Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C63 Sea Beast(1)

C63 Sea Beast(1)

0"Brother, we are finally out. It has been seven years. I wonder how my father and mother are doing right now. I want to find a time to return to City B." After boarding the ship, everyone returned to their respective rooms. Zheng Zinuo and Zheng Zizhou, the two brothers whom they had not seen for many years, were chatting in the cabin hall.    


Ever since the two brothers met once in the Martial Dao Competition of the four sects six years ago, they had never met again, even though every time Zheng Zizhou came to pick up Feng Ziyan, they would never meet again. He wanted to visit his younger brother, but because of many unknown human relationships. He did not rashly go and see him. He only saw Zheng Zinuo fighting with the Devil Beast from afar once. However, Zheng Zinuo did not see him.    


Zheng Zinuo could be said to be the only person in Xun Wind Peak who did not know that Feng Ziyan would go out with her brother almost every day. He still had a different feeling about Feng Ziyan. As he grew older, he knew that it was a kind of love, or it could be said that he had a crush on her.    


He also did not know how he would feel and act if he suddenly found out that his brother and Feng Ziyan were so close.    


Or, if Zheng Zizhou knew that his only brother also liked the girl he liked, what kind of decision would he make?    


"Yes, it has been seven years. I hope everything will be alright with father and mother." Zheng Zizhou sighed and said, "I have already asked Elder Fang. He said that our first stop will be the City B."    


"Oh, that's great." Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he heard this. Then, he asked sadly, "Brother, if we meet those three assassins now, do you have the confidence to deal with them?"    


"No, I have been trying my best to cultivate for the past seven years. However, the improvement in my cultivation has never been satisfactory. Up until now, I'm only a level 36 general. Dealing with those two generals and assassins might be a bit difficult, because they are definitely improving. " Zheng Zinuo said with some disappointment, then smiled and patted Zheng Zinuo's shoulder.    


" Zinuo, how long do you want to hide the talent of the black super martial soul from me? I never thought that your soul force would be as strong as a level 40 Wu Zong. The battle just now was too exciting. I'm proud of you! "    


"Hehe..." Zheng Zinuo rubbed his head and said with a smile, "Big brother, how did you know that I am a black martial soul? I was planning to give you a surprise, hehe..."    


"Of course, if you don't want others to know, then don't do it." Zheng Zizhou teased, without the slightest bit of jealousy in his heart. He said, "Looks like our Zheng Family will have to rely on you to prosper in the future. I wonder how happy Father and Mother will be if they know that you have become a black super martial soul."    


"Eh? What are the two of you brothers doing here? Whispering, right? It's time for lunch." Ru walked over and said with a smile. Feng Ziyan, Qianxun, Peng Hui, and a few other young girls behind her walked out with plates in their hands.    


"It's nothing. We were just chatting about some family matters." Zheng Zizhou got up and replied, "Zinuo, let's go and help sister Ru and the others."    


"Okay!" Zheng Zinuo was extremely excited. This was the first time he had left the sect, and he had so many companions with him. How could he not be happy?    


“ Yo? I really didn't expect that Junior Brother Zheng's yellow martial soul talent could be cultivated to such a high level in such a short period of time. I really don't know if you have gotten close to something or eaten some kind of spiritual pill? Don't go into deviatory psychosis at that time. You should have seen my Senior Brother Ji go into deviatory psychosis that day as well. Hmph hmph... Be careful, sometimes it's not a good thing to improve too quickly." At this moment, Wang Qing also walked over and said with jealousy when he saw the opportunity.    


Zheng Zinuo had just defeated Lee Fei and him in a row, and it had been until now. They were all wondering why Zheng Zinuo was able to reach the level of forty Martial Master Stage in such a short period of time with his ordinary yellow martial soul talent. After thinking about it, they still thought that Zheng Zinuo had gone to some unorthodox sect. They estimated that he would soon go berserk and die.    


"Haha... Remember, one must take one step at a time. Otherwise, karma will come sooner or later." Lee Fei also echoed.    


"No, I guess Junior Brother Zheng must have gotten a peerless secret manual. How could he possibly go berserk if he worked so hard every day? He is such a powerful person. He is really my idol. The object of vomiting! Haha..." Wuh Ziyu said even more harshly.    


These three brothers from Fire Peak had suffered losses from Zheng Zinuo in the past. Lee Fei and Wang Qing were even seriously injured by him on the spot. Especially Lee Fei, who had lost the qualification to continue his advancement because of Zheng Zinuo's severe injuries. Plus, Zheng Zinuo had just been injured in front of the disciples and elders of the sect. These three men hated Zheng Zinuo to the bone because he had mercilessly defeated the two of them.    


"What do you three mean by this?" Zheng Zizhou's face turned cold when he heard that. He stopped and shouted coldly.    


"We said he didn't say anything about you. Junior Brother Zheng, don't take advantage of your talent to be arrogant. No matter what, we are all your senior brothers. You have to be careful with your words." Wang Qing said calmly like an elder brother.    


"That's right. So what if your talent is strong? Even if your current cultivation base is higher than ours, I don't believe that you can defeat the three of us. Humph!" Wuh Ziyu retorted.    


" Don't be arrogant, you three. If you dare to offend my brother... What kind of bullshit senior brother is this?! Since when do you all look like senior brothers?! " Zheng Zinuo said in a slightly angry tone. If others said it, he wouldn't beat them up. He did not plan to argue with the three of them, but against his brother. He was furious.    


"You! If you have the guts, don't take advantage of your cultivation to be able to run amok. Sooner or later, you will go berserk, and you will still be enjoying yourself here. Let's just wait and see! " Wang Qing pointed his finger and shouted.    


"Yo! What's going on? Why do I feel like there's something wrong with the atmosphere? " Elder Fang happened to walk out from the back of the cabin and asked.    


"Oh, Elder Fang, it's nothing. Let's go help. I'm starving." Wang Qing quickly changed the topic. Lee Fei, Wuh Ziyu, and the other disciples of Fire Peak followed him into the cabin.    


This ship was very big. It was stolen from the pirates of the Hidden Spirit Sect in the past. After some modifications, it became a ship for the journey. The ship had a total of six cabins that could be used as accommodation. One cabin. There was a small kitchen and a lounge.    


At this moment, most of the people were resting in their dorms. Eleven girls were in the kitchen taking care of their meals. Zheng Zinuo and his brother were chatting in the lobby. They had heard that they were going to eat. Everyone walked out of their rooms and headed to the kitchen.    


"Elder!" After Wang Qing and the others left, Zheng Zizhou respectfully bowed to Elder Fang. Zheng Zinuo also bowed. The two of them were sincerely grateful and respectful to this kind old man in front of them. If it wasn't for this old man, they would have entered the Yama King long ago.    


"Hahaha... It's been so many years since we last met, you two brothers have grown into big boys. Not bad, not bad. " Elder Fang patted Zheng Zizhou's shoulder and said with a smile, "How is it? Have you gotten used to it all these years in Hidden Spirit Sect? "    


"En, we are doing well. Thank you for your concern, Elder." Zheng Zizhou replied with some excitement.    


"That's good. That year, I rescued you two brothers. I was worried that you wouldn't be able to adapt to life on the island because of the loss of your parents. But now that I see that both of you have grown up, I'm very pleased. " Elder Fang stroked his beard and said.    


"Especially Zizhou. You have really shocked me. In just a year's time, he represented the Earth Peak to participate in the Martial Dao Competition and even won the championship. When I saw you fighting on the fighting stage, I finally felt relieved. Now that I heard that you have reached the level of a level 36 general at such a young age, it makes me feel even more gratified. Hahaha..."    


" Thank you, Elder. If not for your help, the two of us would have died a long time ago. We will never forget Elder's kindness. " Zheng Zizhou said respectfully.    


"Eh? What are you talking about? This old man saved you all because of fate. Don't fuss too much about it. Otherwise, if you have a problem in your heart, it won't be good if you delay your cultivation. " Elder Fang patted Zheng Zizhou's shoulder and asked Zheng Zinuo. "Little Zinuo has also grown into a handsome young man, although his talent isn't as outstanding as your brother's. As long as you are willing to work hard, it won't be very bad. This time, your master strongly recommended you to Sect Master. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me if I asked you to follow me. This isn't because of your performance in front of the main hall. It's really shocking."    


"Hehe... The elder grandpa is overpraising me." Zheng Zinuo scratched his head and smiled.    


"But..." Elder Fang's words suddenly changed as he said, "It's good to improve rapidly, but remember Zinuo well. Don't be too hasty. With your talent in yellow martial soul, you can reach the level of 40 Martial Master Stage at such a young age. To be honest, although I'm happy, I'm also very worried. Don't get yourself mentally deranged or something like that. In the end, all your previous efforts will be in vain, and that won't be worth it. "    


"Er... thank you for the reminder, grandpa. I'll be careful." When Zheng Zinuo heard this, his head was filled with black lines. He was speechless for a moment before he looked at Zheng Zizhou. He seemed to be sweating too. He smiled bitterly to himself. However, Zheng Zinuo still nodded his head. It seemed like he was being hypocritical. After all, it was the guidance of an elder. He did not have much to say.    


However, he had never thought that the Soul Power Cultivation that he had purposely concealed his talent of martial soul, which was at level 40, would cause such a situation. Everyone thought that he had gotten close to something or did something else, which was why his cultivation base had improved so quickly, causing everyone to think that he was going to go berserk. It was too ridiculous.    


However, Zheng Zinuo did not take their words to heart. Of course, he knew very well about his own body. He casually made a fork in the road and asked, "Elder grandpa, may I ask how long it will take for us to reach City B?" Zheng Zinuo was afraid that Elder Fang would continue to lecture him there. At that time, if he couldn't help but reveal his trump card, there would be no more mystery to him. He did not want to be seen through with just one look. It would not be so convenient to pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger.    


"En, we have already crossed more than half of the journey. If everything goes smoothly, I estimate that we will arrive at City B in less than four hours before the sun sets in the evening." Elder Fang nodded and replied.    


At this time, the door of the hall opened and Feng Ziyan walked out. She first bowed to the elder and said, "Grandpa Elder, Mr Zizhou, it's time for us to eat."    


"Okay, let's eat. Let's eat." Elder Fang smiled and led the way to the kitchen. Zheng Zizhou and the other two also went to eat.    


"Why don't we play something to pass this boring time? It's not easy for us to come out. We can't use such a good opportunity to cultivate." After eating, Wang Qing suggested.    


"Okay, okay..." Basically, there were hundreds of replies.    


"Well, you young people can play with me. My old bones can't be compared with you guys. As long as you don't fight, it's fine. This small boat can't withstand your torment. Dayong, take care of me. I'm going to rest first. " Elder Fang said tactfully.    


"Farewell, Elder..." Everyone was overjoyed. After all, there was an elder here, so everyone felt somewhat restrained.    


"What are you playing at? What are you playing at?" As soon as Elder Fang left the hall, everyone cheered happily. Each and every one of them was like a little bird that had just come out of its cage.    


Dongfang Shenyong and the other senior sisters were also affected by the atmosphere, as if they had suddenly become ten years younger.    


"We are all martial artists, so let's play some games related to martial cultivation." Wang Qing had an idea. He stole a glance at Zheng Zinuo, who was chatting happily with Zheng Zizhou, Feng Ziyan, and Qianxun not far away. He secretly smiled wickedly in his heart and said, "Why don't we come to Old Eagle to catch chicks and test each person's movement, reaction, and agility?"    


"How do we play? How do we play?" Everyone excitedly asked again.    


"It's very simple. One person is like an eagle, while the others are like chickens. The person who is an eagle will have to cover his eyes before starting to capture everyone in half an hourglass's time. As long as you catch one person, you win. The person who is caught will have to bark like a dog three times. If he didn't catch anyone with half an hourglass, then he would have to bark like a dog. What do you think?" Wang Qing said again, "But we have to warn you not to use your soul power in advance. Otherwise, some people who are about to go berserk will take advantage of your current soul power and act shamelessly."    


" Good, good. This game is interesting. " Everyone agreed unanimously.    


"Boring..." Zheng Zinuo muttered to himself, even though he did not like Wang Qing and the others. Now that they were one, he could not be too far away from them. Seeing how excited everyone was, he had no choice but to join them.    


"Then I'll be the first to be an eagle. Which senior sister or junior sister has a handkerchief?" Wang Qing volunteered and stared excitedly at Qianxun.    


"I don't have one. Junior sister Shui, do you have one?" Qianxun's expression changed slightly and asked Shui Zhu'er who was beside her.    


"Yes, I do." Shui Zhu'er's face turned slightly red when she heard that and took out a handkerchief to pass it over.    


"Cough cough... Alright, then everyone start preparing." Wang Qing took the handkerchief and said awkwardly, "By the way, senior brothers and sisters, do you want to play together?"    


" Hahaha... You guys play, we'll be your judge." Dongfang Shenyong and the other seven leaders looked at each other and said.    


"Alright, let's begin. It would be much better if the eight senior brothers and sisters were the judges. It would save some people from going back on their word after losing." Wang Qing looked at Zheng Zinuo and said.    


"I don't know who lost to me, but they still refuse to call me big brother." Zheng Zinuo retorted without any hesitation.    


"Begin!" Wang Qing ignored Zheng Zinuo's rebuttal and angrily covered his eyes. Then, he suddenly launched an attack and threw himself at Zheng Zinuo, who was still sitting there.    


"Hmm? Mental lock, hehe... Play this trick with me." Zheng Zinuo felt a trace of weak mental strength being transmitted over, and then Wang Qing flew towards him. The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a frivolous smile, and then his figure flashed and left the seat. Wang Qing missed him.    


"Eh?" Everyone was slightly shocked. They thought that Wang Qing would launch a fierce attack. Zheng Zinuo would never be able to escape without summoning the martial soul and using his movement technique, but what was surprising was that it was easily neutralized by him. Of course, all of this was within the expectations of Dongfang Shenyong, Qianxun, and a few others.    


"You want to play with me? Today, I will make you a dog!" Wang Qing made up his mind and thought, "So what if your soul power is high? After all, you only have a low level yellow martial soul talent. I don't believe that your spiritual power is stronger than mine!" After saying that, he quickly turned around, as if he had not blinded his eyes at all. Once again, he accurately grabbed towards Zheng Zinuo.    


"Mental lock, don't you see who your opponent is? Break!" Zheng Zinuo secretly shouted. His body flashed again, and in that narrow space, he actually took an S shape. His speed was so fast that he could even see a faint shadow.    


"Eh? His spiritual energy has disappeared. How is this possible?!" He missed again, but this time Wang Qing was shocked. Because he felt the spiritual energy that he had put into Zheng Zinuo's body suddenly disappear." Could it be that this kid's spiritual cultivation has also surpassed mine? "    


Not to mention that Wang Qing was only a level 32 general, he was probably a level 50 Martial King expert. He estimated that his spiritual force was not much stronger than Zheng Zinuo's. All these years, he had been constantly fighting with Devil Beast to cultivate, refining pills, refining weapons, and cultivating the Eye of Heaven. All of these were extremely strong spiritual cultivation. Currently, Zheng Zinuo's mental strength was no less than any early stage Martial King expert.    


"What kind of cultivation technique did this kid cultivate? Why can't even I detect his aura?" Wang Qing calmed down a little, then turned around and searched the surroundings. “ No, it's not that I can't find his aura, but I've never felt his aura and soul power fluctuations from the very beginning. How is this possible? After so many years of painstaking cultivation, I had to put my life on the line to reach the cultivation of a rank 32 general. That brat only had the talent of a yellow martial soul, so what sort of method did he use? He was able to reach such a high cultivation base in just a few short years? "    


"Hey, why isn't Senior Brother Wang moving? Come and catch him, there isn't much time left." Shui Zhu'er kindly reminded.    


"No matter what, we have to catch one first. Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing to learn how to bark like a puppy in front of Junior Sister Qian Xun and the others." Wang Qing woke up from his shock when he heard this. He nodded and shouted. " Alright, I'm going to start now." After saying that, he circulated his spiritual energy and locked onto an opponent with a relatively weak spiritual energy. Then, he used the Yu's Step Movement Technique. "Shua..." With a swoosh, he grabbed at the opponent.    


"Hehe... I'll let you guys bite the dog." Zheng Zinuo felt that Wang Qing had locked onto Shui Zhu'er. He quickly came to Shui Zhu'er's side. He reached out and grabbed her arm. He gently pulled and pushed Wuh Ziyu, who was beside her, hard. Wang Qing and him bumped into each other.    


"Yay! I got it! Hahaha..." Wang Qing was overjoyed. He took off his mask and his face changed dramatically, "Why is it you?"    


" Senior brother... it was him who pushed me! " Wuh Ziyu pointed at Zheng Zinuo and said with a bitter face.    


"Don't act shamelessly. Is the game not allowed to push people? Besides, I didn't do it on purpose. I was saving Senior Sister Shui. I accidentally touched you. " Zheng Zinuo said confidently.    


"This..." Wang Qing and Wuh Ziyu looked at each other, speechless. There was no rule in the game not to push people.    


"Quickly learn how to bark like a dog, quickly learn how to bark like a dog..." Everyone cheered loudly.    


"Hahaha... Wuh Ziyu lost this match, let's hear it quickly." Dongfang Shenyong, as the referee, said.    


"I..." Wuh Ziyu looked at Zheng Zinuo angrily and then looked at everyone. He suddenly shouted at Zheng Zinuo, "Wang Wang..."    


"Oh, it's so loud and miserable. It looks like a dog whose leg was broken by its owner." Zheng Zinuo jumped back and laughed at him.    


"Hahaha..." Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this.    


"You..." Wuh Ziyu's face instantly turned red with shame. He took the handkerchief and came to Zheng Zinuo's side and asked disdainfully, "Do you dare to try?"    


"Let me try!" Zheng Zizhou saw that the two of them wanted to bully his younger brother. He immediately stopped smiling and stood out. He stretched out his hand to take the handkerchief.    


"Let me do it, brother." Zheng Zinuo took a step faster to receive the handkerchief and said with a smile, "If I want to catch a few people at the same time, then wouldn't these people have to bark like dogs?"    


"Really arrogant, humph!" Wuh Ziyu coldly snorted. Wang Qing disdainfully smiled and said, "Sure, if you can catch all of us, we will all bark like dogs, and the time limit is half an hourglass!"    


"Alright, then everyone get ready. I'm going to start." Zheng Zinuo covered his handkerchief and reminded everyone.    


"Let's go. We'll treat this arrogant kid and avenge junior brother Wu later." Lee Fei said in a low voice.    


"With these two great peerless techniques, the tracking technique and the Body Freezing Spell, why would I be afraid that you would run away? Even if you jump into the sea, I can still catch you. " Zheng Zinuo was not in a hurry. After covering his eyes, the Genuine Qi that had been placed on Wang Qing, Wuh Ziyu, and Lee Fei's bodies was slowly released. Zheng Zinuo silently chanted the tracking technique. The three Genuine Qi sources were like three invisible ribbons that quickly reached the depths of Zheng Zinuo's spiritual sense.    


"With a swoosh, he instantly casted the Yu's Step and rushed towards Wuh Ziyu. "Body Freezing Spell!" He urged the Genuine Qi to attack Wuh Ziyu from a distance of less than a meter away. Wuh Ziyu was preparing to use his movement technique to escape. But then he suddenly felt his body tighten, as if someone had tied him up with a rope. He was unable to move at all.    


"He reached out his hand and grabbed Wuh Ziyu's shoulder. He pushed Wuh Ziyu to the ground and shouted, "The first person is Wuh Ziyu. Hehe... I'm going to bark like a dog again!"    


Everyone turned pale with fright. All of this happened in the blink of an eye. When they saw Zheng Zinuo grab Wuh Ziyu with his palm, Wuh Ziyu collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all his strength.    


However, before they could recover from their shock, Zheng Zinuo's body flashed again and again, grabbing at Wang Qing.    


Wang Qing instantly reacted. After all, his cultivation base was higher, and he was much faster than Wuh Ziyu. Zheng Zinuo's Body Freezing Spell depended on the difference in the opponent's cultivation base, and there was still a gap between them. For someone like Wuh Ziyu, who only had the cultivation base of a level 30 general, Zheng Zinuo could freeze his body three meters away from him. However, for a level 32 general, the range of Zheng Zinuo's Body Freezing Spell was reduced to two meters. When he reached level 35, Zheng Zinuo had to be close. He had to use a close range spell to be effective. When he reached level 40 or one or two levels lower than himself, he would need to use a close range spell. Zheng Zinuo's Body Freezing Spell had completely lost its effect. After all, the Body Freezing Spell was only a high-level auxiliary skill and was not as powerful as he had imagined.    


However, in this hall that was less than thirty square meters, if one wanted to get within two meters of Wang Qing, It was too easy for Zheng Zinuo. He just needed to use a few Yu's Step. Once again, he cast the Body Freezing Spell. Under everyone's shocked and incredulous eyes, Wang Qing and Wuh Ziyu walked down the same path. They were both grabbed and pushed to the ground.    


It was understandable that Wang Qing was caught by Zheng Zinuo. However, after they caught him, they were pushed to the ground by him. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't figure out what had happened. After all, Wang Qing's cultivation base was very high. A level 32 general was like a piece of paper in front of Zheng Zinuo. This was too terrifying.    


It was only at this moment that the Body Freezing Spell on Wuh Ziyu's body lasted for three seconds before he regained his ability to move. He got up from the ground and looked at Zheng Zinuo in shock as he tried to grab Lee Fei.    


Lee Fei's talent was very high, and he was not weaker than Zheng Zizhou and the others. Ever since he had been humiliated last time, he had been cultivating with all his might. Now, he had reached the level of a level 35 general.    


When he saw Zheng Zinuo easily catch Wang Qing and Wuh Ziyu, his contemptuous smile suddenly stopped. Instead, it was replaced by shock and solemnity. When he saw Zheng Zinuo grabbing at him, He didn't dare to be careless. He immediately summoned the blue martial soul. He used the Traceless Snowsteps Technique and kept swimming in the hall.    


"Can this kid see? Why can't he sense a single mental energy fluctuation, but he can accurately grab me?!" Lee Fei thought in shock as he dodged Zheng Zinuo's grab.    


Because Lee Fei's cultivation base was relatively high, Zheng Zinuo wanted to use the Body Freezing Spell. The maximum range of the spell had to be within one meter of ___, or else it would lose its effect. For Lee Fei, who had summoned the martial soul and used the Yellow Martial Art, ... It would be difficult for Zheng Zinuo to get within a meter of him.    


However, some difficulties did not mean that he could not. One should know that Zheng Zinuo had eight extraordinary meridians now. He had already comprehended the Divine Walking Technique a long time ago. It was an existence that surpassed the purple movement technique. A movement technique that could evolve along with the advancement of one's cultivation base was extremely powerful. According to Sword Spirit, once the Godly Steps were cultivated to the extreme, one would be able to travel thousands of miles in an instant. It was the same speed as Sun Wukong's Cloud of Tendon, although to Zheng Zinuo who had just comprehended it, It could only increase his own speed by six or seven times, but six or seven times was only a very low cultivation base for these young people. One should know that the most powerful purple movement technique in this world could only increase by seven or eight times.    


Imagine a person who could run ten meters per second, suddenly increasing it by six times, and then turning it into sixty meters per second. How terrifying was that speed?    


"Sou..." In this narrow space, it was as if he had teleported. In the blink of an eye, Zheng Zinuo had arrived in front of Lee Fei and struck out with his palm. Although he had summoned the martial soul and circulated his soul force to the maximum, But compared to a Wu Zong who has the strength of a Middle Golden Core, which is equivalent to a level 45 or 6 soul force, it is still far from enough. The martial soul disappeared and entered the same fate as Wang Qing. He fell to the ground.    


"So... so fast..."    


"So... so powerful..." Everyone's face turned pale and they were stunned.    


"This guy, he really amazes the world with a single feat even if he doesn't make a sound." Qianxun secretly praised.    


"This brother of mine, it seems like I have still underestimated his cultivation." Zheng Zizhou smiled bitterly and said to Feng Ziyan.    


"Okay. I declare Zheng Zinuo the winner of this match." Dongfang Shenyong secretly shook his head and said with a smile.    


"Sister Shui, return your handkerchief." Zheng Zinuo looked at the people who were still in shock, turned around and walked to Shui Zhu'er's side, handed her the handkerchief and said.    


"I..." Shui Zhu'er was slightly startled when she heard this and reacted. She looked at Zheng Zinuo's extraordinarily handsome appearance and said shyly, "I have another one here. This one is for you."    


“ Oh? Alright, thank you, senior sister." Zheng Zinuo nodded his head. Without any hesitation, he put his hand into his pocket and shouted at Wang Qing and the other two, "What's wrong? Why aren't you shouting? Are you trying to cheat?"    


"I..." Wang Qing and the others woke up from their shock and awkwardly got up from the ground. The three of them looked at each other. They were all a little frightened and did not understand what was going on. Just as they were about to bark like dogs, the door of the hall suddenly opened. Elder Fang walked in with a solemn expression and said with some concern.    


"Everyone, be on your guard. We have encountered the Sea Devil Beast."    


"What? Sea Devil Beast!" Everyone was shocked by the name and quickly gathered around Elder Fang, waiting for his orders.    


"That's right. I just used the Soul Exploring Eye to probe and found that there are two powerful sea Devil Beast that are at least tier 8 and above a thousand meters ahead of us. They are currently confronting each other, and it is very likely that they will fight each other. We must stop the ship and take a detour, otherwise, we will be in a sea filled with seawater. I can't do anything about them either." Elder Fang said.    


"Ocean Devil Beast is a type of Devil Beast that lives in the ocean. As the surface area of this world's ocean is four times larger than land, the number of Devil Beast in the ocean is much more powerful than those on land." A chapter about the Ocean Devil Beast that was recorded in Martial Cultivation World appeared in Zheng Zinuo's mind.    


"We will now begin to turn around. Da Yong, the eight of you follow me to the bow of the ship to guard it. The rest of you stay in the hall and be careful. If you encounter any danger, you must unite together. Do you understand?" Elder Fang said once again.    


"Understood!" Everyone was slightly excited when they heard this, but their worries were not revealed too much.    


At this moment, a loud sound was like a thunder from a clear sky. Then, a huge wave came from the sky and the hull started to shake uncontrollably.    


"Not good, the huge wave is too big. The ship might not be able to withstand it." Dugu Jian shouted.    


Before he finished his words, another loud sound was heard. Waves after waves came, and the ship was like a small boat. They were in danger of capsizing at any moment, and they were still excited. However, their worries were gradually revealed.    


"Prepare to jump into the sea. The ship can't hold on any longer." Dongfang Shenyong quickly walked down and called out.    


"Ah? Jumping into the sea! Why did you jump into the sea, I... I don't know how to swim!" Feng Ziyan and the others immediately panicked.    


"The intense fight between the two Devil Beast in front is too intense, forming a huge whirlpool on the surface of the sea. It's a long one. The elder went forward to scatter it, but the huge energy waves and waves kept hitting the ship. The soul power of the eight of us can't hold on much longer, and the ship is about to break. Everyone, be prepared, those who can't swim can swim. Everyone grab a piece of wood, go! " Dongfang Shenyong said anxiously.    




"Crack! Crack!"    


"As soon as they took the wooden blocks, the hull broke into two pieces. A large amount of seawater rushed in and instantly drowned everyone in the sea.    


"Big brother, senior sister, Eldest Senior Brother..." It was estimated that the one with the best water affinity here was Zheng Zinuo. Plus, he was cultivating the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell. After reaching the Golden Core realm, he could already carry out fetal breathing. Among this group of people, the only one who wasn't afraid was him.    


However, because the waves were too huge, they were dispersed before anyone could react. Although Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base was not weak, he was still helpless under the absolute power of nature. Unless he could cultivate to the Martial Immortal like Elder Fang and fly on his sword... Otherwise, he could only be submerged by the ocean.    


After shouting for a long time, there was no response. Moreover, due to the powerful energy waves that were constantly erupting from the ocean and in the distance, even the tracking technique that Zheng Zinuo had placed on everyone had lost its effectiveness.    


Just as Zheng Zinuo was feeling anxious and helpless, a weak soul energy fluctuation suddenly came from not far away. Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed and hurriedly urged the Genuine Qi to lie on the wooden block and quickly approach the source of the soul energy fluctuation.    


"Eh? It's senior sister Shui Zhu'er." Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed. He quickly swam over and shouted, "Senior sister Shui, are you alright?"    


" Cough cough... " Shui Zhu'er's face was pale and she was so frightened that tears flowed out. As she continuously spat out the seawater from her mouth, she cried. "Junior Brother Zheng, sob, sob... Junior Brother Zheng. " Obviously, she had never experienced anything like this before. She had never encountered such a shocking thing before. She was so scared that her face turned pale, and she didn't know what to do.    


"Don't be afraid, senior sister. We'll make it through." Zheng Zinuo reached out and grabbed Shui Zhu'er's wrist to prevent the two of them from being scattered by the huge waves again. He comforted her, "The elders and senior brothers and senior sisters must be looking for us. Don't be afraid of senior sister. Did you see anyone else? "    


Looking at Zheng Zinuo's composed look, he could feel his firm and powerful hand. The frightened Shui Zhu'er suddenly felt much better and gradually calmed down. She buried her face on Zheng Zinuo's shoulder and shook her head as she replied. "No, our ship was broken by the waves. I thought I was going to die. After shouting for a long time, he didn't see anyone else. Luckily, he met you, junior brother. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know what to do. "    


"Don't panic. Wait for the elder to send those two Devil Beast away. We'll be saved. The waves are too big now, we better not speak. Let's not choke on the seawater. Let's just drift along with the waves. " Zheng Zinuo comforted them, but his heart was already filled with anxiety. He was not worried about the others. The key was his senior sister, Feng Ziyan.    


Especially when he saw Shui Zhu'er's gloomy look, Zheng Zinuo thought of Feng Ziyan, who had also fallen into the water. She had not experienced any storms and waves. Could she withstand it at this time?    


"Senior sister, please don't let anything happen to you!" Zheng Zinuo kept praying, but the waves in the outside world were too great. He couldn't do anything. The only thing he could do was to protect himself and senior sister Shui in his arms.    


The weather in April was still a little cold. As the night fell, The originally not too cold seawater gradually became bone-chillingly cold. Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base was higher. In addition, he had opened up all eight extraordinary meridians in his body. He absorbed the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth much faster. Although the energy in his body was consumed very quickly in the cold water, he was still able to resist it.    


However, although Shui Zhu'er, who was in his arms, was older than him by a year, her cultivation was only at the level of a level 28 Martial Master. Although her body was much stronger than an ordinary person's, she was still soaked in the cold seawater. The energy in her body was rapidly depleted, and she felt completely exhausted in the middle of the night. His consciousness was in a daze, and he gradually fell into Zheng Zinuo's arms, unconscious.    


Zheng Zinuo held Shui Zhu'er in one hand and the wooden block in the other. He was also very anxious in his heart. He was not worried about himself. With his current condition, he could hold on for one or two days without any major problems. However, he had to worry about the person in his arms, Feng Ziyan, Zheng Zizhou, and the others.    


However, no matter how worried he was, it would not help. Zheng Zinuo could only pray in his heart. He kept chanting the Heart Calming Spell to calm himself down.    


He sighed that nature was too powerful. Human strength could not compete with the power of nature.    


They drifted slowly like this until the next morning. Finally, everything calmed down. A ray of sunlight slowly rose. Zheng Zinuo took advantage of the light of the sky to get up. Looking into the distance, he finally saw signs of human habitation in a place thousands of meters away.    


He was immediately overjoyed. He called out the martial soul and urged his soul power to slowly enter Shui Zhu'er's body in his arms. It made her weak body slightly better and then he hugged her and swam towards the distance with all his might.    


About two hours later, Zheng Zinuo finally brought the unconscious Shui Zhu'er to the shore. He hurriedly carried Shui Zhu'er to a dry rock and let her sit down cross-legged. Then he stretched out his hand and touched the Universe Pouch. Fortunately, the Universe Pouch was waterproof. The water did not seep into the Soul Recovery Pill. He took out a Soul Recovery Pill and put it into Shui Zhu'er's mouth. After that, he called out the martial soul and sat cross-legged to help her adjust her breathing.    


After the time of one or two hourglass, Shui Zhu'er moaned a few times. Her consciousness slowly recovered and the Soul Recovery Pill in her mouth had already melted. Along with Zheng Zinuo's relatively thick soul force slowly unclogging the eight extraordinary meridians in Shui Zhu'er's body, she gradually opened her eyes.    


"Don't move. Use the medicinal strength of the Soul Recovery Pill to quickly regulate your breathing. We are already safe." Zheng Zinuo withdrew the martial soul and instructed.    


"En! Thank you, junior brother. " Shui Zhu'er nodded and started to adjust her breathing.    


Zheng Zinuo, on the other hand, had been worrying about her for the entire day and night. In addition, he had just sent out a large amount of soul force to regulate Shui Zhu'er's breathing. Right now, his spirit was also somewhat sluggish, and he felt like he was on the verge of collapse. He hurriedly took out another Soul Recovery Pill. After pausing for a while, he thought about it and put it back.    


Although Zheng Zinuo had refined over fifty Soul Recovery Pill, he made some calculations. If the 30 plus people were all gathered in this place... Almost everyone needed the help of the medicinal strength of the Soul Recovery Pill. Moreover, it was more troublesome to make the Soul Recovery Pill. Its effects were also very obvious. Currently, he still had some soul force and Genuine Qi in his body. Thus, he gave up on consuming the Soul Recovery Pill and relied on his own foundation. He believed that he could slowly recover, but it would take a longer time.    



Thinking of this, Zheng Zinuo put all his heart into adjusting his condition. However, he still kept a trace of the spiritual sense to observe the surrounding movements. He hoped that Zheng Zizhou and the others would be able to swim here by luck like him. This was also the reason why Zheng Zinuo's mental strength had become much stronger after entering the Golden Core stage. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to adjust one's breathing while also being distracted to observe the surroundings. It was very difficult for an ordinary person to do this.    


After about two hourglass, Shui Zhu'er was the first to wake up by relying on the medicinal strength of the Soul Recovery Pill. She felt that her clothes were wet and uncomfortable. She opened her eyes and looked at Zheng Zinuo who was beside her. She could not help but feel touched in her heart.    


"If it wasn't for Junior Brother Zheng, I would have been buried in the sea a long time ago. I wonder if I can repay this debt of saving my life in this life." Shui Zhu'er revealed a shy expression, like a budding flower. Under the illumination of the rising red sun, it appeared extremely beautiful, although it was not as extraordinary as Feng Ziyan and the others. However, she could still be considered one of the top beauties.    


"So cold..." A sea breeze blew past and Shui Zhu'er who was in a daze could not help but shiver. She hurriedly got up and walked towards the vicinity, preparing to pick up some dry firewood to warm them up.    


"Senior sister, you are awake. Where are you going?" Sensing the movement of the outside world, Zheng Zinuo suddenly opened his eyes. Although he didn't have the help of the Soul Recovery Pill, he had to rely on his own foundation. Within the two hourglass, he could completely recover his soul force and Genuine Qi.    


"Ah? Junior brother, you're awake. I'm going to pick up some firewood. It's too cold to wet my clothes." Shui Zhu'er revealed a delighted expression when she heard that and said.    


"Oh, so it is like that. I will go and pick up firewood. You should rest." Zheng Zinuo got up and said.    


"It's alright. My body has almost recovered. Why don't we go together? Hehe... " Shui Zhu'er looked at the handsome and extraordinary sunny youth in front of her and couldn't help but jump about in her heart. When she thought about how she had spent a day and night in Zheng Zinuo's broad chest, her breathing became rapid. Her face turned red and she hurriedly turned around and walked away.    


"Eh? Someone is coming. Let's go up and ask." Zheng Zinuo did not notice the feelings in his daughter's heart. Just as he was about to answer, he suddenly realized that there were three to five big men on the beach in the distance. They seemed to be the local fishermen.    


"Oh, good. It's good that there are people." Shui Zhu'er reacted and was also overjoyed. She followed Zheng Zinuo to greet the group of people.    


"Uncle, uncles, hello!" Zheng Zinuo greeted them.    


"Hmm? Hello, everyone." The leading old man was about 50 years old. His hair was white, his skin was dark, and his body was a little thin. He looked at the two of them and asked, "You don't look like you're locals, do you? Did the young people encounter any difficulties? "    


"Yes, uncle. We came from Spirit Hidden Island. We accidentally encountered sea Devil Beast. The ship was destroyed, so we drifted all the way here. May I ask where we are?" Zheng Zinuo asked.    


"Spiritual Hidden Island? Are you people from the Hidden Spirit Sect?" The old man asked in surprise, then answered, "This is a small village near the City B called the Fishery Village. Most of the villagers here are fishing for a living. You people from the Hidden Spirit Sect often come here to buy fish."    


"It's great to be near the City B." Zheng Zinuo and Shui Zhu'er looked at each other when they heard this. Both of them revealed a look of joy that was difficult to suppress. Then he continued to ask, "Excuse me, uncle, did you see that they were wearing similar clothes as us? Any other young people of the same age? "    


"No, we just came out of the village." The old man shook his head.    


"Oh, I see." Zheng Zinuo was a little disappointed and said, "Then may I ask, uncle, do you have a fishing boat that you can lend me? We were separated from our companions in the sea. They should still be drifting in the sea. I want to save them as soon as possible. "    


" Oh? There is... We'll take you there. The sea is very dangerous. Without timely assistance, it will be very difficult for you to survive." The fisherman said very enthusiastically.    


"That's great. Thank you, uncle." Zheng Zinuo and Shui Zhu'er looked at each other and revealed joyful expressions. They followed the four fishermen and ran towards the small bay in front of them.    


"Young man, this is our fishing boat. Let's go up. I will take you to find your companions." The old man pointed at the small boat that was only about three meters long and less than one meter wide and said.    


"This..." Zheng Zinuo and Shui Zhu'er looked at each other in dismay. They did not expect that the boat that the old man was talking about was actually such a small wooden boat.    


"Okay! Then I will have to trouble all of you, uncles." Having a wooden boat was always better than not having one. Furthermore, there were also a few enthusiastic fishermen. Zheng Zinuo nodded and jumped onto the big man's boat. He pulled Shui Zhu'er along and stood up.    


"Young man, our boat is small. It can only travel about a thousand meters at most. It will be dangerous if we go too deep into the sea." The old man said as he supported the boat, "Where did your companion get lost?"    


"Try to go forward a bit. I'll try to find them." Zheng Zinuo said anxiously. He slowly urged the Genuine Qi to use the tracking technique, but there was no response.    


Half a day later, the sea gradually stirred up huge waves. The boat was unable to reach a thousand meters before it had to retreat. Zheng Zinuo and Shui Zhu'er were helpless and could only follow back to the shore.    


"Young man, little girl, don't worry. The people of Hidden Spirit Sect are all living immortals. Your companions will be fine." The old man supported the boat and said enthusiastically, "Our fishing village is relatively small, and it is less than 20 miles away from City B. So there are no hotels, if the two of you don't mind. You can stay at my house for a few days. Perhaps your companions will also float to our fishing village. "    


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