apologized again in a low voice, "Sorry, I didn't understand the brotherhood between you and Liang Ming, so I overestimated myself and tried to resolve the conflict between you and Aunt Faang."    


"It doesn't matter, there are some things I know how to do. "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore."    


Gao Fei waved his hand and changed the topic. "Are you leaving her?"    


Wang Chen subconsciously retorted, "How did you know?"    


Gao Fei sniffed and said, "Hehe, you don't even call her Secretary anymore."    


Wang Chen also laughed. "Hur hur, your observation skills are quite nimble. "Yes, today is my last shift, tomorrow I will officially take over my new post."    


Gao Fei said guiltily, "Sorry Wang Chen, I implicated you."    


Gao Fei apologized because he was very clear that with Faang Xiaotine's background and ability, there was still a lot of room for improvement. At the very least, she could survive until the top position of an Earth level city.    


If Wang Chen had followed her from start to finish, and had been released during Faang Xiaotine's most glorious time, she would at least have been promoted to a district and county position.    


Right now, she was still young and didn't have enough qualifications. After leaving Faang Xiaotine, she could only return to certain ministries and departments with Jingdu City and become a minor administrative officer.    


Of course, Gao Fei also knew that with the relationship between Wang Chen and Chen Potian, she could also rise to a higher position. But the lack of basic training and being a young girl had become a weakness that restricted her future.    


"It's fine. I'm full of confidence about the new position I'm about to take."    


Wang Chen seemed to be about to say something but eventually smiled and took out the jade pendant. "Aunt Faang entrusted this to you. Take it."    


Gao Fei didn't take the jade pendant. He shook his head and said, "I don't want it. Please give it back to her."    


Wang Chen said awkwardly, "I understand Aunt Faang. What she gave out will not be taken back. What's more, this thing is your ancestor … "    


Gao Fei waved his hand to interrupt Wang Chen. He said indifferently, "Since she's not willing to take it back, then I'll accept it and give it to you as compensation for causing you trouble. Hehe."    


"For me? "Gao Fei, you know …"    


Wang Chen's eyes widened. Just as she was about to say what this jade represented, Gao Fei turned his head and ordered Lian Xue loudly. Two more cups of coffee. Obviously, he didn't want to talk about this jade anymore.    


Wang Chen shrugged her shoulders helplessly and kept the piece of jade.    


After they stopped talking about Faang Xiaotine, the following conversation between Gao Fei and Liu Yi became much more relaxed.    


Since it was just a casual chat, Gao Fei started to talk about the matter of the factory. Gao Fei asked her to advise him on the location of the factory, as it would be best to set it up in one of the development zones.    


Wang Chen might not understand business operations, but as a government official, she was very familiar with the development zones around Jinnan. She explained the pros and cons of these few zones to Gao Fei and finally suggested that he should focus on Fengshan Development Zone since it was closest to the city and there were more preferential policies.    


Gao Fei shook his head: "I will not choose Fengshan Development Zone, Liang Ming received an unfair treatment here, I am worried that he will be angry when I see Merchants Bureau again. Hehe, tomorrow, I will go to the development area to develop Merchants Bureau and ask them for compensation for breaking their promise. "    


"I don't believe that you'll ever …"    


Just as Wang Chen said this, she saw Gao Fei look towards the door with a frown. She subconsciously turned around and saw a few well-dressed young men and women walking in, led by a tall woman.    



The woman wore a black windbreaker, high waisted boots, and a ponytail. She wore a Large Dark Glasses on her face, and the corners of her mouth were pursed tightly. At first glance, she looked like a mafia boss.    


The color was monotonous, and the loose coat could not cover up her slim figure. One could tell with a glance that she was someone who possessed a certain temperament, and her entire body emitted a power that a woman should not have.    


The moment Wang Chen saw this woman, she immediately knew where she came from. "This is a high-ranking member from a powerful department in the Heaven Palace sect. It is very likely that she is from a powerful department in the Divine Dynasty."    


Actually, even without Wang Chen's reminder, Gao Fei already knew that she came from a powerful department of the Divine Dynasty. If the Divine Fist Nine Walls were not powerful departments, then there would no longer be any powerful departments in the Divine Dynasty.    


The woman who led two men and one woman into the restaurant was Haolian Yanyue, the director of the Divine Fist Nine Division.    


It was the first time Gao Fei heard someone mention Haolian Yanyue's name. It was when he was a mercenary abroad.    


The old man had once told the members of Sniper Team that Haolian Yanyue was definitely one of the scariest women in the world. Even though she might look young, she had always treated the mercenaries and assassins who dared to cause trouble in the Divine Dynasty with the most ruthlessness, and was called the banshee by others. In the future, when she carried out missions in the Divine Dynasty, one must pay attention to this banshee.    


A few days ago, at the Hospital of Qianfo Mountain entrance, when Gao Fei helped Shen Yinbing out, it was used to bluff a few people who came with Han Liang from Jingdu City.    


The first time he saw Haolian Yanyue, she was fighting with him for the sake of Zhang Yaoming at Imperial Society.    


That time, Gao Fei took advantage of her and felt that she was not as good as the old man had said.    


Gao Fei never put his opponent in his eyes, so he quickly forgot about her.    


But today, she showed her Sunset Restaurant, and judging from her demeanor, it was clear that she did not come with good intentions.    


Wang Chen could see that Haolian Yanyue had an extraordinary bearing. Lian Xue, Cheng Yang, and other people could feel danger from her body, just like a butcher who killed a pig just by walking around in front of a pig.    


After giving a meaningful glance to Cheng Yang and the others, Lian Xue lowered her head and continued to do her own business. In any case, a waiter came to receive her.    


"Hello, may I ask who you are?"    


The foreign Waitress welcomed him with a smile. Just as she said that, she was interrupted by Haolian Yanyue: "Where's Gao Fei?"    


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