Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C127 Lost World(1)

C127 Lost World(1)

0"Ah? Why is there a person lying here? It gave me a scare." Early in the morning, a high-class restaurant in Holy City had just opened its doors. Two tall and slender men were there. All of a sudden, they saw a man in ragged clothes lying on the ground in front of the door. The man with messy hair and covered in blood was startled.    


"What's going on? Why are you shouting here so early in the morning? Don't you know it's inauspicious?" A fat, middle-aged man with a fat face walked out and scolded.    


"Manager, there's a person lying here." The girl on the left answered nervously.    


"A person lying down?" The shopkeeper was slightly stunned when he heard that. He narrowed his small eyes, which were shining with a bright light, and looked down. Instantly, his fury soared. "Damn it, I actually ran into this deadly beggar early in the morning. What's wrong with you fucking dying? Why did you have to die at my Celestial Flower Restaurant? Waiter, quickly get someone to drag him away. Damn it, what bad luck! "    


Hearing the shopkeeper's roar, the man who had fallen to the ground trembled slightly. He slowly raised his head and forced himself to stand up. Then, he turned his head and glanced at the few people beside him. This person was Zheng Zinuo, who was saved by Xiao Wan'er and placed here.    


"Huh? You are not f * cking dead. I thought you were dead?" The shopkeeper looked at the tall and handsome man in front of him. However, it was hard to flatter him with his clothes. At most, he was just a peddler. Therefore, he didn't show any respect. He waved his hand and said. "Get out of here. Don't disturb our business."    


Zheng Zinuo didn't pay attention to the shopkeeper. He slowly raised his head and looked at the signboard of the restaurant. After that, he looked around and thought to himself, I was obviously in the Imperial Palace last night. 'Why did I suddenly come here? ' My injuries... It must be Wan'er who saved me.    


When the shopkeeper saw Zheng Zinuo standing in front of his door without moving, as if he wanted to make things difficult for him, he became even more furious. He reached out his hand to slap Zheng Zinuo and shouted, "I told you to get lost, why aren't you getting lost?"    


But at this moment, there was a crisp sound in the distance. The shopkeeper's hand was suspended in the air without moving. There was a red rope that was as thick as a thumb tied to it. Everyone turned to look at the owner of the red rope. They saw a person wearing a pink robe. He was riding a red horse. His long hair was draped over his shoulders, and his skin was not so fair. However, he exuded a healthy beauty, and his appearance was devastatingly beautiful. Although she was not as extraordinary as Xiao Wan'er, she was at least a beautiful girl on the same level as Shui Zhu'er and the others.    


"Manager Chu is bullying people here again, right?" The young girl withdrew the long whip in her hand and shouted with a slightly cold face.    


"Ah! So it's Miss Su. This lowly one has really offended you." The shopkeeper's face originally revealed a cold expression. In the blink of an eye, he saw that it was this beautiful girl in front of him. His attitude instantly changed 180 degrees, and he bowed as if he was trying to flatter her. "It's not that I'm bullying him, but that this beggar is really stubborn. He stayed at the entrance of our restaurant early in the morning and refused to leave. Isn't this lowly one chasing him away? "    


"Hmph!" The young girl lightly snorted and jumped off her horse, her beautiful eyes turning slightly. Glancing at Zheng Zinuo, she suddenly paused for a moment and thought to herself: “ How could this little beggar be so handsome? Even though his clothes were ragged and his hair was disheveled, it could not conceal his extraordinary appearance and unique temperament. It's a pity that his appearance is only that of a beggar. "    


"Hmph, dog looks down on people!" Zheng Zinuo recovered from his deep thoughts. He glanced at the crowd, then coldly shouted at the fat manager. After that, he turned around and left.    


"Eh? You... you brat!" The manager was just about to explode with anger, but because the young girl was here, he didn't want to explode with anger. He could only glare angrily at Zheng Zinuo and let him leave.    


" Hey, wait! " Just as Zheng Zinuo turned around, the young girl came up to him and shouted, "I see that you have hands and feet, and you are strong and fit. Why do you have to be a beggar instead of doing proper business?"    


Zheng Zinuo laughed in his heart when he heard her. Wasn't it because he was a little embarrassed after fighting with her? Who said that I am a beggar? But on the surface, I didn't say that. He turned around and smiled. "War has broken out everywhere these days, and the people don't have a good life. How many people can live as leisurely and happy as you, young lady? So what if I am a beggar? I rely on my own hands to beg, but I did not steal or rob. "    


" Sigh... So it's a pitiful person. " The young girl looked at Zheng Zinuo sympathetically and suddenly said with a smile. " Yes, my family is lacking a servant who can clean up the backyard. Why don't you come work at my house? It's a hundred times better than being a beggar. "    


"Thank you, Miss. There's no need. A beggar can at least be free." Zheng Zinuo smiled and replied. He was about to turn around and leave when the manager suddenly ran over angrily and stopped Zheng Zinuo. He pointed at Zheng Zinuo's nose and shouted.    


"You little beggar, you don't know how to appreciate favors. Do you know what kind of person Miss Su is? Do you know how many people in Holy City want to work for Miss Su? You brat don't even know how to eat pie falling from the sky. You are destined to be a beggar. As a beggar for the rest of your life, Miss Su, don't be so kind to people who don't know what's good for them."    


"Shopkeeper Chu, don't be so exaggerated. You make me sound like the Pope's daughter." The girl smiled.    


"Hehe... Miss, even if you are not the Pope's daughter, you are at least half a daughter. Who doesn't know that in Holy City, besides the Pope, only your father is the oldest, and Miss, you and the Pope's daughter are not like sisters. They are inseparable, in my opinion, you are... " Shopkeeper Chu's horse made a loud sound.    


"Alright, alright." The young girl seemed to be a little impatient and said to Zheng Zinuo again, "Do you want to go or not? I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I don't have much time to chat with you here."    


"Boy, I don't know which lifetime of fortune you have cultivated. You have the young miss to accompany you..." Manager Chu was about to slap the horse a few more times but was suddenly shouted by Zheng Zinuo. He was so scared that he took three steps back.    


"Alright!" Zheng Zinuo suddenly shouted, then cupped his hands towards Miss Su and said. " Thank you, young lady." Hearing the conversation between the two, Zheng Zinuo realized that the girl beside him had a strong background. Perhaps he could find a way to get close to Xiao Wan'er from her, so he agreed.    


"Hehe... That's more like it." Miss Su smiled with satisfaction. She took out a golden token from her pocket and threw it to Zheng Zinuo. " Take this token and walk towards the east side of the city. After leaving Holy City, you continue to walk towards the east. About five miles away from my house, when you get there, pass this token to the guard and check it out. Just tell them that Miss Su introduced them to clean up the backyard. Do you understand? "    


"Okay, I got it." Zheng Zinuo took the token and nodded.    


"What me? If you want to talk about 'little', you have to be disrespectful. You really don't know the rules!" Manager Chu shouted again.    


"Forget it, what rules can a beggar like him know?" Miss Su smiled, turned her horse around and said, "I still have some matters to attend to, so I will be leaving first. Manager Chu left a table for me at noon. Make the dishes and wait for me to come back."    


"Yes, send Miss off respectfully." Manager Chu smiled and bowed.    


"Humph, what an arrogant attitude. I wonder if Wan'er was like this in the past." Zheng Zinuo secretly shook his head and said.    


"Why are you still staying here? Don't think that just because you have a face like that of a whore, you can win Miss Su's heart for a moment. Get lost!" Manager Chu shouted fiercely.    


"I curse you to become paralyzed in the future." Zheng Zinuo smiled coldly. He absolutely couldn't stand such a snobbish person. He had to teach him a lesson. He turned around and left. With a flick of his hand, a Vital Spirit Strength quietly entered Manager Chu's waist.    


At this moment, Manager Chu did not notice anything. However, after three days, he would be seriously ill. He would not be able to take it and his lower body would be paralyzed for the rest of his life. From then on, he could only spend the rest of his life in bed.    


Zheng Zinuo first used the Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Technique to tell Zheng Zizhou and the others. He asked them to wait for him in Holy City first, and try to contact Dongfang Shenyong and the other fellow disciples. He wanted to see if there were any other useful news that he would not meet them for the time being. After he found Xiao Wan'er, he would naturally look for them. He then informed Ling who was in the Xuanyuan Realm. He wanted her to wait for him inside. Now, it was not good for his identity to bring her along. Finally, he followed Miss Su's instructions and headed east. After about two hourglass, She came to the place she said.    


In front of him was a huge mansion with mountains and rivers on its back. The environment was very beautiful. The mansion was like an imperial palace, occupying a hundred acres of land. It really shocked Zheng Zinuo.    


When they arrived in front of the huge wall, there was a three meter tall red painted door. There were four young guards standing on both sides of the door. All of them were tall and strong, and the sign on the door said, "Su Mansion."    


Zheng Zinuo thought to himself. With such a powerful force, he had no idea who the owner of the Su Prefecture was. According to the shopkeeper, it should have a close relationship with the Divine Sect.    


Zheng Zinuo took out the token with such thoughts in his heart, and pretended to be in fear and trepidation as he walked to the front door of Su Prefecture.    


"What is it?" A guard came forward and shouted.    


"Big brothers, this lowly one came here on Miss Su's orders to clean the backyard." Zheng Zinuo bowed and handed over the token.    


" Oh? So it was Miss Su who asked you to come. Okay!" The guard took the token and nodded. He then returned the token to Zheng Zinuo and said," Follow me. "    


Zheng Zinuo thanked him and followed the guard through the courtyard. They came to a row of houses and knocked on the door of the first bigger house. Not long after, a middle-aged man in grey walked out. Seeing the guard, he smiled and asked, "Little Four, what's the matter?"    


The guard called Little Four moved to the side and pointed at Zheng Zinuo. "Steward Tang, this person was recommended by the young lady to be in charge of sweeping the backyard. I'll leave it to you now."    


" Oh? Alright. " When Steward Tang heard this, he sized up Zheng Zinuo from head to toe, then nodded and said," I got it, then you go and do your work. "    


Watching Little Four leave, Steward Tang looked at Zheng Zinuo and smiled, then asked, "Young Master was introduced here by Miss, right? May I ask if Young Master knows my Miss?"    


"Oh, I didn't know you before. I just met you today. Miss is a good person. When she saw that I was pitiful, she gave me a job to do so that I wouldn't be hungry." Zheng Zinuo replied.    


"So that's how it is!" Steward Tang's expression suddenly became serious as he looked at Zheng Zinuo with disdain. He waved his hand and said, "You are dirty. Follow me to get two sets of uniforms for servants. In the future, you are only allowed to wear the uniform of servants in the Su uniform. You are not allowed to wear your own clothes. When you get your clothes later, I will bring you to your room and the place where you work. Since Miss has brought you back, If I give you work, you will have to repay me with a drop of water. Work more, talk less."    


"Yes!" Zheng Zinuo replied. In his heart, he had already seen through this snobbish manager. He followed him to the warehouse to get two sets of clothing before returning to the row of small houses. In the last woodshed, Zheng Zinuo let Zheng Zinuo tidy up a little and set up a bed as Zheng Zinuo's residence. After everything was settled, Steward Tang brought Zheng Zinuo to an elegant and unique backyard. In the backyard, there was a huge wutong tree. This was Zheng Zinuo's workplace.    


After everything was arranged, it was almost noon. The servants were all gathered in the canteen to eat. In order not to display his uniqueness, Zheng Zinuo also ate something. The Su family was indeed not bad, and they did not treat the servants unfairly. The food was not only delicious, but it also helped to fill one's stomach. Zheng Zinuo also learned from these servants that... It turned out that the old master of the Su family was actually the greatest contributor to the establishment of the Martial Empire. He was originally the leader of the ten great Red Cloaked Cardinals of the Divine Sect, Su Kuang. His current status was only second to the king of the Martial Empire, Xiao Tianyi. He was very powerful.    


After lunch, Zheng Zinuo returned to the woodshed to rest. He thought about how he could sneak into the main hall of Martial Empire and wait for Xiao Wan'er to explain the recent events to her. He also knew that after the disturbance he caused last time, the Imperial Palace would definitely be stricter. Wanting to find Xiao Wan'er would be as difficult as ascending to the heavens. Now, the only way was to find an opportunity from the Su Residence.    


Because there were many servants in the Su Residence, the division of labor was very clear, so there were not many matters. Zheng Zinuo's job was to go to the backyard to clean up the courtyard sooner or later every day. Therefore, he basically didn't have much to do in the afternoon, so he had nothing to do.    


In the evening, Zheng Zinuo went to the backyard to clean up. When he saw the leaves of the Wutong tree fluttering in the wind, he actually felt a little melancholy.    


"Last year, in this door today, peach blossoms reflected each other's red faces. I don't know where the faces went, but the peach blossoms still smile and spring breeze..." Zheng Zinuo thought of the people and things in his heart, and for a moment, he felt emotional.    


"Good poem, good poem..." A young girl's voice suddenly sounded from behind him, "I didn't expect you to know how to recite poetry. It seems like you aren't a simple beggar, but rather an impoverished scholar."    


"Hm?" Zheng Zinuo was slightly shocked. He thought to himself that he was too engrossed just now and did not even feel that someone was coming over. He turned around and looked at the person who came over. It was precisely that pink-robed young girl, Su Xiaoxian.    


"It's a joke to let young miss see." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.    


"Uh..." Su Xiaoxian saw that Zheng Zinuo was wearing clean clothes. His fair skin faintly revealed a faint golden glow. That gentle and unique noble temperament matched his tall figure. His handsome and extraordinary appearance stunned Miss Su for a long time.    


"Miss Su." Seeing Su Xiaoxian staring at him for a while, Zheng Zinuo reminded her again.    


"Ah?" Su Xiaoxian reacted and her face suddenly turned red. She turned around. Pretending to look at the falling leaves of Wutong in the sky, she smiled and said. "As expected, people rely on their clothes to dress up. After wearing a clean and tidy set of clothes, they look decent."    


"Looks decent? Hehe... Thank you for your praise, miss." Zheng Zinuo laughed in his heart. Their identities were different, and there was even a gap between them when it came to describing people.    


"By the way, what's your name? Where do you live? Do you have any relatives at home? " After a while, Su Xiaoxian calmed down and turned around to ask Zheng Zinuo.    


"Me? My name is Zheng Zinuo. My hometown is very far from here. I have a brother at home. Why does the young lady doubt my identity? " Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment, but he still told her the truth. After all, no one in Holy City knew about him. On the contrary, it would be a good thing if it was spread to Xiao Wan'er's side.    


"Zheng Zinuo? The name sounds quite delicate, hehe..." Su Xiaoxian smiled and said, "I am not doubting your identity. What is there to doubt about a beggar? But since you have become a servant of our Su family, then this miss has the right to know everything about you. "    


"Haha..." Zheng Zinuo smiled indifferently and replied, "Alright then. May I ask if young lady has anything else to ask? I have finished my work. If there is nothing else, I will go back and rest."    


Su Xiaoxian looked at the refined and calm Zheng Zinuo and felt very strange in her heart. However, she could not tell what was wrong with it. Currently, Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base had already reached more than 90 levels of the Martial Saint realm. For these low level martial cultivator, he had already reached the realm of returning to his original self. No matter how they probed, they were unable to detect any soul power fluctuations from his body. Therefore, even though Su Xiaoxian was very puzzled, She always thought that Zheng Zinuo was just an ordinary survivor, so she did not pay much attention to him.    


"He is just a servant, yet he still dares to act high and mighty in front of me. Hmph! " Su Xiaoxian was somewhat angry when she heard this. All the servants beside her were extremely respectful when they saw her. They were afraid that their words would hurt her, but Zheng Zinuo did not seem to care. She snorted coldly and said.    


"Do you think I'm interested in you? Why should I ask you? You only have a pretty face. I really don't know how the heavens have eyes. You actually let a beggar like you have such a handsome face, but don't be proud. There's no stock in a beautiful belly. At most, you're just a vase. " After saying that, he walked angrily to the backyard. As he walked, he heard a voice. "This is the backyard where I live. In the future, after you finish cleaning this place, you should leave quickly. Don't have any evil thoughts towards me. You can leave now. "    


Zheng Zinuo smiled bitterly and shook his head. He put the broom away. He left this place, but because it was still early, he didn't want to eat dinner. Thus, he quietly left the Su residence and met with Zheng Zizhou and Hu Mei'er. He told them about his current situation and could not help but feel an impulse in his heart. Secretly sneaking into the Imperial Palace, he planned to find Xiao Wan'er and explain to her clearly.    


However, he still couldn't find Xiao Wan'er until late at night. Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but feel very disappointed and anxious. He swore that he would find Xiao Wan'er no matter what and would never be separated from her from now on. What he didn't know was that Xiao Wan'er was brought to the capital of Sun Martial Empire by her father for a blind date early in the morning. Even Zheng Zinuo's parents were brought along because Xiao Tianyi was worried that his weird daughter would play some tricks. He didn't want anything to go wrong at such a critical moment.    


Zheng Zinuo returned to his residence dejectedly and thought about it. He should still start with Su Xiaoxian. First of all, Su Xiaoxian's father was known as the second strongest person in Martial Empire. Secondly, Su Xiaoxian and Xiao Wan'er should have some friendship. He could find Xiao Wan'er's whereabouts from her.    


The next morning, Zheng Zinuo went to the backyard to clean the leaves as usual. Although the backyard was big, Su Xiaoxian was the only one living there. Therefore, it was not dirty and messy. Only the leaves of Wutong kept falling every day. It needed to be tidied up.    


"Eh? She's cultivating the Martial Cultivation Method so early in the morning. Looks like this young lady is still a martial cultivator." When Zheng Zinuo arrived at the backyard, he saw a red figure flickering in the distance. He fixed his eyes on the figure and was slightly shocked. He thought to himself. "Blue martial soul, forty-two Martial Master Stage, good boy... This girl's cultivation base isn't weak at all."    


"Who dares peek at my cultivation?!" At this moment, Su Xiaoxian turned her head and saw Zheng Zinuo at the door. She deliberately jumped up and sent a palm attack towards Zheng Zinuo through the air.    


"Ah..." Zheng Zinuo pretended to be shocked and staggered and fell to the ground.    


"Hahaha..." Su Xiaoxian landed on the ground. Her red dress was like a flame. Her perfect figure made her look exquisite. When she saw Zheng Zinuo fall on the ground, she laughed without caring about her image. "It's useless. I said you are a vase, but you are still not convinced. I scared you and you fell to the ground, haha..."    


"Hmph!" Zheng Zinuo was slightly angry, this wasn't an act. Instead, it was an act. He was angry from the bottom of his heart, because this could be considered as him... If it were any other servant, if there were any mishaps... That palm strike just now would probably have severely injured him.    


"Why are you still angry? Hehe..." Su Xiaoxian continued to laugh and said, "Alright, alright, I was just joking with you. A man shouldn't be so petty. To think that you have such a tall figure. Why are you so weak? Seriously, it's not fun at all. "    


"Sorry, I'm not here to play. I'm here to work. Although we're servants, servants also have the dignity of servants. I hope you won't insult my personality, Miss. " Zheng Zinuo stood up and patted the dust off his body.    


"Huh?" Su Xiaoxian was slightly startled when she heard this. She immediately smiled and said, "You can't really be an impoverished scholar, right? Why did you say all kinds of things? However, this miss does not like scholars. They are not sour at all. This miss has cultivated martial arts since young. Those who can enter my eyes are all martial arts experts."    


After saying that, her beautiful eyes stared at Zheng Zinuo's handsome face without blinking. She continued, "Unfortunately, the heavens have given you an exceptionally handsome face. However, I didn't give you any talent for cultivation. Otherwise, I might have even taught you a few Martial Cultivation Method when I'm happy. "    


"Thank you for your kindness, young lady. I don't want to learn the Martial Cultivation Method. I'm just a servant. I have my own work to do. I'm going to work now. Young lady, you can continue with your work." Zheng Zinuo said indifferently, then he turned around and swept the floor.    


"This guy, why does he not know how to appreciate favors?" Su Xiaoxian's pretty face turned slightly cold when she heard this. She looked at Zheng Zinuo's back and felt a little disappointed. Usually, those servants would be eager to talk more to her to gain her favorable impression. However, this guy in front of her seemed to hate her very much.    


"Could it be that this young lady's beauty is not enough to attract this beggar and hillbilly?" Su Xiaoxian muttered in her heart, "But this fellow is really handsome. I have seen at least eight hundred beautiful men in my life. However, no one was as handsome and tall as him. Moreover, he had an indescribable unique charm. Unfortunately, he is only a servant, but a servant is also a man. There's no reason that my beauty can't attract him."    


Thinking of this, Su Xiaoxian could not help but become competitive. She walked to Zheng Zinuo in a few steps. She deliberately lifted her long black hair and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on her forehead, chest, and neck in front of him. That elegant and moving posture, coupled with the delicate fragrance of a virgin, kept pouncing towards Zheng Zinuo.    


Zheng Zinuo found it funny in his heart. He stopped what he was doing and stood up straight, watching Su Xiaoxian perform in front of him with a smile.    


Su Xiaoxian saw Zheng Zinuo stop sweeping the floor and stare at her, and her heart was filled with joy. She thought to herself, Men are all perverts. I don't believe that you don't have the disposition of a man when you are handsome. She was also attracted by my beauty.    


When she saw this, she raised her head and threw a flirtatious glance at Zheng Zinuo. She suddenly realized that something was wrong. There was no desire in Zheng Zinuo's eyes. Instead, it was full of savagery and laughter.    


"You..." Su Xiaoxian's pretty face suddenly turned cold. She threw the handkerchief in her hand at Zheng Zinuo fiercely. She shouted, "What kind of look is that? Could it be that with this young lady's figure and beauty, she still can't attract a child born from a beggar like you? Hurry up and tell me, is this young lady the most beautiful and beautiful woman you've ever seen in your entire life?! "    


"The most beautiful and beautiful woman..." Zheng Zinuo slightly raised his head, looking intoxicated and happy. Seeing this, Su Xiaoxian's anger gradually dissipated. She thought that Zheng Zinuo was talking about her, but before her smile bloomed, Zheng Zinuo's words made her fly into a rage.    


"The most beautiful and beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life is not Miss, and Miss can only be considered average among all the girls I have seen." Zheng Zinuo answered truthfully. The beauties he had seen before... The most beautiful ones were Xiao Wan'er. Next was Hu Mei'er, Ling, Feng Ziyan, Qianxun and Peng Hui. Shui Zhu'er was an extraordinary beauty that could topple cities and topple countries. She was even more beautiful than Miss Su in front of her.    


"What did you say? You, a beggar, can see so many beautiful women? This young lady can only be considered average, humph..." Su Xiaoxian was so angry that she laughed instead and said disdainfully, "That's right, this miss forgot that you are a beggar. Travelling all over the north and south of the Yangtze River and having seen a lot of things, naturally I have seen a lot of beautiful women. But you actually don't know what's good for you. You said that I can only be considered as an average person. I saw that you were blinded by the pig oil. Get lost. I don't want to see you again."    


Zheng Zinuo shook his head helplessly and left the backyard with a bitter smile. He did not know why Miss Su's temper was so violent. Compared to Xiao Wan'er and the other girls, the difference was like heaven and earth. Logically speaking, the young miss of a rich family should be very cultured. Zheng Zinuo was somewhat puzzled.    


"I'm so angry, I'm so angry." Su Xiaoxian looked at Zheng Zinuo's back as he left. She really wanted to rush forward and beat him up to relieve the hatred in her heart.    


"He's just a servant. I have no reason to be so angry. What's wrong with me? Why do I have to be so generous for a beggar? He's just a beggar. Even if he looks a little better, That's just a vase. He'll only be a servant for the rest of his life. Why should I be angry with him? Hmph!" Su Xiaoxian muttered to herself and comforted herself. Her mood improved a little. Then an idea came to her and her beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a crafty smile as she said. " I see. This guy actually doesn't take me seriously. Then I'll make him look like a fool and humiliate him in front of everyone. Let's see if he still dares to treat me like this in the future. Hmph! "    


She didn't know that Zheng Zinuo had improved along with his cultivation base. His own temperament and charisma have also been enhanced, and it can be said that he has reached the state of being natural. The degree of his charm was self-evident. When a young girl in love saw Zheng Zinuo's appearance, she couldn't help but admire him. How many people could not be moved by him?    


That evening, Zheng Zinuo still came to the backyard on time to clean up. He decided to sneak into Su Xiaoxian's room tonight and use psychic magic to test if she knew Xiao Wan'er's whereabouts.    


But when he stepped into the backyard, he saw Miss Su, dressed in white, practicing with her sword in the backyard. Zheng Zinuo smiled. After the fight in the morning, he did not want to fight again, so he turned around and wanted to leave.    


"Stop!" Su Xiaoxian suddenly shouted. She put away her sword and quickly walked in front of Zheng Zinuo. She asked with a cold face. " You don't even greet me when you see me. What kind of person are you to treat me like? It seems like I'm going to tell Steward Tang and ask him to teach you manners."    


"Miss, I just don't want to disturb your cultivation. Is this also wrong?" Zheng Zinuo turned around and asked with a smile that was not a smile.    


"What? You dare to talk back? You have eaten the guts of a leopard!" Su Xiaoxian suddenly shouted and pointed her sword at Zheng Zinuo's throat and said, "Do you believe that I will kill you with one sword attack?"    


"What nonsense." Zheng Zinuo secretly shook his head and thought, "If it wasn't for your kind heart, I would have made it so that you wouldn't be able to pick up your sword if you pointed your sword at me."    


"Miss, I still have a lot of work to do. I don't have much time to play around with you here." Zheng Zinuo said coldly.    


"You... How dare you speak to me like this? I think you don't want to work here anymore, right?" Su Xiaoxian added oil to the fire when she heard him.    


"I am just doing my job well. I don't think I have offended you. From the beginning to the end, it seems that you have been looking for trouble with me." Zheng Zinuo turned around and picked up the broom to sweep it as he replied.    


"Too much. I will find trouble with you? I have already spoken to you for eight lifetimes and you still dare to speak to me like this. Go to hell!" Su Xiaoxian could no longer control her temper when she heard this. She stretched out her hand and stabbed towards Zheng Zinuo's back.    


Zheng Zinuo glanced sideways and thought to himself, How could this girl be so vicious? He slightly turned his body to the side. He moved to the vital parts but did not dodge. Otherwise, his identity would have been exposed. In order to find Xiao Wan'er as soon as possible, Zheng Zinuo had no choice but to use the tactic of making her more beautiful.    


"Ah..." Zheng Zinuo let out a miserable cry and was sent flying. Blood spurted out from his back.    


"Argh? I..." Su Xiaoxian was shocked when she saw the situation in front of her. She dropped the sword in her hand and ran out of the backyard to shout at Dr. Huang.    


Zheng Zinuo secretly snorted. This small wound on the skin was nothing. He silently chanted the incantation, making the blood flow in his body much slower, but he did not rashly stop the bleeding.    


Not long after, an old man carrying a wooden chest and wearing a grey cloth hat rushed over with Su Xiaoxian.    


At this time, Zheng Zinuo had already pretended to have lost too much blood and fainted. When he felt the person who came, he slightly maintained a trace of vigilance.    


"Quickly, Dr. Huang is him. Hurry and save him." Su Xiaoxian was anxious like an ant on a hot pan. She did not know why she would be so cruel to kill Zheng Zinuo. But she also did not know why she saw him injured when she stabbed him with her sword. The pain in her heart became deeper.    


"Don't worry, young lady. I'll take care of it myself." Dr. Huang hurriedly squatted beside Zheng Zinuo and put down the box. He tore off the clothes on Zheng Zinuo's back, revealing the sword wound that was still bleeding.    


"Ah... How could it be so serious?" Dr. Huang's expression changed slightly. He hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from the box and poured out two milky white pill. It was the famous healing medicine Marching Pill. Then, he crushed one and applied it on Zheng Zinuo's wound. He fed the remaining one to Zheng Zinuo's mouth, then took out another porcelain bottle and sprinkled silver powder on Zheng Zinuo's wound. It should be some kind of medicine like hemostatic powder.    


"How is it, Dr. Huang?" Su Xiaoxian, who was standing at the side, had a serious look on her face. She did not even dare to breathe loudly. She was afraid that she would disturb Dr. Huang while he was treating Zheng Zinuo's injuries. She saw that Dr. Huang had given her some medicine. Zheng Zinuo's wound stopped bleeding immediately. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief and ask nervously.    


"Sigh... Where did this servant come from? Why is his injury so serious?" Dr. Huang asked with some doubt.    


"Is his injury very serious? Will he die?" Su Xiaoxian trembled when she heard that. She looked at Zheng Zinuo's injured body and tears unknowingly flowed out.    


"Yes, it is very serious. The wound will pierce through the heart if it is slightly off. Even though it did not pierce the heart, the wound was still very deep. There's quite a lot of blood. Whether he can survive or not will depend on whether he can survive tonight. " Dr. Huang said with a serious expression.    


"Huh? This... is so serious." Su Xiaoxian was shocked and hurriedly ran out to call four or five servants over. "Quickly carry him to my room and let Dr. Huang treat him properly. No matter what, I will make him come back to life!"    


"Ah? Bring a servant to your boudoir?" Dr. Huang and the other five servants looked at each other in disbelief.    


"What's wrong? What are you waiting for?" Su Xiaoxian stomped her foot and shouted anxiously.    


"Oh, yes..." The five servants were slightly shocked and hurriedly and carefully lifted Zheng Zinuo up and walked towards Miss Su's room.    


"Be careful, you guys be careful..." Su Xiaoxian kept reminding them along the way. Her expression was extremely nervous. This made the servants even more confused, they all had a strange thought in their hearts. They thought to themselves how good it would be if they were the one who was seriously injured.    


Not long after, the five of them placed Zheng Zinuo in Su Xiaoxian's room. This was the first time they had entered Su Xiaoxian's room ever since they entered the Su Prefecture. They couldn't help but feel anxious. They couldn't help but secretly suck in a few more mouthfuls of the elegant fragrance in the room.    


"Alright, you guys hurry up and leave." Miss Su waved her hand and hurriedly asked Dr. Huang, "Does Dr. Huang have any medicine that can ensure his safety tonight?"    


"There is a kind of top grade healing medicine called the Worry-free Pill, but this old man doesn't have it. I estimate that the Ci Hang Medicinal House in Holy City might sell it, but this kind of pill is very expensive. Basically, there is no market for it. " Dr. Huang thought for a moment and replied, "But... Miss, why are you so worried about a servant? And based on my decades of experience in medicine, this young man is strong and strong. He should be able to survive tonight and escape danger."    


"No! I have to make sure he survives tonight, because his sword was stabbed by me. If I can't save him, I won't be at ease for the rest of my life. " Su Xiaoxian said firmly, "Then I will have to trouble Dr. Huang to wait here for a while. I will go out and buy the Worry-free Pill now."    


"Sigh... Miss is really kind." Dr. Huang nodded and said, "Miss, please go quickly. Leave this place to me."    


Zheng Zinuo's originally cold heart suddenly became somewhat warm at this moment. Originally, he didn't have a good impression of this harsh and unruly young lady. In addition, she had stabbed him for no reason. If it wasn't for his unique skill, an ordinary person would have been lying on a dead body by now. However, after hearing the conversation between the two, Zheng Zinuo realized that this young lady had a bad temper. She was a little unruly, but she had a good heart. Otherwise, she wouldn't have seen her miserable appearance on the street and wanted to help him. When he thought of this, he secretly smiled and enjoyed the sweet scent of the young lady's bed.    


After about two hours, Su Xiaoxian finally ran back from outside panting. She was drenched in sweat, but her face was full of smiles. As soon as she entered, she asked, "Dr. Huang, how is his condition?"    


"Thanks to young lady's blessing, he is not in danger now." Dr. Huang continued to ask, "Did Miss buy the Worry-free Pill?"    


"En, take a look and see if this is it." Su Xiaoxian took out a white porcelain bottle from her bosom and carefully handed it over, "Fortunately, the Cihang Medicine House gave my father some face and sold the only Worry-free Pill to me."    


"That is, not to mention Holy City, who in Martial Empire would dare to not give face to Lord Su?" Dr. Huang smiled and poured out the porcelain bottle. A sweet fragrance assailed his nose and a finger sized pink pill fell out.    


"Wow! It really is the Worry-free Pill, a Supreme Grade Healing Pill! With this pill, even if this brat gets stabbed once more, I can guarantee that there won't be any problems with him!" Dr. Huang joked, "I really don't know when this brat got such a great fortune from cultivating in his entire life, to actually receive such a great favor from young lady!"    


"Dr. Huang, don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and feed him." Miss Su's pretty face turned red as she said shyly.    


"Okay, okay, okay. I will feed him now." Dr. Huang smiled and said.    


Zheng Zinuo felt warm in his heart once again. He thought to himself, 'Since you have treated me this way, I'll let you remember this sword strike for the time being. If this battle happens again in the future, don't blame me for being merciless.'    


Dr. Huang followed Dr. Huang's lead and swallowed the Worry-free Pill. After that, he opened a few more herbs and said that he would send them over tomorrow morning.    


After Dr. Huang left, Su Xiaoxian looked at Zheng Zinuo, who was sleeping on the bed naked. Her heart was racing with worry, and her face was flushed red.    


"You... Hmph! You received my sword, but I made you lie on my bed. This can be considered a form of repayment. Let me tell you... You are not allowed to die. Hurry up and get over it, understand?" Su Xiaoxian looked at Zheng Zinuo with tender eyes. She stretched out her hand to touch Zheng Zinuo's back. However, she was very embarrassed. After all, she was 28 years old and a young girl was in love. It was inevitable that she would be very curious about the opposite sex.    


"I really don't know why you have such tender and smooth skin. I guess even Wan'er would have to admit that she is inferior to you when she sees your skin." Su Xiaoxian said shyly, "I will just touch it and see what kind of feeling your skin will give me."    


"Wan'er..." Zheng Zinuo was slightly stunned when he heard that and was immediately filled with joy. He thought to himself that this sword was worth it. She really knew Wan'er.    


"Wow... This feeling is like... like being electrocuted..." Just as Zheng Zinuo was deep in thought, a chill ran down his back. A soft and somewhat cold hand was placed on his back. Then, he heard Su Xiaoxian's shy words. "Why do I feel this way? He had never felt such a feeling before. His heart was beating so fast. I almost can't breathe."    


Su Xiaoxian hurriedly retracted her hand, but she was also very reluctant to part with it. She once again gently placed her hand on Zheng Zinuo's back and caressed it all the way down, making Zheng Zinuo feel numb.    


"This young lady is really strange." Zheng Zinuo muttered to himself, "But my body only belongs to Wan'er. Other women can forget about touching me."    


Thinking of this, Zheng Zinuo pretended to moan. He slightly turned his body to the side, revealing his rock-like solid chest. It made Su Xiaoxian's heart palpitate and her breathing quicken.    


She had never experienced matters between men and women, and her heart was also filled with love and yearning. Now that she was alone in a room, and the beautiful man in front of her was even naked, how could she not be moved?    


"What happened to me today? He's just a servant. I... How could I have such thoughts? No. Absolutely not. There won't be any results between me and him. " Su Xiaoxian suppressed the fiery impulse in her heart and stood up. She poured some water to wash her face and then poured another basin of water to bring over. " I'll wipe your body once more as an apology to you. From now on, we don't owe each other anything. Hmph! "    


After saying that, she carefully cleaned Zheng Zinuo's upper body. Although her technique was rough, she was warm and soft, which made Zheng Zinuo feel indescribably comfortable.    


"Sigh... What a pity." After wiping Zheng Zinuo's back and chest, Su Xiaoxian sighed with affection and disappointment. "Why did the heavens make you so handsome and unique? If you were a martial cultivator, it would be great. Even if you were a martial cultivator with the natural talent of a red martial artist, it would still be fine. At least my father wouldn't be so against it, unfortunately..."    


The more Su Xiaoxian thought about it, the more unhappy she felt in her heart. From the beginning until the end, she had been talking about Zheng Zinuo. She carefully wiped it all over and then stared at Zheng Zinuo's lower body. Her pretty face turned red and she muttered to herself, "Should I wipe his lower body too?"    



Zheng Zinuo was stunned when he heard this, and his face changed dramatically. At this time, he heard Su Xiaoxian say, "I wonder what is the difference between a man and a woman's body? Why not... Hehe... Anyway, there was no one else here, and this guy was unconscious... I am... Today, I'll take this opportunity to study him properly"    


She hurriedly put the towel in her hand into the basin, then touched her chest and said shyly, "A woman's chest is much bigger than a man's, but a man's chest is very firm. I don't know what's the difference between the lower body and the lower body. Let me take a good look. Hehe... "    


After saying that, he carefully stroked Zheng Zinuo's back to his waist and prepared to take off his white trousers.    


"What should we do? Why is this wretched girl so shameless? She even wants to study a man's body." Zheng Zinuo was anxious and anxious. Just as his pants were being pulled down by Su Xiaoxian, half of them were pulled down. It was revealed. When the shorts were revealed, he suddenly pretended to moan. He whispered, "It's so cold, I'm so cold..."    


"Ah..." Su Xiaoxian was shocked when she heard Zheng Zinuo's cry. She immediately stood up. Her face was so red that it could drip blood. She looked at Zheng Zinuo awkwardly. Realizing that he had not woken up, her hanging heart finally relaxed. However, it was still beating rapidly, as if it was going to jump out.    


"You scared me, you scared me..." Su Xiaoxian sat down again and patted her chest that was constantly rising and falling. Her face was pale. She pulled the blanket beside her bed and covered Zheng Zinuo's upper body. His beautiful eyes kept looking at Zheng Zinuo's firm and strong legs. He really felt like his blood was going to burst out.    


After hesitating for a while, Su Xiaoxian finally suppressed the impulse in her heart. She turned her head and pulled the blanket away, covering his legs. She muttered, "This time I will go around you. Next time I must study you properly. Hmph!"    


After saying that, he casually stroked Zheng Zinuo's handsome face and said with a smile, "Wiping your body makes me sweat all over. Now I'm going to take a bath. Don't peek, hehe..." After saying that, her pretty face turned red again, and she had a strange thought in her heart. That was, she really hoped that Zheng Zinuo would open his eyes and peek at her bathing.    


However, Zheng Zinuo did not have the mood to do that. Taking advantage of this time, while adjusting his breathing and healing his injuries, he also thought of ways to steal her information about Xiao Wan'er without alerting Su Xiaoxian.    


The night gradually deepened and Miss Su, who had worked hard for the entire day, finally could not take it anymore. After taking a shower, she leaned over to Zheng Zinuo and fell asleep.    


In the middle of the night, she felt that the young girl beside her was in a deep dream. Zheng Zinuo opened his eyes and smiled. "I did not expect that the strong and unruly appearance would hide a gentle and kind heart. Since you have treated me this way, I will help you."    


After saying that, he activated the technique and extended his spiritual energy into Su Xiaoxian's dream. Then, Zheng Zinuo used the Dream Recall Technique that he had learned from Dream Eat Beast to bring Su Xiaoxian into the third level of the dream. The two of them lived inside for two years. Zheng Zinuo first understood the relationship between Xiao Wan'er and her. It turned out that she and Xiao Wan'er were childhood playmates and had a very good relationship. It was only because of their status that they gradually became distant after growing up. However, they could still be considered as a close friend. However, recently... She had never seen Xiao Wan'er and did not know where she had gone. She only heard that Xiao Wan'er was going to hold the engagement ceremony a few days ago and even specially sent an invitation.    


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