Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C60 Master Has Returned

C60 Master Has Returned

0Time passed quickly. Another five days. During these five days, Feng Ziyan ate lunch every day. She quietly sneaked out of Xun Wind Peak and went to the entrance of Devil Beast Forest to wait for Zheng Zizhou. Although she was looking for the Devil Beast to cultivate, to Feng Ziyan, it was more like a couple meeting that had just begun.    


However, Zheng Zizhou seriously brought Feng Ziyan through all the obstacles, looking for the Devil Beast to cultivate meticulously. In Feng Ziyan's eyes, all of this strengthened Zheng Zizhou's unique charm. Every time he killed a ferocious Devil Beast, Feng Ziyan's love for Zheng Zizhou came from the bottom of her heart.    


And Zheng Zinuo had not been idle these few days. Two days ago... Sword Spirit finally woke up from her deep meditation. Zheng Zinuo could clearly feel that Ling had become much stronger. This was closely related to the time when Zheng Zinuo kept killing Devil Beast to absorb Ling's beast soul.    


Sword Spirit, who had woken up, did not teach Zheng Zinuo the alchemy skill immediately. Instead, she taught him the sword style skill of the second Ethereal Divine Sword Spell Sword Technique. It was the third style of the Nine Techniques Eighteen Moves, the Wandering Dragon sword style. It was an exquisite sword technique that was as long as seventy-two moves of attack and defense. Zheng Zinuo had studied this Dragon sword style for more than ten geniuses, and he had finally comprehended it completely.    


Zheng Zinuo was very disappointed that Sword Spirit did not teach him any alchemy techniques. He had asked Sword Spirit about it, but it only said that it was not the right time. When he reached the Nascent Soul realm, he would naturally teach Zheng Zinuo alchemy and alchemy techniques.    


This made Zheng Zinuo very disappointed. Fortunately, he had the second sword skill, which made Zheng Zinuo's disappointed heart feel much better.    


During this period of time, he had followed Gong Cheng to learn alchemy and refining techniques all day long. He had made some progress in theoretical knowledge. Even if it was not as miraculous as Sword Spirit's alchemy and artifact forging method, he was confident that once he reached the level of a level 30 general, he would be able to refine pill and equipment. Moreover, if he were to refine it now, he would use the Genuine Qi as the foundation. He also had the confidence that he could refine it.    


That afternoon, Zheng Zinuo had just finished practicing the Wandering Dragon sword style. He was sitting cross-legged and cultivating the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell to regulate his breathing and restore the Genuine Qi. Suddenly, he felt a weak and unusual fluctuation coming from in front of him. He subconsciously opened his eyes. He couldn't help but be shocked. He hurriedly got up and called out, "Master, you're back."    


"Yes, not bad. It seems that your spiritual sense has improved a lot. You can feel it when I am less than five meters away from you. It is very good." Feng Qingyun praised, "How is it? After a month of cultivation, what level has his control over soul power reached? Feng Qingyun had just returned to the mountain and did not even see his own daughter. He came to Zheng Zinuo's place to see how Zheng Zinuo was cultivating.    


"Master, I can now control my soul power completely." Zheng Zinuo replied, but at this moment, the two wooden swords were stored in his storage pouch. He didn't dare to take them out in front of Feng Qingyun, otherwise how could he explain the storage pouch?    


"En, go and swing it 200 times for me to see." Feng Qingyun waved his hand, and a wooden sword that he had prepared a long time ago was handed over.    


"Alright, master." Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he saw this. He hurriedly took off his clothes and jumped under the waterfall. He called out the martial soul, and circulated his soul power to wrap around the wooden sword as he waved it.    


"Hmm? When did this kid gain another level of soul power?" Feng Qingyun saw the black martial soul that appeared in Zheng Zinuo's hand and was pleasantly surprised, "I went out for less than a month and gained another level of soul force. This is really unbelievable." Although he was happy, at the same time, he was also worried. Back then, his second disciple, Gong Cheng, had advanced so quickly, but in the end, he ended up suffering from qi deviation. Thinking of this, Feng Qingyun wondered if it would take him another year to teach him the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell.    


Not long after, Zheng Zinuo had completed the two hundred sword swings perfectly. The precision of his control over soul power had exceeded Feng Qingyun's imagination.    


Seeing Zheng Zinuo's wonderful performance, Feng Qingyun could no longer convince himself to continue delaying the time of imparting the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. This was because whether it was in terms of the strength of his body, the talent of the martial soul, his mind, or his control over soul power, Zheng Zinuo could be said to be flawless. He could already cultivate the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell a long time ago.    


Without any hesitation, he let Zheng Zinuo sit down cross-legged. Just like that, Feng Qingyun taught Zheng Zinuo the soul cultivation technique of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell, from the Martial Disciple to the Martial Saint, word by word.    


Although Zheng Zinuo seemed to be struggling to remember, the five hundred or so lines of the chant... He easily recorded the nearly ten thousand words of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell heart technique in less than four hours. He also found out from it that... Among the five hundred or so mantras, there were at least thirty different mantras that were different from what Gong Cheng had taught him. However, he did not raise any objections and only recorded them down. He would slowly study them in the future.    


Feng Qingyun was amazed by Zheng Zinuo's powerful memory ability. One should know that every sentence of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell was a profound and obscure word. It was many times more profound than the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture. Since ancient times, there had never been a few seniors of the Hidden Spirit Sect who could cultivate it to the highest level. It would take at least three to five days for an ordinary person to memorize the mantra of the mantra that contained nearly ten thousand words, but Zheng Zinuo took less than four hours. Basically, he only needed to recite one mantra to memorize it. It was unbelievable.    


"Zinuo, you have never learned the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell before, right?" Feng Qingyun couldn't help but ask in shock, but after asking, he laughed at himself. "Master is too surprised. This Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell is so profound and obscure, but you have memorized it in such a short period of time. This is unbelievable. Maybe your memory is too extraordinary. Perhaps this is where the talent of the black martial soul lies. "    


Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled at first, then he smiled. What else could he say? When he first learned Gong Cheng's improved Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell mental cultivation method chant, In total, it only took him less than six hours to completely memorize it. Now, it was less than two hours. It was indeed a little too fast, but sometimes it was impossible to pretend. Especially when Zheng Zinuo faced his dignified master, he didn't dare to pretend at all.    


"Alright, just memorize the mantra of this mantra, but you must remember to never pass it on to anyone else. Including your brother and your senior brothers and sisters, because this mantra is too profound. Ordinary people can't cultivate it at all, they haven't even reached the Martial Emperor Stage yet. If one's talent couldn't reach the purple martial soul, then as long as one cultivated it, one would definitely go berserk. There was no second path, even if one was a genius cultivator of the purple martial soul. If one did not follow the usual steps, one might also suffer from qi deviation if one focused on cultivating. Therefore, you must be careful when you cultivate, do you know that? " Feng Qingyun reminded him seriously.    


"Yes, I know, Master." Zheng Zinuo nodded.    


"Alright, it's almost time for today. Let's go back. From tomorrow onwards, I will explain the essence of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell mental cultivation method to you every morning. I will explain and analyze every word of the mantra and give you time to cultivate in the afternoon. As long as you put your heart into it, you'll definitely reach the pinnacle in time. " Feng Qingyun said again.    


After that, the two of them returned to Xun Wind Peak together.    


For the next half a year, Feng Qingyun came to the waterfall on time every day to teach Zheng Zinuo the meaning of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell Mantra. He helped him understand the meaning of every word and every word. It was like this every day. Although Zheng Zinuo had already understood the meaning of every word of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell, he did not say it out loud. He continued to study earnestly.    


After half a year of peaceful study, although he didn't continue to go to the Devil Beast Forest to kill the Devil Beast for cultivation, In just half a year, Zheng Zinuo's Soul Power Cultivation had broken through again and again. He had reached level 26, which was an average of one level every two months. This really shocked Feng Qingyun.    


As the saying went, when one was calm and moved, when one moved, the movement would combine. What Zheng Zinuo lacked was not his cultivation base. It was his realm that had been continuously cultivated and accumulated by the two profound skills - Ethereal Divine Sword Spell and Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. His cultivation base had become very fast, much faster than the advancement of his realm. When the cultivation realm and cultivation realm were very similar, the improvement of his cultivation realm would be very slow. Naturally, it would suppress the increase of one's cultivation base. This was the advantage of a profound technique. Unlike some of the more ferocious techniques, when one's cultivation base had yet to reach... One's cultivation base continued to increase. This would definitely cause one's cultivation base to go berserk.    


Therefore, for the past half a year, under Feng Qingyun's guidance... Every day, he would only do some basic body transformation, and the rest of his time would be spent on studying the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. This had greatly improved Zheng Zinuo's mentality, and his realm had also increased. This increased the growth of his soul power, and the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell had reached a certain height. Therefore, the growth wasn't very obvious.    


After Feng Qingyun's continuous guidance and explanation of the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell over the past six months, Zheng Zinuo had also discovered this Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. It was slightly different from the improved version that Gong Cheng had taught him. Currently, he was still unable to determine who was better and who was worse. Who was right and who was wrong was wrong.    


However, while Feng Qingyun was explaining the professor, Zheng Zinuo would occasionally make some probing suggestions. However, the improved versions that Gong Cheng taught were directly rejected by Feng Qingyun, and he even specifically pointed out. The heart sutra formulas that Zheng Zinuo talked about seemed to be able to be altered. It seemed that the improved heart sutra formulas could take shortcuts. It saved a lot of cultivation time, but it was actually a kind of inducement. Enticing you to give up on the orthodox path and walk a crooked path. In the end, it is very likely that you will go into deviatory psychosis and be doomed beyond redemption.    


This made Zheng Zinuo very puzzled. He was wondering why Gong Cheng had taught him this Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell that could harm others. Was it on purpose, or was it because he didn't know these things that caused his cultivation to fall into deviatory psychosis? He couldn't solve this big question at the moment. Because he couldn't ask anyone, not Feng Qingyun or Gong Cheng. He could only watch quietly and wait for an opportunity in the future.    


What made Feng Qingyun curious was that Zheng Zinuo's suggestions were all very weak. Inadvertently, they would cause problems, and after Feng Qingyun summarized it, He found out that the things Zheng Zinuo asked about whether they could be changed were the higher level heart sutra formulas. Usually, one would only be able to react after reaching the Martial Emperor realm. However, he did not have any suggestions during the early stages.    


This made Feng Qingyun somewhat confused. Logically speaking, Zheng Zinuo had just comprehended the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. Even if he could complete and modify these mantras, it would only be a part of his cultivation. It would be those below the Martial General realm. However, almost every time Zheng Zinuo asked a question, it would be a part of the heart mantra of a Martial Emperor Martial Emperor. Although he was somewhat puzzled, Feng Qingyun only treated his disciple as a one-in-ten-thousand genius. Anything that happened to him was perfectly reasonable.    


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