Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C617 Where Did the Red Sister Go

C617 Where Did the Red Sister Go

0The more powerful and beautiful a woman was, the easier it was for men to feel a sense of accomplishment, as if they wanted to conquer her.    


Gao Fei was such a man. He had done this before and conquered Old George's granddaughter, Nier.    


Of course, the end result was that he was captivated by Nier and kicked back home by her grandfather. Right now, he could only wait helplessly for her to become someone else's bride. Just thinking about it made him extremely annoyed.    


Of course, Beishan Group's Director Shen couldn't compare to Ion Fund's Nier.    


However, without a doubt, Director Shen was also a very strong, pretty girl. In the past, when Director Gao was down and out, she would show him that she was the boss.    


The CEO who used to be aloof became Director Gao's secretary, and was also the personal secretary. Thinking about this, Director Gao became hot-blooded, thinking that Secretary Shen must have known about this. Whenever he thought about it, he would feel extremely ashamed and upset.    


Speaking of which, a man torturing a strong beauty to the point of being heartbroken, wasn't that also a form of enjoyment?    


In any case, it was just spiritual, not the dirty thoughts of most men.    


Actually, Director Gao felt that he was already very kind. Since he didn't ask his sister to clean the men's restroom, he had already given up.    


Hehe, if Shen Yinbing was allowed to clean the toilet, she would definitely be the world's highest-paid cleaner, occupying almost a third of the ten billion Beishan Group of City Value today, a rich woman indeed.    


Thinking about how Shen Jingbin cleaned the toilet, the man felt that the Three Freshness Soup was exceptionally delicious. He drank it in a few gulps and then dialed Shen Yinbing's cell number.    


"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off. Please wait a moment before calling again."    


A mechanical female voice came out of the phone.    


Gao Fei frowned: "What, you don't want to cooperate with me and purposely shut down your phone to avoid me?"    


Thinking about it, if Gao Fei was Shen Yinbing instead of him, he, the former big boss, would never go to the corporation with Shen Yinbing as her secretary. It would be a blatant humiliation.    


However, this was exactly what Mr. Gao needed. It was very simple, Shen Yinbing owed him.    


Back then, if Liang Ming and Sunset Restaurant were in trouble, regardless of whether it would work or not, Gao Fei would still do his best to help Beishan Group to gain a sea of bitterness, and then generously let Little Sister Shen continue to be the CEO.    


Unfortunately, Shen Yinbing didn't do so.    


Thus, in front of her, Gao Fei could totally use his small mouth and face to recklessly attack her mentally.    


Shen Yinbing didn't have any chance to fight back other than to bear the pain.    


Gao Fei believed that little sister Shen was a smart person, for Beishan Group, she should be able to bear all the humiliation.    


Then, why would she turn off her phone on the appointed day?    


You can't blame Chairman Gao for this, right?    


If he angered Chairman Gao, the consequences would be dire.    


"You'd better turn it on for me within ten minutes, or don't blame us for being merciless and letting you clean up the restroom."    


Gao Fei threw his phone to the side and lit up a cigarette, waiting for Shen Yinbing to take the initiative to call him.    


After waiting for a few minutes, Gao Fei couldn't help but call her again on his phone. He couldn't wait to check in with Shen Yinbing on Beishan Group, there was no need to lower himself to a failed woman.    


As a man, he should be magnanimous.    


Shen Yinbing's shut down notification still came through the phone.    


Director Gao was a bit depressed. He threw the half-smoked cigarette into the bowl and started to dial Yan Hong's cell number, "You better not turn off your phone. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"    


As if she didn't care whether Gao Fei was nice or not, Yan Hong also turned off her phone.    


Mr. Gao was angry: "Damn, what are you playing at? Hiding from me? How preposterous. "Fine, both of you, don't even think about getting anything good to eat."    


Angry, Chairman Gao then dialed Xiao Soong's number.    


Luckily, Xiao Soong's phone was not turned off, otherwise Chairman Gao would definitely rush straight to the Beishan Group and let the three of them work together in the most honorable job.    


"Gao Fei, you're looking for me?"    


When Xiao Soong said this, she suddenly realized that Gao Fei was no longer the old Gao Fei and was actually the group's big boss. She quickly changed her tone and asked, "May I ask Chairman Gao if you have any instructions?"    


Gao Fei went straight to the point, "Where's Shen Yinbing? Do you know why she turned off her phone? Also, why is Yan Hong's phone not working as well? "    


"Did Director Shen and Lily shut down?"    


On the other side, Xiao Soong was also baffled. She explained, "I don't know what's going on. Could it be that they … Oh, by the way, Chairman Gao, it was late last night when we got off work. Director Shen refused to let Hei Zi drive her, saying that she wanted to go to a place alone. I didn't care about it at the time. I thought she went to find you. "    


"A place to go alone?"    


Gao Fei frowned and asked, "Didn't she say where she was going?"    


Xiao Soong answered, "No. But all yesterday afternoon, Director Shen was in a daze, and I didn't care at the time, thinking she was upset. "    


"Oh, I know, that's it. You go to work on time."    


Gao Fei slowly loosened his eyebrows, clicked off the phone and said to Sister Decai: "Sister Decai, do you have Lao Wang's Car Key?"    


"Yes, he was drunk last night and left it on the bar. I only saw it this morning."    


Decai'jie quickly took the keys.    


Lao Wang was driving a black Buick, which Gao Fei had specially prepared for him.    


"Okay, when he wakes up, tell him I'll drive out."    


Gao Fei picked up the keys and quickly walked out of the restaurant.    


After talking to Xiao Soong on the phone, Gao Fei vaguely knew where Shen Yinbing had gone: Southern Mountain's villa 16, which was her home. Ever since Su Beishan died, she had almost never returned.    


However, today was the day that the Beishan Group was officially handed over to Gao Fei. It was very likely that Shen Yinbing had gone somewhere else, and she was nagging her damned father.    



Yan Hong, on the other hand, might have gone with her.    


As for the reason why both of them turned off their phones, it might have been because of the respect they had for the dead. However, when they were being mourned by their loved ones, they suddenly heard a song called "Big Blossom palanquin".    


When they arrived at the Southern Mountain villa area and saw the two cars listening to them at the entrance, Gao Fei felt that he was extremely smart. When he first chose his profession, he should not have been a mercenary, but instead a detective.    


The iron fence was open and there was no one in the yard. A sparrow was standing on the steps of the living room and singing. It flapped its wings and flew away when it saw Gao Fei coming over.    


Even though he was an absolute Top Leadership, he did not rashly push open the door to enter. Instead, he knocked on the glass door, took a step back and fixed his collar, making himself look warm and gentle.    


He was going to wait for Shen Yinbing to open the door and offer her a gentleman's condolences and ask her to forgive him.    


Of course, if Yan Hong opened the door, there was no need for those bullshit, because that girl didn't have any feelings for Su Beishan.    


Shen Yinbing did not open the door, not even Yan Hong. Gao Fei waited foolishly for three minutes before he knocked on the door again. This time, the knocking sound was a bit louder. Always pretending to be a gentleman wasn't something he was good at.    


Still no one opened the door.    


"Director Shen, Deputy Director Yan."    


When Gao Fei knocked for the third time, he shouted loudly and then pushed open the door.    


He thought that the two women had gone into the bedroom to reminisce about their loved ones, but he couldn't hear their knocking on his door.    


However, when he pushed open the door to the guest room, he saw a woman lying on the sofa. She was covered with a blanket, as if she was sleeping soundly.    


From the length of the woman's legs, Gao Fei could tell it must be Shen Yinbing.    


So she was sleeping here. What about Yan Hong?    


Gao Fei looked up at the bedroom on the second floor in confusion and walked in.    


Shen Yinbing slept soundly. When Gao Fei walked to the sofa, she still didn't notice him.    


The morning sunlight shone through the skylight and covered her face with a mysterious layer of gold. However, no matter how one looked at it, it was somewhat pale and also somewhat strange and beautiful.    


Gao Fei called this kind of beauty sleeping beauty. Because Shen Yinbing was awake, she never had this kind of expression.    


"Hey, it's snowing outside, shouldn't we get up?"    


Gao Fei kicked the sofa.    


Shen Yinbing opened her eyes.    


The moment she opened her eyes, Gao Fei noticed a hint of fear flashing through it. However, it quickly returned to normal.    


"Don't be afraid, it's me."    


Gao Fei shrugged and said, "You should be glad that it's me. If it was anyone else, they might have done something inappropriate while you were sleeping."    


When he said those words, Gao Fei subconsciously took two steps back. He subconsciously thought that Shen Yinbing would get angry from embarrassment and kick him.    


However, Shen Yinbing didn't do so. She just grabbed the blanket and sat up.    


Seeing the blanket marks on Shen Yinbing's left cheek, Gao Fei asked curiously, "Eh, did you sleep here since last night?"    


Shen Yinbing didn't answer immediately. Baffled, she blinked several times before nodding. With a hoarse voice, she said, "Yes, I came here last night. What's wrong?"    


"Nothing, I thought you just arrived this morning."    


Gao Fei turned around and looked around the guest room. Finally, he stared at the floor and asked with a slightly changed expression, "Where's Sister Hong? How come I didn't see her?"    


Shen Yinbing rubbed her eyes and muttered, "Sister Hong? Had she come to the villa? "I don't know. I came here on my own last night and fell asleep not long after. When I opened my eyes, I saw you, but I didn't see Sister Hong."    


Gao Fei looked towards the stairs and then said, "But Sister Hong's car was parked in front of the mansion. I thought she came too."    


Shen Yinbing shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe she's in another room. I'll go take a look."    


"Mm, you go take a look. I'll go out and smoke a cigarette."    


Gao Fei turned around and walked out of the living room: "Hurry up and wash up. We still have to feel like the corporation before 8 o'clock. We have a shareholders' meeting today."    


Ten minutes later, Shen Yinbing rushed out of the villa. When she saw Yan Hong's red Ferrari, she said nervously, "Sister Hong, Sister Hong isn't here. I've checked every room and the phone has been turned off."    


"Not here? Where did she go when her car was here? "    


Gao Fei, who was smoking in the car, suddenly stood up.    


"I don't know. She isn't here. Follow me in and look for her!"    


Shen Yinbing shook her head and walked back into the mansion while holding Gao Fei's hand.    


The two of them searched through all the rooms, including the cabinets, under the windows, and even the room Hai Bo used to live in, but they couldn't find Yan Hong.    


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