The Ancient Supreme

C37 Chinese wisteria fruit

C37 Chinese wisteria fruit

0Lin Yuan hugged the terrified Xiao Yu as he looked at the blazing flames around him, and his brows were about to congeal into a knot. Now that he didn't have the jade pendant, how was he going to escape the sea of flames?    


Suddenly, Lin Yuan had an idea. He had to use water to extinguish the fire, so he decided to use it. Coincidentally, the most important thing for Tianxin Valley was a freshwater lake, not to mention that it was not too far away from him.    


"Xiao Yu, don't be afraid. Nothing will happen if I'm here. Do you see the freshwater lake in front of us? "Let's hide in the lake. I can't let this fireball burn when it meets water."    


With that said, Lin Yuan pulled Xiao Yu and ran towards the Freshwater Lake. After dodging the two fireballs attack, the two of them arrived by the lake and with a leap, they were engulfed by the water.    


The freshwater lake was very deep and very cool, but the water was very clean. Raising his head to look up, he saw huge fireballs still continuously attacking him.    


Three minutes later, Lin Yuan and Xiao Yu were still sinking. They had not reached the bottom even after such a long time. If this continued, perhaps the huge water pressure would be enough to kill them.    


Xiao Yu grabbed onto Lin Yuan's arm tightly. Due to her fear, she had already shut her eyes tightly, but her body was still trembling more and more violently.    


Xiao Yu was not a cultivator of second layer of Qi Condensation, she could only hold her breath for less than twenty minutes. At this moment, the water pressure was already very large, and was continuing to nearly exceed the limits of her endurance.    


Lin Yuan knew he could not wait any longer. Presumably, three minutes had already passed, the Flamewing Lion King's skill should have also ended.    


However, suddenly, Lin Yuan saw a glimmer of light not far away. It had to be said that this was within a freshwater lake, although it had not reached the bottom, it was at least a few hundred metres away from the lake's surface.    


At this depth, it could be said that the surroundings were completely dark. The sunlight basically couldn't shine in, could it be that the light was coming from some kind of fish?    


Lin Yuan shook his head and stopped thinking. Now was not the time to think about such things, he should quickly surface, if not Xiao Yu would not be able to last much longer.    


The more Lin Yuan didn't want to look at it, the more he couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity to use the hot water.    


Lin Yuan forced himself to stop looking at the glimmer of light and to ignore his curiosity and Xiao Yu's attempts to fall asleep. Just as he came out of the water, he saw that the entire Tianxin Valley had already turned into a sea of fire.    


"Human, this is how it will be for you to spy on the Chinese wisteria fruit. Die ~ ~ Die." The Flamewing Lion King danced in the sky, and one intense roar after another resounded throughout the valley.    


When Xiao Yu surfaced, she immediately panted heavily, "Big brother Lin Yuan, is the water that cold? I feel like my body is going to freeze. "    


Lin Yuan also felt that something was amiss. The temperature of the lake was several degrees lower than before, and even the water surface was the same. One must know that the water surrounding the freshwater lake was a sea of fire that blotted the sky!    


Lin Yuan looked around and saw Chen Tianci, Jin Feng, heavenly remembrance, Li Shi, Wan Hai, and Zhang Kai still fighting with great difficulty with Flamewing Lion King and the Twin-Winged Thunder King, while the rest were basically all dead, and the number of beasts were even fewer.    


"Xiao Yu, leave this place and find Qing Er." Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, Lin Yuan decided to let Xiao Yu go first, while he went to the bottom of the lake to investigate.    


"What about you, Big Brother Lin Yuan? Won't you come with me? " Xiao Yu hurriedly asked.    


Lin Yuan nodded his head, and then said seriously: "I still have some matters that I cannot leave for. Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."    


Xiao Yu's expression was slightly conflicted. She did not want to leave Lin Yuan's side, but she knew that he was just a burden so he could only say unwillingly: "Alright then, Big Brother Lin Yuan, you must pay attention to your own safety."    


Lin Yuan nodded and sent Xiao Yu to the shore, "Remember, after you leave Tianxin Valley, find Qing Er. If you can't find him, find a safe place to hide.    


With that, Lin Yuan dived back into the lake, and Xiao Yu, who was on the shore, also turned and left quickly. Immediately, only the six people fighting and the two fighting Level 6 demon beasts remained in the entire Tianxin Valley.    


Lin Yuan went back to his original position after diving for a few hundred meters. Sure enough, he saw that glowing dot again, but he wasn't able to control it this time as he swam towards the dot of curiosity.    


As Lin Yuan got closer, the light ray became brighter and brighter. At the same time, one could see that the light dot had a purplish green hue.    


"This ?"    


Upon approaching the light source, Lin Yuan immediately exclaimed in his heart. Turns out that this glowing object was actually a palm-sized fruit.    


"Chinese wisteria fruit."    


The first thing that came to Lin Yuan's mind was the target of the Tianxin Valley: the rare Spirit Treasure Chinese wisteria fruit, he just did not expect that he would be the first one to find it.    


Lin Yuan lightly touched the deepest part of his finger and instantly, an extremely berserk energy entered his body. In the blink of an eye, the purple spirit energy in his body started to rage.    


"What a violent energy of heaven and earth!" Lin Yuan could not help but exclaim in his heart, this was indeed a rare spirit treasure.    


Lin Yuan circled around the Chinese wisteria fruit, he could not wait and wanted to take it for himself. However, its energy was too violent, and he could not come into contact with it.    


After thinking about it, Lin Yuan suddenly had a bold idea. It was to rely on his own spirit energy to slowly absorb it.    


Thus, Lin Yuan closed his eyes and with a slight thought, a wave of purple Qi flowed out of his body slowly and at the same time, slowly guided the Chinese wisteria fruit's natural energy to enter his body.    




Just by pouring in a bit of the Chinese wisteria fruit's energy, the spirit energy in Lin Yuan's body began to boil, and even the purple lightning in his dantian started to tremble uncontrollably.    


Blood trickled out from the corner of Lin Yuan's mouth. He endured the intense pain in his body and forcefully converted the Chinese wisteria fruit's energy into his own purple spirit energy. However, even this tiny bit of energy had taken him more than ten minutes.    


Although the process was extremely long and painful, the benefits were still enormous. If he could absorb a tenth of the Chinese wisteria fruit's energy, he could break through his fourth layer of Qi Condensation in an instant.    


Lin Yuan could not help but become excited, so he increased his speed to absorb the Chinese wisteria fruit's energy. He wanted to absorb as much energy as possible before the battle above ended.    


After the Chinese wisteria fruit's energy entered his body, Lin Yuan quickly used the purple energy to assimilate it, and then started to open the rest of the meridians. Because the assimilated spirit energy still had a berserk attribute, when he opened the meridians, the pain was many times more than under normal circumstances.    


Lin Yuan clenched his teeth as sweat dripped down his body. It wasn't enough because he was in the water, so he was washed away by the lake water. However, the physical pain made his soul suffer a huge tribulation.    


An hour later, the spirit energy in Lin Yuan's body had grown many times more than before, but the Chinese wisteria fruit's energy was still not much weaker. This was because all he had absorbed was external energy and his true core energy was basically unable to be absorbed at all.    


Furthermore, the speed at which the Chinese wisteria fruit ripened had not decreased in the slightest due to Lin Yuan's obstruction. Looking at its purple colored face which was about to turn black, and its energy which was becoming more and more berserk, it should have completely matured in about two hours.    


In the Tianxin Valley above the lake, the six of them were still fighting against the two level six demon beasts. At this moment, the flames in the valley had gradually died down and the originally beautiful scenery had vanished.    


How could fighting two Level 6 Goblin Beasts be that easy? Chen Tianci and the rest were already exhausted, all of the Spirit Qi in their bodies were almost used up. If the stalemate continued, they could only turn around and escape.    


However, those two rank 6 beasts were also not easy to deal with. Their bodies were almost completely undamaged. The originally majestic demonic energy had already weakened by more than half. It could be seen that they were at the end of their tether.    


An hour later, Flamewing Lion King suddenly stopped his attack. His large eyes stared at the surface of the freshwater lake and said, "Wait, why do I feel a fluctuation of human spirit energy under the lake?"    


"Impossible, even though the humans have detected the Spirit Treasure's aura coming from the Chinese wisteria fruit, they still don't know the exact location. Besides, the stronger people among the humans are trying to deal with us, who can dive down to that location?"    


The Twin-Winged Thunderwolf shook its huge head, and said as if it was impossible.    


The Flamewing Lion King's deep voice was filled with seriousness: "The Chinese wisteria fruit will ripen in less than an hour. After we swallow them in our dreams, these humans will no longer be able to take a single blow."    



"Brother Tian Ci, do you feel that the Chinese wisteria fruit's aura is getting heavier and heavier?" heavenly remembrance said excitedly after looking at Flamewing Lion King and Twin-Winged Thunderwolf.    


"Haha, I think the Chinese wisteria fruit is about to mature. Humph, in a while, none of you need to be strong with me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Li Shi laughed and said, his expression full of greed.    


Wan Hai and Zhang Kai who were at the side snorted coldly, their eyes filled with dense killing intent. Their right hands that were holding onto their weapons could not help but tighten.    


With the appearance of the Chinese wisteria fruit, the two sides did not continue fighting. Instead, they stayed at their original spots and adjusted their breathing to face the fiercer battle that was about to occur.    


Not long after, ripples began to appear on the surface of the lake, and at the same time, the entire lake began to boil.    


Outside the Heaven's Will Forest, the leaders of the six great forces and all the elders who were waiting for the end of the joint exercise were shocked. They looked towards the inner part of the forest in unison.    


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