Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C60 Gao Fei's Girlfriend

C60 Gao Fei's Girlfriend

0Shen Yinbing was really scared right now, but fear didn't take away her intelligence.    


As she was handed a phone call from the station staff, she realized that things were not as serious as she had imagined.    


So when Su Beishan asked, she told him in detail what happened.    


Su Beishan stood in the villa area. Around him, there were ten or so employees of the mighty security company who were busy setting up more surveillance.    


After listening to what Shen Yinbing had to say, Su Beishan turned around and looked at the bedroom window.    


A mysterious smile appeared on his face as he said lightly, "Oh, so that's how it is." Yinbing, don't be afraid. Maybe Gao Fei is just an ordinary lung disease? I know that due to the outbreak of SARS and H7N9 a few years ago, they posed a great threat to the health of the people, but our Jinnan would not be that unlucky. Gao Fei also wouldn't. "Hehe, don't worry, everything will be fine."    


After comforting his daughter a little more, Su Beishan hung up the phone and walked towards the living room door with a calm expression.    


… ….    


After her conversation with her father on the phone, Shen Yinbing's mood had clearly improved a lot. However, she still didn't want to eat nor sleep, so she could only sit on the comfortable bed and wait.    


Time passed second by second. Just as Shen Yinbing checked her cell phone for the thirty-eighth time, someone appeared outside the glass door.    


There were four of them, none of them wearing protective suits.    


When Shen Yinbing got off the bed, a middle-aged man who had the bearing of a big boss pushed open the door and walked in first. He stretched out his fat hands from afar and said with a smile, "Director Shen, I've scared you."    


Shen Yinbing shook hands with him blankly. "You are …"    


Someone beside her said, "Director Shen, this is the station chief of the city's epidemic prevention station."    


The Head of the Palace laughed and said, "Director Shen, I came to tell you a piece of good news. You can leave the epidemic prevention station now."    


Shen Yinbing was stunned. "What?" I mean, I don't have to be quarantined anymore? "    




The head of the palace station nodded his head, "Based on our meticulous investigations and the advice provided by the epidemic prevention experts who rushed over from the Jingdu City, we are now completely certain that the kind of thing you are most afraid of did not happen!"    


It turned out that after suspecting that there were some viruses like Sas or H7N9, the Jinan City Palace had immediately reported it to the provincial government. The provincial government had sent people to report it to the Jingdu City departments.    


After hearing about this unknown situation, it immediately attracted the attention of the higher ups of the God Court. They sent out a team of experts as soon as possible and began to sample the saliva, blood, air, and other possible sources of infection from the Beishan Group Headquarters' personnel.    


Gao Fei, who was sent to the Central Hospital Special Intensive Care Unit in the city, became an important target for the experts to carefully examine.    


After working hard for 13 hours, the Group of Experts finally came to the most serious conclusion: The 783 people, including Gao Fei, who had been hypnotized, didn't have any germs in their bodies that could be transmitted through touch, air, saliva, etc. The reason why Gao Fei had a fever and coughed so hard was because his lungs were filled with blood and water. It was just a rare variant lung disease caused by a high fever …    


After listening to the Head of the Palace's explanation, Shen Yinbing's tears flowed down. She excitedly grabbed onto her plump and powerful hands and asked with a trembling voice, "Head of the Palace, do you mean that we, including Gao Fei, do not need to be separated? I can go out now? "    


The feeling of having his hands tightly clenched by a beauty gave the Palace Chief a great deal of trust and pride. He nodded strongly and said, "Yes, I can responsibly say that all of you can go out now and freely breathe the fresh air as usual! This is just a false alarm! "    


"Thank you, thank you!"    


Shen Yinbing held the head of the palace station's hand and shook it violently a few more times. She didn't bother to greet anyone else as she rushed out of the isolation chamber with her cellphone.    


Shen Yinbing walked quickly to the courtyard of the epidemic prevention station. Only then did she realize that the morning sun had already risen from the east: she had been inside the isolation chamber for nearly twenty hours, ever since 2: 30 yesterday afternoon!    


Even though she hadn't slept for the entire night, Shen Yinbing was able to withstand her rebirth due to her excitement. She didn't feel the least bit tired at all.    


She raised her chin and closed her eyes. She stretched out her arms and took a deep breath of fresh air. She murmured, "It's great to be alive!"    


Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! The sound of applause came from behind him.    


Shen Yinbing turned around and saw all the personnel of the epidemic prevention station, led by the head of the palace station, clapping for her, Lao Wang, Lian Xue and the others who had just walked out.    


"Thank you, thank you!"    


Shen Yinbing bowed deeply to the guards.    


… ….    


By the time Shen Yinbing and the others were sent back to the headquarters by the anti-epidemic station, it was already nine o'clock.    


The group headquarters had returned to normal after a dozen panicked hours. However, there was a calmness and a blissful smile on everyone's face that they had never seen before.    


No matter who it was, as long as one walked a circle from the fear of death, one would realize that what seemed like an exhausting, ordinary life was actually so beautiful that it was worth cherishing.    


When Shen Yinbing returned to the headquarters, she immediately gathered the company's upper echelons and held an emergency meeting.    


The meeting was brief but exciting: all the quarantined staff at headquarters would receive a double salary this month, which would be a blessing in disguise.    


After the end of the meeting, Shen Yinbing and Deputy Director Yan immediately drove toward Jinnan together.    


Even if they didn't have that special relationship with Gao Fei, as the leader of the group, they still had to personally visit him.    


Furthermore, when they were removed from their isolation, the station chief had told them that although Gao Fei's condition was not contagious, his own situation was not optimistic.    


The word 'not very optimistic' sounded light, but when applied to a patient, it could only mean one thing: that the patient might die.    


Was he going to die just like that?    


Hey, I only have a very ordinary employer relationship with him. Even if he died from misfortune, there doesn't seem to be a need for me to suffer so much, right?    


Did I mean that to him? How … how is this possible? He was just an uneducated blind man!    


Shen Yinbing looked at the back of the car in front of her. Gao Fei's perverted look appeared in her eyes. The joy of 'rebirth' was diluted by her agitation.    


Shen Yinbing didn't even notice that while she was feeling vexed, Deputy Director Yan, who was driving, had a deep pain buried in her eyes.    


Compared to Shen Yinbing, Deputy Director Yan cared more about Gao Fei.    


Because of that guy, she was able to taste true love between a man and a woman. When Yan Hong heard the news that Gao Fei was going to die, she almost felt as if the sky was going to collapse.    


The love between a man and a woman isn't defined solely by feeling. Sometimes, love can also be born from simple sex. It's just as fascinating and irrepressible.    



In the midst of their silence, the two of them quickly arrived at the city's Central Hospital's intensive care unit.    


Outside the ward, Lao Wang was waiting.    


Lao Wang was about to be fired by Yan Hong because of his big mouth. Luckily, Gao Fei showed him mercy, so he turned into the Division Chief of the Logistics Department.    


In the eyes of Gao Fei, Yan Hong, and the others, this was just a small matter, but to Lao Wang, it was a turning point in his life.    


Therefore, Lao Wang treated Gao Fei as his benefactor. After the virus crisis at the group headquarters was resolved, he immediately rushed over to the hospital to take care of Gao Fei.    


Seeing Director Shen and Deputy Director Yan come together, Lao Wang, who was standing by the window and looking in, quickly turned around. "Director Shen, Deputy Director Yan, you're here."    




Shen Yinbing walked to the window, looked at the busy nurse in the ward and asked softly, "How is Gao Fei?"    


Lao Wang's expression was gloomy, he lowered his head and said: "Very bad."    


With a squeak, the door opened and a doctor walked out. He looked at Shen Yinbing and the others and asked, "You guys, who are the patient's family members?"    


When Shen Yinbing ordered Hei Zi to 'search' Gao Fei, she already knew that Gao Fei was an orphan. Other than a friend called Liang Ming, he didn't have any other Hee Family.    


Yan Hong also knew about his background, but Lao Wang didn't know about it. He just shook his head: "We're both not friends. These two are our company's Director Shen and Vice President Yan …"    


Before Lao Wang could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the doctor, "I need to see the patient's family now, please inform them immediately!"    


Lao Wang shut his mouth and subconsciously looked at Shen Yinbing and the other girl.    


Yan Hong, who was standing at the back, opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she kept it shut.    


Shen Yinbing's heart sank when she saw the doctor impatiently ask about Gao Fei's family member. She replied in a low voice, "I … I am Gao Fei's family member. May I ask if he is …"    


"Oh, you're the patient's girlfriend, right? Then please follow me."    


The doctor turned and walked back to the duty room.    


"Deputy Director Yan, quickly contact Liang Ming and tell him to hurry back to the hospital."    


Shen Yinbing instructed Yan Hong.    


Sister Hong also heard from the doctor that Gao Fei was in danger. She also wanted to go to the duty room, but since Shen Yinbing was here, she could only nod: "Okay, I'll contact him right now!"    


When Shen Yinbing followed the doctor to the duty room, she found that there were seven to eight old doctors sitting inside. They were discussing something softly with furrowed brows, and they all looked over when they saw her.    


The doctor who brought Shen Yinbing over said to an old doctor who was sitting behind his desk, "Dean Ma, this is the patient's girlfriend.    


At this point, Shen Yinbing no longer wanted to explain anything. She took two steps forward and asked nervously, "Dean Ma, how is Gao Fei? What is his condition?"    


Dean Ma shook his head slowly: "Lady, I'm sorry."    


After hearing Dean Ma's words, Shen Yinbing's face paled even though she already knew that Gao Fei's situation wasn't very optimistic, "Ma, Dean Ma, what you mean is, he might …"    


Dean Ma nodded heavily.    


Shen Yinbing's legs softened. She subconsciously held onto the table and muttered, "How could this be?"    


Dean Ma had been practicing medicine for dozens of years and had already gotten used to life and death. He had seen all kinds of suffering from the patients' families, so after a symbolic moment of silence to show sympathy, he began to introduce Gao Fei's condition: "Patient Gao Fei's lung had severe severe hydrops, congestion, large area of shadow, severe bronchiolitis. According to the meticulous diagnosis of Jingdu City experts, he was basically diagnosed as having an acute pulmonary infectious disease of the Jin family …"    


When Dean Ma introduced Gao Fei's condition, he used a lot of professional words that Shen Yinbing didn't understand, but she could only listen patiently.    


After Dean Ma finished his sentence, she quickly asked: "Dean Ma, can he get effective treatment?"    


Dean Ma shook his head slowly and apologized helplessly.    


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