Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

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0In fact, at the beginning of autumn, when the corn was about to ripen, the red moon sometimes appeared at night.    


Because its eyes seemed to be covered in blood, it was also called the Blood Moon.    


The formation of the blood moon, if explained scientifically, is related to refraction, which occurs most often during a lunar eclipse.    


This is because the dense atmosphere absorbs the violet, blue, green, and yellow light. Only red light can penetrate through the atmosphere and refract it onto the surface of the moon, so we can still see the red moon hanging in the earth's shadow.    


In the sky.    


However, according to folklore, when the moon turns red this night is when the gates to hell open, so a large number of ghosts must be absorbed into the underworld. Thus, every night when the moon turns red, many people die accidentally.    


Shieh Hongyan, as a modern person, shouldn't have believed in those interesting folklore.    


But she did not dare to forget that on that night eighteen years ago, when there was a round Red Moon, many people died!    


The night Xiangzi died, there was also a blood-red moon in the sky.    


The night after the men died because of her, the blood moon also appeared!    


The thing that terrified Shieh Hongyan the most was the fact that on the night that Lou Lan, who had millions of people, perished, the blood moon in the sky was shockingly red.    


Every time a blood moon or a Red Moon appeared, people who were related to Shieh Hongyan would die. How could she not be afraid?    


The blood moon hanging high in the eastern night sky was like a devil's eye staring coldly at Shieh Hongyan. It carried a strange smile and a cruel disdain.    


She couldn't help but shiver. She quickly grabbed the old man and asked hoarsely, "Who, who are you!?"    


The old man replied, "My surname is Tong and my name is Tong Hai. "You definitely don't know me, but you definitely know Su Beishan, right?"    


"Su Beishan?"    


Shieh Hongyan suddenly came to her senses, "I know, I know, the person who stole the《 Anggui Scripture》 from me is Su Beishan!"    


"Right, right!?"    


Shieh Hongyan shook Tong Hai violently as she suddenly understood a lot of things. "The kidnapping of Shen Yinbing tonight is related to that scripture. Was it someone from West Palace, or was it someone from Middle Palace? "Where's Su Beishan? Where is he now?"    


Tong Hai said faintly: "He is 26 to 27 kilometers away from the Yellow River."    


"Where is he going?"    


As soon as Shieh Hongyan asked this question, she understood. "The kidnapper of the Lily. Let him send the book over there, right?"    


Hai Bo smiled, "Madam, you're right."    


Shieh Hongyan let go of Hai Bo's shoulder, turned around and ran towards the car, but stopped when she was about to open the car door. She turned around and looked at him, her voice carrying a calmness she never had before, "I know, you stayed here to take care of Shen Yinbing. So I want to ask you a favor. "    


Hai Bo walked over, "Speak, as long as it is within my capabilities."    


Shieh Hongyan looked at her daughter who had already run into the crowd. She took out a jade-green bracelet from her waist and handed it to Hai Bo. "If I don't come back tonight, please give it to Gao Fei. He can take good care of my daughter, just like father."    


Hai Bo took the jade bracelet slowly. "Are you sure you want to go?"    


Shieh Hongyan said firmly, "I must go, because that scripture has puzzled me for eighteen years. In these eighteen years, I have already paid the price of being forced to live in seclusion with the strongest woman in the world and the mistress of Anggui, Eastern Palace, for eighteen years. No matter what happens tonight, I must go! "    


Hai Bo nodded and kept the jade bracelet. "Good, then I wish you good luck."    


"Thank you."    


Shieh Hongyan raised her head to look at the direction where her daughter squeezed into the crowd. She bit her lips lightly, opened the door and got in the car. She then quickly turned around and sped away.    


Looking at the rear lights of the little red QQ car, Hai Bo sighed softly. "Sigh, even if you go, you won't be able to get the scripture, because it's in Gao Fei's hands."    


Gao Fei leaned on the roof railing. He was holding a cigarette in one hand and looking at the bomb remote control in the woman's hand.    


Ever since he had ascended to the roof, he had been wondering what he should do to seize the remote control.    


With Gao Fei's eyesight, he could tell that the woman with the ghost face was an expert. Otherwise, he wouldn't be sitting leisurely on the edge of the rooftop with a relaxed expression.    


The woman's hands were on the fence and her feet were wandering casually. From beginning to end, she kept humming "The eternal Anggui King" and she looked extremely much like a little girl in love who was waiting for her lover.    


Gao Fei moved slowly towards her at a speed that no one noticed: If I move another 30 centimeters, I will be able to grab her right hand and seize or knock the remote control down onto the roof. It will only be 30 centimeters!    


Just as Gao Fei's plan was about to succeed and he was about to approach the Wry Face Woman who was immersed in the song, the phone in her hand rang.    


The woman stopped singing and Gao Fei also stopped moving. He pretended to be indifferent as he looked towards Shen Yinbing and listened to her talking on the phone.    


The woman looked at the display of Shen Yinbing's cell phone and asked plainly after the call connected, "How's the situation over there? "Good, very good. Just follow the original plan and send Su Beishan back to his hometown."    


The woman's voice wasn't soft. Shen Yinbing, who was hanging upside down on the roof, also heard it.    


Even though Shen Yinbing's mind had been thrown into a state of drowsiness and chaos after a long period of suspense, the woman's words were like a bucket of cold water poured over her body, waking her up for a moment.    


She screamed, "No! Don't kill my father!"    


"Your dad should have died a long time ago!"    


The Wry Face Woman sneered and dialed another cell phone number. She said indifferently, "And you! This day next year will be the day of your father and daughter's sacrifice. But don't worry, before I get out of danger, you will be safe. Hello, I am going to release the hostages, I do not need any requirements, I only hope that you will not act rashly when I leave the hotel, or else the hostages will turn into pieces with a loud 'boom'.    


After notifying the Enforcer, the Wry Face Woman hung up the phone and casually threw it on the rooftop table. She then jumped down from the fence and nodded at Gao Fei: "Let's go!"    




Gao Fei replied. He suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the blood moon in the sky. His tone was full of surprise, "Eh, what is that!?"    


The woman turned her head to look and said with an indifferent smile, "Hehe, it's just a red moon."    


Before she could finish speaking, she heard a loud shout. Then, her right hand that was holding the remote control suddenly hurt, and the remote control flew out of the roof with a swoosh, quickly falling towards the Daminn Lake's water surface.    


"You're not Number Two!"    



The Wry Face Woman's reaction was really fast. After she was suddenly attacked and the remote control flew away with a kick, she reacted the most quickly. She pulled out a gun in her left hand and shot at Gao Fei!    


The crisp sound of a gunshot pierced the air and the sound of a helicopter was heard in all directions.    


Even though Gao Fei had already seen that the Wry Face Lady wasn't an ordinary person, the other party's reaction speed was beyond his expectations. Gao Fei had already seen that the Wry Face Woman wasn't an ordinary person, however, the other party's reaction speed had exceeded his expectations.    


On the air interview helicopter of South TV.    


Fortunately, this was just an ordinary pistol bullet, not an armor-piercing one. Furthermore, it was not a rocket that could directly blast through a helicopter. At most, it would only land near the aircraft cabin door, causing a dark red spark.    


Even so, the pilot was still shocked. He hurriedly pulled the lever and the plane rapidly rose up before turning around to fly away.    


However, Bai Ge shouted, "Don't go! Fly back! Fly back!"    


The pilot and cameraman both had bitter looks on their faces as they shouted, "My big white reporter, didn't you see that the bullets had all landed on our plane? They're playing with their lives!"    


Bai Ge shouted excitedly, "If we don't get into the tiger's den, how can we get into the tiger's den! If we want to gain more fame, we'll have to wait for this time. Fly back, quickly! "    


The pilot had no choice but to lower his altitude again and slowly make his way to the rooftop.    


Bai Ge looked at the two people fighting below and shouted with a loud voice, "Everyone, please take note, everyone, please take note! The hostages kidnapping case that lasted for almost two hours had a new development, which made people excited and confused. The two Ghost-masked thugs suddenly became angry and looked, the Ghost-masked man that kicked away the remote control of the bomb once again demonstrated his prowess and kicked the Ghost-faced woman's handgun away! Ah, she no longer has a gun, and she no longer has a remote to threaten her hostages. Where are our police officers, and where are our snipers!? "    


Actually, there was no need for Bai Ge to remind them. The snipers who occupied the three sides of the hotel had already seen this scene through the scope, but they did not dare to shoot carelessly for fear of accidentally injuring the Ghost-Masked Man (Gao Fei). They could only ask their commander in chief, Liu Changming, urgently.    


Now that he heard that the gangsters had suddenly caught fire, he immediately realized that one of them was a mysterious rescue worker. He quickly and harshly ordered each of the snipers that before he had absolute confidence, he should not recklessly shoot in order to avoid harming the rescue worker.    


Then, with a wave of his hand, a fully armed special police officer rushed into the hotel.    


After dodging three shots from the woman, Gao Fei finally kicked her pistol away again.    


At the same time, she kicked Gao Fei's pistol away. This way, the two of them would be empty-handed. Wrong, after the gun was kicked away, she immediately took out a military knife from her right leg.    


The kind that goes in all directions, cutting the head is definitely like cutting tofu.    


Gao Fei's greatest strength was close combat. Even though the enemy had a knife in his hand, he still relied on his strong fighting skills to guard the young, forcing the enemy to retreat step by step.    


Seeing that she was about to succeed, a strong enemy suddenly appeared in her grasp. The ghost lady was extremely angry, and she immediately realized that the subordinates she left in the hotel were definitely finished. That middle-aged couple must have been rescued as well.    


A large group of Enforcer s were rushing towards the roof.    


When she had the bomb remote control and hostages, she was naturally not afraid of the Enforcer.    


But now, the remote control and the hostage had already been lost, would the Enforcer still care about her?    


She was confident that the bullets would be given to her without cost.    


Right now, there were two things she needed to do the most. She needed to get rid of this guy who was pretending to be Number Two, and then kill Shen Yinbing before jumping into the water to escape!    


Unfortunately, her first wish seemed to be impossible to fulfill, because even with her bare hands, the enemy was still able to force her to retreat step by step, towards the entrance of the roof, forcing her to stay away from Shen Yinbing and the lake.    


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