Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C105 Negotiation

C105 Negotiation

0Without any explanation, Gao Fei started to rub the tissue hard on his elegant shirt.    


In just a few breaths, the yellow tea had dyed Young Master Gao's snow-white shirt completely.    


"Get out of the way, are you serious!?"    


Ye Zichen pulled his face down elegantly, raised his hand and pushed Gao Fei out.    


Gao Fei took two steps back and stood in front of Shen Yinbing. With a blank face, he said, "Young Master Gao, of course I'm sincere. We're all high leveled, but if we're not sincere, how can we still be considered human?"    


At this time, even Elegant myself could tell that Gao Fei was pretending to be stupid and unsatisfied because he was holding Shen Yinbing's small hand tightly. However, this kind of thing could not be pointed out, Yan Hong stood up in time to smooth things over: "Heh, heh, Young Master Gao, don't be angry, he's just like this, once he sees a big character he's easily moved, once he gets excited he's at a loss for what to do, please forgive me, I'll let him drink a few more to apologize to you later on."    


"Forget it."    


Elegant and cold, he walked to the front and casually sat down.    


After this scene, Peng Yuanhang could no longer solemnly recommend anything. He simply introduced the other two people to Shen Yinbing and the others.    


One of them was Peng Yuanhang's good friend, Sun Shaowu.    


The other was a lawyer named Mao.    


Xiao Soong and Su Xiaomei gratefully looked at Gao Fei (to thank him for helping Director Shen out) and immediately displayed their public relations skills, inviting everyone to sit.    


The negotiations were basically conducted face to face. Since Elegant Seat was the seat of honor for Shen Yinbing, she could only sit opposite him, which was the seat that Gao Fei had sat before.    


Young Master Sun and Young Master Sun sat on the elegant sides while Peng Yuanhang, Xiao Soong and Su Xiaomei sat on the east side. Yan Hong, who sat next to Shen Yinbing, gave Gao Fei a look, indicating that he should sit on the other side of Director Shen.    


Gao Fei laughed and returned to the corner with his tea cup.    


Although this brat doesn't understand and is infuriating, he is still very protective of me. Shen Yinbing glanced at Gao Fei with a hint of gentleness in her eyes.    


Elegant today's plan was quite big. Plus, he had a bad impression of Shen Yinbing, so he didn't get involved in this matter. Very soon, he returned to his joyous and chatty self.    


Not long after everyone sat down, a sumptuous feast was served out like flowing water. Peng Yuanhang and Xiao Soong led the way, exchanging a few false words of greeting and drinking heartily.    


Several times Lily turned to Jack in a seemingly casual way, trying to convey a message: If you don't want to sit down, then get out. Why sit there by yourself?    


However, Gao Fei kept his head down and played with his phone, occasionally giggling.    


Shen Yinbing sighed inwardly. She no longer paid any attention to him and braced herself for the upcoming negotiations.    


After half an hour, Yan Hong stood up, raised her glass and said elegantly, "Young Master Gao, let me toast you. After we've drunk this wine, shouldn't we get down to business?"    


Elegant had come here tonight to negotiate. Thus, he simply raised his wine cup and nodded his head, "Alright, then I suggest that we raise our glasses together and discuss business after this."    


Everyone cheered and raised their cups.    


After putting down the wine cup, no one actually said anything. The banquet became silent for a moment, and the faint sound of Gao Fei playing the game could be heard.    


The corner of Elegant's mouth held a smile, his eyes drooped as he stared at the cup, as if he would never open his mouth if no one else spoke.    


Shen Yinbing pursed her lips and looked at Peng Yuanhang: "You're the middleman for both sides, so you should be the one to bring up the topic."    


Peng Yuanhang understood and coughed a bit before saying: "Young Master Gao, Director Shen, maybe you guys have been unhappy before, but don't mention it now. The reason why everyone was gathered today was to discuss the Beishan Group project that Young Master Gao had taken over. Of course, since it was a business negotiation, there would definitely be different disagreements. To put it bluntly, it was a question of having more money and less money. En, be straightforward. Young Master Gao and Director Shen, both of you say what you want to say    


"How about the price before you discuss it one by one?"    


Elegant nodded slowly, smiling, "Alright, I like what Young Master Peng has said. Director Shen, then tell me, what is the price that Beishan Group is looking for? "    


Yan Hong followed up: "Young Master Gao, Director Shen, I have always been in charge of Racetrack projects, so I should be clear about how much money I have invested into Beishan Group. From the time the company set up this project a year ago, to the time of land expropriation, contact with the Eagle Britain group, until the completion of Racetrack, the amount of funds spent on Beishan Group was more than 283 million. With the addition of potential connections and investments, the total amount of funds spent on Beishan Group was over three hundred million. "Young Master Gao, our corporation has a detailed account sheet for this figure. Now that it has been prepared and brought, please take a look at it."    


Elegant raised her hand, interrupting Yan Hong's words, and said indifferently: "I don't care how much Beishan Group it costs. I don't care how much effort you put in for this, because it's no longer important. What's important is that I have to take over this project.    


Shen Yinbing's eyes narrowed slightly, and asked slowly: "Young Master Gao, how much are you planning to pay to take over the Racetrack?"    


Elegant and elegant, he raised a finger.    


Shen Yinbing sneered silently and said indifferently: "100 million? "Young Master Gao, your price is too low. It's only a third of our investment."    


"Hehe, Director Shen misunderstood."    


The elegant and upright toilet paper shook left and right, "Not 100 million, it's 10 million."    


Although she had already determined that Elegance would use a force to seize over the Racetrack and the price definitely wouldn't exceed fifty million, when Shen Yinbing offered a price of ten million, her face still changed drastically. She said hoarsely: "Young Master Gao, are you joking? To want to take over a project worth three hundred million for ten million, that is no different from a robbery! "    


"It's against the law to rob people in the open. Director Shen, don't get excited. Didn't our Old Ancestor say to ask for a sky-high price to pay on the spot? Since Director Shen can offer a price of 300 million, then what's wrong with me asking 10 million? "    


Elegant smiled as he sipped some water from his cup, "Of course. Actually, I also know that 10 million is too little, so I'll add another 5 million and 15 million."    


"Hehe, Young Master Gao is so generous."    


Shen Yinbing sneered again and again.    


He was numb to the fact that the guy next door only dared to rob him because he had a good daddy. He deserved to be killed! Humph, your bro will let you be proud for a while, but I'll see how you look like after you die!    


Gao Fei, who was playing a game on the side, sneered in his heart as he closed the game. He clicked on a certain big forum and started searching for posts in this area.    


At this time, it was already 8 PM. There was still half an hour before Faang Xiaotine was given the ultimatum.    


Gao Fei had already made up his mind that if Faang Xiaotine still didn't do it after eight-thirty, then tonight would be the end of Elegant Death!    


He had at least thirty-nine ways to make Elegant suffer and die, but he would leave no trace for the police to follow.    


Gao Fei never thought of himself as a good person. He was greedy, lustful, and his fists were tough. Plus, he was thick-skinned and had a vicious heart. He didn't even know what mercy was when he killed people.    


Countless times, when his target was killed in agony, he would always think of one thing: The pitiful person, must have something to hate.    


Since there was something to hate, there was no need for him to have a merciful heart.    


Of course, Mr. Gao wasn't completely a bad person. He had helped Grandma a few times in her glorious actions of helping her across the street. What reason did he have not helping Shen Yinbing?    



Don't forget, that damn eunuch Su Beishan had sincerely handed Shen Yinbing to him.    


Then he would be responsible, like a man, for providing her with a broad and warm bosom when she was in trouble, for the warmth of home.    


Gao Fei sneered in his heart as he casually skimmed through those posts. On the surface, he looked like he had nothing to do with me.    


Shen Yinbing and the elegant negotiation, gradually entered the white-hot.    


Shen Yinbing insisted on asking for 180 million, not a single bit less.    


Elegant yet offering a 'high price' of fifty million, not one bit more.    


When Shen Yinbing once again used a firm tone to deny the elegant offer, he stood up and shrugged, "Alright, since Director Shen insisted, then I won't say anything more. After Shen Yinbing once again used a firm tone to deny the elegant offer, he stood up and shrugged," Fine, since Director Shen insisted, then I won't say anything more.    


Shen Yinbing gritted her teeth and whispered, "Then, Young Master Gao, take care!"    


Of course, she knew what would happen if Elegance left, and she also knew that the 50 million that the other party offered was about the same as her 'expectation' price. However, she still wasn't willing to give up her self-conscious heart and effort, so she forced herself to put on a cold and indifferent expression.    


However, when Shen Yinbing had taken a few steps, a cold sneer hung on the corner of her mouth, her heart was filled with panic.    


Fortunately, Peng Yuanhang stood up in time to smooth things over: "Hey, Young Master Gao, don't be in such a hurry to leave! Sit down, sit down. Why don't we discuss it a little more? "    


Elegant paused, looking at Peng Yuanhang he said lightly: "Young Master Peng, the reason I came tonight is because of you. To be honest, as long as it's something that I have elegance and interest in, no one would dare interfere. It's all given to me by someone else obediently. "Since Director Shen is so stubborn, then I have nothing else to say."    


Peng Yuanhang smiled and said, "I know, I know. Young Master Gao, you said yourself that coming here tonight is just giving me face. "To be honest, Director Shen is on good terms with me. How about this? Give me another price. Both of you, take a step back. What do you think?"    


Elegant took a deep breath, then said after a moment of silence: "Alright, Young Master Peng, I'll give you face, add another ten million! 60 million, if Director Shen is still not satisfied, then there's no need to talk about it anymore. "    


"Alright, thank you. Thank you, Young Master Gao."    


Peng Yuanhang nodded his head repeatedly in thanks before looking at Shen Yinbing and asking in a low voice, "Xiaobing, what do you think?"    


Shen Yinbing and Yan Hong looked at each other, both seeing helplessness and sadness within.    


After three minutes of silence, Shen Yinbing said hoarsely, "Fine, fine!"    


Elegant laughter rang out. "Director Shen, you're the one who knows what's good for you. I wish you and I a happy cooperation!"    


Just as the elegant voice finished, he heard a yawn and lazily said, "Wait, I don't agree yet."    


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