Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C284 The Beginning of the Story

C284 The Beginning of the Story

0Liang Jiaojiao was also stunned when she couldn't see Peng Yuanhang due to the blind look in Gao Fei's eyes.    


However, she soon understood why Gao Fei said that. She immediately looked left and right, while her left hand, which was hidden behind her back, pointed at the door and waved at Peng Yuanhang: "Yeah, other than the few of us in the room, I didn't see anyone else."    


Shen Yinbing was getting impatient. She was about to say something when Gao Fei put his arm around her waist and walked towards the window. "Ah, look at the heavy rain outside. Appreciating the heavy rain is also a pleasure."    


No matter how foolish Peng Yuanhang was, he finally understood that Gao Fei wanted to let him go. He quickly got up from the ground and stumbled out of the ward, disappearing in a flash.    


"Gao Fei, what exactly is going on? Why did you let him go!"    


After seeing Peng Yuanhang run out of the ward, Shen Yinbing pushed him away anxiously.    


Without waiting for Gao Fei's reply, Shen Yinbing's expression changed. She then said, "I know, I know why you let him go on purpose."    


"Oh, then tell me, why should I deliberately let him go?"    


"Because he is the son of the Jinan City Master!"    


"You're finally enlightened …"    


Just as Gao Fei spoke up to this point, he heard Shen Yinbing say with a disappointed tone: "You were afraid that if you offended Peng Yunmu, it would bring about great trouble to your restaurant, so that you won't be able to mix in Jinnan anymore, so you let him go!"    


"Mm, you're right. I'm really afraid of being hated by a city lord."    


Gao Fei slowly stopped smiling. He nodded and walked out with his hands behind his back.    


"Gao Fei, stop right there!"    


Shen Yinbing stomped her foot lightly and chased after him. However, Gao Fei walked straight into the elevator without stopping.    


Shen Yinbing stood at the door, staring blankly at the elevator. Finally, she felt as if the situation wasn't as she had imagined.    


At this moment, Liang Jiaojiao's sigh came from behind him, "Hey, Director Shen, you're wrong about Gao Fei."    


Shen Yinbing turned around and asked puzzledly, "How did I blame him?"    


Liang Jiaojiao retorted, "Director Shen, do you think Peng Yuanhang is the murderer of Tong Hai?"    


Shen Yinbing thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No. Although I don't know how to fight or kill, but I can tell that the person pretending to be Gao Fei is very powerful. And his eyes are especially fierce. Peng Yuanhang can't be compared with him."    


Liang Jiaomei nodded, "That's right. Director Shen, you're right. It was precisely because of this that Gao Fei was able to tell that he was not the murderer." As for why Peng Yuanhang is here with those two fake nurses, it's just like he said himself, he can't say it, and we can't ask either. "    


Before Shen Yinbing could ask anything, she added, "Because of this matter, it concerns his father, Peng Yunmu. If I took Peng Yuanhang away, do you think Peng Yunmu would have let it go? "    


Shen Yinbing said coldly, "So what if he doesn't want to give up? Wasn't he just a city lord? In ancient times, there were still princes who violated the law, while commoners were guilty of the same crime. Could it be that just because Peng Yuanhang is his son, he can commit crimes? "    


Liang Jiaojiao smiled bitterly, "Director Shen, I admit that you are an elite in the market. However, you do not understand the current Holy Court officials. Let me tell you something. If we take Peng Yuanhang away, the first thing Peng Yunmu hates is not Gao Fei, but you, Director Shen, and your Beishan Group. Do you think that with your strength, you'll be a match for him and the huge faction behind him? "    


Shen Yinbing blankly shook her head. "But …"    


Liang Jiaojiao raised her hand and interrupted her, "No buts." After finding out that Peng Yuanhang wasn't the killer, he could only let him go. This way, the Peng father and son may absolutely be ashamed of you, and then compensate you in disguised form. As for why Peng Yuanhang came to the hospital tonight and the background of the two fake nurses who came with him, I believe the father and son of the Peng Family will give an explanation and Gao Fei will also investigate secretly. "    


Sighing, Liang Jiaojiao said, "Director Shen, there are some words that I can only touch on. As for the specifics, you'll have to figure them out yourself. But no matter what, Gao Fei was doing it for your own good. If you think he is afraid of Peng Yunmu, then you are completely wrong. Back then when you encountered such elegant difficulties with your Jingdu City, didn't he also help you settle it? "    


"Director Shen, go to Yan Hong's sickroom and think about it. I'm going to call the Enforcer to come over."    


Throwing this sentence, Liang Jiaojiao turned around and walked to the nurses' office. (The nurse on duty on the eleventh floor had received Liang Jiaojiao's instruction to not come out no matter what had happened outside.)    


"Why can't I understand it? "Am I really that stupid?"    


Shen Yinbing mumbled this sentence in a daze. When she accidentally saw the corpse hanging on the wall and the blood that had started to coagulate on the floor, she was so scared that her whole body trembled. She quickly walked toward the stairs.    


When Gao Fei walked out of the Inpatient Department's lobby, it was already 4: 30 in the morning. The sky in the east had already turned white. Compared to the night in early autumn, he had been lazy for more than an hour.    


Standing in front of the car, Gao Fei opened his arms and took a deep breath.    


The fresh air smelled eerily of the hospital's special soda.    


Gao Fei rubbed his eyes that were a bit itchy, then he walked out of the hospital and arrived by the side of the road without driving.    


There were some things he needed to think about.    


There were almost no cars on the road. The road was wide and empty.    


What were the origins of those two fake nurses?    


What was their relationship with Peng Yuanhang?    


Is this matter related to the City Lord, Peng Yunmu?    


Thinking of these questions, Gao Fei put his hands behind his back and walked east along the sidewalk.    


He walked for about a hundred meters when two snow-white lights lit up on the roadside not far ahead.    


It was the headlights of a car.    


Gao Fei squinted forward and saw two people standing in front of the car as if they were waiting for someone.    


His feet didn't stop moving forward at a normal speed. When he was about seven or eight meters away from the car, he heard someone ask: "Gao Fei?"    


Gao Fei stopped and asked, "Who are you?"    


The lights of the car went out. Dawn came and Gao Fei saw the person on the left side of the car.    


It was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was not very tall, about 1.75 meters, with a head full of hair that was very stylish. He wore a black trench coat around his White Shirt s.    


When Gao Fei saw that person's face, his heart moved. He thought of a person and said, "You are City Lord Peng Yunmu."    


The middle-aged man smiled: "That's right, I'm Peng Yunmu." Ha ha, Gao Fei, you have such a good memory. We only met once before, and you already remember me. "    


Gao Fei and Peng Yunmu had met before in the Su Family Villa, and that was the second time they went to Su Family after Gao Fei was poisoned by the white baboon's infectious disease.    



Gao Fei also smiled and took two steps forward. "Mayor Peng, you aren't specifically waiting for me, right?"    


"I was just waiting for you."    


Peng Yunmu turned his face to the driver and whispered something to him.    


The driver agreed, turned around, and got into the car.    


Peng Yunmu raised his hand and pointed at a small flower bed on the roadside not far away, "Gao Fei, let's chat over there?"    


Gao Fei nodded and replied, "Sure, I was just thinking of talking to someone."    


The two of them slowly walked to the small flower bed and stood still.    


Gao Fei raised his head to look at the southern night sky and muttered, "This is such a beautiful city. It is clean, fresh, and full of vitality. It is definitely a type of happiness to be able to live in this city peacefully."    


Gao Fei was definitely not one of those scoundrels that lamented upon the scene. He said all of this with the intention of beating Peng Yunmu up: As a Jinan City Master, don't you feel guilty participating in some shady plot?    


Peng Yunmu didn't seem to hear him, he also looked towards the southern night sky and sighed: "Hai, yes, this is indeed a beautiful city, it is the birthplace of the prehistoric culture 'Longshan Culture'. In the Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago, the Emperor officially named this city JN. In the time of the Hanling Emperor, Cao Cao was also a minister of Jinan. His political achievements were quite impressive. "    


Gao Fei smiled. "Looks like you and Prime Minister Cao are quite similar."    


"Young man, don't try to imply that I have Cao Cao's ambition. Actually, there are many things that I can't help but do as well. "    


Peng Yunmu smiled bitterly and asked, "Are you interested in listening to my story?"    


Gao Fei said, "As a person, I love listening to stories the most."    


"I have to start from the Great Emperor Han Wu."    


Peng Yunmu took the cigarette from Gao Fei, lit it and took a deep breath, then said slowly: "In the hearts of the people, Emperor Han Wu is the most important Emperor like Qin Shi Huang. It was during his reign that the Huns of the north were repelled,    


He had recaptured the Western Regions. However, the main character of the story is neither Emperor Wu of the Han nor the Han Dynasty, but rather the ancient kingdom of Lou Lan in the Western Regions. "    


After hearing Peng Yunmu talk about Lou Lan, he blurted out, "Western Region's ancient Lou Lan? It's Lou Lan again! "    


Peng Yunmu looked at Gao Fei, "Looks like you really have the [Anggui Scripture]. Otherwise, you wouldn't have such a huge reaction."    


"You also know about the《 Anggui Scripture》?"    


Gao Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "I got it, you and Su Beishan are both members of an organization, that's why you tried to take that scripture away, right?"    


Peng Yunmu did not answer Gao Fei's question, but started to tell him a story instead. "According to the textbook, Lou Lan disappeared more than 1600 years ago, but in reality, the real Lou Lan did not exist. According to the modern textbook, the date of Lou Lan's disappearance was determined by historical historians based on an emerging cultural relic."    


Along with Peng Yunmu's deep yet magnetic voice, Gao Fei heard a legend about Lou Lan that he had never heard before...    


In 117 BC, the monarch of Lou Lan was called Youhuo.    


Although Lou Lan was powerful, his land area was small and his population was no more than a few hundred thousand. He was short on material resources and relied on his status as a transit point for the Silk Road. However, he was stuck between the Dahan Empire and the Huns.    


Between the lines.    


In order to protect Lou Lan's interests, the various generations of monarchs were forced into a corner. They did not offend the Dahan Empire nor did they make an enemy out of the Huns.    


In 118 B.C., under the coercion of the remaining forces of the Huns, the barbarians ambushed the envoys of the countries of the Western Regions, causing heavy casualties.    


Peng Yunmu sighed and said, "Ai, this is the beginning of the story."    


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