Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C62 Qigong Deviation

C62 Qigong Deviation

0After lunch the next day, Feng Qingyun told Zheng Zinuo that the matter of Zheng Zinuo going out to search for treasures had been confirmed. He would gather at GanTianfeng Peak three days later. Xun Wind Peak had sent Dongfang Shenyong to bring Feng Ziyan along with him.    


Zheng Zinuo was immediately overjoyed. He found an excuse to quietly leave Xun Wind Peak and headed towards the hidden cave under the waterfall. He was prepared to inform Gong Cheng about this matter and also bid farewell to him at the same time.    


Something big had happened in Fire Peak these past few days that no one knew about. The thirty-second disciple of Liang Youming, Ji Zhengping, had suddenly gone crazy after breaking through to the fortieth level of Martial Master Stage. He injured three disciples and ran towards Devil Beast Forest.    


After Liang Youming found out about this, he gave the order to seal off the news. After that, he sent all the disciples who had reached the twentieth level and above of the Fire Peak to go down the mountain and secretly search for Ji Zhengping's whereabouts. He had to find Ji Zhengping in the shortest time possible.    


Otherwise, Ji Zhengping's life would be over once the disciples of the other peaks found out about this. If he wasn't locked up, he would be abolished of his martial soul, and he might even be killed on the spot.    


Of course, Liang Youming didn't want to see the disciple of his sect walk into a dead end. He was still holding onto a glimmer of hope. Taking advantage of the fact that his cultivation base wasn't deep enough, he used his powerful cultivation base to help him suppress his Qi deviation. Therefore, he sent a large number of people to secretly search for him.    


Luckily, there were a lot of disciples in Fire Peak. Today, Lee Fei, Wang Qing, and the others finally found Ji Zhengping after much effort.    


Unfortunately, what made Lee Fei and the others depressed was that Ji Zhengping, who had gone mad, did not recognize his family. No matter how they tried to persuade him, he would not go back and hurt them.    


Lee Fei and the others were much weaker than Ji Zhengping. In the fight, although his brother was not injured, he managed to escape once again.    


"Let's go! Let's chase after him. Senior disciple Ji is running towards Xun Wind Peak." Wang Qing shouted at the top of his lungs. He was the one who had led this group. Among them, Lee Fei was the strongest. He was ranked second. However, Lee Fei was his junior brother, so he was still the leader of this group.    


At this moment, Zheng Zinuo was leading Yin and Yang happily. While jogging, he was humming a little tune as he ran towards the foot of the mountain of Xun Wind Peak. He wanted to tell his big brother Gong Cheng about today's good news. He was finally going to go out and broaden his horizons. At the same time, he wanted to ask Gong Cheng if there was anything he needed to tell him.    


However, just as he was about to walk down the remote and hidden path, he suddenly saw a rustling sound in the Devil Beast Forest at the foot of the mountain. Before he could react, he saw a man in white clothes. He was a tall man, and he was dragging a green martial soul behind him.    


"Eh? Who is this? Why is he here?"    


Zheng Zinuo was slightly surprised. He stopped in his tracks and took a closer look. He discovered that the person's face was distorted. His eyes were red and his hair was messy. He looked like he was in pain. Zheng Zinuo felt a little strange, so he called out from afar, What?" Hey, is there anything this senior brother needs my help with? Did you encounter a Devil Beast?"    


It didn't matter if he didn't shout, but once he did, the man who was running away seemed to have gone mad. He let out a wild roar and rushed towards Zheng Zinuo.    


"Hmm? What's wrong? It's not that he's going crazy over gains and losses, right? " Zheng Zinuo was shocked by what he saw. He hurriedly stood still and said to Yin and Yang, "Be careful of Yin and Yang. Something is wrong with this guy."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man in front of him crossing his hands on his forehead. Then, he suddenly waved his hand and unleashed a green flame towards Zheng Zinuo.    


It was actually a green cultivation technique - Cold Fire Palm. Not only could it increase the power of the attack by 40%, but it also increased the power of the attack. Moreover, the flame that was shot out had an adhesive property, and ordinary water sources would not be able to extinguish it. As long as one was touched by a trace of the flames, they would be burnt to the point that not even bones could be seen. It was extremely terrifying.    


"What the heck! Are you crazy?" Zheng Zinuo turned pale with fright. This was the first time he used the Divine Steps. He pulled the still dazed Yin and Yang dozens of meters away with a swoosh. He turned around and looked. A huge hole had been burnt in the original place, and the green flame was still spreading.    


"Hey! What are you doing? It's not like I provoked... " Zheng Zinuo still had lingering fears. Just as he was about to argue with him, he suddenly realized that the man had once again soared into the sky.    


"F * ck! You're still excited, aren't you?!" Zheng Zinuo was completely enraged. He threw Yin and Yang to his side and the black martial soul flew out of his body. With a loud shout, he used the Yellow Martial Cultivation Method Ice Palm to block the man's burning leg.    


With a muffled sound, Zheng Zinuo took three steps back. His whole body felt numb, but his opponent was obviously not in a good situation. He fell down from the sky and rolled on the ground a few times before he stood up in a sorry state.    


However, he acted as if nothing had happened. He continued to attack Zheng Zinuo, as if he wanted to vent all the unhappiness in his body onto Zheng Zinuo.    


Zheng Zinuo calmed down.    


He found that the man's cultivation base was on par with his. Both of them were at the level of forty Martial Master Stage. However, the man's soul power seemed to be very crazy, unlike that of a normal person, so he didn't think too much about it. It had been a long time since he had met an opponent who was on par with him. Zheng Zinuo was also very excited.    


"Ya!" With a low shout, Zheng Zinuo leapt up and punched out with his right fist. It was a green colored martial art attack - Rushing Thunder Strike. Not only could it increase the attack strength by 40%, it also had an electric shock attack.    


Because they were fellow disciples, Zheng Zinuo didn't dare to use the Martial Cultivation Method that was too profound. He wouldn't be able to explain himself if he hurt his opponent with a single punch.    


When he saw Zheng Zinuo use the skill, the man's body flashed. He used the yellow martial art, the Traceless Snowsteps. Although he had lost his mind, he didn't lose himself in using the skill. It was very appropriate.    


"With a swoosh, he dodged Zheng Zinuo's Rushing Thunder Attack. The Seven Luminaries Meteor Fist was launched at the same time. Seven green balls of air the size of fists were launched at Zheng Zinuo's side.    


Zheng Zinuo was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat. He thought to himself that this man who seemed to have lost his mind had quite a lot of combat experience. He did not dare to be careless anymore, but because of the Rushing Thunder Strike just now... Now was the time for him to lose his strength. He couldn't use his cultivation technique to defend himself in such a short period of time.    


However, the super strong battle intent and combat experience that he had gained from his many years of battle with the Devil Beast were fully displayed at this moment.    


Zheng Zinuo's legs suddenly crossed, and then he spun violently. His entire body was like a large windmill that was spinning at a rapid speed. The seven fist-sized air masses collided with Zheng Zinuo's high-speed spinning body, but they didn't cause any damage at all.    


It turned out that Zheng Zinuo could also use his feet and hands to send out four energy shock waves when he was spinning at high speed. The remaining three were dispersed by the air currents that were brought about by his rotation.    


This rotation was not a simple one. Instead, his entire body's soul power was condensed on the surface of his body, and his defensive power was also very strong.    


"You've pissed me off! Seven Luminaries Meteor Fist, I know it too!" After Zheng Zinuo dispelled his opponent's attack, he was completely enraged. He also attacked with the Seven Luminaries Meteor Fist.    


However, the man had enough time to defend himself. He casted the Green Devil Shield to defend himself, easily blocking Zheng Zinuo's Seven Luminaries Meteor Fist attack.    


However, Zheng Zinuo just smiled contemptuously. He formed a strange seal with both hands, and the martial soul behind him disappeared without a trace. But in the next moment, he heard the man screaming in pain. The man flew into the air and covered his butt with his hand.    


He didn't know when, but a sharp earth thorn had suddenly appeared in his original position. However, before the man could fall from the sky... Ah! A loud bang was heard, and the man let out another miserable cry. His entire body was charred black, and his hair was smoking. After landing on the ground, he rolled a few times on the ground and trembled non-stop. He was as embarrassed as he could be.    


Right at this moment, Wang Qing rushed out of the Devil Beast Forest with Lee Fei and a group of Fire Peak disciples. The first scene they saw was a bolt of divine lightning suddenly descending from the sky, striking towards their senior disciple Ji. After that, senior disciple Ji was struck to the ground.    


They were overjoyed. They thought that the heavens were going to punish their Senior Brother who had gone mad. Immediately, they rushed forward and tied Ji Zhengping up.    


It was only at this moment that they discovered their arch-enemy, Zheng Zinuo, who was standing not far away from them. They hadn't seen him for many years, but they still couldn't recognize him. However, they had some impression of him between their brows.    


Wang Qing didn't say much. He just nodded at the stunned Zheng Zinuo. He waved his hand and asked his junior brothers to take Ji Zhengping away. Then, he left without saying a word.    


"What is going on?" Zheng Zinuo scratched his head. He didn't understand what was going on. After thinking for a long time, he still didn't know what was going on.    


It was noon. He thought something was wrong and hurried to the cave.    


Three days later, in front of the Hidden Spirit Palace of the Hidden Spirit Sect's Gan Tian Peak, there were dozens of disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect, including Zheng Zinuo.    


After Feng Qingyun's recommendation, the Xun Wind Peak was led by Dongfang Shenyong to lead Feng Ziyan and Zheng Zinuo to participate in the hunt organized by the Hidden Spirit Sect.    


The other peaks were also attended by an elder senior brother or senior sister, who were leading a few disciples around the age of twenty. The commander of this expedition was Elder Fang.    


Almost all of these young disciples had never participated in the Martial Dao Competition of the Hidden Spirit Sect, but most of them were the elite disciples of the Martial Dao Competition. They were sent out to hunt for treasures for a year. One year later, they would return to the Hidden Spirit Sect and participate in the Martial Dao Competition. This was also a chance for them to train outside. They wanted to see how much they could improve within this one year.    


"Seniors of the Hidden Spirit Sect, this time, I have asked you to leave the Spirit Hidden Island and travel around. I hope that you can seize this opportunity. Your cultivation base will rise to another level when the Martial Dao Competition arrives next year."    


In front of the main hall, all the leaders of Hidden Spirit Sect were present to send them off. First, the Peak Lord of each mountain announced the names of the disciples they had selected, then Tao Wuyang gave an encouraging speech.    


"My brother is here as well, this is great! But I have to give a long speech. I found that these elders are too long-winded." Below, Zheng Zinuo looked around and thought impatiently.    


But this time, it was not as long as Zheng Zinuo had imagined. Tao Wuyang did not speak for long before he stopped and waited for the other seven Peak Lord to speak.    


Liang Youming from Fire Peak was the first to stand up. He glanced at the Hidden Spirit Sect disciples who were preparing to leave and fixed his gaze on Zheng Zinuo for a few seconds.    


Then, he cupped his hands towards Tao Wuyang and said, "Sect Master, Martial Uncle, didn't you say that the people sent out for the treasure hunt this time were all the elites of our sect's younger generation? Why did I see some useless people getting involved in this? Isn't this dragging those disciples who are going out to hunt for treasures down?"    


Although Liang Youming was valued as a Peak Lord, he was a narrow-minded person who would seek revenge for the smallest grievance. Many years ago, his two most proud disciples had suffered at Zheng Zinuo's hands, and he had never forgotten about it.    


Tao Wuyang turned his head to look at Feng Qingyun, and said somewhat awkwardly, "Although some disciples have insufficient talent, they still work very hard the day after tomorrow. We should also give this kind of disciple a chance, right?"    


"But this time, they are not just traveling. It is definitely dangerous. If a disciple's strength is too weak, it will definitely affect the other disciples."    


"Also, the quota is limited this time. There are still a few disciples in Fire Peak who wish to participate in this treasure hunting expedition. However, they had no choice but to withdraw because they had already maxed out on the number of disciples. Wouldn't this be unfair? I hope that Sect Master, Martial Uncle, will be able to see through this." Liang Youming said righteously.    


"That's right, Sect Master, Martial Uncle. Our Zhen Lei Feng is also in the same situation. I hope that you, Sect Master, will treat us equally."    


"That's right. Sect Master, you have to treat us equally." Liang Youming took the lead and started talking about the Peak Lord on the other peaks.    


After all, the Hidden Spirit Sect was isolated from the outside world, and their management was extremely strict. Usually, disciples were strictly forbidden from going out unless it was something special. Most of them were older, and those with higher cultivation base would be the first to go out.    


However, it was different this time. It could be said that it was a rare encounter that happened every few decades. Therefore, each and every one of them was flushed red with anger. Not to mention, their trip this time wasn't as simple as just traveling. They still wanted to search for treasures. Only the heavens knew which treasure would fall into someone's hands in the end?    


"Everyone, Peak Lord, you can't say that. All of the candidates here were chosen by you. Why are you saying that my bowl of water isn't even flat?" Tao Wuyang asked back.    


"That's right. Junior brothers and sisters, you can't talk to Sect Master and Martial Uncle like this. Martial Uncle had always been fair and just, and had never cheated. You all have to take responsibility for what you have said. " Wan Qianjun said.    


Feng Qingyun looked at Liang Youming and the others and snorted. He didn't say another word. He naturally knew that they were targeting Zheng Zinuo by saying this.    


"Eldest Senior Brother, how can we not respect Sect Master and Martial Uncle? We should treat everyone equally. Martial Uncle has given us 28 spots to go on a treasure hunt. He wants us to recommend at least four outstanding young men under the age of 25. If there isn't such a candidate in one of the peaks, we can give the spots to the other peaks." Liang Youming argued with all his might.    


"But there are only two disciples under the age of 25 in Xun Wind Peak, and only one of them meets the requirements. Senior disciple Feng recommended both of them, but didn't give the three spots to the other peaks. "    


" May I ask why that disciple with low grade talent called Zheng Zinuo was recommended? Isn't this just making up the numbers?"    


"That's right..."    


"Huh? There really is him!"    


"Who exactly is Zheng Zinuo?"    


When they heard what Liang Youming said, all of the disciples started discussing amongst themselves, causing Zheng Zinuo to feel extremely awkward.    


"Martial Nephew Feng, how are you going to explain this matter?" Tao Wuyang secretly shook his head, turned around and asked Feng Qingyun.    


"En!" Feng Qingyun nodded at Tao Wuyang, then asked, "May I ask what Junior Brother Liang thinks is an outstanding disciple?"    


"Could it be that Senior Brother doesn't even know about this?" Liang Youming smiled.    


"If you can be called outstanding, your talent can't be too bad. At the very least, the talent of the yellow martial soul cannot be considered outstanding, unless he is able to break through to level 40 Wu Zong before the age of 25. Only such a person can be considered outstanding. "    


"Alright! Then I'll ask you again!" Feng Qingyun nodded.    


"My disciple, Zheng Zinuo, what makes you think that he won't be able to break through to the level 40 Wu Zong before he turns 25? He is only 15 years old this year, why do you know how he will change in the next ten years?"    


After saying this, Feng Qingyun sneered in his heart, thinking that Liang Youming and the others were really looking down on them. Currently, Zheng Zinuo had broken through to the fortieth level of Martial Master Stage at the age of fifteen. In ten years, his cultivation base might not be any lower than the Martial Immortal Peak Lord.    


However, Feng Qingyun was a conservative and profound man. He felt that the time had not come yet, and it was not suitable for Zheng Zinuo to reveal his trump card.    


Zheng Zinuo, on the other hand, had already become slightly angry when he heard this. He wished that he could immediately summon his super martial soul and slap Liang Youming and the others a few times. However, since Feng Qingyun said so, he had no other choice.    


"Humph! Of course, I know that the martial cultivator with the talent of yellow martial soul is considered not bad to be able to reach the level of a level 40 Wu Zong at the age of 40. Furthermore, it's only at the age of 25. Senior brother, you can't be so calculative if you want to recommend your beloved disciple. " Liang Youming said.    


"Me? Concede?" Feng Qingyun said indifferently, "How about this, you call him out to compete with my trash disciple. If that disciple of mine can't defeat your disciple, I will make him withdraw immediately. How about letting that disciple of yours join us? "    


" Sect Master, Martial Uncle, the two elders, and all the Peak Lord. Everyone has heard that it was Senior Brother Feng who said it. " Liang Youming was overjoyed when he heard this.    


"En, since Junior Disciple Feng has said so, then Junior Disciple Liang, please invite your disciple out to give it a try." Tao Wuyang said helplessly.    


"Alright!" Liang Youming smiled as he took a few steps forward and said, "But today, we came here, and my disciple didn't bring him out. How about I let the disciples who are participating in the competition choose the worst one to exchange a few blows with your precious disciple?"    


"The worst one?" Feng Qingyun smiled.    


Everyone thought that Feng Qingyun would definitely not agree. The few people selected from the Fire Peak were the most outstanding young disciples. Which one of them wasn't outstanding? But what surprised everyone was that... Feng Qingyun shook his head and continued in an indifferent manner, "If you want to choose, then choose the best. Let them exchange blows. It's fine as long as you point it out."    


"The best?" Liang Youming was shocked at first, then he said disdainfully. " If it were me, I wouldn't care if it was higher or lower. I can't beat him, but I'd rather lose to an expert. I wouldn't be willing to lose to a lower palm. How humiliating would that be? Hahaha! "    


" Hahaha... "Everyone roared with laughter when they heard this.    


"Hmph!" Feng Qingyun was still laughing very casually as he called out, "Zinuo, come out."    


"Yes, Master!" Zheng Zinuo cupped his hands and said. He glanced coldly at the people of Fire Peak. He had been waiting impatiently for a long time.    


"Do your best, Junior Brother. Beat those arrogant guys from Fire Peak until they look for their teeth all over the ground!" Feng Ziyan also gritted her teeth and said.    


"Disciples, which one of you is willing to fight for this precious spot for your Junior Brother?" Liang Youming did not understand what Feng Qingyun was so confident about, so he also called out.    


"Master, let disciple do it!" Wang Qing volunteered, then looked at Zheng Zinuo with disdain. He thought to himself, I didn't expect it to be him. It seems like my Senior Brother Ji didn't scare him silly a few days ago.    


Wang Qing was a well-known figure in Fire Peak, especially among the younger generation of disciples. Especially after capturing senior disciple Ji who had gone mad a few days ago, his reputation had increased tremendously. However, he had always been slightly suppressed by his junior brother, Lee Fei.    


He had been feeling somewhat unhappy in his heart. He wanted to take this opportunity to show off his strength, so that his reputation could completely overshadow Lee Fei's.    


"Alright, then Qing Er, come." Liang Youming nodded and said, "This is one of the most outstanding disciples of the Fire Peak's younger generation."    


"En..." Feng Qingyun looked at Wang Qing and nodded, then he continued, "Zinuo, you have the confidence to do it yourself. Just don't overdo it."    


"Alright, master!" Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he heard this. Liang Youming was too arrogant and conceited. Even Feng Qingyun couldn't stand him, let alone Zheng Zinuo.    


"Martial Uncle, I will let them begin." Liang Youming said hypocritically, "Ten moves. If you can't defeat Junior Brother Zheng within ten moves, then... We, the Fire Peak, will give up on that spot. Whether your junior brother can participate in this treasure hunt or not will depend on you."    


"Brother Ziming Bai!" Wang Qing looked at Zheng Zinuo with a contemptuous smile.    


"Ten moves? How about three? Ten moves is too much." Zheng Zinuo walked up and said with a smile.    


"More than ten moves?" Liang Youming was slightly stunned. He thought for a while and said, "Then five moves. Three moves are really too little. Don't be so unconfident. After all, you have been a cultivator for six or seven years. Three moves should be enough to defeat him. Your senior brother Wang is only a level 30 general. "    


"I'm saying I'll let him have three moves. Come!" Zheng Zinuo suddenly shouted.    


"Arrogant! Come, within three moves, I will make you lose to me!" Wang Qing also loudly shouted as he called out the green martial soul in his body, displaying his level 32 general cultivation, making the surrounding people of the same age envious.    


"Mm, not bad..." The other Peak Lord also nodded their heads in praise. He had just passed 20 years of age, and his cultivation had already reached level 32 general cultivation. This was indeed not bad.    


"Hey! Summon the martial soul. Don't delay any longer."    


Seeing Zheng Zinuo not summoning the martial soul after a long time, he stood there as if he was in a daze. Wang Qing reminded him. He had experienced a battle with Zheng Zinuo in the past. Having suffered a loss from him, Wang Qing knew that he absolutely couldn't give Zheng Zinuo the chance to attack first. He must strike first and take Zheng Zinuo down.    


"Actually... alright." Zheng Zinuo was still thinking about whether or not he should summon the martial soul, but then he thought about it. After all, his opponent was a level 30 general. If he did not summon the martial soul to defeat him... Use it! The Genuine Qi! To beat him, winning was just too shocking!    


"Watch my move!" Before Zheng Zinuo could call out his martial soul, Wang Qing heard Zheng Zinuo stuttering. Wang Qing thought that Zheng Zinuo was going to admit defeat. Once he admitted defeat, he would not have the chance to perform, so he rushed forward without waiting for the score.    


"Wind Scroll Art!" A yellow colored martial art skill was launched from afar. A whirlwind rose from the ground and attacked Zheng Zinuo.    


"If that's the case, don't blame me." Zheng Zinuo shouted in a low voice. He summoned the colorful yellow martial soul. “ First move, Wind Death Kick!" Without dodging at all, he directly passed through the center of the whirlwind. He kicked towards Wang Qing's fist that was coming at him.    


The fists and kicks collided, and a muffled sound was heard.    


However, before anyone could react, a figure flew out from the whirlwind at high speed. Immediately after, another figure flew out, and the two figures quickly merged together. With a scream, the figure in front of them flew up high again. He fell heavily onto the ground and kept twitching.    


"How is this possible?" Liang Youming was shocked. Lee Fei and Wuh Ziyu even jumped up and picked up Wang Qing. They felt that his whole body was cold. There was a large amount of ice water mixed in his chest. It was obvious that he had been hit by the opponent's ice palm.    


"Two moves, thank you for letting me win!" Zheng Zinuo withdrew his martial soul and cupped his hands as he said.    


"Ah?" Everyone in the scene, except for the few people from Xun Wind Peak, turned pale with fright. Then, there was complete silence. They stared at Zheng Zinuo in disbelief. Some of them even rubbed their eyes hard, thinking that they had seen wrongly.    


"Cough cough..." Feng Qingyun coughed dryly and brought everyone's thoughts back to reality. He said, "Junior Brother Liang's victory in the competition has already been decided. Now, do you know which one of them is the trash?"    


"Impossible. I clearly saw that your disciple was a yellow martial soul. That's right. How could he possibly defeat my disciple!?" Liang Youming furiously shouted, "It must be that disciple of yours who used some kind of explosion, or that he used some kind of high grade magic treasure that you gave him to win. This match absolutely cannot be counted! "    


Due to Wang Qing suddenly using the Wind Scroll Art just now, a fierce wind started blowing. After Zheng Zinuo had summoned the yellow martial soul, everyone, including Tao Wuyang, did not have the mood to probe Zheng Zinuo's Soul Power Cultivation. They all thought that Zheng Zinuo would definitely lose, but who knew that the result would be unexpected.    


"Doesn't count? Hmph! Then what do you think we should do?" Feng Qingyun said with a sneer.    


"What should we do? Hmph! " Liang Youming said angrily, "Fei'er, come out and fight with you, Junior Brother Zheng!"    


" Yes, master. " Lee Fei was overjoyed when he heard this. In fact, he had been impatient for a long time, but Wang Qing was his senior brother, so he didn't want to fight with him.    


"I really can't do anything to you." Feng Qingyun looked at Liang Youming and continued, "Zinuo, slow down this time. Let everyone see it clearly. Do you understand? Otherwise, some people will think that we are cheating and call out his disciples one by one to compete with you. Isn't this exhausting?"    


"Brother Ziming Bai." Zheng Zinuo cupped his hands and said.    


"Hmph!" When Liang Youming heard this, his anger surged, but it was not good for him to flare up. He could only urge, "Let's begin. Fei'er, don't disappoint me."    


"Alright! Junior Brother Zheng, please!" Lee Fei nodded his head and summoned his blue martial soul, which showed that it was an incredible level 35 Soul Power Cultivation.    


"Wah..." The crowd was in an uproar. Everyone stared at Lee Fei in shock. Especially the elite disciples who were participating in the treasure hunt, it was as if they had been struck by lightning. Even Qianxun and Zheng Zizhou were shocked.    


"Very good!" Tao Wuyang could not help but praise. Liang Youming could not stop smiling. It was as if his heart was filled with honey.    


"Junior Brother Zheng, summon your martial soul. Otherwise, I will attack."    


Lee Fei shouted. At this time, Wang Qing had already woken up from his trance. Up until now, he still didn't understand how he was defeated by Zheng Zinuo.    


When he saw Lee Fei appear, his heart was filled with envy. For a moment, he had a thought, and that was, it would be best if Lee Fei was defeated by that kid. That way, he wouldn't be able to steal his limelight.    


"Alright! Bring it on!" Zheng Zinuo shouted without showing any signs of weakness. Then, he slowly called out the martial soul. It was still the same low-rank yellow martial soul.    


However, this time, everyone did not ignore Zheng Zinuo like before. Instead, they all turned their eyes to Zheng Zinuo's yellow martial soul, preparing to use the Soul Exploring Eye to probe his Soul Power Cultivation.    


But at this moment, Lee Fei suddenly launched a powerful attack. With a flash, he turned around and swung his leg at Zheng Zinuo's upper body.    


Zheng Zinuo sneered. He didn't dodge, nor did he dodge. He circulated his soul power to his right hand and lifted it towards Lee Fei's right leg.    


Lee Fei sneered in his heart. He thought to himself, This kid is too arrogant. How dare he use his arm to resist my kick? Immediately, his soul power increased a little and kicked towards Zheng Zinuo's arm.    


"Dong..." There was a muffled sound, and there were no signs of Zheng Zinuo screaming or flying as everyone had imagined. Lee Fei's expression changed drastically, and he was just about to withdraw his right leg from the kick. He suddenly realized that there was a huge suction force that prevented him from pulling his leg out in time.    


Before he could recover from his shock, the suction force suddenly changed again. It followed the right leg that he had pulled out with great force and hit him. He suddenly leaned back and fell with his four legs facing the sky.    


"Hahaha..." Other than Feng Ziyan who was laughing loudly, the rest of the people present were so shocked that they were speechless.    


For a moment, Wang Qing had some doubts about whether his Senior Brother Ji was defeated by Zheng Zinuo and not punished by the heavens because Zheng Zinuo happened to appear at the scene of the arrest that day.    


If that was really the case, it would be too scary.    


His Senior Brother Ji was a full level 40 Wu Zong. He was able to defeat a level 40 Wu Zong who had gone berserk so easily. It was imaginable how powerful Zheng Zinuo was. Wang Qing immediately unleashed the Soul Exploring Eye and looked at Zheng Zinuo.    


"Bastard!" Lee Fei shouted and jumped up from the ground. His face instantly turned red. He was absolutely furious. He didn't care about anything else. The green colored combat skill, Fire Cloud Strike, suddenly attacked Zheng Zinuo.    


A green fireball the size of a small human head struck like lightning. Everyone who was sitting on the ground gasped. They couldn't help but feel cold sweat for Zheng Zinuo. However, Zheng Zinuo was still calm and composed. He raised one of his palms and used the same green martial arts technique - Water Splitting Dividing Palm - to hit the fire cloud.    


"Sou!" After a sound, a green crescent-shaped object shot out. The fireball was split in half and extinguished in an instant. However, the crescent-shaped object did not stop and continued to attack Lee Fei.    


"Not good!" Lee Fei secretly shouted. He hurriedly moved to the side. With a whoosh, the green crescent-moon-shaped object flew past his shoulder and almost cut his throat. He was so shocked that he broke out in cold sweat.    


However, just as Lee Fei stabilized his body and was about to use the Martial Cultivation Method to attack Zheng Zinuo again, He exclaimed in his heart, So fast! Immediately after that, he felt a sense of danger coming from his back.    


However, before he could react, he felt a huge force coming from behind him. He flew forward uncontrollably, and in the next moment, another dog was biting the mud. He suddenly realized that his body could not move for a moment. He could only lie on the ground and struggle with all his might.    


It turned out that when Zheng Zinuo used Lee Fei to dodge the Water Splitting Palm, he used the green movement technique, the Star Plucking Step. He flashed behind Lee Fei and used the opportunity to slap his back with his palm and cast a Body Freezing Spell. It made Lee Fei lose the ability to move for a moment.    



"Wahaha... good fight, good fight!" Feng Ziyan clapped her hands and cheered, making the silent environment even more strange. It was only now that everyone could truly feel Zheng Zinuo's powerful Soul Energy undulation. It was a super powerful being with the Soul Energy of a level 40 Wu Zong.    


Everyone was stunned on the spot. Even though Feng Ziyan kept cheering, no one stopped. Everyone just stared blankly at Zheng Zinuo, not daring to believe what was happening in front of them.    


Liang Youming's mouth was wide open as he looked at the yellow martial soul that Zheng Zinuo had withdrawn. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, and he could not come back to his senses for a long time. He kept muttering, yellow martial soul, level 40 Martial Master Stage...    


It was just like Zheng Zinuo's low yellow level martial soul, which had a level 40 Martial Master Stage, was a huge slap. It made Liang Youming's mouth tremble, as if he was struck dumb.    


The corner of Wang Qing's mouth twitched. There was still lingering fear in his heart, because just as Zheng Zinuo was about to withdraw the martial soul... He finally felt Zheng Zinuo's powerful soul power fluctuation. It was definitely not lower than level 40. This caused him to be at a loss for what to do.    


The others, including Tao Wuyang, were all stunned and didn't know what to say. These experts who saw Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base and the young disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect who didn't manage to find out Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base were all shocked.    


"Alright, Zinuo, your attack is a little too heavy." This was the effect Feng Qingyun wanted. He purposely scolded, "Hurry up and help your Senior Brother Li up."    


"It's master." Zheng Zinuo nodded. He took a step forward and helped Lee Fei, who was still struggling on the ground, up. He cupped his hands and said, "Senior disciple Li has admitted it. Are you alright?"    


"No... I'm fine." Lee Fei answered awkwardly, then walked back to the side of the Fire Peak disciples and lowered his head, waiting for Liang Youming's reply. Of course, he also knew that the gap between him and Zheng Zinuo was not small, so he didn't dare to be impudent anymore.    


"Fourth Grade Martial Master Stage, this is unbelievable." Tao Wuyang and the two elders looked at each other, their eyes were filled with shock. It wasn't until Feng Qingyun and the others spoke that they finally recovered from their shock. Then, they said, "Is there any problem with Martial Nephew Liang now?"    


"Cough cough..." Liang Youming's face turned red and he felt extremely awkward. He coughed a few times and replied, "No problem. I will listen to your orders, Martial Uncle."    


"Hahaha..." Tao Wuyang laughed loudly and said, "Alright. We will talk about everything after we return. Now, let's go and send everyone out of Spirit Hidden Island." Tao Wuyang was not a leader. His simple words had resolved the awkwardness of the crowd.    


After that, the group didn't say much. Liang Youming led the group. He sent them to the port of Spirit Hidden Island. However, after the two battles just now, the way they looked at Zheng Zinuo had changed dramatically. Especially the disciples of Fire Peak. Their initial disdain had turned into fear.    


"Ziyan, Zinuo, you two must be careful when you go out. Take care of yourselves. Do you know what Eldest Senior Brother and Elder Fang are talking about?" Along the way, Yurong said reluctantly to the two of them. In a flash, seven years had passed, even though Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan had grown up. But in Yurong's eyes, he was still a child.    


"Yes, I know, Mother / Mistress." The two of them nodded.    


"Rest assured, Mistress. I will take care of them." Dongfang Shenyong said.    


"Good job, brother!" Zheng Zizhou also came up and praised him, which made Zheng Zinuo feel a little embarrassed. He had been unknown for a while, but now he had suddenly become famous. This kind of gap made him not know how to deal with it.    


"Hehe, your master is finally willing to show you this treasure."    


Qianxun also took the opportunity to tease him. She was now nineteen years old, and her appearance was exquisite and exquisite. She was absolutely devastatingly beautiful.    


On the side, Feng Ziyan was not inferior to her in terms of beauty and figure. Peng Hui from Dui Ze Peak next to Qianxun was also extremely graceful and graceful. The three of them were secretly called the three great disciples of Hidden Spirit Sect by the disciples of the other peaks. A genius beauty.    


On the other hand, Zheng Zizhou from Earth Peak, Dugu Jian from Zhen Lei Feng, and Lee Fei from Fire Peak were known as the three great geniuses of Hidden Spirit Sect.    


The three men and three women were all gifted with blue martial soul, and their cultivation bases were outstanding amongst the younger generation. However, after Zheng Zinuo's disturbance just now, some of them had a new impression of this young genius.    


This was because Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base was higher than these three people's, and he was even younger than them. His appearance was even better than theirs. This caused everyone to look at this group of dark horses in a new light.    


The Peak Lord and Sect Master, Tao Wuyang, personally sent these twenty over young geniuses of the Hidden Spirit Sect to a large ship and watched them leave.    


However, because they were travelling together, Zheng Zinuo was unable to bring Yin and Yang along. This was also the first time in so many years that he and Yin and Yang were separated for a short period of time. It was hard for a man and a beast to be separated.    


These twenty over young geniuses could be said to be the future pillars of the Hidden Spirit Sect. Ten to twenty years later... They would be the main characters of the Hidden Spirit Sect, or perhaps the main characters of this world. Therefore, no matter whether it was the Peak Lord or Sect Master or Tao Wuyang, they all attached great importance to them.    


Besides these young geniuses, each peak had an older senior brother or senior sister leading the team.    


Apart from Feng Ziyan and Zheng Zinuo, Dongfang Shenyong was also leading the team in Xun Wind Peak.    


Water Ridge Peak was where Ru brought Qianxun and Qianxun's three junior sisters, Shui Zhu'er, Fang Linqing, and Yao Yuan.    


Dui Ze Peak was where Liu'er brought Peng Hui and her three junior sisters, Leng Xinhong, Liao Mingyue, and Chen Yang.    


The Fire Peak was where Chang Kong brought Wang Qing, Lee Fei, Wuh Ziyu, Sun Shan and Lin Fengcheng.    


The Earth Peak consisted of Wang Jian'en, who brought along Zheng Zizhou and the other four master teachers. They were: Feng Yukui, Zhang Changsheng, Sun Zijian, and Zhou Pingan.    


Zhen Lei Feng was led by Wang Yuhui, Dugu Jian, and the other three junior brothers, Lin Ze, Zhang Zifeng, and Li Yuchuan.    


The disciples of the Gen Mountain weren't particularly outstanding, but there were three of them this time. They were Hua Linfeng, Liu Yucheng, and Chen Feng, led by their Eldest Senior Brother, Ren Baojun.    


The last one was the last one. Gan Tianfeng was led by Fu Zhong, Ma Si Guo, Zhou Haichang, Tao Deyun, and Xiao Yurui.    


A total of twenty-eight young disciples and eight older disciples, eleven women and twenty-five men, and Elder Fang, a total of thirty-seven people.    


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