Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C108 Purple Martial Spirit(1)

C108 Purple Martial Spirit(1)

0Feng Ziyan took out a black stick from Zheng Zinuo's storage magic treasure and said to Lili, "Lili, sit down cross-legged. I will test your martial soul talent."    


"Eh? I did not expect senior sister to have this." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said.    


"Of course, my mother gave it to me." Feng Ziyan said.    


Lili did not understand and looked at the four people in front of her before obediently sitting in front of Feng Ziyan. Lili's parents and grandfather looked at Lili nervously and did not know what they were going to do next.    


"Don't be afraid. We will test Lili's martial soul talent. There will not be any danger and there will not be any pain. It will be fine in a while." Zheng Zizhou saw Lili's family's nervous look and said.    


"Oh..." Lili's family nodded blankly and then relaxed.    


Feng Ziyan looked at the crowd and then said to Lili, "Lili, we have started. Relax your body and don't think about anything."    


Lili nodded her head and stared at Feng Ziyan nervously with widened eyes.    


"Disease!" Feng Ziyan shouted in a low voice and the black soul item in her hand pointed towards Lili's heart.    


An unbelievable scene appeared in Lili's family. She let out a soft moan and a faint purple figure appeared behind her.    


Purple shadow, that's right, purple shadow...    


Lili's family took a step back when they saw this scene. They widened their eyes and looked at the one meter tall purple shadow of Lili in disbelief. They did not know what was going on.    


"Purple... colored martial soul!" Zheng Zinuo and the other three people cried out loudly.    


"Purple martial soul? What is this? Is it good or bad?" Lili's mother hurriedly asked.    


"The purple martial soul is the best martial soul in the martial cultivation world. Lili being able to possess such a martial soul's talent really surprises us." Xiao Wan'er's beautiful eyes circulated as she said in surprise and joy.    


"Alright, now I will awaken her soul power." Zheng Zizhou was also very happy. He greeted her and sat on Lili's side. He reached out his hand and pressed on Lili's body a dozen times.    


The originally flickering purple shadow suddenly became stable, as if it was more corporeal.    


"It's done." After a while, Zheng Zizhou put away his hand. The purple martial soul also slowly disappeared. Lili recovered her consciousness and sat there, looking left and right, not knowing why.    


"Get up. Your soul power has awakened. You have become a level 10 warrior now." Feng Ziyan pulled Lili's hand and said with a smile.    


"Level 10 warrior? What is that?" Lili asked, her eyes wide open.    


"Hehe... We will talk about this when we teach you about martial arts in the future." Feng Ziyan touched Lili's forehead and turned to Lili's family. "We are going to take Lili to the Spirit Concealing Island to teach her cultivation. I wonder if you will be willing to do so."    


"We..." Lili's grandfather and parents looked at each other and then looked deeply at Lili. Lili's mother's eyes were even redder and her eyes were filled with tears.    


"How about this? All of you follow us. I will put all of you into the Xuanyuan Realm and bring you back to the Hidden Spirit Sect. This way, you will not have to separate. Can I? " Zheng Zinuo asked.    


"But we can't leave Rolin Village. We have lived here for several generations. We can't bear to leave this place all of a sudden." The chief said.    


"You can't bear to leave it even if it's like this. How about it?" Feng Ziyan asked anxiously. Towards a genius girl with purple martial soul talent, She absolutely could not bear to let her remain unknown like this.    


"We..." Lili and the others looked at each other in dismay.    


"Let Lili go. When she returns after learning, we will have plenty of opportunities to meet." After hesitating for a long time, Lili's father gritted his teeth and said.    


"Father..." When he really knew that he was leaving, Lili was a little reluctant.    


"You guys discuss it yourselves. Anyway, there is still one night's time. We will leave tomorrow. Lili, this top talent... It would be a pity if we don't cultivate. Let's go and rest. We will not disturb Lili's family. " Zheng Zinuo said.    


The next morning, Lili's family entrusted Lili to Zheng Zinuo and the others. Along the way, they urged them to reluctantly send Zheng Zinuo and the others out of Rolin Village.    


Of course, that Rogue Bunny did not receive any punishment from the crowd. She was also brought out by Zheng Zinuo and the others. At this point, the Devil Beast incident finally came to an end.    


"Zinuo, where should we go next?" After leaving Rolin Village, Zheng Zinuo brought everyone back to the Xuanyuan Realm and Xiao Wan'er asked.    


"We have already wasted a day's time. I wonder how the Divine Sect is doing right now. We must hurry to the Vast Heaven Sect as soon as possible and inform them." Zheng Zinuo replied, "We will now return to the Hidden Secret City and ask for the Vast Heaven Sect's address."    


"Squeak squeak..." After hearing what ___ said, ___ immediately waved her arms and stood in front of Xiao Rongxuan and the others.    


"Rogue Bunny, what are you doing here again?" Feng Ziyan asked impatiently.    


"Squeak squeak..." ___ pointed at herself and sent a voice transmission to Zheng Zinuo, "I know the address of Vast Heaven Sect. Why didn't you ask me?"    


"Do you know where Vast Heaven Sect is?" Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he heard that. He asked hastily, "Where is it? Tell me quickly."    


"I'll tell you when you break my seal. Don't worry, I won't play any tricks anymore. I'm just holding it in and trying to change my form to get some fresh air." He begged gracefully.    


"Alright." Zheng Zinuo nodded and said, "In the Xuanyuan Realm, I'm not afraid of you playing any tricks." After saying that, he retracted the restriction.    


With a bang, he turned into a human, and he was still that handsome young man.    


"Hurry up and say it, our time is pressing." Zheng Zinuo urged.    


"Oh, then tell me why are you guys going to the Vast Heaven Sect first?" He said gracefully.    


"Are you going to tell me or not? Are you asking for a beating?" Xiao Wan'er's pretty face changed and she shouted.    


"Don't, don't, don't. I was just asking. I haven't spoken for a long time. Her mouth felt uncomfortable. She wanted to find a topic to talk to you about. Why was she so fierce? I curse you that you won't be able to get married. " She muttered softly and then saw Xiao Wan'er's expression gradually change. She hurriedly stretched out her hand and pointed towards the southwest, "Vast Heaven Sect is about 800 miles away from Rolin Village. Huh? That's not right. This isn't Rolin Village. Let's go out and talk. "    


" Which direction is 800 miles in Rolin Village? Don't try to play tricks on me!" Zheng Zizhou shouted.    


"Uh..." He trembled slightly. His fear for Zheng Zinuo came from the bottom of his heart. He did not dare to delay. After thinking for a moment, he replied, "In the southwest direction, you have been walking in that direction. After crossing three mountains, about five hundred miles, you will meet a small town. Then you will continue to walk west. After walking for three to four hundred miles, you will be almost there. "    


"Alright, if it wasn't for that place, I'd definitely pluck your rabbit fur later. Let's go!" Xiao Wan'er said.    


"How would I dare to lie to you? Although I am ignorant and incompetent, I have lived for hundreds of years ever since I woke up. I am very familiar with this area and will not remember the wrong path." ___ said, feeling wronged.    


"En, Lili, you can stay in my Xuanyuan Realm space for now. After we are done with our business, we will bring you to the Hidden Spirit Sect to learn martial arts. " Zheng Zinuo said to Lili.    


" Yes, Lili will wait for you. " Lili nodded obediently.    


"Alright, Rogue Bunny, I will leave Lili to you for now. Don't you like to talk to people? During this period of time, you should have a good chat with Lili to relieve your boredom. Yin and Yang look favorably upon Rogue Bunny. " Zheng Zinuo waved his hand and led everyone out of the Xuanyuan Realm space. He was stunned by what he saw, and he was even more envious of Zheng Zinuo's marvelous cultivation technique and magic treasure.    


Next, Zheng Zinuo and Xiao Wan'er called out their flying swords and flew towards the southwest with Zheng Zizhou and Feng Ziyan.    


Dream Stealing Space    


Five hundred miles wasn't a long distance, but it wasn't a short distance either. However, this was the distance between the ground and the ground. For Zheng Zinuo and the others who could fly on their swords, They only needed to cross three mountains to reach the small town called the Integration Town.    


However, this Integration Town was remote and small, and it took Zheng Zinuo and the others a lot of time. It was not until evening that they finally found this town. The town looked peaceful and peaceful. The townspeople were honest and kind, and they treated people warmly.    


Zheng Zinuo and the other three found a hotel and stayed there. They ordered some local specialty snacks and ate casually while listening to the conversations of the surrounding customers.    


One of the customers smiled mysteriously at another customer. "Brother, do you know what kind of dream I had last night?"    


"Dream? Hehe..." Zheng Zinuo and the other three looked at each other. Speaking of which, this dream... It seemed like it had been a long time since they last saw each other. Every day, they would travel during the day. Cultivating at night, they did not need to sleep at all. If they did not sleep, how could they dream? They couldn't help but be curious as they pricked up their ears to listen to the conversation between the two.    


" Oh? What dream is so mysterious?" Another man hurriedly asked.    


"Hehe..." The man smiled and said in a low voice with a lewd expression, "Master Meng fulfilled my wish last night and let me meet up with Miss Mei, who is a flower in our town. Hehe..."    


"Kid, you actually asked Master Meng to let you have such a lewd dream. Are you ashamed?" The man smiled and said, "Do you know what dream I had last night?"    


" Oh? Brother, what kind of dream did you have?" The man asked curiously.    


"Haha... Last night, my warframe, the Golden Axe Metal Horse, and my solo adventure into the dragon's den and tiger's den, killing all those demons and ghosts without leaving a single trace behind, it was truly satisfying." The man replied in a lofty and heroic manner.    


"Hehe... Not bad, not bad. Then let's quickly finish eating and go to Master Dream's place to beg for a dream. After that, let's go back home and continue sleeping and dreaming." The man impatiently said.    


"It's really strange. From what they said, it seems that the people here can control dreams?" Feng Ziyan's eyes moved and asked doubtfully.    


"Control dreams?" Zheng Zinuo shook his head and said, "Even with our high mental strength, it is very difficult to control the dream in our unconscious sleep. Does this group of ordinary townspeople have such ability?"    


"Then what did they say about having a good dream, and what exactly happened to Master Dream?" Xiao Wan'er's eyes were like autumn waves as she asked in puzzlement.    


"When there is a chance later, we will find someone to ask and we will know." Zheng Zizhou said.    


The waiter was just about to serve the dishes when he heard their conversation. He smiled and said, "You must be foreigners, right? Haha..."    


"That's right, Little Liu, I just heard that your town has a dream master who can control people's dreams, right?" Zheng Zizhou asked.    


"Hehe..." The waiter straightened his body and answered proudly, "Dear guests, there is something that you do not know. About half a year ago, a very strange thing happened in our town."    


" Oh? What strange thing?" The four of them looked at each other and asked in unison.    


"Our town relies on mountains to eat, and most of the people in the town are hunters. Half a year ago, more than a dozen famous hunters in our town... Together, we went hunting in the forest, and caught a small animal with purple fur, long tail, and ears that was very similar to a fox. That night, more than ten hunters placed that strange animal in one of their homes, preparing to slaughter and cook it the next day. But they didn't expect that on that night, those ten over hunters actually had the same dream. In the dream, they said that as long as we don't kill that little animal, we can let them dream about what they want every day in the future."    


"At first, everyone was also skeptical, but those ten over hunters had the mentality of giving it a try. The next day, they didn't kill the little animal, but told the little animal everything they wanted to know about their dreams. As expected, the few of them had the exact same dream as they had imagined that night. This time, the dozen or so hunters were shocked. They thought they had offended some god, so they anxiously built a temple in town to worship the little animal. "    


" From then on, as long as you go to that temple to ask for the beautiful dream you want, What he wanted in his dream really happened. That is why since then, a large group of people have gone to the temple to ask Master Meng for his dream, and now the temple has sent people to guard it. They were afraid that Master Meng would be stolen. " The waiter told everyone everything that had happened in detail.    


"I see!" When the four of them heard this, they immediately understood.    


"Hehe... It's really strange, this little animal is indeed extraordinary, perhaps it really is a god sent by the heavens. Ever since the temple was built, the incense offerings have never stopped, but what shocked everyone is that... Master Meng only cared about sleeping every day, never eating anything... But his growth was still very fast. At the beginning, he was as big as a newborn puppy. Now, he's as strong as a cow. " The waiter continued, "If you want to have some sweet dreams, you can go and beg after dinner. I guarantee it will be very effective. "    


"Oh, okay, thank you, waiter. We understand." Zheng Zinuo nodded and waited for the waiter to leave. Xiao Wan'er's beautiful eyes were like autumn water as she asked, "What Devil Beast can create dreams? Have you heard of it?"    


"Yes, I have heard of it." Zheng Zizhou nodded and said, "According to the records of our Hidden Spirit Sect's Devil Beast, it is called Dream Eat Beast. It is specifically used to eat the dreams of humans or beasts. It is said that it is a kind Devil Beast. But it has been extinct for many years. I wonder if what the waiter just said is this kind of Devil Beast. "    


"According to what the waiter just said, this Devil Beast doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions. It creates dreams for others, and I don't covet their wealth. It shouldn't be a bad Devil Beast." Feng Ziyan said.    


"Yes, but no matter what, it's better for us to go and take a look." Zheng Zinuo said.    


"Alright!" The three of them agreed.    


After dinner, the four of them asked for the location of the temple. They searched along the way, and not long after, they arrived at the place where Dream Eat Beast lived. They saw an independent red tile house at the corner of the street, with an area of no more than 20 square meters. Two large tables were arranged into a table, and a table in front of them was filled with food, vegetables, and fruits. Behind the table, there was a large table that was the size of a buffalo, and it was shining with a purple light. It had long ears and a long tail. It was indeed a huge animal that looked like a fox.    


At this moment, there was a 20-meter long line in front of the temple. There were men, women, old people, and all kinds of people. All of them were smiling and whispering to each other, discussing how magical this dream master god in the temple was. How wonderful the dream he had was.    


Zheng Zinuo and the other three followed the crowd and lined up, waiting. At this moment, a young girl not far away quietly said to the young girl in front of them, "Xiao Fang, do you know what dream I had last night?"    


"What dream? Look at how beautiful you are." The girl called Xiao Fang smiled and asked.    


"Last night, I dreamt of Scholar Fang at the head of the town. Hehe... "The girl said softly with a shy expression," We made a promise of a hundred years in our dreams, and we were happy every day. We lived happily, but just as I was about to give birth to a fat kid for him, I woke up. So I want to continue doing it today, I really don't want to wake up. "    


"Hehe... You little girl." Xiao Fang smiled and said, "Sigh... I dreamt that my mother had come back to life. My father also stopped drinking and gambling. Our family lives happily and happily, but after waking up... So I really want to live in my dream and never wake up. "    


"Zinuo, did you hear that? These people seem to be very fascinated, hehe..." Xiao Wan'er smiled like a flower and asked, "What kind of dream do you want to ask later?"    


"My young lady, we are here to investigate and research. We are still begging for dreams." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said.    


"What is it? We are here to investigate and ask for a dream. Otherwise, how are you going to investigate? Just by looking at this Devil Beast, you can investigate! It is not like it is harmful to humans. We can't just drive it away, right? If we do that, we'll probably drown in the spittle of these townspeople. " Xiao Wan'er pouted her cute little mouth and said.    


"Yes, Wan'er is right. Why don't we each have a dream tonight. Let's see how powerful this Dream Eat Beast is and whether he will hurt us. How about we wait until tomorrow to make a decision? " Zheng Zizhou said.    


" Alright, that's a good idea. " Feng Ziyan smiled and Zheng Zinuo could only nod.    


After a while, the thirty to forty people in front of them finally finished queuing. The sky was already dark. Zheng Zinuo and the other three walked into the temple. Zheng Zinuo took out his spiritual sense and swept it across Dream Eat Beast's body. The strange thing was that Dream Eat Beast was like an ordinary animal, he couldn't feel any energy fluctuations. He was secretly surprised.    


However, because the people waiting outside for the dream kept urging him, Zheng Zinuo had no choice but to give up on further investigation. He imitated the crowd, knelt on the hassock, and casually said a few words before leaving the temple. Not long after, Xiao Wan'er and the other two left the temple in high spirits.    


"Zinuo, what kind of dream did you ask for? Tell me quickly." Xiao Wan'er pulled Zheng Zinuo's arm and said tenderly.    


"To be honest, I didn't ask for a dream at all. I feel that being controlled by someone is too scary." Zheng Zinuo smiled and asked, "What about you? What dream did you ask for?"    


"Me?" Xiao Wan'er's pretty face turned slightly red as she said," I won't tell you, hehe... Let's go back quickly and dream about it."    


Zheng Zizhou and Feng Ziyan were also trying to guess what dream they were dreaming about. The four of them laughed and walked towards the inn.    


After Zheng Zinuo and the other three left the temple, Dream Eat Beast, who had not opened his eyes for a long time, slowly opened his eyes and revealed a frightening smile. No one knew what he was thinking.    


"I want to dream! Why do you want me to wake up..."    


"I'll go beg for a dream, then drink more wine, and immediately dream..."    


"Is this reality or a dream?"    


Zheng Zinuo and the other three were walking in the quiet town at night. From time to time, they heard people talking like this. The four of them looked at each other when they heard this. They all felt that the situation was a little serious, but they could not grasp the crux of the matter.    


In the middle of the night, the four of them went to bed separately. Zheng Zinuo and his brothers had one room while Xiao Wan'er and Feng Ziyan had one room.    


The night was silent. After midnight, Zheng Zinuo woke up from his cultivation. He thought curiously, "Come and see what my big brother is dreaming about. I don't know if my mental energy can penetrate big brother's dream defense. Let's try, hehe... "    


Zheng Zinuo quietly got up and went to Zheng Zizhou's bedside. He put one hand on Zheng Zizhou's temple and used the other hand to form a sword finger. He pointed at his forehead and silently chanted the meditation spell to concentrate his spiritual energy.    


Not long after, he felt his whole body become light. After a moment of weightlessness, Zheng Zinuo's vision suddenly became clear. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the surrounding scene had changed from night to day. The environment was very familiar. It was a three-room house. At this moment, Zheng Zizhou was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.    


"Success, hehe... Could this be Big Brother's dream? But why is Big Brother still sleeping? This is so strange." Zheng Zinuo was slightly happy. He looked around and then turned around and left the small house. Suddenly, his whole body trembled. He found out that this was his home in City B when he was young. His heart skipped a beat. He carefully pushed open the door of his parents' room. As expected, his parents were also sleeping soundly on the bed, looking at their familiar yet friendly smiles. Zheng Zinuo could not control himself for a moment.    


Eight years. During these eight years, his parents had not seen each other ever since they parted. He discovered that they had actually met in Zheng Zizhou's dream. It was just that his parents seemed to have been sleeping all this time.    


Zheng Zinuo stared at his parents for a moment and wiped away the tears at the corners of his eyes. He was amazed in his heart. He turned around and went back to Zheng Zizhou's room and thought, "How could it be like this? Big brother was too strange. He slept in his dream. No, I have to try again. "    


In order to further investigate what Zheng Zizhou was doing, Zheng Zinuo used the mental detection technique again and continued to enter his next dream.    


It was peaceful. There were three houses beside the hill in City B. Zheng Zizhou and Feng Ziyan were playing with the baby in their arms in front of the house. From time to time, the sound of their father and mother talking and laughing could be heard in the kitchen.    


"Hey, Zinuo, you're back? Where is Wan'er?" Zheng Zizhou held the baby in his arms and suddenly asked when he saw the absent-minded Zheng Zinuo.    


"She's back?" Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled when he heard this. He looked at Zheng Zizhou and was suddenly shocked. He was only in his early twenties, but now he looked like he had suddenly aged ten years. Feng Ziyan, who was beside him, had also become a young woman.    


"Big Brother, you... Why are you suddenly so old? The child in your arms is?" Zheng Zinuo asked in surprise.    


" Haha... Of course people will age. It has already been ten years. Even if we succeed in our martial cultivation, we still won't be able to escape the fate of old. " Zheng Zizhou kept teasing the baby in his arms and said with a smile, "This is your little nephew. What happened to you today? You asked so many strange questions. "    


"Hmm? Zinuo, you... who are you?" When Zheng Zizhou raised his head and saw Zheng Zinuo, his facial expression changed drastically and he shouted.    


" Who am I? I am your younger brother." Zheng Zinuo replied in shock. He found that the dream here was so similar to the real world. For a moment, he was unable to tell whether it was a dream or not.    


"He is not. Zinuo has always been inseparable from Wan'er. Besides, do you think Zinuo would be so young?" Feng Ziyan suddenly stepped forward and scolded.    


"We are here, big brother and sister-in-law." Just as Zheng Zinuo was confused, one of them was a lot more mature. He pointed at himself and shouted, "He is not me, he is a fake. Humph!"    


"Ziyan, quickly carry the child back." Zheng Zizhou's expression immediately changed when he heard this. He hurriedly handed the baby in his arms to Feng Ziyan. He stood in front of everyone and shouted coldly, "Who are you? Why do you want to pretend to be my brother? What is your intention?"    


"I'm pretending to be your brother?" Zheng Zinuo found it very funny. He looked at the old Zheng Zinuo and said, "He's more or less pretending to be my brother."    


"Thief, don't talk nonsense. Watch my move!" The older Zheng Zinuo shouted. He suddenly summoned his martial soul and attacked Zheng Zinuo. Zheng Zinuo did not expect this.    


"Hey, why do you want to fight?" Zheng Zinuo was slightly stunned. He quickly jumped back and waved his hand, "Wait, let me explain first."    


"Explanation is a cover. You want to ruin the harmony of our family. I will not let you get away with it!" The fake Zheng Zinuo said without any mercy. Immediately after, a blue Martial Cultivation Method Spirit Ascending Dragon Fist attacked Zheng Zinuo.    


"Ah? What a powerful Qi! How could it be!? ” Zheng Zinuo turned pale with fright. He could feel that the energy wave from the opponent was comparable to a Martial Emperor Stage warrior. It was not something he could defend against right now.    


He hurriedly used the Divine Steps to dodge the attack. Even if this was a dream, if he was hit by the attack, his mind would be severely injured. He would be unconscious if it was light, and if it was serious, he would become an idiot.    


"Humph... Trying to escape from my mental lock, you are still too young!" Seeing that Zheng Zinuo wanted to dodge his attack, the old Zheng Zinuo's mouth curled up slightly, appearing very sinister and proud.    


The blue electric dragon swooshed past Zheng Zinuo's side, and before Zheng Zinuo could stand firmly, it turned around and attacked his back again.    


"Ah? What a powerful spiritual force. Who are you?!" Zheng Zinuo was shocked and shouted. He hurriedly took out his Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure. He poured all of his energy into the Vital Spirit Strength and soul power, causing the Xuanyuan Realm to shine brightly for a moment. When the blue lightning dragon collided with the Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure's holy light, Zheng Zinuo's mind only shook violently. He fell backwards, but he did not suffer any fatal injuries.    


"Hmm? What is this?" The old Zheng Zinuo was shocked. Just as he was about to attack Zheng Zinuo again, Zheng Zizhou suddenly took a few steps forward and stopped him, "Wait, why do you also have a Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure?"    


"Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure?" The old Zheng Zinuo's expression changed, and he suddenly shouted, "You dare steal my magic treasure? Die!" After saying that, he once again attacked Zheng Zinuo.    


"Not good!" Zheng Zinuo secretly cried out. He hurriedly urged his mind power to quickly withdraw from Zheng Zizhou's dream world and appeared in Zheng Zizhou's room. Zheng Zizhou was still lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.    


"I have to wake him up." Zheng Zinuo was shocked and worried. "Who exactly am I in my big brother's dream? How can I have my own consciousness? Could it be..."    


Zheng Zinuo's expression changed drastically. He suddenly thought of something. "Could it be that I am that Dream Eat Beast in that dream?"    


When he thought of this, Zheng Zinuo almost broke out in cold sweat. He rushed to Zheng Zizhou's bedside and kept shouting and pushing Zheng Zizhou, trying to wake him up.    


At this moment, a light flashed in the room. The old Zheng Zinuo suddenly appeared behind Zheng Zinuo and said with a sinister smile, "Do you want to wake master in the dream that I control? Humph... Unless there are two possibilities, the first is that I take the initiative to withdraw. The second is that their sleep time is up, otherwise you won't wake up no matter how hard you wake up."    


"Who exactly are you?" Zheng Zinuo turned pale with fright and shouted.    


"Humph! Humph! Didn't you already guess it just now? I am that Dream Eat Beast from the temple." The old Zheng Zinuo replied.    


"Dream Eat Beast? You really are Dream Eat Beast!" A sharp light flashed in Zheng Zinuo's eyes as he shouted, "Why did you change into my appearance to bewitch my big brother and the others?"    


"We, Dream Eat Beast, rely on devouring dreams to cultivate and make a living. Our strength can only be truly displayed in dreams." Dream Eat Beast replied, "Your big brother and the others want to have a longer dream. They even want to live in dreams forever. So I helped them. I used the dreams in dreams to extend their time in dreams. "    


"Because the brain of a person runs very fast in the dream, the time they experience in the dream is much longer than in reality. Under normal circumstances, the first level of the dream is about 100 times faster than in real life. After a day in the outside world, In a dream, it is equivalent to 100 days, and the second level of the dream is a hundred times faster in the first level. One day in the first dream was a hundred days in the second dream. Compared to the real world, the second dream was ten thousand times more. One day in the outside world was equivalent to thirty years in the second dream world. So I'll satisfy your big brother and let them enter the dream... In other words, the second dream will allow you to enjoy the beautiful dream you created. The longer I dream, the longer I cultivate inside, and the faster my cultivation increases. Hahaha..."    


"Ah?" Zheng Zinuo turned pale with shock and shouted," If that's the case, wouldn't it take more than ten years for my big brother to spend half a day in the second level of the dream world? Living in the dream for more than ten years? "    


"Not bad, haha... your comprehension ability is very high." Dream Eat Beast smiled and said, "But what if it's in the third level of the dream?"    


"The third level?" Zheng Zinuo was shocked when he heard this. According to this logic, the third dream would be three thousand years.    


"Three thousand years!" Zheng Zinuo suddenly shouted, "You... you want my big brother and the others to live in the dream for three thousand years?"    


"Hahaha... Although the third level of the dream did not increase as much as the first two levels of the dream, because after reaching the third level of the dream, it was extremely unstable. However, it's at least ten times stronger. It'll definitely be a few hundred years. " Dream Eat Beast laughed loudly.    


"Originally, I wanted to live in your dream for a few hundred years the most. Your talent is extraordinary. Your cultivation base is excellent. Just thinking about cultivating with you for a few hundred years makes me happy. If that's the case, when I come out of your dream... Perhaps, I will become a Ninth Order Emperor tier Devil Beast amongst all the Devil Beast. Unfortunately, you are not dreaming. I can only take a step back and cultivate in your friends' dream. It's been a long time since I've seen such an outstanding martial cultivator. Do you think I'll let them go?"    


"Hahaha..." Dream Eat Beast looked at Zheng Zinuo's shocked face and continued, "After living in a dream for a hundred years, their old souls will return to their young bodies after a hundred years. Do you think they will be able to recognize what a dream is and what a real world is? Wahahaha... Interesting, interesting..."    


" You... you are too selfish, why are you doing this? " Zheng Zinuo was furious when he heard this.    


"For my cultivation and to satisfy your greedy dreams. Don't you humans like to dream every day to come true? Now that I've satisfied you, and you hate me so much, What a joke, what a pity, and even more hateful!" Dream Eat Beast shouted, "Why don't you leave this dream now, or follow me into your big brother's dream? We can enjoy this hundred years of happiness. Otherwise, don't blame me for showing no mercy to you. You know that I am the master of this dream. You can't defeat me. "    


" Is that so? " Zheng Zinuo sneered. "Do you think you can stop me if I walk out of the dream now? Are you a match for me in the real world? I will destroy your body and see if you can continue to cause trouble. "    


" Hahaha... " Dream Eat Beast laughed and said, "You can try and destroy my body. Humph! Then I can do whatever I want in the dreams of all the people in this town, and let all the townspeople, including your big brother, sleep with me for a long time. "    


" You! " Zheng Zinuo was burning with anger. He shouted, "Then let's wait and see!"    


After saying that, he disappeared from Zheng Zizhou's dream and returned to reality.    


"What should we do?" After walking out of Zheng Zizhou's dream, Zheng Zinuo broke out in cold sweat. He kept muttering, "What should we do? If my big brother and the others really live in the dream for a hundred years, they will be able to adapt to this young body when they wake up. Can they still react from the sweetness of the dream? Would they be able to distinguish what a dream was and what the real world was? Can they still accept it? No, I have to wait until I wake them up!"    


" Big brother! Big brother! " Zheng Zinuo pushed with all his strength, and even using the Vital Spirit Strength to stimulate him did not have any effect on him.    


"Time is of the essence. What should I do?" Zheng Zinuo was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. He knew that if he was delayed in the outside world for a minute, the third level of the dream would last for many days.    


"Yes, I have it!" Zheng Zinuo was suddenly overjoyed and said, "Everyone has their own dream. If I combine their dreams and turn them into a dream, We can unite everyone to deal with that Dream Eat Beast. This way, we have a much higher chance of success. As long as I enter their dreams and let them realize that I'm actually dreaming... Then everything will be much easier."    


As time was of the essence, Zheng Zinuo hurriedly carried Zheng Zinuo and walked towards Xiao Wan'er and Feng Ziyan's room. He placed his body on the table beside the bed and placed Zheng Zizhou's right hand on Feng Ziyan's forehead. He then placed Feng Ziyan's right hand on Xiao Wan'er's forehead and finally placed his own hand on Xiao Wan'er's forehead. One hand on Zheng Zizhou's head, the four of them formed a wonderful cycle.    


After that, he chanted another spell. In a flash, Zheng Zinuo entered the first level of the dream space and found that the three of them were sleeping together. Zheng Zinuo knew that he must have successfully connected the four of them together.    


Then, he entered the second layer of the dream according to the previous method, and it was still the same as before. The three of them were sleeping together, and Zheng Zinuo started to feel nervous. He hurriedly entered the third dream again.    


This time, not only did the scene change drastically, but Zheng Zizhou, Feng Ziyan and Xiao Wan'er also disappeared.    


Zheng Zinuo hastily rushed out of the room and took a closer look. He found that this place seemed to be the Ancient Forest Grassland in the Xuanyuan Realm space. There were four wooden houses built on the grassland, and there were many exotic flowers and plants planted around. In the distance, the cattle and sheep were happy, and everything seemed so harmonious.    


However, he did not see Zheng Zizhou and the other three people. Zheng Zinuo could not help but feel somewhat anxious. However, after experiencing it once, he knew that Dream Eat Beast must have disguised himself to seduce everyone here. Therefore, he used the Invisibility Technique to quietly hide his aura and search for everyone.    


Not long after, he saw a beautiful woman in her early thirties, who looked very beautiful and was 70% similar to Xiao Wan'er, walking out from the forest of flower trees behind the house.    


Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled. Wasn't this the beautiful woman in the sarcophagus that he saw in the secret chamber of Pope Palace last time? Suddenly, seven or eight familiar people walked out from behind him. The one who was in the lead was his beloved Xiao Wan'er. Behind her was her father and Feng Ziyan, followed by Zheng Zizhou, Feng Qingyun, Yurong and her parents. And that Dream Eat Beast who pretended to be him walked in the back.    


Zheng Zinuo felt a chill in his heart when he saw this. He thought to himself, in such a beautiful and peaceful environment, living a happy and sweet life with the person he loved, who would be willing to give up such a sweet life and believe in himself?    


At this moment, Zheng Zinuo realized that he was so alone and helpless.    


"Sigh... The more beautiful it is, the more illusory it is." Zheng Zinuo secretly shook his head and sighed, "Everything is like floating clouds. No, no matter what, I have to rescue them. Otherwise, the longer it takes, the deeper they will be trapped. When the time comes, I won't be able to pull them out even if I wanted to. "    


" Dream Eat Beast, didn't you want to fight with me for the real body? Let's see how well you understand me, humph!" Zheng Zinuo coldly glanced at Dream Eat Beast. His appearance gradually changed. He became a little more mature, looking like he was about 25 or 26 years old. Then he took advantage of the moment when everyone was not prepared to sneak behind them. He suddenly jumped out and shouted.    


"Who are you? Why are you pretending to be me?"    


Everyone was startled by the sudden shout, but they were all people with extraordinary cultivation base. In an instant, they regained their senses. Turning their heads, they were shocked, "Why are there suddenly two Zinuo?"    


"Humph! Humph! Humph! You demon, I didn't expect you to follow me and do this!" Dream Eat Beast calmly smiled and said.    


"You are the monster! How dare you pretend to be me to confuse my family and friends?! Hurry up and reveal your true form!" Zheng Zinuo shouted loudly, then turned his head and said to Xiao Wan'er and the others. "Wan'er, don't fall for this demon's trick. He is a fake!"    


"Fake? Who is real and who is fake?" Xiao Wan'er and the others looked at each other and stood together, away from the two Zheng Zinuo.    


"What evidence do you have to prove that he is the fake one? Are you the real one?" Feng Ziyan asked in a hurry.    


"It's very simple. Each of you ask a question about me. If you want us to answer, it will be clear at a glance." Zheng Zinuo blurted out. Suddenly, his heart trembled, and he felt that something was not right. They had already lived here for more than ten years. If they suddenly asked about what had happened during this period of time... He would have lifted a stone and smashed it on his own feet, but since he had already said what he wanted to say, there was no way he could change his mind. He could only continue to pretend to be calm as he looked at Dream Eat Beast.    


Dream Eat Beast's heart also trembled. He and Zheng Zinuo had the same thought. If they suddenly asked about what happened ten years ago, wouldn't he be finished?    


"Alright! Let me ask you!" Zheng Zizhou was the first to stand out. His eyes sparkled as he stared at the two of them and asked, "When did we build these four houses? How long did it take?"    


"Building these four houses?" Zheng Zinuo's pupils contracted when he heard that. He wondered why his big brother suddenly asked such a question. He really could not answer it at that moment.    


Dream Eat Beast laughed loudly and pointed at Zheng Zinuo and shouted, "How is it? You can't answer it, right? Let me tell you. Big brother and I worked together to build these four houses five years ago. We only used eight and a half days to build them."    


"Hmm? So you're the fake one!" Feng Ziyan and the others immediately glared at Zheng Zinuo.    


His stare made his hair stand on end. He quickly had an idea and shouted, "I am not fake. Let me ask him a question. How many man in black did my parents get taken away by? How did my brother and I escape? How did Wan'er and I meet? When I went to Xun Wind Peak, how old was my senior sister? Answer me! "    


"Uh... this..." Dream Eat Beast's eyes were flickering, and he did not answer for a moment. He also had an idea and asked, "Then let me ask you, how many peach trees are there in total? How many pear trees are there? How many cows and sheep are there?"    


" This... " Zheng Zinuo's face twitched, but he could not answer.    


"What is going on? Why do they seem to be unable to answer some of the questions, and some of the questions can be answered? Could it be that both of them are fake?" Feng Ziyan asked puzzledly.    


" Wan'er, do you still remember? Do you remember the time when we were attracted by Old Demon Black Snake to the deep pond in Mountain Sea Realm and were trapped by the Spirit Absorbing Immortal Rock? " Zheng Zinuo planned to break them one by one, "Senior sister, do you still remember the time when I first came to Xun Wind Peak when you taught me the Soul Upgrade Spell? Big brother, do you remember when we were chased down by that detestable man in black and jumped off the cliff, saying that we would live and die together? "    


"Zinuo..." When the three of them heard this, their bodies trembled, and they looked at Zheng Zinuo in unison. But before they could point out that Dream Eat Beast was fake, Dream Eat Beast actually used the same trick again. He asked a few questions that Zheng Zinuo could not answer in a row.    


"Okay!" Zheng Zinuo nodded angrily and stared at Dream Eat Beast coldly. He continued, "In that case, I will ask you a common question and see if you can answer it!"    


"The first question, when did you come here? Do you know how you came here?"    


"The second question, Wan'er, you once told me that your mother had passed away a long time ago, and we also saw with our own eyes that she was sealed in the sarcophagus by your father. Who is she now?"    


"The third question. Big brother, our parents are still in the middle of water. When and how did you save them?"    


"The fourth question, senior sister, when did Master and Mistress agree to follow you here? Where did the other senior brothers go? "    


"This..." The three of them looked at each other in shock when they heard what Zheng Zinuo said. After that, they tried their best to think about the four questions that Zheng Zinuo had just asked. However, their minds felt like they were in a paste, and they couldn't remember anything.    


"Don't listen to his bewitching words. He is a demon, and he is bewitching you all!" Dream Eat Beast started to panic. He shouted at the top of his voice, "You demon, hand over your life to me!" After saying that, he attacked Zheng Zinuo regardless of the consequences.    


"Haha... Did you see that? He is the real demon, the real demon. He is the one who bewitched you all to this point, causing you all to stay in the illusion. Quickly wake up! " Zheng Zinuo took a step back to resist as he desperately explained, "If all of you still don't believe me, then what do all of you think is above my head?"    


"Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure!" Xiao Wan'er exclaimed, "Yeah, this is within the Xuanyuan Realm. How can you use a Xuanyuan Realm Magic Treasure? Strange!"    


"It's not strange, this is not within the Xuanyuan Realm at all, but an illusion that he created. Otherwise, how can my Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure be summoned!? " Zheng Zinuo quickly explained. He did not say that it was a dream because he was afraid that they would not believe him. He could only use an illusion to replace it.    


"I'll kill you!" Dream Eat Beast couldn't bear it any longer. He circulated all his energy and attacked Zheng Zinuo.    



"Stop!" The three of them suddenly reacted. With a flash, they summoned their martial soul and blocked in front of Zheng Zinuo.    


"Hahaha... Zheng Zinuo, you are really a good man. You are actually able to destroy their dreams. It seems like I have underestimated you. " Dream Eat Beast sneered," But so what if you all know about it? None of you will be able to leave this place today. I will devour your souls along with your dreams! "    


After saying that, he turned into his original form and turned into a fifteen meter tall Dream Eat Beast. He opened his mouth wide and started devouring Zheng Zinuo and the others.    


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