Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C90 Xuanyuan World

C90 Xuanyuan World

0"God! It's Divine Immortal Zinuo! " The two disciples who were guarding the gate were still Qilong's disciples. When they saw Zheng Zinuo bringing a beautiful girl with him, they were stunned for a moment, then they shouted out in surprise.    


"That's right. I'm Zheng Zinuo. Don't call me Divine Immortal. I'm very ashamed." Zheng Zinuo replied with a smile. He had stayed in Xuanyuan World for nearly a year. He was more or less familiar with the language in the Xuanyuan World, so he was able to speak it in a simple manner.    


Xiao Wan'er, who was standing at the side, was confused by what they were saying. She did not know what they were talking about.    


"You can use the Psychic Technique and slowly learn the language. With your intelligence and intelligence, you will be able to learn it in a few days." Zheng Zinuo knew Xiao Wan'er's current situation and quickly sent a voice transmission to remind her.    


"Zinuo, you are finally here. Something big has happened to our tribe." Fann Zhonglin and ___ kneeled down on the ground and spoke with anxious expressions.    


"Something big? What is it? You guys get up first. " Zheng Zinuo was slightly shocked when he heard this. He hurriedly helped the two of them up. He could feel that the Jiyu Tribe seemed to be much quieter than when he first came here. However, he had only left the Jiyu Tribe for less than half a month. What could possibly happen?    


"Divine Immortal Zinuo, do you still remember the last time when the three major tribes joined forces to attack the Jiyu Tribe?" Fann Zhonglin stood up and said quickly, "It was the three tribes that were chased away by you. One of them was a tribe leader that was captured alive."    


"En, I remember. Could it be that they have come to invade us again?" Zheng Zinuo nodded and asked.    


"Yes, two days ago, the High Priest of Chang Ping Tribe, Hwa Tine. I don't know where they invited two beast tamers, but they brought four extremely powerful ferocious beasts with them, intending to attack our Jiyu Tribe. The High Priest heard the news and led over fifty of his senior brothers and junior brothers to the southwestern region to meet the enemy. It had been almost two days. Until now, there hasn't been any news from them." Fann Zhonglin said hastily.    


"Southwest direction! Alright, I got it." Zheng Zinuo's expression suddenly became serious and said, "Wan'er, let's go!"    


After saying that, he took out the Golden Light Flying Sword and brought Xiao Wan'er with him to ride the sword. As the situation was urgent, he did not care about shocking the world.    


Seeing Zheng Zinuo flying with Xiao Wan'er on the sword, Fann Zhonglin and Xiao Wan'er were pleasantly surprised. Both of them fell to their knees at the same time and kept muttering.    


"What happened to Zinuo? Did something happen to Jiyu Tribe?" On top of the flying sword, Xiao Wan'er asked via divine sense.    


"Yes, the other tribes have brought four ferocious beasts to attack the Jiyu Tribe. My elder brother and the others have gone to fight." Zheng Zinuo said. He circulated the Vital Spirit Strength with all his strength. The Golden Light Sword turned into a ray of light and flew for dozens of miles in the blink of an eye. From afar, they could see a group of people surrounding a small hill. The group of people was surrounding another group of people who were much smaller in number at the foot of the hill. A large group of people and horses were lying on the ground. There were also two ferocious Devil Beast that were devouring the corpses of the dead people.    


"Ha! You all don't know the difference between life and death, and you dare to invade our Jiyu Tribe again!" Zheng Zinuo shouted out loudly when he saw what happened. His anger was burning. He unleashed a Metal immortal arts, the Thunder Fall Technique, and slashed at Hwa Tine and the others.    


"* Hua La...... *" Dozens of green lightning bolts as thick as a thumb fell from the sky without any mercy, and struck towards Hwa Tine and the others.    


Hwa Tine and the others were shocked, but other than a few people with higher cultivation and two powerful Devil Beast, the other fifty people were all struck by the lightning. They lay on the ground and kept twitching and moaning.    


"Ah? Yes... It's him!" Hwa Tine and the people around him turned pale with fright. They had lived for nearly a hundred years, but they had never seen anyone who could ride a sword and fly. Those who could control the heavenly lightning were so scared that they collapsed to the ground. Some of the more timid ones even peed their pants in fear.    


"Master, it's my master..." At this moment, Zhang Jinyu was also riddled with injuries. Under the protection of Qilong, he was able to keep his life. However, Qilong was also heavily injured and fell to the ground after killing two powerful Devil Beast. He was on the verge of death.    


"Brother... You are finally... here. " Qilong had closed his eyes and was waiting for death. When he saw Zheng Zinuo suddenly fall from the sky, he forced himself to come over.    


"Old brother... Jinyu..." Zheng Zinuo fell from the sky and landed beside the High Priest. His expression was also very serious. Without saying anything, he hurriedly took out a pill from the Universe Pouch and fed it to the High Priest.    


The high priest shook his head and said, "Brother... You... You are finally here. Old brother... old brother can't do it anymore. Don't... waste your spiritual pill magic medicine."    


"Brother, don't say anything. This is a pill from the Li Perishing Pill. It is a high-grade spiritual pill. As long as you have a breath left in you, I can resurrect you. Rest in peace and heal your injuries. Leave the rest to me. " Zheng Zinuo said hastily and stuffed the pill into the High Priest's mouth. Then... He said to Xiao Wan'er,    


"Wan'er, quickly help me check everyone's condition. There are still nineteen pills left. As long as you still have a breath left, hurry up and give them to him. Jinyu, don't just stand there like a fool. You go and help Martial Uncle." Zheng Zinuo instructed.    


"Oh, okay!" The two of them nodded.    


Zheng Zinuo helped the High Priest up and let him adjust his breathing. With this high-grade spiritual pill, He was not very worried about the injuries of the others. When he saw the people on his side lying on the ground, There were less than twenty people in total, so twenty Li Perishing Pills were more than enough.    


"All of you are courting death!" After settling down the High Priest, Zheng Zinuo suddenly turned around and revealed an angry expression. This was a few times of his anger since he was young. Seeing this, the remaining five people felt like their guts were splitting apart. They saw that Zheng Zinuo had just flown away on his sword and used the Heavenly Lightning. It was an ability that only the legendary Divine Immortal could possess. It was actually unleashed by this young man in front of them, causing them to feel extremely terrified and helpless.    


"Quick... Quick! Master Liang, Master Pu, quickly activate the Devil Beast and kill that brat. Quick!" Hwa Tine cried out in panic. At this moment, his only hope was the two ferocious upper tier Tier 4 devil bear and Nether Lightning Leopard in front of him. These two powerful Devil Beast, even if it was any one of them, they were not something he could deal with. Therefore, these two Devil Beast were their only hope.    


"Alright..." The two beast tamers looked at each other and recovered from their shock. They each chanted a strange incantation. The two Devil Beast, which had been frightened by the lightning, were panicking. When they heard the incantation, their spirits were immediately lifted. They bared their teeth at Zheng Zinuo and started beating their chests and stamping their feet.    


"Two animals! If you don't want to die, then get lost!" Zheng Zinuo's shout was like a clap of thunder next to Hwa Tine and the others. It shook their ears until they were dazzled. The two great beast tamers were even shaken until their eardrums bled. They took five steps back.    


However, the two Devil Beast did not seem to have much fear. Instead, they were angered by Zheng Zinuo's loud shout, causing their savage nature to be enraged. With a furious roar, they pounced on Zheng Zinuo.    


The Nether Lightning Leopard was extremely fast, like a black lightning bolt. With a swoosh, it scuttled to Zheng Zinuo's chest, and the violent devil bear also took the opportunity to leap up. It fell down from the sky. With a hiss, it stretched out a giant claw that looked like a diamond, and struck violently at Zheng Zinuo.    


"You can't blame me if you want to die!" Zheng Zinuo shouted loudly. Then, the black martial soul emerged without any hesitation. The Azure Martial Cultivation defensive skill - Profound Sky Barrier was casted. A green circle of light wrapped around Zheng Zinuo.    


If Zheng Zinuo was a level 46 Wu Zong, and he was in the Xuanyuan Realm, He would be able to utilize 1% of the Xuanyuan Realm's energy, even without using the technique taught to him by Xuanyuan. He would be able to absorb the Xuanyuan Realm's energy automatically and increase it by at least 10%.    


Because he had just used all his strength to control the sword and fly, and also used the Metal immortal arts Thunder Fall Technique, Zheng Zinuo's Vital Spirit Strength was now lacking, but his soul power was still very abundant. Therefore, he used his soul power to cast the Martial Cultivation Method.    


"Dong... Dong..." The Lightning Leopard and the Berserk devil bear attacked Zheng Zinuo's Profound Sky Barrier with all their strength. Two muffled sounds were heard, but the Profound Sky Barrier only trembled violently. A few cracks appeared on the barrier, but it wasn't destroyed.    


At this moment, the two Devil Beast's techniques had been used for a long time, and no new force had been used yet. Zheng Zinuo smiled coldly. How could he let go of such an opportunity?    


"Seven Luminaries Meteor Fist!" With a loud shout, the green Martial Cultivation Method was instantly unleashed. Seven green waves of light shot out. Like a cannonball, the two Devil Beast in front of him were sent flying away. Due to the small size of the Lightning Leopard's body, its speed was extremely fast. However, the Berserk devil bear was different. The remaining five energy waves hit his chest. Although his defense was extremely strong, His chest was badly mutilated. He was sent flying.    


However, Zheng Zinuo didn't give them any time to catch their breath. The Azure Martial Cultivation of Mixed Yuan Qi was unleashed once again. He attacked the lightning leopard that was sent flying away, because the lightning leopard's speed was just too fast. Zheng Zinuo wasn't confident that he could catch up to it at its peak, so he took advantage of the moment when the lightning leopard was under the attack of the Meteor Fist of Seven Luminaries. Before it could recover its strength, it once again unleashed an even stronger attack, taking advantage of its illness to take its life.    






With a miserable cry, a huge explosion sounded. While the poor Lightning Leopard was still flying in the air, its body once again suffered the attack of Zheng Zinuo's Mixed Yuan Qi. When the energy wave that was shaped like the Yin and Yang Eight Trigrams hit its body, it exploded. A large hole was instantly opened in its chest, and all the internal organs in its body began to flow out. It fell to the ground and screamed in pain before falling to the ground and dying.    


At this moment, the severely injured devil bear was still rolling on the ground, wailing in pain. There were a few holes in its chest, and blood was gushing out. Zheng Zinuo did not show any mercy. He had fought more than a hundred rounds with the Devil Beast. He knew that giving the Devil Beast a chance to survive was irresponsible towards him. He clearly remembered how cruel the ___ was to him. When he was fighting and cultivating with the Devil Beast, there was one time when he beat a low-grade Tier 3 Devil Beast, the Golden Horned Demon Sheep, until it was on its last breath. For a moment, his heart softened and he did not continue to kill it. After all, the Golden Horned Demon Sheep was only a herbivorous animal. It did not bring much harm to humans, it only liked to toy with humans. Therefore, Zheng Zinuo did not want to kill it.    


However, it was because of its soft heart that the Golden Horned Demon Sheep launched a counterattack. It detonated the magic crystal energy in its body, and almost severely injured Zheng Zinuo. Since then, Zheng Zinuo never showed any mercy to those Devil Beast who dared to provoke him.    


When he saw that the frenzied devil bear was on the verge of death, he showed no mercy. He summoned his flying sword, raised his hand, and swung it down. A sharp sword energy pierced through the devil bear's throat. It struggled for a moment before losing its breath and lying on the ground, motionless.    


The whole process was like a flash of lightning. It only took a dozen breaths of time. From the fierce attacks launched by the two Devil Beast to the counterattack launched by Zheng Zinuo with the Martial Cultivation Method. Everyone was dazzled by what they saw. Zhang Jinyu and Xiao Wan'er couldn't help but stop what they were doing and stare at Zheng Zinuo with wide eyes. The rest of the people from the Jiyu Tribe who weren't seriously injured were even more amazed. They clenched their fists tightly. They were so excited that they almost shouted out loud.    


When Hwa Tine and the other three men saw Zheng Zinuo unleash his divine might, it was as if they had seen a devil. At this moment, Zheng Zinuo's killing intent was soaring to the sky. In their eyes, At this moment, Zheng Zinuo was even more powerful than the Devil Beast. After seeing how easily Zheng Zinuo killed two powerful Devil Beast, Slowly walking towards them, the five of them were so frightened that their faces turned ashen. Then, as if they had reacted at the same time, they all fell to their knees at the same time. They desperately kowtowed to Zheng Zinuo and begged for mercy.    


"Phew..." Zheng Zinuo was a little tired after casting the powerful Martial Cultivation Method. However, it didn't affect him much. If it was in the past... Using so many powerful Martial Cultivation Method moves in a row must drain his soul energy, drain all his strength, But now, he only felt a little tired, and his soul power was still quite abundant. He knew that this had something to do with the enhancement of his cultivation base, but there was another reason - he could borrow the energy of the Xuanyuan Realm.    


Slowly walking to the front of Hwa Tine and the other five men, Zheng Zinuo smiled coldly. His body suddenly flashed and he shouted in a low voice, "Seal and Restriction Technique!" Five restrictive spells were inserted into each of the five men's bodies. They felt their bodies tighten. The martial soul in their bodies could no longer be shaken. They knew that their martial soul had been sealed by Zheng Zinuo's superb technique. It was impossible for them to use their soul power in this lifetime. Even after cultivating for nearly a hundred years, all their efforts were in vain.    


"Alright!" Zheng Zinuo clapped his hands, as if the life-and-death battle with the two powerful Devil Beast was a game.    


He turned around and said to Qilong, "Older brother, I have already sealed the soul power in these five people's bodies. They will never use their soul power to harm others in this lifetime. Now, I will leave them to you to deal with. My mission has been completed. Wan'er, Jinyu, how are things on your side? "    


"Sigh... There are a total of sixteen people. Twelve died. Only four were saved." Xiao Wan'er's eyes were dim as she said with some regret.    


"12 people..." Zheng Zinuo also felt a chill when he heard that. He looked at those young men who had lost their lives. Zheng Zinuo could not help but become furious once again. He turned around and struck a few times, knocking Hwa Tine and the others to the ground and shouted.    


"You evil people. You think you can invade other tribes when you have nothing better to do? You people really deserve to be killed!" Zheng Zinuo said angrily.    


"Spare us, Divine Immortal, spare us..." Hwa Tine and the others turned pale with fright when they heard this. They fell to their knees and begged again.    


"I will spare your lives. When you killed them, did you ever think about sparing those poor people's lives?" Zheng Zinuo shouted.    


"I... We were forced to do so. If we don't invade other people's land, our people... won't be able to live." Hwa Tine looked like he was about to cry. He reached out his hand to touch his swollen face and forced himself to speak.    


"If we don't invade, we won't be able to live? What kind of logic is this?" Zheng Zinuo shouted.    


"I... our tribe has a large population, but we lack resources, and our geographical location is also very poor. Even herding and planting are not effective. There is no other way. In order to let our tribe live, We have no choice but to invade other tribes with better geographical locations." Tuoba Qi said.    


"Could it be that you can't discuss this with other tribes? Must you fight?" Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and asked.    


"Whose tribe is willing to give you half of the resources? We have tried, but no one agreed. Over time, the situation became like this." Yelu Zi said deeply.    


"Yeah, if there were good days to live, who would be willing to invade other tribes without end? We are starting a war. God, you see, many of us have died. This kind of invasion will harm others and not benefit ourselves. We are also in a bad position. " Hwa Tine said helplessly.    


"Sigh..." Zheng Zinuo sighed deeply and said to Xiao Wan'er, "Wan'er, how many Li Perishing Pills do you have left? By the way, let's see if there are any more that we can save. Let's save them together."    


"Okay, okay!" Xiao Wan'er originally did not agree, but through the psychic technique, she felt the content of Hwa Tine and the others' words just now. She could not bear it.    


Not long after Zhang Jinyu and the other two rescued eight people from Hwa Tine's tribe, who were injured and on the verge of death. The rest of the people were all dead and could not be treated.    


"Zinuo, there are still seven Death Dans here. I didn't expect this pill to be so magical. Here you go." Xiao Wan'er's beautiful eyes secretly watched him as she reached out her hand to pass the pill to him and spoke in a soft voice.    


"I will take two. You give Jinyu one. You can keep the rest for yourself. When I have time, I will refine some more." Zheng Zinuo nodded and said.    


"It's getting late. I'm about to leave. I'll leave the rest to you guys." Zheng Zinuo looked at the sky and then at the corpses on the ground. He could not bear it and said, "Jinyu, the High Priest is seriously injured now. You should spend more effort. Take the others back to the tribe. You, Martial Uncle, will stay in the tribe during this period of time. You can ask her any questions about cultivation. You can discuss the other matters with the High Priest and the others. I believe in your ability. "    


"Understood, Master!" Zhang Jinyu nodded gratefully.    


"Alright, Wan'er, I will leave this disciple of mine to you. He only has the cultivation spell of Foundation Establishment now. If you think he's a promising talent, why don't you teach him your Primordial Profound Azure Dao? He can't cultivate my Ethereal Divine Sword Spell. " Zheng Zinuo said again.    


"En, I understand. I will stay here and cultivate during this period of time. I will teach you the cultivation technique of my disciple." Xiao Wan'er nodded and asked, "Then how do you plan to deal with the problem of their survival? You can't just think about invading other tribes and snatching resources all day, right? "    


"En, this is indeed a problem. Wait till I go back and think about it. I will come back when I think of a strategy. When the time comes, I will discuss with you how to deal with this problem. It would be best if I could discuss it with that guy, Xuanyuan. However, he is currently in seclusion. He probably wouldn't be able to come out anytime soon, so this matter could be put aside for the time being. If there are other tribes that dare to invade again, you just need to teach them a lesson and try to minimize casualties as much as possible. " Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and said.    


"Alright, I understand." Xiao Wan'er nodded. The autumn wave flickered and she said with great reluctance, "Then you must come and see me often."    


"I know." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said goodbye to Zhang Jinyu and the high priest one by one. Then he walked out of the Xuanyuan Realm.    


When he landed on the training ground of the Xun Wind Peak courtyard, the sky was already bright. It had been almost a year since they last saw each other, but there seemed to be no change in the Xun Wind Peak. The mountain was still as tall as before, and the trees were still as green as before. The air was still as fresh as before...    


"Wu... Roar..." Just as Zheng Zinuo was enjoying the scenery of the Xun Wind Peak, a familiar voice came from the courtyard. It woke Zheng Zinuo up. It was a meter long. It was half a meter tall, black and white, and looked like an ordinary puppy. However, an eight-trigram mark suddenly appeared on its forehead, and it suddenly charged towards Zheng Zinuo. It was the creature that had been gone for nearly a year. Zheng Zinuo often remembered the Yin and Yang.    


"Yin and Yang..." Zheng Zinuo shouted out loudly. His eyebrows immediately raised in joy, and he took three steps forward. He bent his body and spread out his hands, causing Yin and Yang to jump violently. He jumped into Zheng Zinuo's arms, and a man and a beast hugged each other tightly. They were delighted.    


"Zinuo..." At this moment, a shout came from the direction of the main hall. Feng Qingyun, Yurong, Dongfang Shenyong, and the other senior and junior brothers rushed out when they heard Zheng Zinuo's shout.    


"Master, Mistress..." Zheng Zinuo carried Yin and Yang and leapt into the air, rushing towards the main hall. When Feng Qingyun heard this, he was overjoyed and jumped in front of Zheng Zinuo.    


At this moment, Yin Yang sensibly jumped down from Zheng Zinuo's arms. He stood next to Zheng Zinuo and shook his head and tail. His big eyes were so happy that they couldn't be seen anymore.    


"Master, this disciple greets you!" Zheng Zinuo knelt down on both knees and kowtowed three times to Feng Qingyun, then to Yurong three more times. He was very excited.    


"Good, good, good..." Feng Qingyun was also very excited. He helped Zheng Zinuo up with both hands and carefully looked at him, as if he was appreciating his son that he had not seen for many years.    


"Zinuo has grown a lot after not seeing him for a year. He is almost as tall as your master. He is even more handsome now, hehe..." Yurong supported Zheng Zinuo and was also very happy.    


"Haha..." Zheng Zinuo's face turned slightly red when he heard her. He reached out his hand to touch his head and laughed foolishly.    


"Zinuo, Ziyan, summon your martial soul and let me see how your cultivation base has improved during this one year of traveling outside." After everyone greeted each other, Zheng Zinuo briefly told everyone the reason why he was late. Feng Qingyun then became serious and asked Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan.    


"Alright! Look at me! Hehe..." Feng Ziyan was the first to summon the martial soul. The blue martial soul was now more than three meters tall. From the martial soul that looked more real, everyone could feel that it was no less than level 35 soul power.    


"Level 35 Soul Power Cultivation, in less than a year, it has increased by four levels. Not bad, not bad!" Feng Qingyun smiled with satisfaction. Yurong was even more overjoyed. She hugged her beloved only daughter in her arms, and the mother and daughter were very intimate. It was obvious that Feng Ziyan had never been far away from her parents. This time, she had left the sect for nearly a year. It really made the two elders suffer for a while.    


"Zinuo, it's your turn." Feng Qingyun nodded his head in relief and looked at Zheng Zinuo.    


Zheng Zinuo was not willing to call out the martial soul because he was afraid that he would give Feng Ziyan another big blow. With Feng Ziyan's talent, she had increased her soul power by four ranks in less than a year. This was already considered very outstanding, but compared to him, this abnormal being... Once she knew that her Soul Power Cultivation had grown so quickly, she would inevitably feel a strong sense of inferiority in her heart. However, his master's life was difficult. He nodded his head and the black super martial soul slowly emerged.    


When he saw the five meter tall, black martial soul that was emitting a golden light, a majestic amount of soul power gushed out. Everyone except Dongfang Shenyong, who had seen Zheng Zinuo and Village Lord Looh fight once, turned pale with fright. They were so shocked that they could not close their mouths. They stared blankly at the terrifying martial soul behind Zheng Zinuo.    


"Level 46 soul power, this is unbelievable!" Feng Qingyun could not be any more shocked. He muttered, "In less than a year, my soul power has increased by another level 6. For a cultivator at the level of a level 40 Wu Zong, this is simply impossible."    


"You... You are really a monster!" Feng Ziyan could not help but say angrily. Originally, it was already very powerful for her to increase her soul force by four levels in less than a year. She originally thought that she would give her parents and senior brothers a surprise and let them praise her. Who knew that Zheng Zinuo was so abnormal that he didn't look like a human. The increase in soul power was almost twice of hers. This was too much of a blow to her.    


"That's right, monster, what a monster, they're all at the same cultivation level as me" Zhong Jian Yan also said with the same feeling.    


"Monsters..." Other than Dongfang Shenyong who was smiling foolishly, the others all nodded and muttered.    


"Well done Zinuo, you have really shocked me." Feng Qingyun reached out and patted Zheng Zinuo's shoulder. He nodded with relief and then asked with concern. " How is it? Soul Points are increasing so quickly, is there anything wrong with it? "    


" Hehe... Thank you for your concern, master, I didn't feel anything wrong with it " Zheng Zinuo shook his head and said to Feng Ziyan, "Senior sister, I'm sorry. Don't feel bad. You know that my cultivation base can't be calculated by normal people. If I had the same talent as senior sister, I definitely wouldn't be able to beat you. Senior sister, it's already incredible that you can advance by four levels in less than a year. Senior brothers, is that right?"    


"Yes, that's right! Junior sister Ziyan's talent is obvious to everyone. Let's not compare with this little monster, hehe..." Ouyang Qingqi said with a smile.    


" Hahaha... " Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.    


"Right, Zinuo, you just said that you found a magic treasure in Death Precipice. Show it to me." After laughing out loud, Feng Qingyun said in a serious tone.    


"En, alright." Zheng Zinuo nodded his head. Towards these loved ones in front of him, He would never hide anything from his loved ones. He stretched out his right arm. He chanted. With a chant, he pulled out the crystal that looked like a drop of water from the Xuanyuan Realm and suspended it in front of everyone.    


"Eh? Just what is this thing? I can't feel its power at all! If I didn't hear Eldest Senior Brother and junior sister talk about its magic, I would have thought it was an ornament." Third senior brother Chu Sifeng, who was good at forging weapons, carefully observed it and said.    



"En, I can't tell what it is either, but I can clearly feel that it has a different kind of spirit energy." Ouyang Qingqi nodded and said.    


Then, everyone started to discuss. After a long time, Feng Qingyun said, "Uh... I can only see some hints about this magic treasure, but I can't see through it. It should be an extraordinary treasure. Zinuo, please explain to everyone. It's best if it can display its functions. "    


"Yes, master." Zheng Zinuo nodded and summoned the floating Xuanyuan Realm into his hand. He gently lifted it up and said. “ This magic treasure was said to be one of the Heaven Opening divine weapon. It was called the Xuanyuan Realm. Don't just look at its size. It's only the size of a fist, but its interior space is unusually large. It was much bigger than our Sun Moon Continent, and this was one of its most powerful functions - One Flower, One World. One tree, one heaven, another heaven and earth. "    


"Really? Unbelievable!" Yurong went forward and touched the droplet-shaped crystal. A refreshing feeling spread throughout her body. Women were naturally unable to resist these beautiful crystals. Even an old woman over a hundred years old would not be able to resist them.    


"Mother, of course it's true. Eldest Senior Brother and I have even gone in before. Junior brother, open up that world and let us all go in and have fun, hehe..." Feng Ziyan said.    


" Okay, no problem! " Zheng Zinuo smiled and said. After a few operations, He was already very familiar with Xuanyuan Realm and could control it with ease. After a short while, he opened the Xuanyuan Realm, allowing everyone to relax their bodies and walk into the Xuanyuan Realm one by one. The place where they landed was still the grassland.    


Everyone walked towards the Xuanyuan Realm that had become bigger in disbelief. They only felt a flash in front of their eyes. The scene changed drastically. The sky that was supposed to be bright... In the dark sky, there was actually a sky full of stars and a huge moon that was much more beautiful than the Sun Moon Continent.    


"Unbelievable... Unbelievable..." Apart from Feng Ziyan and Dongfang Shenyong who already knew about this, the rest of the people, including Feng Qingyun and his wife, were all shocked, as if they were in a dream.    


"Master, Mistress, and all the senior brothers, this is the Xuanyuan World." Zheng Zinuo waited for everyone to recover from their shock before continuing to explain, "The time here is the exact opposite of the time in Sun Moon Continent, there is nothing else different. We are currently at a grassland called Ancient Forest. "    


"Ancient Forest Grassland?" Everyone nodded when they heard this. They rarely saw the scenery of the grassland. Feng Qingyun suddenly felt a sense of novelty. He asked, "Zinuo, what you mean is that this world is a real existence, not an illusion. Are there still humans like us living in this world? "    


"En, that's right. This is the real world. There are hundreds of millions of humans living in this world, the land is vast and the resources are abundant." Zheng Zinuo nodded and replied.    


"Powerful, this is too powerful." Feng Qingyun couldn't help praising him, "With such a peerless magic treasure, Zinuo, you will have a world of your own."    


Then, he continued, "Just now, you said that the other heaven and earth is just one of the functions of this magic treasure. What about its other functions?"    


"This..." Zheng Zinuo thought for a while and said, "It also has the function of defense and the function of connecting passageways, but I can only demonstrate it when I leave this world."    


"Alright, we have seen enough of this world. If you have time in the future, come in and take a look. Let's go out first." Feng Qingyun looked around again and found that this place was no different from the real world. Thus, he did not have much interest and brought everyone out. It was still in front of the main hall.    


After that, Zheng Zinuo once again demonstrated the defensive function and the function of the passageway for everyone to see, but he didn't demonstrate the function of utilizing one percent of the Xuanyuan Realm's energy. After all, the side effects of this ability would be too great and shocking if it was used with Zheng Zinuo's current cultivation base. Zheng Zinuo didn't tell everyone that he had gradually formed this kind of consciousness by leaving a line between himself and the others.    


After that, everyone chatted for a while more. Suddenly, someone from Gan Tianfeng said that Sect Master wanted to see Zheng Zinuo.    


This was also within Feng Qingyun's and the others' expectations. Therefore, they made some preparations. Feng Qingyun brought Zheng Zinuo along with him to Gan Tianfeng. Now, Zheng Zinuo could also fly on his sword. However, he didn't show it in front of Feng Qingyun. After all, he had expressed too much of his shock today. If he could use his sword to fly again, he didn't know how to explain it.    


There was nothing unusual about the trip to Gan Tianfeng. Zheng Zinuo followed Feng Qingyun to meet Sect Master and Tao Wuyang in the Hidden Spirit Great Hall, but what made Zheng Zinuo curious was that many of the Peak Lord from the other six peaks were present.    


After some small talk, Liang Youming from Fire Peak went straight to the point. He asked Zheng Zinuo to take out the magic treasure and show it to everyone, even though Feng Qingyun and Zheng Zinuo did not want to use this magic treasure. Everyone, including Tao Wuyang, wanted to admire Zheng Zinuo's magic treasure. Helpless, Zheng Zinuo had no choice but to perform the performance for Feng Qingyun and the others.    


Zheng Zinuo understood the principle of an innocent man's crime of possessing a treasure. Fortunately, all of the people present were the leaders of the various peaks of Hidden Spirit Sect. Furthermore, Tao Wuyang wanted to prevent Zheng Zinuo from encountering any mishaps because of this magic treasure. He had also ordered Feng Qingyun to protect Zheng Zinuo. Only after that did he ask Feng Qingyun to bring Zheng Zinuo away.    


After returning to Xun Wind Peak, everything gradually calmed down. It was noon on the same day. Zheng Zinuo secretly sneaked into a hidden cave under the waterfall with Yin and Yang. They had been separated for nearly a year. The only thing that worried him was that serious senior brother Gong Cheng. He didn't know that after a year of suffering... How was the condition of Gong Cheng's Qi deviation injury?    


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