Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C500 Female Guide Salana

C500 Female Guide Salana

0Behind the curtain was the resting area of the hotel owner.    


A thirty-something year old woman was studying with a seven to eight year old child. When she saw Bartle, she stood up from her chair and said, "He's here."    


After a flash, he gestured for Gao Fei to come in and then said in a low voice: "We are leaving officially at 1am in the morning with an unknown number of people. Two cars. All expenses have been paid, for an indefinite period of time. "    


After saying this senseless sentence, Bartle said to Gao Fei, "You can hurry up and rest. The car will arrive at 10 o'clock tonight at the latest."    


Gao Fei did not ask any further and just nodded.    


Battle lifted the curtain and disappeared.    


Looking at her son, who was still worried about his homework while biting on his pencil, she sat down and said, "There's food at the head of the bed if you're hungry. You can go to sleep if you want."    


On the bed near the southern wall were two rumpled, half-used quilts, some children's clothes, and other random things. At the end of the bed was a table with wine, plastic buckets of water, and boiled lamb legs.    


"Thank you."    


Gao Fei didn't feel anything strange about this. After thanking him in a low voice, he sat on the side of the bed and started chewing on a lamb leg.    


This village was the closest one to the border of the prairie. If they continued north another 3 to 4 km, they would encounter the border guards and occasionally a patrol squad.    


All of this was arranged by James for Gao Fei.    


As for the relationship between James and the others, Gao Fei didn't need to care about it. All the things that he needed were booked in advance by Big Jim. He just needed to eat and rest before he left at 1 o'clock in the morning.    


After eating an entire leg of lamb, Gao Fei drank half a bag of horse milk and then lied on the bed. He didn't care about the strong smell of the bed and covered his head with the blanket.    


Gao Fei's compliance and ease caused a trace of surprise to flash across the Lady Boss's eyes. However, she immediately went back to studying with her son.    


It was just past midnight. Gao Fei raised his hands and lifted up the blanket as if he was woken up by someone, before turning around and sitting up.    


The people who were drinking in the hall outside, including Battle, had already left, and the surroundings were completely silent. The yellow light bulb was still shining in the room, and the children who were studying had also disappeared, but the lady boss, who was in her thirties, was also sleeping on her side at the head of the bed with a blanket covering her face.    


Gao Fei rubbed his face with both hands. Then, he heard the Lady Boss's voice coming from under the blanket: "There's water behind the cabinet at the end of the bed. It can be used to wash your face."    


Gao Fei wasn't surprised that she slept in the same bed as him. He nodded, got off the bed and went behind the cabinet. He held the cold water in the washbasin and washed his face vigorously.    


When he stood up, the Lady Boss spoke again, "Do you have anything else to eat? This is considered to be a free gift for you due to the fact that you are being well-behaved, you don't need any money. "    


"Thank you."    


Gao Fei pondered for a moment. He casually rubbed his face with his sleeve, picked up two lamb legs and several generations of horse milk and put them into a nylon bag.    


With the help of the dim light, she looked Gao Fei up and down, then bent down and took out a cardboard box from under the bed. From inside, she took out a set of camouflage clothes, threw it over and said, "It's not suitable for you to walk in the forest with your clothes on, you should change."    


Before Gao Fei could catch the clothes, the Lady Boss's left shoulder sank and the traditional robe fell off, revealing her white chest.    


When Gao Fei saw the Lady Boss take off her clothes, he was stunned for a moment. Do you still want to …    


The woman from the prairie spoke up, "Don't even think about it, I want to change my clothes too."    


After changing her clothes, the woman from the prairie spoke up. "My name is Sarana. Do you have any other questions for the guide?"    


"You're the guide?"    


Gao Fei really did not expect this prairie woman, Sarana, to be this mission's guide. He was stunned for a moment before saying, "Oh, there are no more questions."    


"Then hurry up and change your clothes. If you're interested in my body, you can discuss this when you get back."    


Sarana said indifferently as she bent down to pick up the camouflage vest and put it on her head.    


Some of Gao Fei's thoughts were exposed. He blushed a little, turned around and quickly took off his suit.    


After changing into a clean camouflage uniform, he turned around and saw that Sarana had already put it on. She took out a pointed knife with ox ears from under the pillow at the head of the bed and stuck it in the back of her waist. She also took out a camouflage hat, tied her long hair on her head and put it on.    


In the blink of an eye, that woman from the prairie who seemed to be dragging her feet turned into a valiant soldier. Her eyes were especially big, and seemed to be filled with excitement.    


Raising her right foot, she used the bedsheet to wipe off her leather shoes before quickly walking out of the room.    


"You really can't judge a book by its cover. There are hidden talents everywhere in the martial arts world."    


Gao Fei sighed with emotion. Carrying the nylon bag with the lamb leg, he followed them out of the room and into the street.    


There were very few people here, and it was a vast area. The area was also ridiculously wide, so it was not a problem for them to drive four cars in a row, eight in the front and four in the back.    


Unlike last night when Gao Fei came, the midnight sky was a comfortable dark blue. The dark clouds had dispersed long ago, revealing bright stars. However, the night wind was very cold.    


Two large dark green Mitsubishi Land Cruisers were parked at both sides of Sarana Hotel's doors, like two monsters crouching quietly.    


Sarana walked in front of a car, opened the back door and said, "Put everything in the car. Sarana walked in front of a car, opened the back door and said," Put everything in the car.    


Gao Fei shook his head. "Never mind, I don't need to warm up for cigarettes."    


Sarana bent over and got into the car. After a moment, she jumped out with a box of cigarettes in her hand. After she tore the package open, she took one and lit it up before throwing it to Gao Fei.    


This was a cigarette made in Inner Mongolia. It tasted awful, spicy, and had a peculiar smell. After sucking in a mouthful of it, one would feel a burning sensation in their throat, as if there was chili peppers inside.    


But for those with a high addiction, it was better than nothing.    


Sarana leaned on the car door and looked Gao Fei up and down with her arms crossed. Her eyes shined under the starlight.    


Gao Fei wasn't used to being stared at by a barbaric looking woman, but he couldn't say anything and just silently smoked.    


"What's your name?"    


The half of the cigarette in Sarana's mouth trembled. It was obvious that she was an experienced smoker, so she didn't even need to take it off.    


Gao Fei pondered for a moment before saying: "Gao Fei."    


"Gao Fei? Un, this name is very vulgar, but it is very easy for people to remember it. "    



Sarana finally took down the cigarette in her mouth, and held it between two fingers of her right hand, pointing at Gao Fei from a distance: "If you are interested, can you guarantee that you can satisfy me within fifteen minutes? It's on the front of the car. "    


Gao Fei was stunned. "Play what?"    


Sarana said faintly, "When men and women are together, what can they play?"    


Gao Fei finally understood what she meant. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head and said, "Not interested, I mean, not in the mood."    


"Not in the mood? When I was changing, I was staring at me. "Hmph, you Chinese people are all hypocrites. You clearly want to do it, but you don't dare to do it. You don't even dare to say it out loud."    


Sarana snorted coldly and ignored him. She walked to the front of the car and sat down.    


The night wind blew, lifting up the large camouflage clothes and making a light whistling sound.    


Looking at this straightforward, or rather barbaric woman, Gao Fei was at a loss. He didn't know where to go with his sharp tongue, but he finally found an excuse: "We are civilized people …"    


When Gao Fei lit up the second cigarette, he saw two dim lights on the road to the south.    


Sarana's legs dangled as she kicked the tire with the heels of her leather boots. "Your men are here."    


Gao Fei took out his phone and looked. It was 12: 30 PM.    


When those two dots of light gradually became two lights, Gao Fei suddenly looked at Sarana and said: "Actually, you don't need to go, you can rest assured. I will still pay for what you should give me."    


Sarana jumped down from the car and walked in front of Gao Fei. She said, "Why?"    


Gao Fei was not used to the scent of the woman on the prairie. He subconsciously took two steps back and said: "You still have children, and this hotel needs your care."    


Sarana laughed. Her teeth were white in the night sky and shone with Bai Ci's radiance. "Since I have accepted your money, then I will do what I need to do for you. If I die there, the child need not be bothered, because he can already take care of himself. "    


Gao Fei frowned and asked, "How old is he?"    


Sarana replied softly, "Little Wu Li is already eight years old. He's like a gyrfalcon that has just been released into the air. He can completely break out of his own world."    


The eight-year-old was in the mainland, in the days of his parents' arms, yelling about Transformers, Barbie dolls, and other toys, but here his mother saw him as a man who could live on his own.    


No wonder the grassland people could create such a huge world. This was related to the way they raised their children, and the cruel living environment.    


Woo, woo, woo!    


Along with the powerful sound of a motor, a small Chinese minibus whizzed over and stopped only when it was about three or four meters away from Sarana.    


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