Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C166 Codename Zorro

C166 Codename Zorro

0Barbara, James and the others who were lying on the ground in the jungle, through the high power infrared night vision aiming device on the Sniper Rifle, accurately smashed the heads of the criminals, forcing them to lie in the mud, and then quickly searched for traces of Gao Fei.    


However, what disappointed them was that the moment they pulled the trigger, Gao Fei mysteriously disappeared.    


Did that guy get hit by bullets and get stuck in the mud?    


James jumped up from the ground and nimbly climbed up a tree like a monkey. He sat on the branch of the tree and raised his high power infrared night vision binoculars in an attempt to find Gao Fei.    


He clearly saw that the criminals that were chasing Gao Fei started to crawl back, but Gao Fei was nowhere to be seen.    


James covered the Ear Microphone with his left hand and called out in a low voice: "Gao, Zorro, where did you go? Please answer, please answer!"    


Amongst the Ear Microphone, it was quiet without a sound.    


Moments later, Monkey also climbed up the tree and asked nervously, "Did he get shot?"    


James frowned and said with a firm tone, "Impossible! If he could be hit by these bastards, he would have died countless times over. "    


"I think so too, but … but what about his people?"    


Monkey took the telescope from James's hand and stared at the muddy water as he searched carefully.    


In the sniper squad, Monkey had always been assigned the task of scouting. Not only was he quick to move, but his eyesight was also the best.    


But now, he couldn't see Gao Fei, he could only see dozens of criminals slowly retreating into the group of hostages and using their guns to force the hostages to gather back into the water prison.    


James asked with concern, "How is it?"    


Monkey put down the telescope in frustration and shook his head, "If you can't see him, no matter how fast he is, it's impossible for him to run into the swamp in such a short period of time. "Could it be that he …"    


Just as Monkey said that, James rushed to say: "Did he go back again!?"    


Monkey gave a wry smile. "Other than him taking advantage of the chaos to return, I don't think he has any other reason to explain himself."    


"Wo Cao, what a f * * k!"    


James cursed and punched the tree. He held onto the Ear Microphone and cursed loudly: "Gao Bastard, do you really think you are Zorro? Where the hell are you going? Hurry up and show yourself to your bro!" I'll give you three seconds, or I'll finish your woman! "    


Three seconds were very short, and it only took a second to jump three times. However, Gao Fei's voice still did not come from the Ear Microphone.    


James was about to shout again when Monkey patted his shoulder and sighed: "Hey bro, stop shouting, that brat must have thrown all those Ear Microphone s away, even if you scream until your throat breaks, he won't come out again. I think we should evacuate first and meet up with the old man. A few of the hostages were injured, we'll be in danger if we are late. "    


"But if he has any problems, how can this bro explain it to Nier?" "Cao!"    


James cursed, but there was nothing he could do. He could only jump off the tree, take the Sniper Rifle and retreat to the back of the forest with Bai Yan and the others.    


At the back of the forest, more than a hundred hostages (mostly women and children) were gathered together, but no one was crying because they were afraid that the crying would expose their location and lead to an unexpected disaster.    


"Monkey, Barbara, the two of you lead the way. I will follow the big Orangutan and the white board until we meet up with the old man right away!"    


James waved his hand and clearly divided the work.    


Monkey and Barbara nodded, holding their guns as they ran to the hostages and shouted in a low voice, "Everyone, come with me. Now, we will take you to the rescue team!" Don't panic, don't fall behind, and surround the women and children in the middle. Help those who are injured and unwell, set off immediately! "    


Monkey could guarantee that after these people graduated from kindergarten, they would never be as obedient as they were now. They immediately followed his instructions, bringing the old, women, children, and the sick and handicapped to the center of the group. Each of them would support each other as they slowly followed him towards the outskirts of the forest.    


James and the other two with the big Orangutan at the back and the white board at the left, held the Assault Rifle and followed behind the group.    


After walking out for a few meters, James saw a girl running out from the group of hostages, rubbing his shoulder as she ran towards the big Orangutan.    


He quickly reached out and grabbed her. "Hey! What are you going to do!? "    


The girl lightly shook her arm and replied, "I'm going to ask the person who saved me from prison why he didn't follow me!"    


Before James could say anything, another two girls ran over: "Director Shen, Director Shen!"    


After Director Shen heard others calling her a girl, James understood in his heart: This must be the Shen Yinbing that Gao Fei wanted to save, right? Tsk tsk, that brat's standards aren't bad. Although this girl's height isn't as high as Nier and the other two aren't as good as Nier, she is definitely a standard Oriental beauty.    


A Xia ran over and smiled apologetically at James. "Sorry, Director Shen was worried about the person who rescued us. She wanted to come and ask."    


When he thought about Gao Fei giving him Detective Zorro's country bumpkin name, James came to a realization. He said lightly: "He didn't come because he had other tasks to do. The most important thing for you to do right now is to cooperate with us and go to the rescue team, in case the situation on the road changes. "    


Shen Yinbing immediately asked, "Is, is he in danger?"    


James turned around and looked at the hostage team and asked, "What do you think?"    


"There will definitely be danger."    


Shen Yinbing lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice after some hesitation, "Excuse me, may I know that person's name?"    


Without hesitation, James answered casually, "His name is Zorro. We all call him Detective Zorroson!"    


"So his name is Zorro."    


Shen Yinbing mumbled as she raised her head and mustered her courage to ask again, "Then, what does he look like, and where is he from? "Oh, that's all I ask to thank him in the future."    


James Bai rolled his eyes. "He has pockmarks all over his face and big teeth. He came from a Arab country and already has a wife and child in his family. He's a son, but his wife is very pretty. So what? You don't like Zorro, do you?"    


Shen Yinbing blushed as she shook her head in denial, "No, no, that's not what I meant. As I said, I just want to thank him in the future. "    


James chuckled: "You don't need to thank me. We were hired to save you guys and someone already paid us enough. "Alright, beautiful young miss. On behalf of Zorro, I thank you for your concern. Shouldn't you be returning to the team now?"    


"Oh, I-I'll return to the team immediately."    


Shen Yinbing nodded, and with the support of Xiao Soong and A Xia, chased after the group.    


Looking at Shen Yinbing's back, James suddenly said, "Hey, I was lying to you just now."    


Shen Yinbing blankly turned her head and asked with a blank expression, "You lied to me?"    


James wiped the mud off his face and said, "Zorro has a beautiful wife and a one-year-old son. But he was not married to his wife yet, and he did not have pockmarked teeth, let alone an Arab. Actually, he's a person from your dynasty, and he loves to trick beautiful girls like you on the internet. I have his number, do you want it? "    



Shen Yinbing was confused by James's words. What do you mean he has a wife and son but not a marriage? But she immediately nodded her head: "Okay, so you know to beg too, then tell me his begging number."    


"His number is 569841. His name is Detective Zorro. You can look for him when you get back and thank him personally." "Alright, little miss, I've told you everything that I should tell you, we have to hurry on our way!"    


James snapped his fingers and ignored her, but in his heart, he was secretly laughing.    


Gao Fei usually fell in love with a plea when he was feeling the slightest pain, and his plea was for these numbers as well. The name of the internet was also called "God Investigator" Zorro (which was why he urgently changed his name to "Zorro"), but other than James, Mu Tianya, and Liang Ming, no one else knew.    


"569841, Detective Zorro, 569"    


Shen Yinbing kept this' begging 'symbol firmly in her heart and felt that her footsteps had become lighter as she walked.    


Monkey's guess was right, Gao Fei did return to the base.    


He took advantage of the darkness and the rain mist to get out of the range of Astoli's group, turned off the calling equipment he brought, and threw the Assault Rifle into the mud. When the enemy pounced onto his original position, he quickly crawled towards the base.    


If Gao Fei hadn't witnessed the death of the Caucasian woman right in front of his eyes, he would have retreated into the jungle to meet them under the cover of James and the others.    


However, the death of the little white girl had triggered Gao Fei's insanity: he had to go back and mix in with the hostages to find an opportunity to kill all these criminals!    


Using the cruelest method!    


Especially Astoli, the leader of the group. She swore to make Astoli regret that she was ever born into this world!    


Just like how no one could stop Gao Fei's retreat, similarly, no one could stop him from returning to the base and sneaking back into the hostages.    


When Astoli and the others carefully crawled back to the hostages, Gao Fei had already "obediently" entered a water prison under the threat of the gunmen.    


Not to mention there were less than 200 hostages at the scene, the criminals wouldn't be able to remember every one of them. Even if they could, they would never find Gao Fei because everyone at the scene, including the criminals, had turned into mud monkeys.    


When Astoli returned to the hostages, she immediately ordered a few of her men to hold a pair of hostages and take over the watchtower.    


Taking a hostage meant that the sniper in the distance didn't dare to shoot at random.    


After giving out the orders, Astoli no longer dared to go to the only bamboo building. She stood in front of the water prison and ordered her subordinates to count the number of casualties and hostages.    


After about half an hour of counting, her men reported the exact information.    


After the fierce battle just now, out of the more than one hundred men that Astoli brought, more than half were dead and 47 were injured.    


Over three hundred hostages, 55 dead, 151 at the scene, all of the other hostages' missing ', not a single woman or child left.    


In fact, many of the hostages had escaped into the swamp during the previous battle. Some of them might have escaped into the jungle, while others might have stayed in the swamp forever.    


Of course, that wasn't Astoli's concern.    


As long as she could still hold onto over a hundred hostages, this proved that her plan had not failed. For the sake of these hostages, The Authority of the Dynasty had to release Mai Maiti.    


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