Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C169 We Are the Warriors

C169 We Are the Warriors

0According to Astoli's original plan, after receiving Mai Maiti, the 300 plus hostages at the scene were all shot to death, used to warn the The Authority of the Dynasty!    


However, since yesterday night, Simtin had lost a lot of confidence due to the unknown origin of the armed forces that rescued more than 100 people. He started to consider releasing the remaining hostages in exchange for their absolute safety.    


Astoli sneered and replied arrogantly, "Simtin, are you afraid?"    


Simtin was stunned. "What, what am I scared of?"    


Astoli's voice was sinister. "If you're not afraid, then why did you ask this question? Let me tell you, after receiving Mai Maiti, these hostages must die! We must be buried for the more than sixty brothers who died last night! "    


Looking at Astoli's ferocious face, Simtin shivered and muttered, "I-I'm not afraid. I just feel that the hostages can be killed, but some of the hostages better be let go."    


Astoli stared at Simtin. After a moment, she moved her gaze away and said lightly, "I understand what you mean. You mean you can release foreigners other than the people of the Holy Dynasty, right?"    


Simtin nodded vigorously: "Yes, that's what I meant. I think that the reason why our organization has grown so much over the years is because of those countries that view the dynasty with hostility. If we kill the citizens of their country this time, it will definitely arouse their displeasure, and that will not be a good thing for us. "    


Astoli was silent for a moment, then nodded her head, "Alright, then bring some people to negotiate with the North Supersonic people opposite us right now, saying that we can release all 19 foreigners, but they must announce our position to the world through television. We do not have any hostility towards other nations."    


"Alright, I'll do it right away!"    


Simtin complied, turned around and shouted at the two criminals. He put down his weapon, held up a white flag and walked out of the base.    


Raising her head and looking at the sun in the east, Astoli muttered, "My dear Mai Maiti, why haven't you appeared yet? Do you know how much I miss you? I want to lie in your arms and kiss you to my heart's content."    


When he heard Simtin's question, Gao Yunhua's expression changed drastically.    


At this moment, the old man took out his communicator.    


Gao Yunhua was about to make a move, but the old man said with a smile, "Colonel Liu, this communication device has a recording function. I'll record this for you. I believe you will be useful."    


"Thank you!"    


Gao Yunhua thanked him gratefully and took the communicator back.    


Due to the appearance of this voice, the nearly two hundred people in Waiting Room were completely silent. Almost everyone could hear the conversation between Simtin and Astoli.    


When they heard that Astoli and the others had decided to release all foreigners but leave the people of the Holy Dynasty alone, someone immediately covered his face and started to cry silently.    




After there was no more sound from the communication device, Gao Yunhua cursed. He turned around and shouted at his subordinates, "Xiao Li, contact me at the Divine Fist headquarters immediately!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Xiao Li answered loudly. He immediately took out his satellite phone and dialed the encrypted channel, "Colonel Gao, the call is connected. Central TV's Director-general Wang is here!"    


After hearing Gao Yunhua's brief report on the situation, Chief Wang Haoran was immediately enraged. He slapped the table and roared: "Gao Yunhua, I order you to immediately use your fastest speed to capture Mai Maiti from the hands of the North Supersonic! "Don't do anything, wait for my news!"    


After hanging up the phone, Wang Haoran grabbed the red secure phone and quickly dialed a few numbers. With a heavy tone, he said: "Sir, there has been a new change in North Supersonic. The criminal is going to release the 19 foreigners in his hands now, but after receiving Mai Maiti, he attempted to kill more than a hundred of my hostages.    


After Gao Yunhua had led the way to the airport, Ruan Gehsing had lit a cigarette and looked at Jack, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with contempt and contempt in his eyes.    


Although he did not like the people of the dynasty, he did not want to use such a despicable method. He wanted to have a plan like the one he had in the 1970s and 1980s, to fight against the true dynasty on a large scale.    


Just when they were about to take Mai Maiti on the plane to the meadow, they received a call from their superior saying that 19 foreigners would be released. They told him to send Mai Maiti away after the hostages left the meadow safely.    


Therefore, he could only wait for the hostages to be released and send Mai Maiti there.    


As for the fate of the remaining hostages, what did it have to do with him? At most, he would grieve silently and express that after the pain in his heart had passed, he would eat when he needed to and drink when he needed to.    


Ruan Gehsing was waiting. Waiting. Waiting for the flowers to die. Before his superior could order them to come down, two jeeps appeared in his line of sight.    


The North Supersonic Warriors who were on guard immediately went over to welcome them. When they held their guns to stop the interrogation, the two cars didn't slow down in the slightest and directly crashed towards them, frightening them so much that they hurriedly retreated and berated them harshly.    


Just when Ruan Gehsing raised his hand to give the order, the car had already stopped. Gao Yunhua, who had been walking for more than an hour, jumped out of the car angrily.    


Ruan Gehsing went up to them in confusion, "Mr. Gao, why are you guys back?"    


Gao Yunhua's face was ashen. He ignored Ruan Gehsing and quickly walked in front of Mai Maiti. He grabbed Mai Maiti's hair and used a little strength to lift him up from the ground.    


"What are you doing!?"    


Mai Maiti was furious and tried his best to resist.    


"What are you doing? I'm going to beat you up!"    


Gao Yunhua roared, raised his hand and punched Mai Maiti hard on the bridge of his nose.    


Mai Maiti screamed and blood spurted out from his nose like an arrow, spraying all over Gao Yunhua's body.    


Gao Yunhua didn't care at all. He followed up with an elbow strike and ruthlessly hit him on the chin.    


Mai Maiti screamed again, spitting out two large yellow teeth.    


Like an angry lion, Liu Tie used his fists and feet. Before Wu Tie and the others could react, he beat Mai Maiti black and blue, then laid on the ground like a dead dog and stopped moving.    


At present, Mai Maiti was still a prisoner of the Divine Dynasty. Ruan Gehsing had no power to stop him from getting beaten up, so he just stood to the side and watched.    


"Men, break this and pull it up!"    


Gao Yunhua's eyes were bloodshot as he ordered his men.    


Xiao Li and Xiao Budian rushed over and held Mai Maiti up from the left and right.    


Like hitting a sandbag, Gao Yunhua punched Mai Maiti with his elbow and then viciously punched him for a full minute before shaking his hands and spitting spittle at his face. He snapped, "Break this and bring it to my car. Without my order, no one is allowed to get close to him. Those who disobey will be killed without question!"    


Seeing the beaten up Mai Maiti being dragged towards the car, Ruan Gehsing then walked over, "Mr. Gao, what is going on?"    


"Please wait a moment, I'll take a call."    


Gao Yunhua took out his cell phone which was vibrating vigorously. He looked at the caller ID and immediately shouted, "Director Wang, I'm Gao Yunhua! I have regained control of Mai Maiti, please give me your instructions! "    



"Very good, sir!"    


Wang Haoran's calm voice came out clearly from the phone: "After the emergency meeting, officers and North Supersonic have reached a preliminary agreement. The kidnapping of the MH456 hostages will be taken over by the special 'Storm' squad in the southwest region of China. Your task is to stand by and wait for the emergency report from the squad! The next task, I will wait for the arrival of the small team and wait for their instructions! "    


An hour later, under the protection of two North Supersonic choppers, a Shinzhi-5 helicopter flew down and landed on the small airport in the meadow.    


As soon as the cabin door was opened, the Divine Dynasty Special Forces equipped with the latest individual combat equipment quickly jumped down from the cabin, bent over and ran out of the range of the propeller, and quickly lined up.    


A tall young man, his face painted with oil, holding a Spirit Dynasty [95] type Assault Rifle in his arms, ran to the front of the line and roared: "Rest at attention! "Count them all!"    








After a series of nervous and quick numbers, the young man kowtowed and turned around to salute Gao Yunhua: "Reporting, Sir. The 13 members of the special combat unit Storm squad from the southwest region of the Criminal Law Department have finished assembling. Please give your instructions, Sir!"    


The young man immediately recognized Gao Yunhua as his superior, he must have received his information on the way here.    


Gao Yunhua was not surprised by this. He waved his hand and took a few steps forward, looking at the thirteen brave and vigorous special forces soldiers, and asked loudly, "Who are you?!"    


The thirteen of them shouted in unison, "We are soldiers!"    


"Which country are you warriors from!?"    


"The Divine Dynasty!"    


"What is your duty!?"    


"Protect our country!"    


"But now, someone has kidnapped your brothers and sisters, and used them in exchange for extremely evil terrorists. They want to kill your brothers and sisters as soon as they receive terrorists. Do you agree!?"    


Gao Yunhua waved his fist and yelled: "I'm asking you, do you agree!?"    




The thirteen special forces roared in unison, "No, no!"    


Gao Yunhua used all of his strength to shout: "Then let me ask you, what are you guys going to do!?"    


"Kill!" Kill! Kill! "    


The thirteen warriors raised their guns and roared, "Kill them all, kill them all!"    


A strong killing intent, with the thirteen special forces as the center, quickly spread in a circle, startling the birds in the distance. They all cried out in fear, flapped their wings and flew towards the horizon.    


Ruan Gehsing, who was standing at the side, couldn't help but shiver. He suddenly felt that the idea of having a real fight with a criminal of the imperial court was so laughable!    


Before the void war had even begun, Ruan Gehsing was almost certain that North Supersonic was still the one that had been lost in the war between the two nations!    


This was because he did not know what kind of method he should use to destroy the overflowing killing intent of the criminal law enforcer of the imperial court!    


Although there were only thirteen pundits from the Divine Dynasty in front of him, they gave all the criminals from the North Supersonic a feeling of undefeatable terror when facing off against an army of thousands of men and horses.    


His killing intent was awe-inspiring!    


When North Supersonic received nineteen foreigners and was about to send someone to escort them out of the forest, the higher ups of the North Supersonic army gave them the order to leave the forest.    


They were puzzled by this order.    


Especially when they saw a helicopter with the imperial military emblem painted on it land on the outskirts of the meadow and saw a dozen fully armed special forces soldiers jump off the helicopter under Yunhua's lead, they felt even more surprised: Did the higher-ups eat the wrong medicine?    


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