Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C274 Terrible Dreams

C274 Terrible Dreams

0The Yellow River came from the sky and flowed to the sea, never to return!    


Shen Yinbing usually felt depressed in her chest, or if there were any problems, she would habitually come to the riverside and sit on the grass as she gazed at the Yellow River. Her mood would then have a good turn.    


It was a sunny day in autumn, and very few cars were moving on the highway. The surroundings were quiet, except for the rustling of the leaves in the early autumn breeze.    


Shen Yinbing came to the riverside again and looked around. She then followed the small path that the tourists had taken and entered the flood prevention forest.    


The flood forest was long and hairless, but it was only about a hundred or two hundred meters wide. The dense foliage blocked out the sun, giving off a gloomy feeling.    


Soon, Shen Yinbing would pass through the forest and reach the river.    


But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that not far ahead, there was a willow tree, and it seemed that someone was standing close to the tree.    


Shen Yinbing subconsciously stopped and raised her head.    


The man's head was bowed, and it was impossible to tell what he looked like, but there was gray hair on his temples.    


"Eh, why is this person standing here alone?"    


Just as this thought had surfaced in Shen Yinbing's mind, her entire body suddenly jolted as if she had been struck by lightning!    


She did not see what that person looked like, but she felt that the clothes he wore were especially familiar.    


That set of clothes was what her father, Su Beishan, used to wear when he was still alive.    


Of course, there were many people in the real world who wore the same clothes, and no one was able to tell by just wearing the same clothes that the person was someone else.    


However, when that person slowly raised his head, Shen Yinbing's pale face turned ashen. Sweat gushed out like a fountain. "Dad! This person is really my dad!"    


Shen Yinbing was not mistaken, that person was her biological father, Su Beishan.    


However, she couldn't believe that this person was her own father.    


It was because there was a small rope tied around Su Beishan's neck. It was so tight that it almost broke his Adam's apple. Su Beishan had no choice but to open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue.    


His tongue was greyish white, with a very long protrusion, like the bulging eyeballs in his eye sockets!    


He was clearly a dead man, but when he lifted his head, his bulging eyeballs moved slightly and looked at Shen Yinbing.    


The whole world seemed to be frozen in place. Shen Yinbing felt a buzzing in her head, but she could still hear her father's voice!    


Su Beishan's voice was gentle and sinister. "Xiaobing, my darling, you're here. Daddy really misses you."    


Shen Yinbing's entire body was trembling, like a pendulum.    


Although Su Beishan was her biological father, she shouldn't be afraid of him no matter what he looked like.    


But now, she was scared to death. Her only thought was to turn around and run. The farther the better. She would never return to this flood prevention forest again.    


However, no matter how much she wanted to run, her feet felt like they were nailed to the ground, unable to move at all.    


Just when Shen Yinbing felt her heart nearly jump out of her chest, Su Beishan smiled. What kind of smile would it be when his tongue was outside?    


That laughter was the cry of a night owl, and it was also a hundred times better than the laugh he let out!    


But he did laugh, "Hehe, Xiaobing, don't be afraid, Daddy won't hurt you. I came to see you just to ask, did you get that scripture book from Gao Fei? The color of the book was brown, with the words "Anggui Classic" written in small letters, it was about five to six centimeters thick. Xiaobing, that book was lied to by Gao Fei. You must bring it to me, or else I won't be able to live a peaceful life. "Xiaobing, Xiaobing!"    


Dad, dad, I will definitely bring you back the scripture, I will definitely let you have a peaceful life!    


Shen Yinbing screamed in her heart as she clenched her fists.    


"But I don't believe it, because you care too much about Gao Fei, and most importantly, he would never give you the scripture. Because that scripture contains a secret. Whoever obtains that scripture will have a great amount of manpower and resources. "    


As Su Beishan said this, he suddenly stretched out his hands towards Shen Yinbing and began to struggle violently. It seemed as if he was going to break free of the rope and walk over to her.    


However, no one knew what the rope was made of. It was very tenacious, no matter how Su Beishan struggled, it could only go deeper into Su Beishan's neck.    


There was even some blood flowing out from Su Beishan's neck.    


The most terrifying thing was that Shen Yinbing saw her father's stomach swell up as if something was trying to break out of it.    


Shen Yinbing had seen ghost movies before, but the scene in front of her eyes was a hundred times scarier!    


Most importantly, if you see a ghost film you can close your eyes or turn off the TV.    


But now, not only was Shen Yinbing frozen, she couldn't even close her eyes. She could only watch Su Beishan struggle as his stomach swelled up!    


"Xiaobing, Xiaobing!"    


Su Beishan screamed out in pain as he waved his hands, causing the willow tree to sway and leaves to fall.    


Under the intense struggle, Su Beishan looked like he was about to pull his head off his body (the rope was already halfway down his neck). The thing inside his stomach was moving more and more crazily, but Shen Yinbing could only stay where she was and let her be surrounded by extreme fear.    


"No, don't come over. Dad, dad, I'm begging you, please don't come over, I'm scared, I'm scared!"    


Shen Yinbing could finally make a sound and beg nonstop.    


However, Su Beishan ignored her pleas and continued to struggle!    


"Dad, I'm begging you!"    


Seeing Su Beishan about to break free from the rope and pounce at her, Shen Yinbing was so scared that her entire body went limp. Suddenly, someone jumped down from the sky.    


Upon seeing this person, Shen Yinbing was overjoyed!    


In this person's hand, there was a very oddly shaped sharp sword.    


The sword was maroon in color. The blade was not long, but it was curved beautifully, like a golden snake that was about to rise from the ground.    


Even without her common weapon knowledge, Shen Yinbing knew that this was a serpentine sword.    



Shen Yinbing was ecstatic, not because she saw the sword, but because of the person holding the sword, Gao Fei!    


"Gao Fei!"    


As Shen Yinbing shouted in ecstasy, Su Beishan finally broke free of the rope. With a hideous expression on his face, he lifted his hands and pounced towards Gao Fei. She immediately cried out in fright, "Gao Fei, be careful!"    


Facing the ghost-like Su Beishan, Gao Fei actually had the free time to turn around and smile at Shen Yinbing.    


That smile was like the early spring sun, bringing with it a vigorous life force that made Shen Yinbing infatuated.    


But immediately, she saw an unimaginable scene: Gao Fei, using the snake shaped sword in his hand, pierced into Su Beishan's stomach and then fiercely stabbed upwards!    


Then, Shen Yinbing saw her father's stomach being cut open with her own eyes!    


"Ah, Gao Fei, no!"    


Seeing her father's stomach being cut open, her blood being thicker than water, she instantly forgot how scared she was of him. Just as she shouted out these words, she suddenly froze on the spot: from Su Beishan's stomach that was cut open, a snake-like monster rushed out, squeaking and pouncing towards Gao Fei like a Crossbow Arrow.    


Gao Fei slid horizontally at the same time. The snake shaped sword in his right hand sliced down like lightning and cut the monster into two.    


The monster that was cut into two had its lower body fall into the grass, but its upper body still shot towards Gao Fei with its mouth wide open.    


Gao Fei raised his hand and pointed the tip of the snake shaped sword at the snake like monster's open mouth.    


With a soft sizzling sound, the sharp tip of the sword came out from behind the snake-like creature.    


Gao Fei's right hand shook and the serpentine sword left his hand. With half of the monster's body, Gao Fei nailed the sword to a tree.    


The half of the monster's body twisted crazily for a moment before it finally stopped moving.    


Who used a rope to tie my father to a tree?    


What was that monster in his stomach?    


What was going on?    


Shen Yinbing stood there dumbly, looking at Su Beishan who fell to the ground with a splitting headache.    


Suddenly, a shrill and short whistle came from the depths of the forest: "Squeak!"    


Then, Shen Yinbing saw Su Beishan, who was lying on his back on the ground just now, stand up like a carp. Ignoring the blood that was still dripping out from his cut stomach, he turned around and jumped out of the forest like a zombie, heading towards the wide river.    


"Gao Fei, my dad, he, he, Gao Fei, where did you go!?"    


Shen Yinbing was about to ask Gao Fei, but she suddenly realized that he had disappeared.    


Suddenly, a huge wave of fear rose from the bottom of her heart, prompting Shen Yinbing to shout Gao Fei's name crazily.    


However, Shen Yinbing didn't see Gao Fei. Instead, she saw a white-haired woman with a face as pale as a ghost. She was glaring at Gao Fei from under a tree deep in the flood forest.    


That woman's eyes were like a poisonous snake hidden in the darkness, more like a ghost that had just sneaked out from the gates of hell to find its prey.    


"Gao Fei, Gao Fei, where did you go?"    


Shen Yinbing, who was covered in hair from the woman's gaze, staggered backwards. When she was blocked by a tree, she was horrified to see that the woman's feet had actually left the ground and flew over.    


As the woman flew through the air, she produced a black bamboo whistle and blew on it.    


The whistles were sometimes long and sometimes short. Sometimes high and sometimes low.    


Following the sound of the whistle, Shen Yinbing suddenly noticed that there were thousands of poisonous snakes in the surrounding grass.    


The poisonous snakes raised their bodies and spat out their scarlet tongues. Their mouths issued a terrifying hissing sound as they wriggled towards Shen Yinbing. In the blink of an eye, they surrounded her body.    


With another sharp whistle, at least thirty poisonous snakes flew up from the ground and coiled around Shen Yinbing's body, not waiting for her to react.    




Shen Yinbing let out a hysterical scream. As her hands subconsciously grabbed for the poisonous snakes, a caring woman's voice came from the depths of the clouds, "Xiaobing, Xiaobing, wake up, wake up. Have you had a nightmare again?"    


This voice was like Buddha's burning sound, causing all the poisonous snakes and the white-haired woman with a pair of terrifying eyes to disappear without a trace. However, there was the crisp sound of a car horn filled with life coming from outside.    


Shen Yinbing abruptly opened her eyes and looked up. She saw a face full of concern: Yan Hong.    


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