Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C172 Battle

C172 Battle

0"You're all trash, you know that?" Jiaang Weiwei broke several glasses in a row and scolded, "You can't even do a small thing. Why didn't you find out that Ouyang Xianhai knows kung fu? Why?"    


"Sister Wei, it is not that we can't find out, it is that he really..."    


"Shut up, you still have the face to explain? I really don't understand what your brains are for, each and every one of you are like a pig. I'm so angry. " Jiaang Weiwei was so angry that she was gasping for breath. If she lost to Chen Xiao... After all, Chen Xiao's strength was there. However, she didn't expect that she wouldn't be able to deal with a puny little Ouyang Hai.    


"What are you still standing here for? Hurry up and check it out." Jiaang Weiwei saw that her subordinates were standing there stupidly and scolded again.    


"Sister Wei, investigate what?" The subordinates did not understand what was going on and Jiaang Weiwei almost went crazy from anger. She shouted, "Go and find out where the person stone beside Ouyang Xianhai came from. Didn't he always come alone before? Investigate if it was the people Chen Xiao sent to him. A bunch of idiots!"    


Everyone answered and was about to walk out when they suddenly heard a man's voice. "No need to investigate. I am here. I didn't send those people. "    


Jiaang Weiwei secretly thought that it was not good. She turned around and retreated. At the same time, she took out a dagger from her waist and shot it at the place where the sound came from. However, Chen Xiao, who was prepared, would not be shot by her. He quickly rushed over. He went around the few people who were stunned on the spot and kicked Jiaang Weiwei.    


Because she had used a lot of strength in the battle with Ouyang Xianhai, plus she was caught unprepared, Jiaang Weiwei was kicked to the ground. She roared angrily, "What are you still standing there for? Go!"    


At this time, a large group of people rushed in from outside the door. They were Xiao Jinrui and his subordinates. Both sides were in a chaotic battle. Chen Xiao and Jiaang Weiwei also attacked again.    


After dodging the three daggers, Chen Xiao also took out three daggers and shot them at Jiaang Weiwei's thigh. She could only dodge, but she did not expect that it would hit her. He turned around and kicked. In an instant, he sent her flying again. This time, before she could stand up, Chen Xiao rushed forward and grabbed her hand. He pressed his body down.    


"Stop. I have already caught Jiaang Weiwei. If you attack again, I will kill him." Chen Xiao shouted loudly. Everyone stopped and separated from each other.    


"Chen Xiao, how dare you sneak attack me? What kind of hero are you? Let me go if you have the ability. Let's fight fair and square." Jiaang Weiwei calculated in her mind and tried to goad him on. But how could Chen Xiao fall into her trap? He smiled and said, "If this is a sneak attack, then what is the meaning of your previous assassinations?"    


Just when Jiaang Weiwei wanted to use words to gain the upper hand, Chen Xiao pressed hard and said in a stern voice, "You just wait there obediently. Maybe you can escape this calamity. Otherwise, don't blame me for ruthlessly destroying flowers."    


Looking at Chen Xiao's fierce eyes, Jiaang Weiwei knew that this man would definitely do what he said. As long as there was hope, there would not be no firewood to burn. So she shut her mouth and quietly stayed at the side. Chen Xiao turned his head and said, "Those who want to die, follow me."    


Holding Jiaang Weiwei's hand, Chen Xiao stepped back to the door step by step. Her subordinates, who did not know whether they were afraid of death or unwilling to follow, actually stayed in the room and did not chase out.    


"Chen Xiao, if you are smart, let me go quickly. Otherwise, I don't know what my subordinates will do." Jiaang Weiwei threatened again, but Chen Xiao took the rope from Xiao Jinrui and tied her hands up. He smiled indifferently and said, "If they wanted to save you, they wouldn't have waited until now to come out. You'd better come with me obediently. "    


With Xiao Jinrui driving the car, Chen Xiao pressed Jiaang Weiwei to sit at the back and remained silent along the way. When they returned to the Lee family's villa, Xiao Jinrui and the others left. Chen Xiao pushed Jiaang Weiwei into a room.    


After closing the door, Chen Xiao turned around and saw Jiaang Weiwei rushing towards him. Just as he was about to make a move, he saw her smile and lightly lean on him.    


"What tricks are you planning to play again?" Chen Xiao smiled faintly. Jiaang Weiwei, who was wearing red lipstick today, raised her head and approached his face. She blew a few times and said in a rare gentle voice, "I fell into your hands. What other plans can I play?"    


"Don't worry. I just want to find a man who can control me. Because other men are too useless. I like you, Chen Xiao. Let's go crazy. A midnight snack is worth a thousand gold coins." Jiaang Weiwei said charmingly.    


To be honest, although Jiaang Weiwei was over thirty years old, she had heavy makeup on her face. There were no wrinkles and her facial features were very clean. Her skin was also very fair and smooth, although it was not as good as Lee Jiajia and other peerless beauties. However, it was still better than most young girls in their twenties.    


Not to mention her figure, she had a pair of proud peaks and a pair of towering buttocks. In addition to Jiaang Weiwei's long years of fighting, her entire figure was curvy and curvy. However, there were also some more muscle lines on her body. It made people unable to stop looking at her. Now that it had formed an obvious contrast of gentleness, it gave Jiaang Weiwei another kind of charm that moved people's hearts.    


"Are you planning to use the beauty trick?" Chen Xiao smiled faintly and pushed her away. Jiaang Weiwei leaned forward again and did not hesitate to rub her chest against Chen Xiao's arm. She bit her lips and begged softly, "I really like you. Come on, let's spend the night together. It's a waste for a young man not to be dissolute and dissolute. "    


"It's a pity that I'm no longer a youth. Save it." Chen Xiao pushed her away again and pushed her back onto the bed. He sat on the opposite sofa and asked sternly, "Who are you helping? Also, why must you get the private power plant's project?"    


"Come on, you have my people. Are you afraid that you won't get these secrets?" Jiaang Weiwei was determined to seduce Chen Xiao. She did not believe that there was a man who could resist her charm. In her opinion, no matter what kind of man it was, he was a creature who only knew how to think with his lower body.    


After a pause, Chen Xiao slowly walked forward and approached Jiaang Weiwei. He slowly pulled out a small knife and cut off the rope on her back cleanly. Jiaang Weiwei's heart moved. She hesitated to fight back and continued to tempt Chen Xiao. She and Black Widow had the same idea. If they could complete the mission... She would not hesitate to sell her body.    


"Go to sleep early. But I'm warning you, don't act recklessly. Otherwise, I'll really kill you." Chen Xiao said coldly, turned around and said, "If you stay here obediently, perhaps I will agree to give you the shares."    


"I..." Jiaang Weiwei wanted to say something but stopped herself. She really did not understand what Chen Xiao meant. He had brought her here. He did not interrogate her or restrict her movements. He just wanted her to stay in the villa. Was he not afraid that she would make a move in the middle of the night?    


Even if he said that he would kill her, perhaps it was already too late. Was he that bold? Jiaang Weiwei felt that Chen Xiao was really a strange man. However, after he closed the door and left, She also leisurely sat back on the bed and smiled. She went to bed.    


The next morning, Chen Xiao went downstairs to exercise, but he saw Jiaang Weiwei in the yard.    


"You are also used to exercising every morning?" After exchanging greetings, Chen Xiao walked to the side and started to exercise. He even had his back to Jiaang Weiwei.    


"Chen Xiao, are you really not afraid that I will suddenly kill you?" Jiaang Weiwei asked curiously. Her hand reached to her waist a few times and finally put it down.    


"Unless you don't want the shares of the private power plant project, you are not that stupid." Chen Xiao twisted his waist and said, "I said, as long as you cooperate obediently, I might give you the shares. If you mess around, I can guarantee that you won't get anything. "    


"Are you threatening me?" Jiaang Weiwei frowned and said, "How can I trust you? Didn't you say you wanted to work with Ouyang Xianhai yesterday? In the end, you turned around and made us fight. Now that you said those words again, how can I trust you? "    


"Alright, then I'll tell you why you can trust me." Chen Xiao walked over and said lightly, "First, I don't want to work with you. I can kill you last night. Secondly, although you do things in a ruthless manner, you are still fairly upright and upright. You are more trustworthy than Ouyang Xianhai. "    


"Are these two reasons enough? If you still don't believe me, I have no choice. The door is there. You can leave at any time. " Chen Xiao pointed at the door and said indifferently.    


"Are you really willing to let me go?"    


"That's right. Otherwise, why would I undo your rope, but I still say the same thing. If you want the shares, you can only choose to work with me. You should know that you can't beat me." Chen Xiao looked at Jiaang Weiwei and smiled. "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. If you work with Ouyang Xianhai, I guarantee that you will lose until not even your bones are left. "    


"What do you mean? He only tied with me, but he can't do anything to me." Jiaang Weiwei said proudly.    


" He can't do anything to you, but the person behind him can. " Chen Xiao recalled the middle-aged man he saw yesterday and said slowly, "I arrived a step earlier than you yesterday. He was talking to a middle-aged man. He is an expert, an expert even stronger than you. "    


"Also, Ouyang Xianhai was able to hide it from me for so long. It can be imagined how deep his mind was. I'm afraid that if he wasn't forced to a dead end yesterday, I don't think he would have made a move. " Thinking back to the few times they had met, Chen Xiao felt that Ouyang Xianhai's schemes were even more terrifying.    


"But I have assassinated Lee Jiajia twice before. Why would you believe me? Aren't you afraid that I will suddenly go back on my word and catch Lee Jiajia to threaten you?" Jiaang Weiwei asked curiously.    


"You don't need to doubt me. You don't need to doubt me. If I doubt you, I won't propose a collaboration, and I won't bring you back to the villa. You didn't do anything last night, so I knew I could trust you."    


" That's because I'm tired. " After a pause, Jiaang Weiwei sighed and said, "Chen Xiao, you are really a strange person. I don't understand what you are thinking more and more."    


"You do not need to know what I am thinking. You only need to know what you are thinking." Chen Xiao walked over and said in a deep voice, "Have you decided?"    


"You can beat me first." Jiaang Weiwei said proudly, "I have recovered my strength today. If you can beat me, I will think about it."    


A dagger flew out and Jiaang Weiwei also quickly kicked towards Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao's mouth raised and also shot out a small knife to block the dagger. He went forward and fiercely fought with Jiaang Weiwei.    


15 minutes later, Chen Xiao gave a side kick and quickly went forward. Like last night, he backhanded grabbed Jiaang Weiwei and said proudly, "You recovered your strength and I also recovered my injuries. I already said that you can't beat me."    


Jiaang Weiwei coldly snorted and did not say anything.    


Releasing his hand, Chen Xiao turned around and walked back into the house. He said loudly, "I want to send the two of them to work. You should stay in the villa today. If you want to leave, feel free to do so."    


"Strange and arrogant man!" Jiaang Weiwei cursed in a low voice. She did not walk to the door but walked into the house.    



Back in the office, Chen Xiao had just finished dealing with the things on hand when he suddenly received a call from Han Ziming.    


"Boss, it's not good. Quickly come and help me." Han Ziming's voice sounded anxious. Chen Xiao frowned, thinking that there was only one possibility that could make Han Ziming so anxious. Xia Mengqiu had an accident.    


"Did something happen to Xia Mengqiu?"    


"Boss, she went missing. I can't find her anywhere. Quickly come and help me. I'm so worried that something will happen to her. " Han Ziming was so anxious that his voice was trembling.    


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