Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C136 Dream World(1)

C136 Dream World(1)

0As soon as he entered Xuanyuan's dream, Dream Eat Beast used his powerful spiritual energy. He linked everyone together and entered his fourth level of dream world. According to the calculations of the outside world, The fourth level of dream world was equivalent to 3000 years. In such a long period of time, Dream Eat Beast believed that with Zheng Zinuo's talent, he would definitely be able to catch up to Xuanyuan's realm...    


Zheng Zinuo was in a trance. He felt dizzy and his eyes were filled with golden flowers. His whole body was aching. He slowly sat up and found himself lying on a worn-out bed. The room where the bed was located was small and crude, but it was not dark. Through the window, he could see the warm sunlight. It made Zheng Zinuo feel very comfortable.    


"Eh? Why am I suddenly here? Where is this? " Zheng Zinuo leaned against the headboard and thought carefully, but his mind seemed to be blank, and he could not recall it no matter how hard he tried.    


"Brother... you are awake. You are finally awake." Right at this moment, the Ethereal Divine Sword suddenly spoke.    


"Hmm? Is Ling you? Where are we? I clearly remember staying with everyone on the small island in the lake to sleep, waiting for Dream Eat Beast to give us a dream. Why are we suddenly here? Don't tell me this is a dream?" Zheng Zinuo asked.    


"Big brother..." Ling heard him and said quietly, "I really hope this is still a dream."    


"Ah? What do you mean?" Zheng Zinuo was shocked when he heard that. His expression immediately became nervous as he hurriedly asked.    


"After everyone entered the dream world that day, Dream Eat Beast did not successfully arrange the dream world for everyone. After all, the difference in cultivation base between him and Mr Xuanyuan was too great. He was unable to control Mr Xuanyuan's dream steadily. After a while, everyone woke up one after another, and brother, your realm did not increase much. However, the time that Mighty Old Devil promised had come. Brother, you did not want the innocent people in Holy City to die for you. So, you risked your life and secretly left the Xuanyuan Realm to find Mighty Old Devil to duel with him. "    


"But how could brother be his match? He was beaten to the ground by Mighty Old Devil in just one round. At this critical moment, Mr Xuanyuan appeared in front of you and risked his life to block Mighty Old Devil's fatal attack. However, once Mr Xuanyuan left the Xuanyuan Realm, his cultivation base would drop by a lot. Although he had risked his life to protect his brother and bring most of the people from the Holy City into the Xuanyuan Realm, But in the end, he still died."    


"Brother, because you were also severely injured, you were rescued by the people who tried their best to save you. You only woke up after sleeping for three years and six months, but Mr Xuanyuan died. The Xuanyuan Realm also disappeared, and before Mr Xuanyuan left, he used the Star Shift Technique with all his might. He brought some people to this planet called Earth, and wanted to temporarily avoid Sky High's pursuit. He wanted to wait for his brother's cultivation base to increase and kill Mighty Old Devil to avenge Mr Xuanyuan and everyone else! "    


"What?! This wasn't a dream, this was real! I have been unconscious for three years and six months? Xuanyuan... is dead? " Zheng Zinuo immediately became dispirited when he heard that. His face was extremely gloomy, and tears kept rolling in his eyes. He muttered," Then what about Wan'er and the others? What about my brother and the others?"    


"Because Mr Xuanyuan's energy was already exhausted at that time, he was unable to accurately use the connection function of the Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure. Furthermore, it was the connection between the galaxy and the galaxy, so when it was done, Mr Xuanyuan disappeared, and the rest of the people were scattered all over the planet. Ling. In order to treat her brother's injuries, she had always stayed by her brother's side. She transferred spiritual energy to her brother, so she didn't have time to look for everyone. So... "Ling answered sadly.    


"Thank you for your hard work, Ling." Zheng Zinuo's eyes were filled with hot tears. He picked Ling up from his back and held her in his arms, silently crying.    


"Huh? Young man, you finally woke up. What a miracle!" At this moment, a middle-aged woman pushed open the door and walked in. When she saw Zheng Zinuo sitting on the bed with a sword in his hand, she was overjoyed.    


Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled when he heard that. He turned his head and saw a person wearing a gray linen robe. The slightly plump middle-aged woman was saying something to him in a language that he did not understand, because she had learned from her mistakes. Zheng Zinuo immediately used the Psychic Spell and realized what was going on. He quickly stood up from the bed. He bowed to the middle-aged woman and said, "Thank you, aunty, for saving my life!"    


The woman heard a buzzing sound in her mind and a magnetic voice sounded in her head. She was slightly surprised at first, but she was not too surprised and said, "No need to be polite. Saving a life is better than building a seven-storied pagoda. Young man, it's really a miracle that you can wake up. Auntie, I've never seen a person wake up so healthily after being in a coma for three years. Hehe..."    


"You don't even know that when your uncle and I found out about you, we were almost scared to death when we saw you covered in blood. We saw that you still had your breath, so we brought you here. But this sword of yours is a little strange. Sometimes it's heavy. Sometimes it's light. Last time, there was a young master who came in to take a look at this sword of yours. It was because of this sword that two of its legs were broken. Our sect head personally came here and used a lot of effort to move it away. This sword of yours must be a sword... " The aunty could tell that Zheng Zinuo was a talkative person with just one look. When she saw Zheng Zinuo wake up, She kept talking non-stop.    


However, it had been a long time since Zheng Zinuo felt such a warm scene, so he chatted with the aunty for a long time. From this, he learned that this was one of the three major cultivation sects in the Great Land - Mount Shu Sect. Zheng Zinuo was severely injured and unconscious at the foot of Shu Mountain, but he was saved by these two kind couples. They were the servants of Shu Mountain...    


After lying down for another three days, Zheng Zinuo drank some vegetables and tofu soup that the woman had brought him. His body recovered quickly, and he could move freely on the evening of the third day. However, he discovered that his cultivation base, which had originally reached the middle stage of tribulation transcendence, had suddenly dropped by a lot, and was only at the early Golden Core stage. This shocked him, but fortunately, his cultivation base did not drop.    


From what Ling had said, it was because the meridians in his body had been severely damaged. As a result, the originally thick and smooth meridians gradually shrunk and became thinner and narrower, causing his cultivation to drop drastically. However, Zheng Zinuo wasn't worried about that. With the help of the blood essence, He believed that his cultivation base would be able to improve very quickly.    


In the evening, Zheng Zinuo had just finished the vegetable tofu soup that Aunt Wang had given him. There were three people in front of the door. The one in the lead was a white-haired, child-like man with a kind face. He wore a deep blue Daoist robe and held a heavy old man in his hand. Behind him were two middle-aged Daoists wearing a white Daoist robe.    


"Greetings, Sect Master, greetings, Hall Masters!" Aunt Wang and Uncle Wang hurriedly bowed to greet him upon seeing this.    


"There's no need to be overly courteous. The two of you can go and do your work." The Taoist in the lead said kindly.    


The two of them bowed and said their goodbyes. Aunt Wang kept winking at Zheng Zinuo when she left. Zheng Zinuo did not know whether to laugh or cry when he saw her.    


"Little friend, have you recovered from your injuries?" After the Wang couple left, the old Daoist asked with concern.    


"Replying to senior, junior's injuries have basically healed. Thank you senior for saving my life!" Zheng Zinuo hurriedly got up and thanked him. After spending these few days together, Zheng Zinuo had basically learned the language of this world. Communication There was no problem at all.    


"You're welcome, little friend. This is all your fortune." The old Daoist smiled and asked, "May I know your name, my friend? Which sect and which sect do you belong to? This humble Daoist sees that my little friend is extraordinary and has an extraordinary cultivation base. He is definitely not an ordinary person. "    


" Senior, I'm sorry for making fun of you. This junior is Zheng Zinuo, and this junior is from the Hidden Spirit Sect... " Zheng Zinuo casually replied. Suddenly, he realized that he had said something wrong. There didn't seem to be a faction like the Hidden Spirit Sect on this planet. He quickly corrected himself and added, "It's just a small sect. I don't think senior and the others have heard of it."    


"Hidden Spirit Sect? This poor Taoist is indeed ignorant and ignorant. I have never heard of it." The old Daoist was a little disappointed. Initially, he had seen Zheng Zinuo's talent. He wanted to accept ___ as a disciple of Shu Mountain, but he did not expect ___ to be a disciple of another sect. Hence, he asked again, "I wonder if little friend Zheng can tell us why you were heavily injured and unconscious at the foot of Shu Mountain?"    


"I won't hide it from you, senior. Actually, junior's sect was destroyed. I was lucky enough to escape, but I was seriously injured. It was all thanks to the Mount Shu Sect's help. Otherwise, I would have died a long time ago. I wonder if senior has saved my brothers and sisters? " Zheng Zinuo asked tentatively.    


"That's all. I heard from Old Wang that you are alone." The old Daoist answered. He glanced at the Ethereal Divine Sword behind Zheng Zinuo and asked, "I speculate that the reason why your sect was destroyed was related to this sword."    


"Senior really has the Fiery Golden Eyes. That's true." Zheng Zinuo replied. Because he had lied, he had to keep lying. He was helpless and could only hope that the old Daoist would not continue to ask.    


"Hahaha... Anyone with discerning eyes would know that this sword of yours was definitely not ordinary, even with my knowledge and experience. I can't see how this sword is refined at all. Moreover, the spiritual energy contained within it is extremely shocking. I have lived for hundreds of years and have never seen such a powerful sword before. As the saying goes, a treasure becomes a crime. With such a treasure, of course, some people with ulterior motives will think of it. " The old Taoist smiled and asked, "What do you plan to do in the future, my friend?"    


"I..." Zheng Zinuo hesitated for a moment before sighing in his heart, "This junior has been separated from all my family and friends. This junior wishes to search for their traces."    


"Un... This is not urgent. As long as little friend tells me the names and looks of your friends... Our Shu Mountain disciples are all over the Great Land. I'll let you know later. They will definitely keep an eye on you. " The old Taoist priest continued, "With your current condition, it is still not suitable for you to move around. You should take more care of your injuries."    


"Then..." Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and then pushed the boat along with the current, "Then this junior will respectfully accept the order. Stay here and recuperate first, and disturb senior and the rest."    


"What are you talking about? We cultivators should help others to have fun." The old Daoist smiled and said, "Then this humble Daoist will not disturb little friend's recovery. If little friend needs anything, just tell your disciples."    


"Thank you, senior." Zheng Zinuo bowed and replied.    


"No need for formalities." The old Daoist nodded and left with the two of them.    


Seven days later, Zheng Zinuo's injuries had completely healed, and his cultivation base had also recovered from the early Golden Core stage to the late Golden Core stage. During this period of time, other than Old Wang and his wife who had come to deliver food and chat, no one else had come. This morning, Zheng Zinuo woke up early in the morning and strolled around this small courtyard.    


This was the first time he had seen this new world. He sized up everything around him with some curiosity. He found that it was not much different from the original Sun Moon Continent, except that the buildings were a little unique. The unification of the pure bricks and tiles made everything seem very simple. It was natural and natural.    


"This... senior brother, may I ask how to proceed to the Sword Dance Passage?" At this moment, a young man walked over and asked.    


"Sword Dance Passage? I'm sorry, I'm not a disciple of Shu Mountain. I'm not sure." Zheng Zinuo answered truthfully.    


"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go ask someone else." The young man said with a shy smile.    


"Wait a minute, what are you going to do at the sword dance floor, little brother?" Zheng Zinuo asked curiously.    


"Today is Shu Mountain's annual recruitment event. I have gone through great pains to reach Shu Mountain. I am here to participate in this enrollment ceremony, hoping to become a disciple of Shu Mountain. I have cultivated the world's number one Dao Art. " The young man replied in high spirits.    


" Oh? Today is the enrollment ceremony of Shu Mountain, which is held once every ten years. I want to see it too. Why don't we go together?" Zheng Zinuo became interested when he heard this. He had never seen the cultivation techniques of this world before. When he heard the young man's words, his curiosity was immediately aroused.    


"Alright, big brother, let's go and ask someone." Hearing that, the youth said with slight joy.    


After that, the two of them asked a Shu Mountain disciple. After some guidance, they finally arrived at the Sword Dance Tune. Looking from afar, they saw a huge square square square with a radius of one mile. It was all paved with green, and it was a spectacular sight. At this moment, there were no less than a thousand people standing on the square. Most of them were here to register for the Shu Mountain Recruitment Meeting.    


"Brother Zheng, we're here. Wow... There are so many people. I wonder if we can do it." The young man's name was Jing Xiaotian, and he was 16 years old. He was from Shuzhong. He had always admired the Mount Shu Sword Immortal since he was young. Ever since he was 10 years old, he had seen the Mount Shu disciples fly on swords. After subduing demons and demons, he swore to become a disciple of Mount Shu and become an immortal. He would slay demons and vanquish demons, saving all lives in the world.    


"Yes, there are many people, but don't worry. You must have confidence in yourself. Otherwise, if you don't even have confidence in yourself, how can others have confidence in you?" Zheng Zinuo patted Jing Xiaotian's shoulder and said.    


"En, Big Brother is right! I have confidence!" Jing Xiaotian said firmly. The two of them walked towards the Sword Dance Pin one after the other.    


Because the people participating in the Shu Mountain Recruitment Meeting this time came from all over the Great Land, there were almost all kinds of people. Therefore, it was not surprising that Zheng Zinuo carried a golden sword on his back. However, his handsome and extraordinary appearance attracted many young women.    


"Eh? Little friend Zheng? Have you completely recovered from your injuries? Why have you come here? Could it be that you want to participate in our Shu Mountain's recruitment event?" The leader of the Golden Spirit Hall, Yijin, was the one hosting the event. He saw Zheng Zinuo walking past him. A little surprised to ask.    


"Uh... Hall Master Jin, I... Yes, I want to be a disciple of Shu Mountain." Zheng Zinuo did not know how to answer and replied casually, "I wonder if there are any rules in your sect. Can someone like me join your sect?"    


Zheng Zinuo thought that since he had nothing to do recently, his cultivation was still relatively weak. Moreover, he was not familiar with this new world at all. Even if he wanted to find Xiao Wan'er, he would not be able to do it. He might as well join Shu Mountain and learn something. When his cultivation base recovered, he would find a reason to go down the mountain and look for everyone.    


"Oh, there is no rule. Our Shu Mountain has no education." Yijin smiled and pointed at a young woman in a Daoist robe not far away. "In that case, little friend, you can go to Qingshui to register."    


"Okay. Thank you for your guidance, Hall Master Jin." Zheng Zinuo said gratefully, then he led Jing Xiaotian towards Qingshui City.    


"Brother, you actually know the master of the Golden Hall of Mount Shu? That's amazing! It seems like big brother will definitely become a disciple of Mount Shu this time. When the time comes, I hope big brother can say a few words for me, okay?" Jing Xiaotian suddenly became more respectful and said.    


"Hehe... I was saved by Shu Mountain. I don't know him, but I have only met him once." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said, "I think Shu Mountain must be very strict when it comes to accepting disciples. It is better to work harder than to make me say good things. That's the right way. "    


"Big brother is right. I was too reckless." Jing Xiaotian hurriedly apologized and admitted his mistake.    


"Haha..." Zheng Zinuo laughed out loud. He was getting happier and happier with this shy young man in front of him.    


The two of them followed Yijin's instructions and reported their names to Qingshui City. Then, they waited by the side while chatting.    


"There are so many people here to register for the entrance examination. How will the examination be later?" Zheng Zinuo asked in surprise.    


"I heard that the entrance examination of Mount Shu Sect is very strict, and there are only a few disciples each time. Many people can't even pass the first stage. Big brother, don't look at the hundreds and thousands of people here. I estimate that the number of people who can pass the first round of the competition will be reduced by more than half. " Jing Xiaotian seemed to be very familiar with the answer.    


" Oh? Do you know what kind of test it is?" Zheng Zinuo asked curiously.    


"I don't know, because the entrance exam only happens once every ten years. Most of the time, it's different, but it's divided into three categories, which is clear to everyone. If anyone can pass all three of them, they can directly become an entry-level disciple. If you pass two of them, you can only become an in-name disciple."    


"Oh, so that's how it is. Let's give it a try." Zheng Zinuo nodded and replied.    


"Yes, but most people who want to join Shu Mountain have some cultivation base. Big sects like Shu Mountain do not take in useless disciples unless you have extraordinary talent. Otherwise, if you don't have the ability, you won't be able to pass the test and enter the Mount Shu Sect. " Jing Xiaotian continued.    


" Oh? In that case, Xiaotian, you should have some cultivation base as well? I wonder what realm you have reached?" Zheng Zinuo asked curiously.    


"Hehe... I'm sorry, big brother. I started learning martial arts when I was five. I practiced sword at the age of seven, and I practiced qi at the age of ten. Now, I'm sixteen. I've already achieved a small success, and I've just reached the late stage of the Light-Opening Realm." Jing Xiaotian said confidently, "I wonder what realm your cultivation has reached, big brother?"    


"Me? Uh... Almost the same as you, hehe..." Zheng Zinuo thought about it and felt that it was better to keep a low profile.    


The two of them talked for a while again. It had to be said that the Shu Mountain disciples were very efficient. Nearly a thousand people who signed up for the meeting were all registered in less than an hour. Now, they all started to arrange the examination.    


Yijin, the leader of the Golden Spirit Hall, said, "First of all, on behalf of the Mount Shu Sect, I welcome all of you to come all the way here to participate in the recruitment event that happens once every ten years in Shu Mountain. Let's not talk anymore. The exam will begin now. Sit quietly for the first round! "    


"Meditation? ..." Everyone on the Sword Dance Field, including Zheng Zinuo, was stunned when they heard the test. What was there to take the test for sitting quietly, and it took a lot of time and no technique at all. However, since the examiner had said so, everyone could only do as he had said. After a short moment of chaos, everyone sat down cross-legged. The entire plaza instantly fell silent, so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.    


Zheng Zinuo could do nothing about it. He also sat down, wanting to see what was so good about competing in meditation.    


One. After the hourglass, there was still no sound in the entire square. Although the weather in the 7th month was extremely high, the temperature was still not low. Especially the hot people on the square, plus close to a thousand people crowded together. It was as if they had entered a furnace.    


However, if it was just this, it was still impossible to tell the difference between a person and a person. They couldn't just sit there for a few days, right? That wouldn't be a test of sitting quietly. It would be a test of patience and perseverance. It was obvious that such a powerful sect like Shu Mountain would not test the participants so simply.    


As expected, after about two hours, there was still no unusual movement from the people who came to take the test. Everyone's patience and perseverance were very strong. Otherwise, they would not have gone through so much trouble to come to Shu Mountain to take the entrance exam. If you want to cultivate, you need to be aware of this.    


However, these people who participated in the test gradually felt the spiritual pressure. It was as if an invisible burden was pressing down on their heads. And it was getting heavier and heavier, more and more difficult. Some people couldn't even breathe.    


Of course, at the beginning, most of the people who were taking the test felt this strange feeling. Only Zheng Zinuo was still calm and adjusting his breathing. He held on to his yuan and kept one, truly reaching the meditative state. Although his injuries had healed, his cultivation was still far from the state he was in. He might as well cultivate here right now.    


An hour later, the first person to forfeit finally appeared. With a muffled groan, the person jumped up. His clothes had long been drenched in sweat, and his face was pale as he panted heavily. He wanted to scream, but he didn't seem to have much strength. It was as if he had just struggled out of the thousands of kilograms of pressure.    


"Fellow Daoist, this way please!" Seeing someone stand up, a Shu Mountain disciple immediately led him out of the square. The man turned to look at the crowd with a dejected expression. He sighed deeply and reluctantly followed the disciple out of the square.    


With one person taking the lead, it was as if a stone had stirred up thousands of waves. Within a single hourglass's time, more than three hundred people were unable to resist such a powerful mental pressure. They were forced to give up meditating and were taken away from the field.    


After another hour, there were fifty-eight people who could sit stably on the square. It was only at this moment that Zheng Zinuo woke up from his deep meditation. He finally realized that the hall master of the Golden Spirit Hall was using his spiritual pressure to test everyone. After the spiritual sense swept across, There were only fifty-eight people left.    


"En... Not bad, these fifty-eight people have already passed the first test." Yijin nodded with a smile and thought to himself, "This time it's much stronger than ten years ago. It can withstand my spiritual pressure for an hour. This proves that they have some potential. Wait for me to increase the pressure and see if there are any outstanding people. "    


After saying that, he slightly relaxed his spiritual pressure. The fifty-eight people in the square suddenly felt light. They felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders. They thought that the test would end just like that, but they had yet to recover from their joy. The pressure on their heads suddenly increased. Suddenly, stars appeared in their eyes and their heads roared. It seemed as if he was going to explode halfway. Screams rang out, and in the blink of an eye, at least ten people who had participated in the test were forced to retreat.    


At this time, Jing Xiaotian, who was standing beside Zheng Zinuo, was stubbornly holding on. His face was as pale as a sheet of paper and his whole body was trembling slightly. His sweat dried up and flowed again and again, but he did not give up.    


"Hehe... This young man's perseverance was commendable, and his talent was also considered excellent. With his cultivation base at the late stage of the Opening Light Realm, he was only at the late stage of the Opening Light Realm. It's indeed not bad to be able to withstand the pressure of Senior Yijin's late stage Divine Clone. It was enough to tell that his resilience was very strong, and that there would be a lot of room for him to develop in the future. Let me help him. " Zheng Zinuo secretly smiled and said via divine sense, "Xiaotian followed my chant and chanted, Stars of Taishang, constantly adapting to changes. Expelling evil and restraining evil, protecting one's life. Wisdom is clear, mind is calm. Three souls are eternal, and one's soul will never perish..."    


Jing Xiaotian's body trembled when he heard this. His head, which was about to explode, suddenly became clear again. At this moment, he did not care about anything else. He followed the voice and quickly chanted. As expected, he only recited it once. He immediately calmed down. His whole body felt much more relaxed. He was overjoyed and continued to chant without stopping. His tense body, which was about to collapse, finally stabilized.    


At this moment, there were less than thirty people sitting in the square. When he saw these thirty people, Yijin revealed a gratified smile and increased the pressure once again. The pressure was already half of the strength of Yijin, a Divine Clone expert. Without a certain level of Spirit Realm, no one would be able to resist it. However, the thirty people in front of him were still able to withstand it, which meant that either one of them had a strong cultivation base. Either they had a profound mental cultivation method, or they had extraordinary talent. Those who were born with strong spiritual energy were all welcomed by the Mount Shu Sect.    


"I would like to see who will be the last of these thirty people. Hehe... " Yijin's curiosity was aroused when he saw this group of young men. He was even a little nervous. He wanted to see how strong the strongest person in this group could be. Therefore, he increased the pressure once again.    


In less than ten breaths' time, because the pressure this time was really too strong. At least half of the thirty people had already reached the limit of their bodies and had no choice but to retreat. The pressure continued, and only three of the ten people were left. At this moment, Yijin had already raised his spiritual pressure to the seventh level. Even his face was somewhat pale. He was sweating profusely, but the three people on the square seemed to be doing it with ease.    


Of course, these three people were Zheng Zinuo, Jing Xiaotian, who had the help of his incomparably profound meditation technique, and a black-clothed man. She had jet-black hair, an excellent figure, and an extremely ugly appearance. The young girl's skin was as white as snow, and her face shape was one of a kind that could only be found in ten thousand years. However, her face was covered in pockmarks, and her mouth was so large that it was even crooked by thirty degrees. In addition, her nose was facing the sky, and her eyebrows were very thick. Her wrinkles were like creeks. After Zheng Zinuo scanned her with the spiritual sense, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and secretly sympathized with this young girl.    


"Very good. The future prospects of these three people's cultivation will definitely be no less than mine. I never thought that my sect would be able to recruit such excellent disciples. My Mount Shu Sect is finally going to get rid of the situation of being unable to accept any disciples." Although Yijin was also struggling, he was extremely excited. He added a trace of spiritual pressure, because at this point... If he continued to increase the pressure, it would be very easy to cause a huge mental injury to the recipient. Yijin didn't dare to do anything to these three precious disciples.    


"Puff..." A stream of blood spurted out. Jing Xiaotian finally couldn't take it anymore and became the first one among the three to give up. However, the mouthful of blood that he spat out just now had shocked everyone who was watching on the side. They thought that Jing Xiaotian had suffered a serious injury because of this, but Zheng Zinuo and a few others secretly congratulated Jing Xiaotian. They were even envious of him.    


Under such a strong spiritual pressure, Jing Xiaotian finally made a qualitative leap from quantity to quality. He made a huge leap in his realm and broke through to the realm of Light Opening. He had reached the level of fusion that he had dreamed of. Yijin was even more delighted. He thought to himself that this kid would definitely be a great pillar of Mount Shu Sect the next day. Not only would he be able to withstand the pressure, but he would also be able to withstand it. He was truly an outstanding person.    


After Jing Xiaotian was taken away by the two disciples of Mount Shu, only Zheng Zinuo and the other girl in black remained in the square. Just as Zheng Zinuo was thinking about whether he should just let it go so as to avoid being suspected if his performance was too outstanding... The girl beside him fell to the ground before him and fainted. She was carried away.    


"Uh... I can't possibly make Senior Yijin lose his face, right? I'll just pretend to faint." Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and was about to fall to the ground. Suddenly, another spiritual pressure that was even stronger than Yijin's was transmitted over. This pressure was abnormally strong and fierce.    


Before Zheng Zinuo could understand what was going on, he suddenly let out a long roar, "Wahaha... I didn't expect our Shu Mountain to meet such a beautiful disciple this year. His spiritual realm is so powerful. His cultivation level has also reached the late Golden Core stage. This humble Taoist is really surprised! I would like to see how deep you are exactly. "    


" Greetings, Uncle-Master... " Yijin turned his head to look when he heard this. He saw that a white-haired, child-like person had appeared above the Sword Dance Platform at some unknown time. The old man in the white robe fixed his eyes on the old man. It turned out that he was the only remaining elder of Mount Shu Sect who had not been born for a long time. He was the mid stage Heavenly Tribulation expert, Senior Uncle Ning Hao. He was shocked.    



"Greetings, grandmaster..." The other disciples of Shu Mountain all knelt down.    


"There's no need for formalities. Today, my curiosity was piqued. I took out my spiritual sense and swam around Mount Shu. Unfortunately, I met such an outstanding person. Little friend, why don't you accept my pressure? If you pass my test, I will inform junior disciple Yijin. Let him open the convenience door for you and join my Shu Mountain, alright?"    


Zheng Zinuo opened his eyes when he heard this. He had only just noticed the arrival of the old man. This proved that the old man's cultivation base and realm were not lower than his. Such an expert was certainly worthy of his challenge. Thus, he nodded and said, "This junior is extremely lucky to be able to receive the guidance of senior. Please!"    


"Hahaha... Pleasure, then be careful little friend. This Penniless Priest is about to begin!" Ning Hao rode on the wind and slowly landed on the ground. He stood less than five meters away from Zheng Zinuo. He closed his eyes and raised his spiritual pressure to the same level as a late Divine Clone. In his opinion, Yijin could only bear such spiritual pressure, but Yijin was at the Divine Clone realm. Zheng Zinuo was only at the Golden Core realm. If he could withstand such a powerful pressure... Then he would pass.    


Zheng Zinuo felt a trace of pressure and closed his eyes again to meditate. He knew that under this kind of mental stimulation, one's realm was the easiest to improve. That Jing Xiaotian was the best example. Such a good opportunity. Of course, Zheng Zinuo would not let it go.    


He didn't use any cultivation technique to defend himself. He just let go of the opportunity and let Ning Hao's powerful mental energy attack his body.    


One wave... two waves...    


Under Yijin's terrifying gaze, Zheng Zinuo wasn't injured at all. After half an hour of safe and sound, Ning Hao had raised his spiritual pressure to the early stage of the Heavenly Tribulation. Not to mention a weak Golden Core cultivator, even the current Sect Master of Mount Shu Sect, Daoist Qing Wei. It was very difficult to withstand the pressure of the late stage of the Fusion Stage, because the further one went, the harder it was to withstand the pressure. Although the gap between their levels was only one or two levels, the difference in strength was immeasurable. This not only shocked Ning Hao, but also made him doubt. He even had some anger in him, thinking that Zheng Zinuo was a spy sent by another sect. Or perhaps it was some kind of evil sect that wanted to sneak into the Mount Shu Sect to cause trouble. Therefore, he showed no mercy to them. With all his strength, he unleashed his spiritual pressure to the Mid Heavenly Tribulation realm.    


The space above Zheng Zinuo's head started to distort, forming a dark cloud less than three meters above his head. It then turned into a vortex. The vortex became bigger and bigger, and lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. A violent wind blew, and what shocked everyone was that the hair-raising scene in the sky didn't seem to affect Zheng Zinuo at all. The golden sword behind him emitted a faint golden light, completely wrapping Zheng Zinuo within it. Despite the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning flashing in the outside world, Zheng Zinuo didn't feel anything at all.    


At this moment, under the invisible and enormous spiritual pressure from the outside world, Zheng Zinuo had miraculously entered a miraculous state. In this realm, he quietly felt it. It was as if he had touched some important place, but he couldn't touch it. It was like the reflection of the moon in a mirror, and also like a thin paper window that had always been separated from him. Although this paper window looked very thin, he couldn't break it even if he used all his strength.    


"Ah..." Zheng Zinuo jumped up from the ground with a long roar. His body was suspended in midair without any gravity. He raised his hands high and looked very relaxed, as if he had been baptized.    


"Hmm... not good! This fellow actually broke through his realm under my stimulation. This... This is too inconceivable! " Ning Hao groaned and took three steps back. There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. His face was as pale as a sheet of paper. He stared at the spinning wheel in the air in shock. Zheng Zinuo, who was shining with golden light, withdrew his spiritual pressure. His expression changed and he thought to himself. “ How is this possible? Can one still advance so easily after reaching the Tribulation Stage? This fellow can't be a monster, right?"    


The entire square was silent. Everyone was staring at Zheng Zinuo, who was floating in the air, wrapped in a golden light. It was not until a long time later when the sky was getting dark that Zheng Zinuo slowly woke up from his strange state. When he opened his eyes to take a look, he was immediately overjoyed. He had once again taken a step forward from the middle stage of the tribulation. He was close to the late stage of the tribulation, but when he was happy, an incomparable fear emerged in his heart. His cultivation realm was about to reach the late stage of tribulation transcendence, and he was about to face the test of the heavens. He had to resist the baptism of the heavenly lightning, but because of his low cultivation, if he were to transcend the tribulation recklessly... Wouldn't that mean that he would have a slim chance of survival?    


When he thought of this, Zheng Zinuo felt a chill run down his spine. He was just about to continue thinking about this problem when he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere around him. Only then did he realize that he was still taking the test of the old Daoist on the square.    


"Ha! Who are you? How dare you come to my Shu Mountain and cause trouble!" When Ning Hao saw Zheng Zinuo land on the ground, his realm, which was lower than his, suddenly surpassed his. Although his cultivation base had not improved, such a miracle was hard to believe. Therefore, he began to doubt Zheng Zinuo's identity.    


At this moment, a few smart Shu Mountain disciples called the leader of the Shu Mountain, Qing Wei, over. Seeing Ning Hao's tense expression, Qing Wei hurriedly went forward and explained, "Martial Uncle, why are you suddenly here? This young friend is a guest of our Shu Mountain. He has been in our Shu Mountain for more than three years. He is not a spy of some evil sect. "    


" Oh? Then this humble Daoist must have wrongly blamed this young friend." With Sect Master Qingwei's personal explanation, even Ning Hao had no choice but to give him face. He nodded and said, "Then you guys can continue. I'll go back first. About that... Little friend, what's your name?"    


"Junior Zheng Zinuo, thank you for your guidance just now!" Zheng Zinuo nodded and said respectfully.    


"En, you're welcome. You should have had such an opportunity. However, I have to remind you that you have to make the best use of your time to improve your cultivation base. Don't let your cultivation base improve again. Otherwise, you will be destroyed by the Heavenly Tribulation. There is no other way, understand? " Ning Hao reminded. He had acted on impulse just now. When he was confronting Zheng Zinuo mentally, he could clearly feel the energy of the eternal Morality in Zheng Zinuo's body and the pure energy of the Saint God. Light! In this aspect, even he, who was known as the top expert of the Three Great Dao, could not compare with him. How could he possibly be a demon of the Devil Dao? This was also the reason why Sect Master Qingwei said this. This was one of the major reasons why he believed ___'s words.    


"Senior, I will remember your teachings in my heart!" Zheng Zinuo said sincerely.    


"Hahaha... Don't worry, you all can continue. I will go back and rest first, but I will come back later." After saying that, he disappeared as though he had never appeared before.    


"Blink!" Zheng Zinuo's pupils contracted, and a feeling that he had not felt for a long time welled up in his heart once again. Due to his lower cultivation base, he was unable to use many profound techniques. Looks like the most important thing right now is to improve my cultivation base as soon as possible. Looking for Wan'er and the others might take some time, I hope they are all fine."    


"Hahaha..." Seeing Ning Hao's departure, Sect Master Qingwei laughed and praised, "Little friend's potential is simply unbelievable. Even the Tribulation Passing experts of my Mount Shu Sect who haven't been born for many years... Little friend, you have made an exception to come out of your seclusion for the sake of your little friend. It can be imagined that your future of cultivation is limitless. "    


"Senior, you flatter me too much. If it wasn't for the rescue of senior and the others, I reckon that junior's soul would have already returned to the heavens. How could I have any future cultivation prospects? " Zheng Zinuo said sincerely. He was such a person. A drop of water should be repaid with a spring.    


"Little friend, don't take it to heart. Otherwise, it will definitely affect your cultivation realm. We cultivators can do whatever we want, and we can do whatever we want." Sect Master Qingwei said.    


"Thank you for your teachings, senior." Zheng Zinuo nodded his head. He had told Hu Mei'er the same thing before. When he thought about his current situation, he couldn't help but laugh.    


"En, alright. I think little friend and the others are tired as well. After a night's rest, there will be other competitions tomorrow. Although little friend has extraordinary talent, There is only one in ten thousand, but our Mount Shu Sect has always abided by the Heavenly Dao. There are rules and regulations. Only after you have passed three tests can you truly be considered as a disciple of our Shu Mountain. " Sect Master Qingwei continued.    


"I will do my best to not disappoint you, senior." Zheng Zinuo bowed and said. He thought in his heart, 'Since we're here, it's better to be safe than sorry. Now that we've suddenly come to this strange world...' Many of them had to start from scratch. The Mount Shu Sect was one of the three major cultivation sects. Why not have such a good place to stay? Besides, the disciples of Mount Shu were all over the Great Land. It would be much easier to find out more about Wan'er and the others. Therefore, he decided to join Shu Mountain.    


After sending Sect Master Qingwei, Yijin, and the others away, Zheng Zinuo sat cross-legged in the square like the other candidates, meditating while waiting for the next day.    


However, after Zheng Zinuo's earth-shattering actions today, he had become a household name. Those scheming participating disciples would thicken their faces and approach Zheng Zinuo from time to time to strike up a conversation. Especially some young girls who were confident in their looks. When they saw Zheng Zinuo's handsome face, they couldn't help but admire him. They were highly regarded by the leader of Shu Mountain, so they wished they could marry him. They would marry into the Mount Shu Sect together with Zheng Zinuo.    


However, only two of these people ignored Zheng Zinuo. One of them was Jing Xiaotian, who had performed equally well today. He was the only one besides Zheng Zinuo who had improved his cultivation realm under the pressure of the outside world. Ever since he withdrew from the competition... He had been completely indifferent to the surrounding environment after the advancement in his cultivation realm. After all, his cultivation level and realm were as different as heaven and earth from Zheng Zinuo's. It was impossible for him to control it as freely as Zheng Zinuo. He had to use his heart to feel the advancement just now in order to stabilize this difficult realm.    


The other person was the ugly black-clothed girl. Her performance was similarly astounding. However, perhaps it was because of her extremely ugly appearance that her personality was rather eccentric. One. She sat alone in the furthest corner of the square, cross-legged. However, Zheng Zinuo could deeply feel that the girl's fiery eyes were looking at him from time to time. There were complex emotions mixed in between.    


When it was late at night and everyone went to sleep, Zheng Zinuo found that the girl was still meditating with her legs crossed. Zheng Zinuo felt some sympathy for her. He stood up and quietly went to the girl's side and sat down next to her.    


The young girl was very alert. As soon as Zheng Zinuo sat down, she opened her eyes and looked at him vigilantly. Her narrow and ugly eyes were filled with doubt and confusion.    


"Hehe... I knew you weren't asleep." Zheng Zinuo smiled gently, which eased the girl's vigilance. He continued, "Why is everyone resting and resting? Are you still cultivating here? Aren't you worried that you won't have the energy for tomorrow's test? "    


"I... am used to it." Hearing this, the young girl's face turned slightly red. Combined with her snow white skin, Under the hazy moonlight, she was not that ugly anymore. Her voice was very pleasant to listen to, just like a sparrow. Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but wonder why a young girl with such an excellent figure and voice could be so beautiful. Her face was so ugly, wasn't this a bit too unfair?    


Turning around, the young girl lowered her head and asked, "Aren't you the same? Why aren't you sleeping at this late hour?"    


"Oh, I don't usually sleep. I've always spent my time cultivating. Only then can I make full use of my time. However, to reach such a realm, I need to be at least at the early Golden Core stage." Zheng Zinuo replied.    


"You... you've already reached the Golden Core stage?" The young girl was shocked when she heard that. Her narrow eyes were wide open as she stared at Zheng Zinuo without blinking.    


Zheng Zinuo coughed awkwardly, nodded, and smiled. "It's only the Golden Core stage. Didn't you already reach the late fusion stage? I reckon you'll reach my level very soon. Hehe..."    


"Really?" The young girl seemed to be a little unconfident. She pursed her lips and did not say anything.    


"Of course. Your talent is quite good. You are among us. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to withstand the seventh level of spiritual pressure from Senior Yijin today." Zheng Zinuo replied firmly, "Oh, I forgot to ask for your name, young lady. What's your name? My name is Zheng Zinuo. Nice to meet you. "    


"Thank you. My name is Qin Xiaoyan. Nice to meet you too." The young girl replied with a smile, but her smile was even uglier than crying. It made Zheng Zinuo's hair stand on end when he saw it.    


"However, why did Brother Zheng... take the initiative to talk to me? The few sisters over there are much more beautiful than me. Why are you? " Qin Xiaoyan asked curiously.    


" It's very simple, because what I like is a person's heart. It's not a person's appearance." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said, "Appearance will change with the passage of time, but a person's heart will not change much. Miss Qin, although your appearance isn't beautiful, I know that your heart is beautiful. "    


Qin Xiaoyan trembled slightly when she heard Zheng Zinuo's words. She opened her huge mouth and stared at Zheng Zinuo blankly for a long time. After a while... Only then did she recover to her original state. She lowered her head and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Zheng. You have been Xiaoyan for so long. Other than her parents, there was only one person who did not dislike Xiaoyan's ugly appearance. Thank you sincerely, Brother Zheng. You are also a good person. "    


"Hehe... Silly girl." Zheng Zinuo smiled. This feeling was really wonderful. It made her unconsciously think of Xiao Wan'er, Feng Ziyan, Shui Zhu'er, and Wenli. When she thought of Hu Mei'er, her heart was filled with sweetness and bitterness. For a moment, she had everything she wanted.    


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