Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C55 Fight the Magic Beast Again

C55 Fight the Magic Beast Again

0One day later, the next morning, after the disciples bid farewell to Feng Qingyun and Yurong, they all cheered.    


"Seniors, junior brothers and sisters, we are finally free today. Let's find a place to have fun." Third senior brother Chu Sifeng cheered.    


"Good, good..." Except for Zheng Zinuo, the rest of the people, including Feng Ziyan, all agreed loudly.    


"Where are we going to play?" Feng Ziyan asked excitedly.    


"Yes... Why don't we go to Devil Beast Forest to get a few Devil Beast and let junior brother Liu give us extra food tonight?" Second Senior Brother Ouyang Qingqi suggested.    


"En, that's a good suggestion." Dongfang Shenyong nodded his head.    


"But master told us to be obedient and not cause trouble outside. It's not good for us to do this." Zheng Zinuo interrupted.    


"It doesn't matter. If you don't say it and we don't say it, who would know?" Feng Ziyan still said the same thing.    


"That's right. Little Junior Brother, you have been too inflexible and abiding by the rules. You have to know how to use it agilely, hehe..." Liu Wenyi said.    


"Oh, but Devil Beast Forest is so dangerous..." Zheng Zinuo continued. He thought in his heart, I have to kill a Devil Beast and send it to Big Brother before noon. I don't have the time to play with you guys.    


"Junior brother, why are you so long-winded? If you want to be afraid, stay here and watch the house. Let's go." Feng Ziyan said unceremoniously, "My cultivation is lower than yours, so I am not afraid. What are you afraid of? Besides, we have Eldest Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother, two Martial Emperors. What else could happen? Truly a coward!"    


" Junior sister... " Dongfang Shenyong said, "Maybe Little Junior Brother was scared by that Gale devil wolf last time. After all, he's still young. Don't talk about him like that."    


"Humph!" Zheng Zinuo secretly snorted and said, "I am not a coward. If I go, I will go. Who is afraid of who?" Hearing Feng Ziyan say this to him, he was also very angry in his heart.    


"Alright, then let's prepare to leave." Chu Sifeng said happily.    


After that, everyone tidied up a little. Zheng Zinuo put Yin Yang, who had yet to wake up, in the room and let it continue sleeping. He followed Dongfang Shenyong and the others to the Devil Beast Forest below the mountain.    


"Junior brothers and sisters, let's compete. We are not allowed to use soul power. Only soul power below level ten is allowed to be used. Let's see who can reach the border of the Devil Beast Forest first." Dongfang Shenyong gave the order, and everyone urged their soul power to use the Yu's Step. Then, they rushed down the mountain.    


Now, even if Zheng Zinuo didn't use any soul energy or Genuine Qi, just by relying on his physical strength, he could still run at full speed. He wasn't much slower than them when they used the Yu's Step, which was below level ten. Therefore, they didn't think much of it. They followed everyone's footsteps and ran down the mountain unhurriedly.    


There were seven people in the group. The weakest among them was a level twenty martial master. If they were in the outside world, they would definitely be a group of cultivators that couldn't be underestimated. However, in the Hidden Spirit Sect, they were only a group of slightly larger disciples.    


"I am number one, I am number one, Yeyue..." Everyone let Feng Ziyan be the first to run to the edge of the Devil Beast Forest. Zheng Zinuo did not argue with him, nor did he try to steal the limelight. He followed them silently at the end.    


"Alright, everyone take a short break and adjust to your best condition. After that, we will proceed to the Devil Beast Forest, within a thousand meters of the target. Don't run too deep, otherwise, we will be helpless if we encounter a high level Devil Beast. It will be dangerous when the time comes. " Dongfang Shenyong said.    


"Alright, I understand." Everyone replied in unison.    


After a while, Dongfang Shenyong got up and came to the entrance of Devil Beast Forest. He said, "I will lead the way, and Little Junior Brother will follow behind me. Third junior brother, fourth junior brother, fifth junior brother, and Ziyan stood in the middle, and second junior brother behind her. Let's go!"    


"Okay!" Everyone was extremely excited.    


"Why is it Little Junior Brother? It was as if there was something on his mind that Little Junior Sister had said. Are you unhappy?" Dongfang Shenyong deliberately placed Zheng Zinuo behind him so that he could take care of him. When he saw his serious face, He seemed to have a lot on his mind, so he asked.    


"Oh, it's nothing, Eldest Senior Brother." Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled when he heard this. He forced a smile and said. " It's just that I'm a little nervous." Actually, he was very unhappy because of Feng Ziyan's change. Originally, he and Feng Ziyan could have talked about everything. There were even some other feelings in his heart. But recently, Feng Ziyan had become more and more indifferent to him. It made him unable to accept it for a moment.    


First love was always beautiful, but before he could even start, he was ruthlessly struck by her. This young heart was truly filled with indescribable pain.    


"Oh, it's good that you're alright. It's rare for everyone to come out and play, so be happy." Dongfang Shenyong said as he observed his surroundings.    


"Alright, I got it. Thank you, Eldest Senior Brother." Zheng Zinuo nodded. At this moment, Dongfang Shenyong suddenly stopped in his tracks. His expression tightened slightly. He turned around and said to the crowd. "Hehe... We have good food for dinner. Three hundred meters in front of us is a middle tier Tier 3 Devil Beast. Let's quickly go and see what it is. Everyone, be careful, don't scare it away. "    


"Alright!" Everyone was overjoyed, and quickly and quietly approached the unknown Devil Beast in front of them.    


Zheng Zinuo was very surprised. Why was it so far away? Dongfang Shenyong could still clearly feel the existence of the Devil Beast, and it was so precise that he could sense the level of the Devil Beast. What was the Devil Beast that was missing? Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but be shocked by this skill.    


"Senior brother, did you use the Soul Exploring Eye to sense the existence of the Devil Beast just now?" Zheng Zinuo asked in a low voice as he advanced.    


"En, that's right. After the Soul Exploring Eye has reached the second realm of Minute Subtlety... ___ nodded his head and replied, Yes. After reaching the Second Stage of Minute Subtlety, the ___ can be combined with my spiritual sense. With my current cultivation base, I can sense most of the energy fluctuations within a radius of five to six hundred meters. " Dongfang Shenyong replied.    


"My god, the second realm is already so powerful. How powerful will it be after reaching the highest realm?" Zheng Zinuo asked.    


"I don't know about that either. I heard that not even our Sect Master, Ancestor Martial Uncle, has reached that realm. Hehe..." Dongfang Shenyong replied with a smile.    


At this moment, as everyone was moving forward at high speed, they were getting closer and closer to the middle rank three Devil Beast.    


" Yeah! I saw it. It was a Golden Horned Rhinoceros. Tonight, everyone will have beef to eat. Hehe..." Dongfang Shenyong said with a joyful expression.    


Zheng Zinuo heard this and was furious. If it was an ordinary yellow cow... He still dared to eat it, but this Devil Beast rhinoceros could also eat it. Just like the Gale devil wolf he killed last time, although Yurong and the others had cooked a few vegetables. After all, the Devil Beast had gained its initial intelligence. Some of them were even as intelligent as humans. When such a highly intelligent life was eaten, It was no different from eating humans.    


However, he had learned his lesson now. Even if he didn't like it, he absolutely couldn't say it out loud. As the saying goes, live in groups and stay alone. As long as he showed any signs of being out of the ordinary... He would be looked down upon by others. The other senior brothers... He did not care, but he could not ignore Feng Ziyan no matter what. It was as if her every move and every word and action had deeply stabbed into his heart.    


"Second Junior Brother, bring Third Junior Brother and go around from the side. In order to prevent him from running into the inner parts of the forest, other than Little Junior Brother and Little Junior Sister, the rest of the people didn't move at all. All of you, follow me!" Dongfang Shenyong immediately said. It could be seen that they were experienced in catching Devil Beast.    


"Alright!" Everyone nodded in agreement. Only Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan stayed where they were, staring at the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was eating the grass. The others divided their work and quietly approached the rhinoceros.    


Two rank 60 Martial Emperors and a rank 50 Martial King. A rank 40 Martial Ancestor and a rank 30 general. A total of five experts captured a rank 3 middle grade Devil Beast that was equivalent to a rank 35 Martial General. The fate of that Devil Beast could be imagined.    


Seemingly sensing something strange, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was eating the grass turned its head and looked back. Suddenly, it discovered that three weak humans were rapidly approaching it.    


It suddenly became alert. It suddenly turned around and ran towards the inner parts of the forest without looking back.    


"It's not that easy to run!" Ouyang Qingqi just arrived behind the Golden Horned Rhinoceros and saw it running towards the side path. He suddenly let out a low shout and the green martial soul instantly appeared behind him. Immediately after that, he leapt forward and unleashed the Green Martial Cultivation Method Finger. It was like a green lightning bolt, and it shot towards the Golden Horned Rhinoceros.    


"Moo..." With a miserable cry, a finger thick blood eye appeared on the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's butt. It fell to the ground and rolled a few times. It could no longer get up.    


It was struck by a rank 60 Martial Emperor using the Green Martial Cultivation Method, even though the Golden Horned Rhinoceros was known for its high defense. This was because it could run fast. Ouyang Qingqi originally wanted to hit its head to kill it, but in a moment of desperation... Furthermore, Ouyang Qingqi did not use mental lock to deal with such a weak Tier 3 Devil Beast. He did not have the mood to use his Mind Locking Technique. He thought that even if he could not hit its head, As long as he hit any part of the Golden Horned Rhinoceros, it would be difficult for it to escape. The facts proved that a Martial Emperor who was over level 60... Indeed powerful.    


"This is too powerful. Illusory Nether's finger hit the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's butt. It was able to knock the ___ to the ground and make it unable to get up. It's really powerful." Zheng Zinuo looked enviously at Ouyang Qingqi, who was standing not far away from him, and felt incomparably shocked in his heart. He thought about the battle he had with the Violent Water Python yesterday. Just a single high-grade Tier 2 Devil Beast had injured him, and he was almost defeated.    


"Looks like I'm still too far away from Senior Brother and the others." Zheng Zinuo secretly shook his head.    


"The Golden Horned Rhinoceros is a middle rank three Devil Beast. It's famous for its strong defense. The main attacking methods are the Golden Horn Charge, Stomp, and Golden Horn Electric Shock." Like before, Feng Ziyan explained to Zheng Zinuo, "Azure Martial Cultivation Attack Finger - Illusory Nether Finger, it can release 150% of its attack power. It also has a certain chance of fainting, and it will cause the opponent to hallucinate the moment they are hit. It is a type of mental attack that is very powerful. "    


"Oh, thank you, senior sister." Zheng Zinuo was happy to hear that. He looked at Feng Ziyan and smiled happily. It was as if he had returned to three years ago, when Feng Ziyan often taught him martial arts knowledge.    


At that moment, Dongfang Shenyong suddenly shouted, "Junior brother, junior sister, you should leave quickly. There are two very powerful Devil Beast rapidly approaching here. We will block them, you should run back quickly!"    


"Ah?" Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan turned pale with fright. At the same time, they looked towards where Dongfang Shenyong and the others were. They saw that two purple flames had appeared out of nowhere on a small path not far away. They were two meters tall. A five-meter long Devil Beast that looked like a tiger was roaring at Dongfang Shenyong and the others.    


"Ah? It can't be, we've only ventured less than 800 meters, how could we have a Tier 6 high-grade Devil Beast like the Purple Flame Lion King?" Feng Ziyan was shocked when she saw this and said in disbelief.    


"Hurry up and leave senior sister, we will only cause trouble for senior brother and the rest if we stay behind." Zheng Zinuo was the first to react. He grabbed Feng Ziyan's wrist and ran backwards. He explained, "Recently, it is the season for Devil Beast to reproduce. Some powerful Devil Beast might come out of their original territory to find a spouse. These Devil Beast in the mating stage are not easy to provoke. We should quickly retreat. Senior brother and the others should be able to deal with these two Purple Flame Lion Kings. "    


"You... How do you know all of this?" Feng Ziyan asked in shock.    


"I... I saw it in Martial Cultivation World." Zheng Zinuo found an excuse and said. Of course, he did not see it in Martial Cultivation World. He heard from Gong Cheng that the Devil Beast in Devil Beast Forest had reached their puberty recently. They could not go too deep into it. They could only move within 500 meters at most. Although he knew this, he did not pay much attention to it. After all, there were many of them, and there were two Martial Monarchs among them. Therefore, Zheng Zinuo didn't remind everyone.    


Based on Gong Cheng's experience of living in Devil Beast Forest for more than ten years, his opinion wasn't something that ordinary people could compare with. However, just as he finished speaking, he was touched by Zheng Zinuo and the few playful kids.    


However, before Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan could run 300 meters and enter the 500 meters safe zone, They heard two deafening lion roars behind them, even though they were three to four hundred meters away. They couldn't help but tremble and feel dizzy.    


Zheng Zinuo urged the Genuine Qi in his body to enter the major acupuncture point near his ear to resist the interference of the outside world. He kept pulling Feng Ziyan along the way back.    


Just as the two of them ran another hundred meters, there was a sudden rustling sound on the other side of the road. Immediately following that, a huge grayish colored Devil Beast appeared in front of them. It was the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was injured.    


"Ah?" Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan screamed at the same time. They stopped in their tracks and prepared to fight.    


"Moo, moo, moo..." The Golden Horned Rhinoceros furiously roared a few times. A middle rank three Devil Beast, its intelligence was no less than an ordinary human child's. Just as it was about to be killed, it angrily swept its gaze over. When it saw Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan chatting and laughing, it knew that this group of people was definitely in cahoots. But so what if it knew? It did not have any ability to resist. It could only accept its fate.    


But its life should not end, just as it was waiting for its death... Two Purple Flame Lion Kings suddenly scuttled out. It was likely that these two Purple Flame Lion Kings also wanted to hunt for Golden Horned Rhinoceros. Unfortunately, Dongfang Shenyong and the others ruined his plan, so he started fighting. This gave the Golden Horned Rhinoceros a chance to escape.    


Originally, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros wasn't fatally injured by Ouyang Qingqi's Illusory Nether Finger, so it fell to the ground and couldn't get up. It was because Illusory Nether's finger attack had the effect of fainting and mental illusion attack. However, it would only take a few breaths of time for it to recover.    


Thus, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros quietly slipped away while everyone was looking at the Purple Flame Lion King. But this hatred was engraved in his heart. Just as he was about to slip away... He suddenly discovered that two children among the group of people who attacked him had also slipped away. This was the perfect opportunity for it, and it secretly steeled its heart. You want to kill my Golden Horned Rhinoceros? 'Hmph, I, Golden Horned Rhinoceros, am not someone to be bullied easily. ' I will definitely kill you two humans to avenge me!    


"Moo..." With intense pain on his butt, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros let out a furious roar. It immediately activated the Golden Horn and charged towards Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan. It also knew that it could not delay any longer, or else the five experts would come back. He would also die.    


"Not good, senior sister, quickly leave!" Seeing the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was less than five meters away suddenly rushing towards him, Zheng Zinuo fiercely pushed Feng Ziyan who was behind him to the side. Then he suddenly turned around, the black martial soul in his body instantly burst out, and the tip of his foot lightly tapped the ground. His body flew five meters high like a sharp sword.    


"Falling Sky Strike!" With a loud shout, Zheng Zinuo, who was flying in the sky, suddenly descended from the sky. His right palm hit hard on the back of the Golden Horned Rhinoceros, and he borrowed the force to fly up again, landing beside Feng Ziyan.    


"Falling... Falling Sky Strike! Orange Martial Cultivation Method!" Feng Ziyan was shocked. She turned her head and saw the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was hit wobble. After squatting down for a few seconds, she roared again. It rushed towards the two of them again.    


"Ah?" Both of them turned pale with fright at the same time. Zheng Zinuo quickly reacted. He had never thought that a single orange Martial Cultivation Method would be enough to kill that powerful Third Order middle grade Devil Beast. Thus, after a single strike... He landed beside Feng Ziyan and stretched out his hand to push her waist. A gentle force lifted her up and shouted at the same time. “ Senior Sister, you stay on the tree, I'll fight it!"    


After saying that, he used the Yu's Step to easily dodge the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's golden horn attack, even though the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's defense was extremely strong. After all, it was only a Tier 3 Devil Beast, its speed was not very fast. Moreover, it was still injured, so its strength had probably fallen to a lower Tier 3 Devil Beast.    


"Kacha..." The thick and sturdy tree that Zheng Zinuo was hugging was broken by the simple golden horn attack of the Golden Horned Rhinoceros. One could imagine how powerful this attack was.    


"Junior brother, be careful!" Feng Ziyan landed on the tree and said worriedly.    


"En!" After dodging the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's attack, Zheng Zinuo nodded his head with a solemn expression. After all, his opponent was a middle tier Tier 3 Devil Beast, and it was much stronger than the upper tier Tier 2 Devil Beast he had killed yesterday. He had no choice but to go all out.    


"Come! I'll use you as my training partner for today!" Zheng Zinuo shouted loudly, and then he used the yellow movement technique, the Traceless Snowsteps. His whole body instantly became illusory, and his speed reached a level where it was hard to tell whether he was real or fake with the naked eye. Whiz, whiz, whiz... After a few sounds, the distance between him and the Golden Horned Rhinoceros was increased.    


"Hmm?" Feng Ziyan, who was on the tree, was very shocked when she saw this. She muttered in disbelief, "When did Little Junior Brother learn such profound steps? Why didn't I know?"    


But before she could recover from her shock, she heard a tiger's roar. Then, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that had just turned around suddenly roared." With a loud sound, Zheng Zinuo fell down, revealing his weak figure.    


"Yellow Martial Technique - Tiger Roar Palm!" Feng Ziyan was shocked once again, and almost fell down from the tree.    


"Sou..." Zheng Zinuo did not continue to fight and once again used his movement technique to increase the distance between him and the Golden Horned Rhinoceros. He knew that the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's defense was extremely strong and it was impossible to kill it within a few moves. He needed to slowly grind with it.    


What made Zheng Zinuo glad was that although the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's defense and attack were very powerful, This might have something to do with the severe injury on its butt. It made its hind legs unable to exert its strength freely. In this way, Zheng Zinuo was very confident. Even if he couldn't kill his opponent, he could still protect himself. Retreating unharmed was one of the main reasons why he dared to challenge a middle rank three Devil Beast head on.    


"Moo... Moo..." After falling to the ground, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros flipped over and got up once again. Although Zheng Zinuo's powerful Tiger Roar Palm did not injure it too much, it caused a large amount of blood to flow out from the wound on its butt. It was like a tap that had been opened, red blood was flowing out.    


"Moo..." With another roar, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's right foot suddenly stomped on the ground. This time, its speed increased by more than double. With a swoosh, it arrived in front of Zheng Zinuo.    


Zheng Zinuo was shocked. He was a little careless when he had just succeeded in two attacks. He did not expect his opponent to suddenly increase his speed. Plus, he was only about five or six meters away from him. There were thick trees on his left and right side. There was no time for him to dodge.    


However, after yesterday's life and death battle, Zheng Zinuo had learned many things. He knew that the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's attack was powerful. If he were to fight it head on, he would definitely be the one at a disadvantage.    


Immediately, he unleashed the Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon Hand. A gentle force of impact was unleashed. The ___ was launched at the rhinoceros bull's head, and its feet slammed heavily on the ground. The counter-force of the Controlling Crane Technique suddenly burst out, and a huge gentle force was transmitted over. Zheng Zinuo was like a small boat less than a foot away from Zheng Zinuo. He suddenly flew backwards.    


"Argh... Don't!" Feng Ziyan's face turned pale when she saw this scene. She thought that the horn of the Golden Horned Rhinoceros was going to pierce through Zheng Zinuo's body. Who knew that just as she shouted and prepared to jump down and fight it at all costs... A strange scene appeared.    


Zheng Zinuo's body lightly landed on the ground, and he was already three to four meters away from the Golden Horned Rhinoceros.    


"Success!" Zheng Zinuo was secretly happy, but his hands and feet did not stop at all. He wanted to seize this opportunity to give the Golden Horned Rhinoceros another push. He didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to injure this thick-skinned rhinoceros after a few heavy blows.    


"Ya! Penetrating! Cloud! Strike!" With another loud shout, the Yellow Martial Cultivation Method Cloud Piercing Strike instantly erupted. Apart from the 30% increase in attack power, it could also increase speed. In the blink of an eye, the distance of three meters was covered. He circulated all of his soul energy. He threw a punch at the rhino's head that had yet to be raised.    






With a muffled groan, Zheng Zinuo took three steps back. His chest tightened and he nearly spat out a mouthful of blood. His head felt dizzy and the Golden Horned Rhinoceros opposite him also took a few steps back and fell to the ground. It was a long time before it could get up.    


"Hu... Hu..." Breathing heavily, Zheng Zinuo's face turned red and his body trembled slightly. It was obvious that the yellow cultivation technique had consumed too much of his energy. He couldn't hold on any longer. This was because he was cultivating the black super martial soul, and the Purple Martial Cultivation cultivation technique, the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. If it were any other level twenty or so martial master, they would at most be able to use the Yellow Martial Cultivation Method two or three times in a row. Furthermore, not only did Zheng Zinuo use the Yellow Martial Technique and the Orange Martial Cultivation Method twice, he also used the Yellow Martial Technique. At this moment, his soul power was almost depleted. He immediately took back the martial soul and leaned against a big tree. Slowly circulating the Genuine Qi in his body to replace the soul power he had used up, his body slowly recovered. His breathing also gradually calmed down.    


It was only at this moment that the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that had fallen to the ground and cried out in pain finally shakily got up from the ground, and once again charged at Zheng Zinuo with all its might.    


"I @ # $%! Again! " Zheng Zinuo felt depressed. He really did not expect the Golden Horned Rhinoceros to be so tough and thick. It had suffered three full-force attacks from him, and was even injured. It was unbelievable that the ___ could still stand up.    


"Junior brother!" It was only now that Feng Ziyan, who was on the tree trunk, recovered from her shock. Seeing Zheng Zinuo's martial soul disappear, she knew that his soul force must have been exhausted. She hurriedly jumped down from the tree trunk and shouted, "Junior brother, you go and rest. Leave the rest to me!"    


After saying that, she used the newly comprehended Yellow Martial Cultivation Method - Feng Shang's leg kicked towards the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's butt.    


"No, senior sister!" Zheng Zinuo had just used the Genuine Qi to cast the Yu's Step to dodge the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's attack. When he saw Feng Ziyan's attack approaching, he shouted out in worry.    


However, it was already too late. After forcing Zheng Zinuo back, The Golden Horned Rhinoceros took a few more steps forward to dodge Feng Ziyan's kick. After that, it suddenly turned around. A finger thick green lightning bolt suddenly erupted from its golden bull horn and attacked Feng Ziyan's body that had just landed on the ground.    


"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."    


"Ah..." Feng Ziyan let out a miserable cry as she was struck by the green lightning. Immediately, her entire body trembled and her head went limp as she fell to the ground.    


After all, her cultivation had only just broken through to the twentieth level of the Martial Master realm. She was not a match for it at all. Although Zheng Zinuo appeared to be at the twenty-second level on the surface, he was only two levels stronger than Feng Ziyan. In reality, his Genuine Qi cultivation base was already close to the thirtieth level and was on par with the Golden Horned Rhinoceros in front of him.    


"Ya! You dare to injure my senior sister? You're courting death!" Zheng Zinuo was burning with anger. Even his eyes were filled with blood red. He reached out his hand and quickly touched his belt. The Azure Light Sword flashed and appeared on the stage.    


"Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique!" Without any hesitation, he injected all the level 30 Genuine Qi into the Azure Light Sword. Then, he shot out toward the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was about to turn around and attack him.    


However, because the Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique required a certain amount of time to be unleashed, with Zheng Zinuo's current cultivation base... The most efficient way to use the Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique would require at least five breaths of time. From the time Zheng Zinuo used this sword technique to the time when the Golden Horned Rhinoceros used the Golden Horned Lightning to knock Feng Ziyan down, and then turning around, it took him about three breaths' time.    


When Zheng Zinuo used the Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique, the Golden Horned Rhinoceros charged towards him without caring about its own life or death.    


If Zheng Zinuo retracted the Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique at this time, he could still dodge, but would he dodge? He wouldn't even die because the Golden Horned Rhinoceros had injured his beloved senior sister. He didn't know why he felt so sad and sad right now. He was even more sad than when he saw his father being seriously injured by his enemy. He couldn't care about anything else anymore. Even if it was to sacrifice himself, he had to kill this Devil Beast in front of him. To protect the person he loved.    


"Zinuo, what you need to protect is your future wife. Your father will protect your mother." His mother's gentle voice sounded in his mind.    


"Yes! I want to protect her!" Zheng Zinuo's mind was firm and resolute. He made up his mind and his body did not waver. He put his left hand in front of his chest and used the Hand Leaving Sword Style in his right hand to control the Azure Light Sword. The Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique was suddenly unleashed, and it shot towards the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that was less than two meters away.    


"Puchi..." A miserable sound was heard, followed by a miserable howl. The Azure Light Sword was using the Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique under the full power of Zheng Zinuo's level 30 Genuine Qi. Adding the fact that it had a 10% amplification effect, no matter how strong the defense of the Golden Horned Rhinoceros was, * Hong Long...... *    


The Azure Light Sword directly pierced through the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's head, revealing the green sword hilt that was less than three inches long. However, due to the huge inertia of the rhinoceros, although its body was hit, However, he still charged at Zheng Zinuo at an extremely fast speed.    


"Ah..." With the same miserable cry, Zheng Zinuo was sent flying backwards, even though he was fully prepared. However, his left hand was still pierced through by the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's golden horn, which looked like a diamond drill. The left side of his chest was also pierced half an inch deep. His body also flew up high and fell down three meters away.    


"Puff..." As he fell to the ground, his chest suddenly felt stuffy and his throat felt sweet. He spat out a mouthful of blood and his entire body became dispirited. His head felt dizzy, as if he was in danger of fainting at any moment. The injuries he had suffered were a bit too severe. If it were any other eleven year old child, he would probably be dead by now. However, Zheng Zinuo had cultivated for more than two years after all. Moreover, he had undergone the double transformation of the Genuine Qi and soul power. The Eight Extraordinary Meridians had already opened four meridians. His physique had long surpassed many people's.    


He bit down hard on the tip of his tongue to clear his dizzy mind a little. He hurriedly endured the pain that felt like his whole body was falling apart and got up. He looked at the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that had stopped breathing and then walked over to the rhinoceros's head. He pulled out the Azure Light Sword with great difficulty and sent a sound transmission to Sword Spirit, "Ling, quickly come and absorb the beast soul of this Devil Beast. I still need to go and see my senior sister."    


After saying that, he placed the Azure Light Sword into his storage pouch and took out two more Marching Pill. Swallowing one, grinding the other and placing it on the back of his palm and the wound on his chest. Then, he endured the piercing pain and came to Feng Ziyan's side, who was still trembling.    


"Master... Sister, Senior Sister... Are, are you alright?" Zheng Zinuo struggled to call out.    


" I... I... I'm fine... Junior brother... you... you're injured, are you alright? " Feng Ziyan struggled to get up from the ground and looked at the Golden Horned Rhinoceros that had fallen to the ground and died in shock. Then, she saw Zheng Zinuo's heavily injured chest and left hand. She also felt a heartache.    


"Don't, tighten... Senior sister, I, I need to regulate my breathing now. You, wait for a moment. " Zheng Zinuo took out another Soul Recovery Pill and quietly stuffed it into his mouth. Then, he closed his eyes and started to adjust his breathing.    


The birthmark of the golden divine sword on his forehead lit up. A black shadow floated over from the dead Golden Horned Rhinoceros's corpse, and slowly drilled into Zheng Zinuo's forehead. After that, the birthmark of the golden divine sword disappeared once again.    


"Junior brother, junior sister..." Just as Feng Ziyan was stunned by what she saw, a shout not far away shocked them to the point that they almost jumped up from the ground.    


"Hmm? You are injured? Why did the Golden Horned Rhinoceros come here?" The person who came was their fifth senior brother, Liu Wenyi. Due to his low cultivation base, Thus, he retreated. He was prepared to escort Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan out of Devil Beast Forest, but who knew that he would be a step late. They almost lost their lives in the hands of the Golden Horned Rhinoceros.    


"Fifth senior brother is fine, my... my injuries are fine, but what about the other... senior brothers?" Zheng Zinuo opened his eyes when he heard this. Sword Spirit had just absorbed the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's beast soul. She once again imparted some filtered energy to Zheng Zinuo while treating his injuries. At the same time, she was helping him replenish the lost Genuine Qi, as well as the healing of the Soul Recovery Pill. After a few dozen breaths, Zheng Zinuo was much better. However, the wound was still extremely painful, and his mind was on the verge of collapsing. He was in danger of fainting at any moment.    


"The other four senior brothers are currently dealing with the two Purple Flame Lion Kings. They should be back soon. Let's hurry up and leave this place." Liu Wenyi said worriedly.    


"Alright..." Zheng Zinuo forced himself to stand up, but the wound on his left shoulder was affected. He felt a sharp pain in his heart, and his head felt dizzy. He fell into Feng Ziyan's arms.    


"Ah? Junior brother... Junior brother..." Feng Ziyan and Liu Wenyi turned pale with fright. Liu Wenyi hastily carried Zheng Zinuo and ran towards Xun Wind Peak.    


After an unknown amount of time, Zheng Zinuo slowly woke up. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was already lying on his bed. There was no one in the room. A ray of sunlight shone through the open window. It made the entire room seem very warm.    


"Brother, you finally woke up. You really scared Ling to death." Just as Zheng Zinuo was about to get up, Ling's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.    


"What's wrong, Ling? Did I sleep for a long time?" Zheng Zinuo asked curiously.    


"Not for long, just a day and a night. However, the injuries on brother's body were indeed quite serious. Not only was his left hand pierced through the heart, but also the heart. Moreover, the left side of her chest was also pierced. It almost hurt her heart. Ling was scared to death." Sword Spirit said with lingering fear.    


"Oh, so serious, hehe..." Zheng Zinuo smiled awkwardly and said.    


"Next time, I really can't go all out. Actually, I just need to calm down a little. After dodging the Golden Horned Rhinoceros's attack, he would then use the Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique. I'm confident that I can kill it, but big brother, you risked your life to fight it. In the end, both of you were severely injured. " Sword Spirit somewhat reproached.    


"Yes. When I saw that senior sister was injured, there was only one thought in my mind. That is, no matter what, I must kill that detestable Devil Beast. I absolutely can't let it hurt my senior sister again. Even if it means sacrificing my own life. " Zheng Zinuo said firmly.    


" Sorry, brother! " Sword Spirit suddenly exclaimed when she heard him.    


"What's wrong?" Zheng Zinuo asked in surprise.    


"Brother, are you in love with your senior sister?" Sword Spirit asked in a strange manner.    


"Love... Love her, what is love?" Zheng Zinuo hesitated for a while and asked.    


"What is love?" Sword Spirit was also confused by the question. She thought for a while and answered. " How would I know? I'm just Sword Spirit. I don't understand your human love. But I know that you and Xiao Xianzi loved each other so much in your previous life, hehe... "    


Zheng Zinuo seemed to sweat when he heard that. He wiped his forehead that was not covered in sweat and asked, "It's Xiao Xianzi again. Who is she? Why do I feel an inexplicable pain in my heart every time you mention her? "    


"Xiao Xianzi is the fairy sister in your dreams, brother. You always say that. Her identity is the fairy of immortal realm, the wife of Master Xuanqing in your previous life. But ever since Master reincarnated, I have no idea how she is now. " After saying that, Sword Spirit felt a little sad.    


"She is so pitiful..." Zheng Zinuo's heart trembled slightly, but he did not remember her figure. He only had that dream. He forced himself to sit up. His chest and left hand were wrapped in gauze, but there was still some pain.    


At that moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open. The beautiful figure appeared in front of Zheng Zinuo, which made his eyes light up. "Senior sister..."    


"Junior brother, you are awake. Do you feel better?" Feng Ziyan was immediately overjoyed when she heard this. She walked in with a bowl of medicine and asked with concern.    


"Yes, much better." Zheng Zinuo nodded. His face suddenly felt a little hot and his eyes were wandering. He did not dare to look Feng Ziyan in the eyes and his heart was filled with doubt, "Could this be love?"    


Just at this awkward moment, Dongfang Shenyong and the other senior brothers walked in together. Among them, Zhong Jian Yan's chest was also bandaged. Clearly, he was also injured.    


"Huh? Junior brother, you're awake. Are your injuries better?" Dongfang Shenyong asked with a joyful expression.    


"Much better. Thank you for your concern, senior brothers." Zheng Zinuo replied with a smile.    


"Sigh! It's all my fault this time!" Chu Sifeng blamed herself, "Why did you insist on going to Devil Beast Forest? Everyone almost couldn't come back."    


"Third senior brother, you didn't know you would encounter such a powerful Devil Beast. This was an accident. You can't blame anyone." Zheng Zinuo comforted her. It was obvious that Chu Sifeng was trying to show Zheng Zinuo what she was doing. Although he really felt a little guilty, Zhong Jian Yan and Zheng Zinuo were both injured. He was comforted by Zheng Zinuo. He was now completely relieved and said with a smile. "Little Junior Brother, it's good that you don't blame me, hehe..."    


"How can I blame you? If you want to blame someone, you can only blame my cultivation base being too low. I can't fight those two powerful Tier 6 Devil Beast together with everyone." Zheng Zinuo said with some sadness.    


"Junior brother, are you scolding me? Humph!" Feng Ziyan immediately pretended to be angry when she heard him, "If your cultivation is still considered low, then I will just go and die. Even a middle grade Tier 3 Devil Beast was killed by you. With your strength... I reckon that you are not weaker than Fifth Senior Brother. This is still considered low."    


"Oh, hehe..." Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but laugh foolishly at Feng Ziyan's words. Following that, everyone laughed heartily, feeling as if they had just survived a disaster. But regarding Zheng Zinuo's powerful cultivation technique and the pill on his body, the others, including Feng Ziyan, didn't ask either. After all, who didn't have a little secret? Don't rashly pry into the other party's secrets. Everything would end prematurely. All of them, who had been cultivating all year round, knew the truth behind it.    



Furthermore, all of them knew that Zheng Zinuo was Feng Qingyun's beloved disciple, and that he had been cultivating under the waterfall all year round. How could Feng Qingyun not give him some healing pill? Could he not teach him some cultivation techniques? This was what everyone was thinking.    


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