Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C220 You Two Get out of Here

C220 You Two Get out of Here

0There was a very romantic bar near the entrance of Shen Yinbing's district.    


However, she didn't want to drink here. After all, she had already lived in this district for more than a year. Even if she didn't want to get to know anyone, they would still know her.    


Director Shen, who existed as a proud and reserved person in the eyes of the neighborhood, didn't want people who knew her to see her drinking. If they did, they would definitely laugh at her and speculate that she had been dumped by a man.    


For an outstanding girl like Director Shen, being dumped by a man was undoubtedly the most painful and the most shameful. Thus, she would never drink near a small district, nor would she return to her Su Family Villa.    


She wanted to find a hotel where no one knew her.    


Thus, she remembered the Rice Flower Incense Hotel at the side of the Daminn Lake, she was a member of the purple Gold Card there.    


The Rice Flower Incense Hotel floor wasn't too high, it was only around the seventeenth or eighteenth floor.    


Shen Yinbing had been to the hotel several times when she was dealing with clients and knew that there was an open-air bar on the roof of the hotel.    


Sitting on the balcony of a high-rise, looking at the stars in the sky, drinking the wine that could be used for beauty and enjoying the night breeze that was as clear as a human's hand, it was as if they were far away from the hubbub.    


When Shen Yinbing arrived at Rice Flower Incense Hotel, it was already around 9: 30 PM. Luxurious cars were parked all over the hotel.    


After entering the lobby, Shen Yinbing took out a purple and gold VIP card from her bag and told the waiter, "I'd like a 92-year-old Lafite, a bucket of popcorn, and a box of Great Dynasty cigarettes. Take them to the roof."    


Shen Yinbing had never smoked before, but tonight she wanted to try it out.    


The reason why she called out the name of the dynasty was because she saw that Gao Fei always smoked this brand of cigarettes. It was just a psychological reaction that even she didn't know about.    


"Yes, Miss Shen Yinbing. I will inform the roof immediately to prepare your order for you."    


The waiter took the purple Gold Card, looked at it, and returned it back to her. He politely nodded and smiled, then raised his hand to point at the elevator and made a "please" gesture.    


An open-air bar with Rice Flower Incense Hotel wasn't something that just anyone could enter. One needed a VIP card, a Purple-Gold VIP card, in order to make those rich people feel proud, and willingly pay quite a large entrance fee every year.    


Just as Shen Yinbing stepped into the elevator and the waiter was about to head for the bar, someone called out from behind her, "Please wait!"    


The waiter turned around and saw a tall girl with short hair and long narrow eyes. She was wearing a black T-shirt, breeches, and black Nike sneakers. She looked exceptionally beautiful.    


She was very stylish, very charming. If her eyes weren't so bright that no one dared to look at her, then a girl would probably be willing to befriend her!    


"The waiter praised her in his heart, before smiling and asking," "Young lady, is there anything I can help you with?"    


The girl looked at the elevator and said flatly, "A friend of mine invited me here for a drink."    


The waiter asked, "Which room is your friend in?"    


The girl shook her head. "I don't know the specifics. Her name is Shen Yinbing."    


The waiter had just seen Shen Yinbing's VIP card, so he remembered her name. He quickly said, "Oh, so you're a friend of Miss Shen's. She went to the Sky Platform Bar."    


"Yes, thank you."    


The girl nodded her thanks and quickly walked towards the elevator.    


The waiter raised his hand and was about to remind her that without a purple gold membership card, she was not qualified to go to the Heaven Stage, but after thinking about how she was the master's friend, he did not stop her.    


After the girl entered the elevator, she took out a mask that was as thin as a cicada's wing from her pocket …    


By the time Shen Yinbing arrived, there were about seventeen or eighteen rich people gathered in the open-air bar on the roof.    


There were men and women, and most of them were young people. There were couples, but there were also single people.    


Standing at the edge of the roof and looking towards the south, one could see the rippling Daminn Lake of water, and one could even more so see the lights in the city being merged with the starlight in the distance, which made one feel as if they did not know heaven and earth.    


The night wind blew Shen Yinbing's long hair, making her mood much better.    


The waiter brought a silver tray to her and placed it on the white table. After respectfully asking her to take it slowly in a low voice, he quietly left.    


On the tray, Shen Yinbing ordered cigarettes, popcorn, a goblet, an ashtray filled with fine sand, and a stack of napkins.    


Seated on the chair, Shen Yinbing first poured herself half a glass of red wine, then gently shook it as she took a sip. She picked up her cigarette, hesitated for a moment, then put it down.    


Smoking was harmful to one's health. This was common knowledge. It was extremely harmful to beautiful women.    


However, as soon as her hand left the cigarette, she immediately grabbed it and clumsily tore open the seal. She picked up a cigarette that looked like Gao Fei and put it in her mouth before starting to light it up.    


Those who could not smoke were like those who could not drink alcohol. When they first came in contact with this thing, they did not understand it well at all. Just like Director Shen who, after lighting up the cigarette, took a deep breath with a satisfied expression.    


She was about to smoke like Gao Fei, but when she blew the smoke out of her nose, her lungs suddenly contracted and she started to cough violently.    


Shen Yinbing's violent cough attracted the attention of the two young talents.    


Brother Wang looked at Shen Yinbing, who was violently coughing, and blinked his eyes at Zhang Di.    


The two of them smiled in understanding, stood up and walked towards Shen Yinbing.    


Relying on their rich experience of picking up girls, Wang Ge and Zhang Di could tell that Director Shen had fallen in love with her with just a glance.    


When a beauty was lovelorn and attempted to use alcohol and cigarettes to free herself, her vigilance was at its weakest. It was very easy for her to have thoughts of abandoning herself, allowing someone like Brother Wang and Zhang Di to take advantage of her.    


F * ck, he's never going to smoke again. This isn't pleasure at all, this is asking for human life.    


Director Shen, who had coughed for two minutes, finally stopped. She lifted her flushed face, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and saw two men sitting opposite her.    


"Brother Wang looked concerned." "Beauty, is it all right?"    


"No, nothing, I just accidentally choked."    


Shen Yinbing didn't like it when people came to disturb her, but since they cared about her, she didn't say anything. She put the cigarette in the ashtray and waved it away.    


Zhang Di continued, "Beauty, did you encounter some trouble?" "If I could talk to my brothers and talk to them, I might feel better."    


Shen Yinbing didn't even look at Zhang Di as she turned her head to look at the lake below the rooftop. "If you all stay away from me now, my mood will be much better."    



Although Director Shen had a childish mind, she wasn't stupid. She knew that the two of them were the kind people who didn't have any ulterior motives, so she rejected them straightforwardly.    


Brother Wang and Brother Zhang did not care about Director Shen's refusal. Based on their rich experience, they knew that girls always put on airs before they gave in to their own depravity, so they smiled even more gently. "Hehe, beauty, don't say it like that. The ancients only cultivated the same boat for a hundred years. We are sitting together now. We have at least cultivated for a few hundred years."    


Before Wang Ge could finish his words, Shen Yinbing waved them off. Otherwise, when they were about to call the waiter, a cold voice rang out from beside them, "You two, scram!"    


"Who the hell is this guy? How dare he talk to us like this!"    


Brother Wang and Brother Zhang both flew into a rage. They suddenly looked to the left and were about to slam the table and curse, but were suddenly stunned. They saw a very scary face, covered in green and red blood, like a ghost that escaped from hell.    


If it was anyone else who had seen this face, they would definitely be so scared that they would scream and run away, or even faint on the spot.    


However, Brother Wang and Brother Zhang were the most elite in society. They had participated in many of the Halloween Ghost-Face Ball events and knew that there were no ghosts in the world. The person in front of them was just wearing a mask.    


"Cao, you think I'm afraid of you just because you're wearing a grimace!"    


Zhang Di cursed as he stood up and grabbed at the ghost face. "Come, let this brother see your true face!"    


Before Zhang Di could finish his sentence, Demon Face grabbed his hand and pulled him behind him!    


Then, Zhang Di's body, which weighed over 70 kg, flew out like a kite and landed heavily on the rooftop mountain. It was a very standard action, like a dog eating sh * t!    


Before Zhang Di could even finish screaming, before Brother Wang could do anything, he saw a white light flash in front of his eyes, and the crisp sound of a slap sounded in his ear. His head suddenly twisted to the right, almost breaking his neck.    


"F * ck, how dare you hit someone so casually!"    


Brother Wang was furious. Suddenly, he slammed the table and stood up. Then, a black and cold handgun was pointed at his face.    


"If you don't want to die, then scram."    


The well-informed Brother Wang has never been hit on the head by a gun before.    


Looking at the gun shining black under the light, he suddenly couldn't hold back the urge to piss. His legs trembled as he said, "I, I will get lost, now, immediately get lost."    


Ghost Face's gun slowly followed Brother Wang to the center of the rooftop. He pointed it at the other customers and the three waiters and coldly said, "All of you, get out. The last one to close the door."    


With a whoosh, all twenty plus people, including the waiter, rushed to the entrance of the rooftop.    


Because the heels of the shoes were too high, it was not convenient to run away. Zhang Di, who had lost a few teeth, couldn't even keep up as he ran to the door all of a sudden.    


He fell to the ground.    


The girl was so frightened that she forgot to stand up. She raised her hand and screamed, "Darling, come and give me a hand!"    


Her Darling had long rushed to the stairs. The couple were originally birds in the same woods, so they each flew their own time when faced with a great calamity. What's more, they weren't husband and wife.    


Demon Face looked at the crying girl lying on the ground and quickly walked over.    


"Don't, don't kill me, I, I'll leave, I'll leave!"    


Seeing Demon Face walking over, the girl was so scared that she forgot to cry, and she struggled to crawl towards the door.    


Grimface ignored the girl's pleas and bent down to pick up her hair. He dragged her to the door like he was dragging a broken sack. He casually threw her out and slammed the anti-theft door, locking it behind him with a 'kacha' sound.    


With a grimace, he turned around and looked at Shen Yinbing, who was standing on the rooftop without knowing what to do. A sneer flashed across his eyes. With a flip of his left hand, he took out a piece of nylon rope.    


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