Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C451 Blessed Not to Divulge

C451 Blessed Not to Divulge

0"No, I don't love him anymore because he already has someone he loves."    


What Mo Guyan said made Shen Yinbing's heart ache. She shook her head vigorously. "I don't love him anymore. He's him, I'm me!"    


Mo Guyan didn't say anything else. She looked at Gao Fei in the far corner and said slowly after a while, "It seems that I am destined to be a sacrifice. "Fine, I promise you, just pretend that this never happened."    


Shen Yinbing pleading for Gao Fei was purely an instinctive reaction. It was like a mother who saw her child do something wrong. She cursed her child, but hoped to get forgiveness from others.    


After those words were said, she knew that this request was a little excessive. After all, what Gao Fei did was even more excessive than what she had requested: Why did he slap her, it's not like she stole your wife!    


However, just as Shen Yinbing was thinking to find a more suitable reason, she suddenly agreed.    


Shen Yinbing was stunned. She suspected that she had misheard. Mo Guyan smiled elegantly. "Director Shen, I'm a little tired. I want to rest a bit. I'm glad to meet you again when we have the chance in the future."    


As if she was in a dream, she shook hands with Mo Guyan. Only when he elegantly turned around and walked towards the elevator did Shen Yinbing slowly come to her senses. She mumbled to herself, "What's wrong with me? Why am I pleading for that bastard?" "Could it be that I still care about him? How is that possible?"    


Shen Yinbing turned towards Gao Fei in confusion, only to find that the guy was no longer in the same place.    


Liu Xiaoloong never thought that under his bewitching, Gao Fei would actually run over like a madman and slap Mo Guyan on the face. He scolded her on the nose and then casually came back as if nothing had happened.    


At that moment, he was more shocked than anyone else present. After waking up, his first reaction was that this matter was big.    


What kind of person was Mo Guyan? She was one of the Twins of the Divine Dynasty and had a deep background. He was an existence that couldn't be ignored just by relying on his own power in the Heavenly Abode.    


However, Gao Fei slapped him in front of so many people today.    


Mo Guyan had no reason to give up now that this matter had escalated to a big one. Even if he left with a smile on his face, even a fool would know that Mo Wuji was the sort of person who would not retaliate even after receiving such a slap.    


Taking a step back, even if he did not pursue this matter, for Shen Yinbing's sake, but using Mo Family whose face was more important than everything, would he just let this matter go?    


The answer was no, it was definitely not!    


At that time, what ability did Gao Fei have to resist in front of the big and fat Mo Family?    


Ye Zichen obediently said that Liu Xiaoloong was the one who coaxed him to do that.    


Aiyo, since it's like this, Mo Family will target Master Liu!    


It was true that Liu Xiaoloong was the sole root of the Jingdu City Committee's secretary. No matter where he went, he would be looked down upon by others.    


Of course not. If Liu Xiaoloong's dad didn't pay a certain price, then it would cause a huge conflict between the two major groups and countless officials would fall.    


And all of this was because of one slap from Gao Fei. Liu Xiaoloong had bewitched him.    


Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoloong's body quivered. His first reaction was to silence Gao Fei: Master Liu's and Master Liu's fathers would only be able to escape this storm if the root cause was solved.    


But when it comes to critical issues, does Liu dare?    


Gao Fei is a brother, and for his own benefit, he's going to kill us off?    


"Big, big, this is big."    


Looking at Gao Fei, who was not far away, Liu Xiaoloong wanted to give himself a hard slap. After raising his hand, he tugged at his hair and walked over quickly while everyone was looking at Mo Guyan. He grabbed his hand and left without saying a word.    


Gao Fei threw his hand away, "If you have something to say, then say it. Don't pull me like that. It's not proper."    


Liu Xiaoloong's face was dark, and he didn't say anything. He stubbornly pulled Gao Fei and quickly walked into the elevator, and then suddenly kicked the wall of the elevator. He grimaced in pain and shouted, "Wo Cao, you've gone f * cking dumb. Do you know what you did just now?"    


Gao Fei blinked his eyes: "What did you do? Isn't it just a slap on the face for what you said? "    


Liu Xiaoloong suddenly walked in front of Gao Fei, pointed his nose at him and yelled, "Do as I say!?"    


"Did you eat garlic? "Your mouth stinks so much."    


Gao Fei took a step back and fanned his face with his hand, "Liu Xiaoloong, you won't deny it, right?"    


"I, I, sigh. Yes, yes, I was the one who encouraged you to slap him, but you can't really slap him either. This matter is huge, I really don't know how to explain it to my old man. "    


Liu Xiaoloong covered his head with his hands and squatted down dejectedly.    


After hearing Liu Xiaoloong's words, a trace of a smile flashed across Gao Fei's eyes as he said lightly, "You don't need to explain it to your family because it's none of your business."    


Liu Xiaoloong suddenly looked up in disbelief: "What? You said it's none of my business?"    


Gao Fei leaned on the elevator and looked at the numbers that were constantly flashing: "Not bad, the one who hit him is me, not you. Even if you didn't trick me, I would still give him a slap on the face. I didn't spit on the spot because we are all of the same kind. "What bullsh * t Duo Jun? You dare to be so cheap to a woman I like, you're just looking for a beating."    


After hearing Gao Fei's words, Liu Xiaoloong felt a lot more relaxed. When he stood up, he asked worriedly, "But you've gotten too angry. Will they let you go?" Brother, listen to my advice and go find Mo Guyan right now. No matter if it's kowtowing or doing something else, as long as he can forgive you, it's fine.    


"I kowtowed to him and begged for mercy? Tsk, what a joke. "    


Gao Fei sneered, yawned and said, "Don't f * cking worry about it. I dare to say it's okay."    


Liu Xiaoloong asked, "On what basis do you say it's alright?"    


"Just because I'm Gao Fei."    


Gao Fei answered plainly.    


"I'm so scared, so you are Gao Fei Gao!" Cha, is this name really that great? "    


When Liu Xiaoloong made a face of fear, a clank came from the elevator and stopped at the top floor.    


The two of them got off the elevator one after the other without a word. They walked to the rooftop through a small door at the same time.    


At this time, the sun had already risen from the east. It was a bright red, bringing with it the morning mist. A cool breeze blew over, giving people a refreshing feeling.    


"The morning clouds do not leave the house, the sunset travels for 10,000 miles, it seems that there will be rain today."    


Gao Fei came to the edge of the rooftop, took out a cigarette, and lit it with Liu Xiaoloong. He took a long drag with a satisfied look on his face.    


Lying on the rooftop, looking at the cars that were like beetles on the road below, Gao Fei suddenly said, "Liu Xiaoloong, are you trying to push me off the rooftop?"    



Liu Xiaoloong was stunned for a moment and then became furious. He punched Gao Fei hard on the shoulder and cursed, "F * ck, what kind of person do you think Master Liu is? "Yes, I was afraid that I would be implicated by you, but Master Liu would never silence his comrades just because of this."    


Looking at the excited Liu Xiaoloong, Gao Fei smiled and didn't seem to mind, "I said it's okay, it's just fine. If you don't believe me, we can bet. The bet is on the Lamborghini you drove. "    


Liu Xiaoloong pouted, "You wish. I borrowed it to intimidate you, you country bumpkin. Tell Master Liu, why are you so confident? "    


"You can't leak it."    


Gao Fei turned around and leaned against the roof's concrete railing. He changed the topic: "What time is it now?"    


Liu Xiaoloong raised his hand and looked at his watch, then gloomily said: "There are still 10 minutes, it's 7: 30. You can go in and out of the clubhouse freely."    


Then he said, "But I don't think we have much hope of leaving safely."    


As if he was verifying Liu Xiaoloong's words, before he finished his sentence, two men in black suits appeared on the rooftop and walked over quickly.    


"Ai, the report in front of me came quickly."    


While Liu Xiaoloong sighed, two big men walked over quickly. One of them asked in a deep voice, "Excuse me, which one is Gao Fei and Mr. Gao?"    


Gao Fei threw the cigarette downstairs and replied, "I am Gao Fei."    


That big guy slightly bent his body: "Mr. Gao, our boss invites you over."    


"Oh, then let's go."    


Gao Fei didn't care and nodded his head. Liu Xiaoloong asked, "Didn't you say you wanted to call me? I am with him! "    


The two of them thought that the owner of Imperial Society was going to deal with the matter of Gao Fei beating him up.    


Normally, Liu Xiaoloong shouldn't be participating at this time, but he took the initiative to say that he was in the same group as Gao Fei, showing the attitude of sharing the hardships with him. This made Mr. Gao feel a little bit grateful.    


The big guy looked at Liu Xiaoloong in doubt and asked: "Excuse me, are you also a partner in Sunset Group?"    


Liu Xiaoloong was surprised, he and Gao Fei looked at each other, and just as he was about to say something, the big guy said: "Our boss wants to invite Sunset Group's Director Gao to breakfast, if this mister …"    


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Liu Xiaoloong: "What, you're looking for Gao Fei because your boss wants to invite him to have breakfast together? Not for, what? "    


The big guy smiled: "We only came to invite Mr. Gao to have breakfast with our boss, we don't know anything else."    


After hearing that it wasn't to investigate why Mo Guyan had been beaten up, Liu Xiaoloong secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and asked with a smile: "Bro, why did your boss invite Gao, the first to announce that I am also one of the directors of Sunset Group. Why invite us to breakfast? "    


The big guy answered simply: "Because Sunset Group and foreign merchants have signed a business worth one hundred million dollars. Originally, our boss planned to treat all customers who signed the $100 million bill to a midnight snack. However, since we were all very busy last night, we changed that to breakfast. You two, please go ahead. "    


So it was because of this that he had come to find us.    


Gao Fei and Liu Xiaoloong looked at each other again before following the other down the rooftop.    


In the elevator, the two men didn't say a word, but their faces were full of respect.    


When the elevator descended to the 17th floor, it stopped with a clang. When the elevator door slowly opened, the two people reached out their hands and made a clean gesture towards Gao Fei and co. and one of them walked out.    


The corridor on the seventeenth floor seemed wider and more luxurious than the one below. There were paintings by contemporary painters on both sides of the walls, and the thick wool carpet beneath their feet made them feel as if they were stepping on clouds.    


In front of the two doors to the east, two maids dressed in ancient clothing stood. They slightly bent their knees to Gao Fei and Gu Shenwei as a blessing to them.    


The large man lifted his hand and knocked on the door. He then pushed open one of the doors. "The two of you, please come in."    


Gao Fei nodded and walked in first. Then, he saw a person.    


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