Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C248 Lou Lan in the Classic of Tranquility

C248 Lou Lan in the Classic of Tranquility

0The third from last painting was a young Chinese emperor, who was crying loudly into the sky while beating his chest.    


At the foot of the steps below him was a group of armored Chinese generals, all of them clasping their hands in a gesture of persuasion, as if they were about to issue a decree of war.    


The penultimate painting was relatively simpler.    


Under the lead of many generals, a few soldiers carrying large Chinese flags charged into the city gate of the desert city.    


The master of the city was in his own palace, slicing his own neck with a dagger.    


Behind him, a young girl was being pulled by a few ministers. She was crying as she stretched her arms out, as if to prevent her master from committing suicide.    


The last painting, similar to the first, was still a look down: a vast expanse of desert, a long caravan of camels.    


However, the camel train was moving in the opposite direction. There was no city on the screen. The celestial body that should have been either the sun or the moon was gone. It was a dark mass of sand.    


Gao Fei roughly calculated that there were a total of twenty-four illustrations. Aside from the ones that gave birth to the children, the rest of the illustrations showed a relatively independent story.    


Lighting a cigarette, Gao Fei frowned and thought for a long time. He vaguely understood what story these illustrations were about.    


The main idea of the story was that a long time ago, there was a country built on the desert. They had their own prosperous economy, and from generation to generation, they lived happily with their people.    


However, on a certain day in a certain year, a Chinese general with the surname 'Huo' suddenly led people to invade this country.    


And so the war destroyed all this, and people could no longer live the good life they once had, and began to resist, and finally killed the General of the Han Dynasty, who seemed to be surnamed Huo, and drove the Han people out of the city.    


After the death of General Huo, the Chinese emperor burst into tears. His generals all requested that they set off for the desert city.    


In the end, under the attack of the generals, the desert city was destroyed and the monarch committed suicide.    


The king's descendant, a little girl, was rescued by the minister.    


This desert city disappeared on a certain day that was filled with yellow sand.    


Thinking of this, Gao Fei's mind flashed like lightning as he recalled the name of the dynasty that had disappeared: Lou Lan!    


According to the Legend of the Western Regions of Han Dynasty, long before the second century, Lou Lan was a famous city in the Western Regions. The ancient Silk Road separated Lou Lan's path from the north and south.    


In the Han Dynasty, the Lou Lan Country sometimes became the eyes and ears of the Huns, sometimes became an ally of the Han. It played with the policy of being a two-sided faction, somewhere between the Han and the Huns.    


Since Zhang Qian's successful mission to the Western Regions, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had listened to Zhang Qian's advice and wanted to open a path to the Great Wing and other countries. Lou Lan and his teacher had blocked his path, and they had attacked and looted the Han Dynasty to make Wang Hui et al. They had also repeatedly served as the eyes and ears of the Huns, notifying the Huns to send troops to stop the Han.    


Lou Lan's unorthodox methods had finally angered Emperor Wu Han. He ordered the Marquis of Ji Zhao Po Nu and the General Wang Hui to lead tens of thousands of troops to attack Lou Lan and his teacher before finally breaking Lou Lan and his teacher and capturing King of Loulan.    


When the Huns learned that Lou Lan had brought down Han, they sent troops to attack Lou Lan.    


Lou Lan did not dare to resist, so he sent his princes to both the Western Han and the Huns to serve them.    


During Li Guangli's expedition to the Great Zhou, Lou Lan was ordered by the Huns to launch an attack on the Han army's rear guard and was discovered by the Han army in the first century of the Wu Emperor (104 BC).    


Emperor Wu ordered Ren Wen of the Han Dynasty to capture Lou Lan and King of Loulan.    


Han will be ordered to reprimand King of Loulan, King of Loulan replied: "The small countries are stuck between the big countries, can't be at ease without being called ministers. I am willing to immigrate to the Han Dynasty. "    


Emperor Wu Chen understood the situation and let Lou Lan return. He also sent messengers to inform the Huns that the Huns were no longer close to Lou Lan.    


Gao Fei had read about this on the internet before, so he knew that the people fighting against Lou Lan were the ticket official, Zhao Po Nu, and the great general, Wang Hui.    


However, what was described in the illustration in the《 Anggui Scripture》 was a General with the surname Huo.    


In the history of mankind, there was only one general surnamed Huo, and that was the champion who made the Huns lament 'losing my Qilian Mountain, making my six beasts unable to rest, and losing my power, making my wife colorless'.    


However, Huo Quou had died on the road back from the western expedition in 117 BC. How could he possibly exterminate Lou Lan at the age of twenty-four?    


But if the General Huo was not Huo Quou, then who was the General Huo in the illustration?    


And most importantly, according to the 'Water Meridian Note', Lou Lan was seriously short of water after the East Han Dynasty due to a change of roads in the middle of the Tarim River. Only then did this once glorious, five-hundred-year-old ancient city become abandoned.    


Of course, according to modern scientists, it was the plague that had dealt People of Loulan the final blow.    


This was a terrifying, acute infectious disease. According to the legends, it was known as' Fever pit sickness'. One sick, one in the village, one dead, one family.    


In the face of such a catastrophe, People of Loulan's choice of escaping was the same as her previous migration. She was forced to flee.    


As a result, Lou Lan fell apart and people blindly went up the Tarim River. Wherever there was water and trees, they would go. Wherever they could live, they would go. As many as they could live could go.    


People of Loulan was on the verge of tears. They were on their way just in time for an unprecedented sandstorm. It was a huge burial ground for the dead. The sky was dark, the earth was dark, and sand flew and rocks flew, and the sound was like a ghost as a city scattered with a loud bang amidst the murk …    


Thus, the glorious Ancient City of Loulan would forever fade away from history.    


Even though People of Loulan, who was on the run for generations, had the dream of reviving Lou Lan, the dream could only be a dream.    


And, at the end, the dreamer could not wait.    


Lou Lan was still the territory of Windsand, the kingdom of the dead.    


This information could be obtained from the internet, but the illustrations of the《 Anggui Classic》 clearly stated that the Han people had eliminated Lou Lan. Lou Lan then disappeared.    


Actually, it was still a mystery how Lou Lan had disappeared.    


Just like the illustrations Gao Fei had seen, it said that Huo Quou had attacked Lou Lan and was ambushed by People of Loulan. After that, Emperor Han Wu became furious and sent countless generals to destroy Lou Lan.    


Was it a modern scientific research, or was it correct in the 'Classic of Water Meridians', or was it correct in the 'Classic of Anggui'?    


Gao Fei really did not understand. In fact, he did not want to understand either, as Lou Lan had long disappeared into the past two thousand years. This was an indisputable fact.    


What he was concerned about was what this《 Anggui Book》 had to say.    


In other words, there was a secret hidden inside.    


Otherwise, why would Su Beishan give the scripture to him so seriously before he died?    



Besides, the woman with the ghost face had kidnapped Shen Yinbing for this book.    


What made Gao Fei even more at a loss was that Su Beishan had once said that if he handed over this book, many people, including Lian Xue, would die.    


How could the safety of Lian Xue and the rest be related to this old book?    


The more Gao Fei thought about it, the bigger his head would become.    


But no matter what, this《 Anggui Scripture》 is very important, so important that Su Beishan would rather die than hand it over.    


Therefore, he had to preserve it well and find someone who could read the contents of the calligraphy piece to read to him.    


Thinking of this, Gao Fei suddenly thought of Qin Chengcheng.    


He remembered that Qin Chengcheng had once told him that her major in university was history, so it was highly likely that she would understand these small charms.    


Even if Qin Chengcheng didn't understand it, it didn't matter. The people who could understand the calligraphy were gone. At most, they could just hire someone to translate it. Mr. Gao wasn't short on money right now anyway.    


Help, while Gao Fei was staring at the book in a daze, someone knocked on the door.    




Gao Fei raised his head and asked. He put the book back into the black plastic bag, opened the drawer and put it inside.    


"Gao Fei, it's me, Lao Wang."    


Lao Wang's voice came from outside the door.    


"Oh, come in."    


The door opened and Lao Wang came in with a smiling face. He winked at Lao Wang before he spoke.    


Gao Fei laughed. "What? There's sand in your eyes?"    


"No. "Gao Fei, someone is looking for you."    


Lao Wang smiled and moved to the side.    


Behind him stood a petite woman. Although she wore simple clothes, it was impossible to conceal the ticklish charm that emanated from her body.    


It was Yan Hong.    


Gao Fei couldn't describe what he felt about Yan Hong.    


This was the first woman that had been conquered by him since he came to Jinnan.    


The craziness of this petite woman when she did that kind of thing could unwittingly arouse some of the strongest desires in a man. She was definitely the best partner in that aspect.    


Furthermore, Gao Fei could also tell that Yan Hong was sincere to him.    


However, it was because of the conflict between Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing that Yan Hong had always stood by Shen Yinbing's side without any hesitation. That was why he felt unhappy: [I served you with all my heart, but you became my enemy when you put on your pants …]    


It was because of this that Gao Fei's attitude towards her gradually became cold.    


Looking at Yan Hong, Gao Fei smiled and said, "Hehe, Deputy Director Yan is my guest. Please come in and have a seat."    


Towards the mockery in Gao Fei's words, Yan Hong forced a smile and walked into the office on her high heels.    


Lao Wang, whose eyes were full of jealousy and envy towards Gao Fei, closed the door for them and warned Lee Decai, who was trying to eavesdrop, with a serious expression.    


Gao Fei sat down and lit up a cigarette. "Deputy Director Yan came looking for me?"    


Without waiting for Yan Hong's reply, he suddenly realized, "Oh, I know. You came to find me to take your car back, right? Here, here's the key. "    


Last night, when Gao Fei rushed to save Shen Yinbing, he was driving Yan Hong's Ferrari.    


Similarly, he drove that car to see James and Bai Dai off. Liang Jiaojiao brought him back to the sub-bureau and drove him straight to the parking lot in front of the restaurant.    


"No, you can drive that car however long you want. If you don't give it to me, I won't ask you for it."    


Yan Hong didn't pick up the keys. She walked to the desk and leaned on it as she looked into Gao Fei's eyes and whispered: "Gao Fei, I came this time to invite you to the hospital to see Xiaobing."    


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