Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C343 A Bottomless Pool

C343 A Bottomless Pool

0He could not see anything in front of him. Other than Qin Chengcheng's high-pitched cries along the curve, he could hear nothing else. However, Gao Fei could feel that the black hole was winding downwards.    


Moreover, it seemed that there was no end to it. The temperature became colder and colder, as if it would slide all the way to hell.    


Gao Fei pressed his hands against the sides of his thighs and put his feet together, minimizing the friction between his body and the walls of the cave. He hoped that he could catch up to Qin Chengcheng faster.    


He was sure that Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang had also jumped down from the hole and were chasing after them.    


To reassure Lily, Jack shouted, "Chengcheng, Chengcheng! Don't be afraid, I'm right behind you, don't be afraid! Listen to me, and try to hold on to the wall with your hands. Try it! "    


Because Qin Chengcheng fell into the black hole first, even though Gao Fei rushed over fast enough, he was still a few seconds behind her.    


As for Gao Fei, after jumping down the black hole, his body instinctively made a defensive move. He had once forced his body to stop for a moment, so even now, he still couldn't catch up to Qin Chengcheng. He really hoped that she could use her hands and feet to support the wall.    


But the moment he said that, Gao Fei knew he was wrong. When he shouted those words, his hands instinctively moved to support the wall, but his extended hands did not touch anything!    


This could only prove that the black hole was getting thicker and thicker. It was so thick that he could not support himself against the wall. He could only allow his body to slide down freely.    


What was below?    


Is it the hard ground or the water?    


Was there any distance between this hole and the surface of the water or the ground?    


If there was a distance, it wouldn't have to be too high. It only needed ten meters. If it was on the hard ground below, it would break Gao Fei's leg and his arm.    


Hopefully, just when Gao Fei was praying silently that they could fall into the water, Qin Chengcheng's scream suddenly disappeared.    


Jack cried out in alarm, "Chengcheng, Lily! How are you? Where did you go? "    


No one answered him. It was as if Qin Chengcheng had suddenly been swallowed by the mouth of a demon from the black hole that was rapidly sliding down.    


Gao Fei was very anxious. Just as he was about to try and stop, he suddenly felt empty under his feet. Then, his eyes lit up. Before he could see clearly, his body was already falling down from the sky.    


At the bottom of the cave, how could there be light below?    


Just as this question surfaced in Gao Fei's mind, his hands and feet subconsciously fell into the water. He had already fallen into a pool of water and splashed his boss with water: Pu!    


Then, the freezing cold water completely submerged him. His body rapidly sank into the water, and the light above his head fell with his body into the deep pool, gradually turning black.    


So there was actually a pool of water down there. His luck was pretty good!    


Gao Fei exclaimed in his heart about how lucky he was. He calmed down and waited for his feet to land under the pool before jumping out of the water.    


But to his horror, he had already been diving underwater for more than ten seconds, and his feet had yet to reach the bottom.    


Wo Cao, how deep is this pond!?    


Gao Fei was shocked and did not dare to let his body fall anymore. He immediately opened up his hands and started to slap.    


As he started to move, the force of his fall immediately slowed down. It only stopped for a moment before it started to rise rapidly.    


Gao Fei didn't know whether Qin Chengcheng also fell into the deep pond or not, nor did he know whether she was still falling. Gao Fei didn't know whether Qin Chengcheng also fell into the deep pond or not, but he didn't know whether she was still falling.    


Plus, even if Gao Fei continued to dive deeper, it was so dark down there and he couldn't see Qin Chengcheng even though he was in the water. Therefore, he had to surface first before making any plans.    


After Gao Fei floated up more than ten meters, there was a light above his head. He could vaguely see several shadows rapidly descending. He quickly dodged to the side and floated towards the surface of the water.    


When they were still one or two meters away from the water surface, Gao Fei saw a black object clearly: it might be a backpack with equipment. It seemed that Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang were among the shadows that had sunk down earlier.    


Gao Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the backpack that had a lot of buoyancy. He jumped out of the water and took a deep breath with his mouth wide open. He then wiped his face and opened his eyes.    


Then, Gao Fei saw a bunch of stars.    


There were about a dozen or so stars. They were scattered above the head of the head, arranged in a very orderly way, emitting a faint fluorescent light.    


When Gao Fei fell into the pool from the black hole, the light he saw should have come from these stars.    


However, how could there be stars beneath this black hole?    


Gao Fei wiped his face again and looked carefully. Only then did he realize that these shiny things were not stars at all, but also not light bulbs. They looked like angled stones.    


How could a stone light up?    


Gao Fei looked at the stones above his head in a daze. His mind was in a daze: [Did I see it wrong?]    


At this moment, Gao Fei felt the water shake violently. He turned his head and saw two people quickly coming out of the water. He took a deep breath with his mouth wide open: "Hah!"    


These two people were none other than Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang, who chased after them.    


When they opened their eyes, they were first enchanted by the star-like stones, and their faces were filled with incredulous surprise.    


Gao Fei said, "Don't tell me these are Night Pearls and other gems?"    


Tieh Tu spat out a mouthful of water and muttered, "It must be. Otherwise, it's impossible for them to shine."    


"Strange, how could there be such a thing in this place …" "Oh no!"    


Just as Gao Fei said this, he suddenly thought of Qin Chengcheng. He quickly looked above the water and asked, "Did you two see Qin Chengcheng?"    


"Qin Chengcheng?"    


Tieh Tu and the other person's heads were slightly concussed. After hearing that, they were stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to their senses, "Ah, no, didn't you chase after me? "What, you didn't see her?"    




As Gao Fei said this, he opened his backpack and took out a waterproof Intense Light flashlight.    


Ye Xinshang asked anxiously, "Can Teacher Qin swim?"    


"She told me before that she was very good at water. You two wait here, I'll go down and take a look! "    



Gao Fei withdrew his leg and checked that the short trident was still in his left calf. He lowered his head and bent his body before diving into the water.    


If there were no mishaps, Qin Chengcheng would have fallen into the deep pond first.    


However, she should have floated to the surface before Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang were able to float. Then why hasn't she come up yet? Could it be that she was knocked unconscious by the wrong angle when she fell into the water?    


Gao Fei was lost in thought. He held the trident in one hand and the Intense Light's flashlight in the other. Like a fish, he quickly dived downwards and soon reached a depth of more than 20 meters.    


Although it was very dark down there, the Intense Light flashlight Gao Fei was holding was secretly developed by the army. If it was used in the dark to dazzle people's eyes, it would probably blind them.    


Therefore, no matter how dark it was underwater, Gao Fei could still see more than a dozen meters around him.    


Water, very clear, there are also some weirdly shaped small fish in the water.    


If there was a fish, it proved that this was a pool of water. There was a outlet for the water, and there was also a outlet for the water.    


It seems that this deep pool with a diameter of at most thirty meters should be connected to the underground river below the desert.    


The deeper Gao Fei dived, the colder he felt. It was so cold that his legs were almost cramping because the depth of the dive was too deep, and the water pressure was causing his lungs to start twitching. His brain couldn't keep up with his breathing and started to feel dizzy, but he didn't see Qin Chengcheng nor did he dive to the bottom of the deep pool.    


This deep pool went straight up and down like an exceptionally large well, and what was connected to it was not an underground river, but a hell!    


Gao Fei didn't see Qin Chengcheng nor the entrance to the deep pool even after he had barely dived seven to eight meters.    


However, he was sure that Qin Chengcheng didn't fall into the water because this was the limit of humans. Without the help of the oxygen mask, even a dead person wouldn't be able to reach this depth.    


Then, where did Qin Chengcheng go?    


Thinking about this, Gao Fei suddenly turned around and started splashing the water rapidly, jumping up like a swordfish.    


By the time he jumped out of the water, his lips had turned purple, his face was gray, and his teeth were chattering.    


Tieh Tu and the others who had climbed to the shore immediately dragged him up. They lifted his clothes and rubbed his chest with their hands.    


Even though Gao Ye was known as the Scarlet Dragon of Nine Dragon King, he was not the real Dragon King after all. He was merely a fierce birdman that could push through the sky, and could not even compare to a single fish underwater.    


Fortunately, there were Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang on the shore. They both knew how to save someone, or else, with his current condition, he might not even be able to climb out of the shore, and would freeze to death in the water.    


From this, it could be seen that Mr. Gao was really going all out in order to find Qin Chengcheng.    


When Gao Fei's chest became warm, Ye Xinshang took out a bottle of HIGH Erguotou from his wet backpack.    


In an expedition, being high-powered was essential: drinking it could reduce one's fear, calm one's mind, and then boost one's pride to the heavens. He could still warm up and even take a sip at a critical moment. Spray a big fireball with a lighter to scare something.    


After giving Gao Fei half a bottle of HI Erguotou, the pure grain wine immediately displayed its effects. Warmth surged up from Gao Fei's dantian, instantly freezing his frozen blood vessels. Following that, it started to function normally, causing Gao Fei's face to slowly turn rosy.    


"No, I'm not drinking anymore. I'm going to get drunk if I keep drinking."    


Gao Fei pushed away Ye Xinshang's hand that was holding the wine bottle and stood up from the ground. He jumped a few times like a shabi and stretched his arms.    


Only when the last trace of cold was expelled from his body did Gao Fei stop his movement. He panted and said, "Qin Chengcheng is not down there. The deeper we go, the colder it gets. We don't know where it will lead to."    


Why didn't Qin Chengcheng fall into the pool? Then where did she go?    


Tieh Tu was silent for a moment, then said while holding the gun, "I feel that when Teacher Qin was about to slip out of the hole, she was taken somewhere else because I heard her voice suddenly stop."    


Ye Xinshang nodded in agreement: "I heard it too."    


Gao Fei also knew that it was useless to worry about Qin Chengcheng's safety now. He had to figure out where everyone was, so he turned around and looked around to check his surroundings.    


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