Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C598 I Beat the Shit out of the Kid

C598 I Beat the Shit out of the Kid

0Gao Fei was' kidnapped 'to an inconspicuous hotel, and the car ran for more than half an hour on the road.    


It was around 10: 00 in the early winter night, and there weren't many cars on the road. Besides the traffic lights, it didn't affect them at all. The fact that the black off-road was able to run like crazy for half an hour meant that the road was not close.    


In this half an hour, Gao Fei, who had a black hood over his head, took the opportunity to take a nap. But not long after he fell asleep, someone got out of the car and came to a guest room.    


One of them carefully knocked on the door and heard someone say 'come in'. Then, he gently opened the door and escorted Gao Fei inside.    


A woman.    


Someone from the Anggui Cult?    


It's really strange, am I really born to be in the wrong with women?    


Otherwise, why is it that almost all the enemies are women?    


After hearing the Little Princess's voice, Gao Fei's first reaction was to think that she was someone from the Anggui Cult. It might be because of Bai Ci, but she definitely was not the Anggui King, because he did not smell that unique body fragrance.    


"Take off the hood on his head."    


Following the princess' order, someone took off the black hood covering Gao Fei's head.    


The lights in the room were very bright. After the hood was removed, Gao Fei closed his eyes for a moment. Then, he opened his eyes slowly and saw Gao Fei sitting upright on a chair with his legs crossed.    


Everyone in the room was standing, only she was casually sitting on a chair. Even a sand puppet could tell that she was the leader of this group.    


Gao Fei had never been interested in women with heavy makeup. He only glanced at the little princess before glancing at Jin Changbinn, who was behind her.    


Compared to the little princess, Gao Fei paid more attention to Jin Changbinn because he could tell that this middle-aged man was not an ordinary person.    


Turning his gaze to the right of the little princess, when he saw Gembin, Gao Fei laughed in his heart: Haha, I had thought that people from Anggui Cult were looking for trouble with me, so it turned out to be this half-dead. Fine, originally, you were dishonoring my reputation on TV, but before I could settle the score with you, you invited me over yourself. However, why are you looking so pained, as if your father has died?    


While Gao Fei was mulling over Jin Qizheng's idea, the little princess spoke up with a crisp and cold voice. She had a natural pride in her voice, "Gembin, was the person who bullied you at the airport that time this was this person?"    


The Little Princess was speaking in cold words, which Gao Fei could understand: after all this time, it turned out to be a bunch of K people's mischief. From her tone, it seemed like she was trying to vent Gembin's anger.    


Gembin, who smelled of smoke and had a huge blister on his tongue, looked at Gao Fei viciously and nodded his head: "Yes, that's him!"    


Gembin hated Gao Fei, not only because he was stepped on his head, forced to kneel down and apologize, but because of that incident he also lost the support of the little princess. Just now, this domineering girl even used his mouth as an ashtray, but he didn't dare to say half a no, so he could only vent all his resentment on Gao Fei's head.    


"Oh, I heard you have some skills. You knocked down two of Gembin's bodyguards at the airport."    


The little princess looked at Gao Fei, who had a thin figure. This time, it was the language of the gods. He seemed to be smiling, and his appearance was not much better than a ghost.    


Gao Fei, who had his hands grabbed by the two men wearing baseball caps, smiled and said, "I didn't have much skill. Gao Fei, who had his hands grabbed by the two men wearing baseball caps, smiled and said," I didn't have much skill either.    


Gao Fei's indifferent look surprised the little princess. She put down her left leg and smiled again: "Looks like you're very confident about yourself. But since you met me today, you have to keep that confidence."    


Gao Fei didn't dawdle on the topic of confidence with her, he just asked, "You tied me here just to give him some pointers, right?"    


The little princess slowly nodded her head.    


Gao Fei asked again: "This is the Divine Dynasty, not your Nanhan. It is illegal for you to kidnap the lawful citizens of the Divine Dynasty without permission. Aren't you afraid of being punished for violating the laws of our country? "    


"Law? "Hehe, in my eyes, there is no boundary at all. What I say is the law!"    


The little princess chuckled and looked at Gao Fei as if she was looking at a fool.    


Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, his laughter suddenly died down and his voice became cold, "Gembin, you go over now. What he did to you back then, you have to pay it back double. If you do not dare, then do not tell anyone else that you are a citizen of the Great Han Empire! "    


These days, Gembin even dreamed of killing Gao Fei, but he didn't have the ability to do so.    


Now, the little princess had stood up for him, how could Gembin let go of this opportunity?    


Don't dare to?    


Hehe, with the little princess here, why wouldn't I dare?    


Gembin gave a fiendish laugh. His adonis was somewhat twisted as he took off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. He then walked in front of Gao Fei with his fists shaking.    


The little princess spoke again, it was to the two bodyguards who were grabbing Gao Fei: "Let him go."    


The two of them obediently let go of Gao Fei and retreated behind the door.    


Gembin, who was about to punch Gao Fei in the face, subconsciously took a step back after seeing Gao Fei let go of him. This made the little princess unhappy: "What, Gembin, are you afraid of him?"    


Gembin wanted to say that he wasn't afraid, but in the end, he nodded honestly: "I'm not his opponent."    


The little princess was very satisfied with Gembin's honesty, so she lit another cigarette and said, "With me around, you don't have to be afraid of anyone. Do it! "    




Gembin yelled, raised his fist and was about to charge at Gao Fei.    




Gao Fei raised his right hand and shouted.    


Gembin raised his right fist and stopped in mid-air obediently.    


This time, the little princess was dissatisfied with Gembin's reaction. She coldly asked Gao Fei: "Do you still have anything else to say?"    


Gao Fei looked at her and asked: "Do we have to solve the problem in this way?"    


The Little Princess replied very straightforwardly, "Back then you used your fist to solve the problem, but today you must also use your fist to solve it as well."    


"I have no objection to the method of solving a problem with my fist."    


Gao Fei smiled and said: "But he is not my opponent."    


The little princess didn't say anything. She just opened her mouth and let out a ring of smoke.    



As the smoke ring slowly spread, the two men in baseball caps guarding the door had already walked behind Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei turned his head and looked at them, then nodded and said: "Oh, I understand. If I beat him again, you'll let your men deal with me. "    


Little Princess said leisurely: "You might have heard of a common saying in our Nanhan called 'beat the child out of the mother'. Although I'm not the mother of that trash Gembin, I can't bear to see him lose the face of the Great Han Nation, so I came out. You can hit him again, but you have to be prepared to be hit. "    


It was the habit of the cold-blooded people to call outstanding foreign items their own. They didn't even let a common saying go, so Gao Fei was too lazy to argue with her: "If your people get beaten up by me, then isn't this matter over?"    


"Ha, you're pretty confident."    


The little princess let out a loud laugh, but before her laughter could fade away, she shouted, "Do it!"    




Gembin raised his fist and rushed towards Gao Fei with a ferocious expression.    


He didn't believe that Gao Fei would dare to fight back, unless Gao Fei was a fool. Gao Fei wasn't a fool, of course, but he really did hit back. Oh, wrong.    


Before Gembin could fall in front of him, Gao Fei's right foot stomped heavily on Gembin's stomach.    


With a scream from Gembin, his body flew backwards like a broken gunny sack, smashing towards the little princess.    




Just as Gembin was about to smash onto the Little Princess, Jin Changbinn, who was standing behind her chair, suddenly raised his foot and stomped on his back, directly sending him flying towards the left wall. With a bang, Gembin solidly smashed onto the ground, shrieking miserably as he hugged his stomach and curled into a ball.    


Oh wow, this old K people had some skill. After he saw Jin Changbinn make a move, Gao Fei finally became interested.    


"Good, good, good courage indeed."    


She did not even look at Gembin who looked like a dead dog, but her eyes were filled with excitement as she clapped her hands. She quickly said in Korean, "Xiang Yu and Chang Hao, you guys go. As long as you can't beat him, you can play!"    


Xiangyu and Changhao were the two people who kidnapped Gao Fei.    


After hearing the little princess' order, the two of them wordlessly waved their fists and pounced over.    


Although the special forces of Nanhan were known by the world as the 'weakest in the world', there were still plenty of people who could choose generals. Xiangyu and Changhao were the best amongst them, otherwise, they wouldn't have been chosen as bodyguards by the Little Princess.    


The two of them seemed to have noticed from Gao Fei's kick that Gembin wasn't an ordinary person, so they didn't plan to show any mercy when they pounced on him and directly aimed for his vitals.    


After Xiangyu and Changhao made their move, the little princess took another drag from her cigarette and placed her left foot on the chair. Her face was full of excitement as she prepared to watch Gao Fei get beaten up to the point where he could find his teeth …    


However, the moment her left foot stepped on the chair, she was surprised to see Xiangyu and Changhao fly backwards as if they were possessed by an evil spirit.    


It was even faster than when they had pounced over. So fast that the little princess couldn't see how they had flown out. She could only see that one of them had slammed into the door while the other had been sent flying into a corner.    


Xianyu and Chang Hao didn't even have time to scream before they both fell to the ground. Just like Gembin who was kicked out by Jin Changbinn, the consequences were even worse than Gembin: Gembin was only hugging his stomach and groaning, but they simply fainted away while rolling their eyes.    


When Gao Fei sent Gembin flying, he showed mercy.    


When he was beating up the two bodyguards, he was not so polite and directly kicked them in the head.    


After kicking twice consecutively, Gao Fei's right foot was still raised high, as if he was still hanging on top of his head by a rope and didn't move at all.    




An unusual silence.    


After Gao Fei knocked out the two bodyguards in the blink of an eye, Gembin, who was lying there, had forgotten about his stomachache. He stared at them with his pair of delicate and pretty eyes like a wooden chicken.    


The little princess, who had a cigarette in her mouth, stood on the chair with one foot. Her eyes stared at Gao Fei as if she had seen a ghost, completely at a loss: This guy's amazing, how did Xiangyu and the rest tie him up?    


Jin Changbinn was the first to notice that something was wrong.    


Jin Changbinn was indeed the Little Princess' bodyguard. After being stunned for a moment, he came to his senses and quickly stepped forward to block the attack. With a frown, his left hand, which was hidden behind his waist, could no longer reach the handle of his spear.    


He felt a danger he had never felt before.    


Gao Fei slowly put down his right foot. He patted his pants and asked, "Do you still want to solve the problem with your fists?"    


The little princess didn't seem to hear Gao Fei's words. She only muttered: "Amazing, amazing."    


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