Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C198 More Healthy in the Sun

C198 More Healthy in the Sun

0In the past few days, Minster Gao, who had always admired Lao Wang for his decisive victory, listened attentively to Lao Wang's detailed explanation of the necessary documents and the need of one to several months' time for each certificate.    


"Wo Cao, Lao Wang, you've troubled me. Why didn't you say so earlier!"    


Gao Fei was so anxious that he scratched his head. "Let's not get a certificate. We can make it up slowly after business starts, okay?"    


Lao Wang shook his head, "That's impossible."    


Gao Fei wandered around the room: "Then tell me, what should we do now? He couldn't postpone the opening date indefinitely for the sake of the certificate, could he? Brother, you've already spread out the invitation cards, tens of thousands of advertisement pages, and signed a contract with the newspaper and media. If you don't open your own business properly, you'll be laughing yourself to death. Especially the opponent's Royal Western Restaurant, Lao Wang, quickly think of a way for us to use this method to get all these documents within four days! No matter how much it costs, this bro will accept it! "    


Lao Wang smiled bitterly, "Gao Fei, this is not a question of how much it will cost. This is a necessary process, requiring the fire department, health bureau, tax bureau and other administrative departments to personally come to the restaurant and check. Anyway, it's impossible to get these certificates done in such a short period of time."    


Gao Fei rubbed his hands together and cursed, "Cao, then let's just wait and see until we lose face, let our loved ones suffer, and let our enemies die quickly?"    


Lao Wang thought for a moment and said, "Gao Fei, don't be too anxious. Maybe someone can help us."    


Gao Fei grabbed his shoulder, "Who? Tell me, who is it!"    


In the dining hall of Beishan Group headquarters.    


Director Shen, who looked as if she was refreshed, sat by the window as usual, smiling and nodding at the passing employees.    


Those people were all overwhelmed by the unexpected favor. They were all wondering when Director Shen had come to the restaurant and how long it had been since she had taken the initiative to greet the ordinary employees. What was wrong with her today? She had given him overtime pay, free lunch, and even took the initiative to greet him. Was her head squeezed by a door?    


Jiao Enzo, who was sitting opposite to Shen Yinbing, laughed and raised his drink, "Xiaobing, I feel that you have to maintain your current optimistic and approachable state at all times. "I'll wager that you'll feel full of energy for at least the next two days when you greet the employees who come forward."    


Originally, Jiao Enzo planned to invite Shen Yinbing to the bar outside to celebrate her 'rebirth'.    


However, Shen Yinbing chose the staff cafeteria because she wanted to share the joy in her heart with the hundreds of employees. Therefore, Jiao Enzo could only replace the liquor with drinks.    


Lily listened to Jack's words with pleasure. "Well, it's not as much of an exaggeration as you say. Enzo, what would you like to eat today? Do you want me to tell the chef to make you another sweet and sour carp that you loved most when you were a kid? "    


Jiao Enzo shook his head with a smile, "Forget it, this is the company. I don't want everyone to think that I'm doing something special." If we want to eat carp, we have plenty of time in the future. "    


"Alright, then let's talk tomorrow at noon. I have to go home tonight, so let's talk a little bit more."    


Just as Shen Yinbing finished her sentence with a smile, her cellphone on the table rang.    


Jiao Enzo picked up his phone first, glanced at the caller ID, and then handed it to Shen Yinbing: "Gao Fei? The one who was your driver? "    




Shen Yinbing took the phone but didn't answer. She put it on the table in front of her.    


Looking at the constantly vibrating phone, Jiao Enzo asked in wonder, "Why aren't you answering the phone?"    


Shen Yinbing said lightly, "I don't want to accept it."    


Jiao Enzo smiled and didn't say anything else.    


At this time, the manager of the restaurant personally served Shen Yinbing a few delicate dishes. "Director Shen, assistant Jiao, please enjoy. If there's anything you need, please instruct me."    


"Thank you, Manager Wang. Hur Hur. There's no need to be so polite. We're all colleagues after all."    


Jiao Enzo sent Manager Wang away for Shen Yinbing. After he set up the dishes, his phone stopped ringing.    


Shen Yinbing raised her drink as if nothing had happened and said to Jiao Enzo, "Here, let's do it!"    


Before Jiao Enzo could answer, his phone rang again.    


Shen Yinbing frowned, but didn't take out her cell phone.    


Jiao Enzo hesitated for a moment and persuaded, "Xiaobing, I think you should pick up the phone first. Maybe he really has something urgent for you."    


"Tsk, him? How could there be anything urgent?"    


Shen Yinbing pouted. In the end, she still picked up her phone and asked, "Why did you call me?"    


Gao Fei's loud voice allowed Jiao Enzo to hear it clearly: "Where are you now?"    


She raised her eyes and looked at Jiao Enzo. Shen Yinbing replied coldly, "At the company."    


Before she could finish, Gao Fei took the lead and said: "Come out quickly, I'm almost at your door."    


Shen Yinbing frowned. "Out?"    


"Yes, I have urgent business with you. Come down quickly!"    


"What urgent matter?"    


"I want to ask you to do something for me!"    


"Help you with something?"    


Shen Yinbingha laughed, "Why?"    


Gao Fei replied, "There's no reason. You have to help me because other than you, I can't find anyone else. I'm almost there, hang up first. Come out quickly, I'll be waiting for you at the door! "    


"You hung up?"    


Shen Yinbing listened to the busy signal from her phone and threw her phone onto the table. She grinded her teeth and cursed, "Tsk! Who do you think you are? If you ask me to help you, I'll help you. You're thinking too highly of yourself!"    


She picked up her drink and took a big gulp. Shen Yinbing pushed the chair away with her cell phone and stood up. Then she turned around and left.    


After two steps, Director Shen, with her big eyes, suddenly remembered that there was another Jack across the table, smiling in embarrassment, "Enzo, I, I'll go down for a while. You eat by yourself, don't wait for me."    


Jiao Enzo nodded normally: "Okay, then go back to work."    


"I'm sorry."    


After whispering an apology, Shen Yinbing strode out of the restaurant on her high heels.    



Looking at Director Shen's beautiful body, a trace of ruthlessness surfaced in Jiao Enzo's eyes. He muttered: "Gao Fei? Shen Yinbing actually likes him. "    


When they rode in the elevator to the lobby of the first floor, Shen Yinbing began to regret. "What? Why should I just listen to his words!?" Furthermore, it was Enzo who was guarding it. This would definitely cause him to misunderstand that I really like that guy, it's so infuriating.    


Director Shen wanted to return to the elevator, but Xiao Li, who was at the front desk, spotted her. She quickly nodded and greeted, "Hello, Director Shen."    




Shen Yinbing replied with a 'good' and felt embarrassed to return to the elevator again. She could only walk out of the hall.    


Among the two etiquette ladies on duty today, there wasn't the Lian Xue that Director Shen hated the most.    


Director Shen calmly accepted their bows, then walked up to the front steps and looked into the parking lot.    


Gao Fei called to say that he would be there right away, probably in a taxi and would be there in a few minutes at most.    


But Director Shen stood on the steps like a watchman's stone for ten minutes, and did not see the man who was about to arrive.    


This made her angry. She was about to turn around and walk into the hall, but then she gritted her teeth and walked down the steps and across the parking lot to the side of the road. She wanted to see how long that guy would take to get there!    


Shen Yinbing stood under the bright sun on the side of the road, waiting and waiting. When the flowers were all gone, a taxi finally stopped in front of her.    


As soon as the car stopped, Minstripe jumped out and blurted out, "Luckily there was no traffic jam on the way. We managed to get to Director Shen as fast as we could. I hope you're not in a hurry?"    


A layer of black lines surfaced on Director Shen's face. She looked at her phone and said while clenching her teeth: "Gao Fei, when you called me, it was five past twelve!"    


Gao Fei scratched his head: "Really? I didn't notice. "    


Shen Yinbing gritted her teeth, "But now, it's 12: 32. You made me wait under the sun for half an hour!"    


Gao Fei raised his head and looked at the sun: "Oh, really? the healthier ones. "    


"You bastard!"    


Seeing Gao Fei's rogue look, Shen Yinbing really wanted to jump over and bite him, "Didn't you tell me on the phone that you are going to come to the office soon and tell me to come down and wait for you? Are you going to be like this right now? You, you really pissed me off! "    


"It's my fault. Please calm your anger, Director Shen."    


"Scram, I don't want to talk to you anymore!"    


After saying that, Shen Yinbing turned around and left, but Gao Fei grabbed her arm.    


"Let go, in broad daylight, what's the point of pulling and pulling!"    


"Director Shen, Shen Yinbing, Xiaobing, let me explain to you."    


Gao Fei called out three times in a row, stood in front of Shen Yinbing, clasped his hands, and begged for mercy: "I admit that I'm a little bastard, but I really met with an emergency. Seeing that we have also once had a couple return the favor, it's good enough for you. Alright, I won't be able to speak any nonsense, but you really have to help me. "    


Putting down the bag in her hands, Shen Yinbing asked faintly, "Speak, what matter are you in such a hurry for?"    


"Sigh, let's borrow your luxurious car and talk while we walk."    


Gao Fei sighed and told her everything that happened to him before he opened his office. Finally, he said with a pained expression, "Director Shen, what do you think I should do? Why are you looking at me like that?"    


Shen Yinbing bit her lips and barely stopped herself from laughing in public. She nodded and muttered: "Gao Fei, Gao Fei, I just realized that you are not a weirdo, but a retard. The opening date has already been set. The invitation card, advertisement page, and so on have all been recited, yet you still have not applied for the necessary documents! "    


Gao Fei said with a sad face, "I don't understand, right? "If I knew this would happen, I would have agreed to your offer to buy shares. That way, I wouldn't have worried."    


Shen Yinbing had a defeated look on her face. "Ai, you're looking for me because you want me to help you fill out all these documents within a few days?"    


Gao Fei nodded: "Right, right! In the entire Jinnan, who doesn't know that you, Director Shen, are the Heaven's Pride of the mall.    


"Don't flatter me, I don't dare."    


Shen Yinbing sneered. "If you say it's a big day, I won't be able to help you."    


Gao Fei's face was full of disappointment: "There's really no other way?"    


At first, Shen Yinbing thought she would be very happy to see Gao Fei disappointed.    


But in reality, she didn't have such a feeling. She shook her head and whispered, "There's really no other way. If you only owe me one ID, I can delay the relationship and run it. But you don't even have a minimum business license, how can I help you? Unless …    


Gao Fei quickly asked, "Unless what?"    


Shen Yinbing pursed her lips, "Unless you go and find Peng Yuanhang, as the City Lord's father, he can definitely help you deal with it."    


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