Heaven Slautering War God



0He could tell that the young man in front of him was not very strong, and giving him a lesson would be good enough for him to lose the competition. He did not expect the young man to so easily grasp his wrist, but the young man felt that Li Chen could not hurt him because of this, so he only swung his hand hard, wanting to use this opportunity to throw Li Chen out.    


But it was clear that the youth had miscalculated. Li Chen's hand that was holding his arm was like a giant pincer as he remained motionless. Not only was he unable to throw Li Chen away, he couldn't even break away from Li Chen's attack!    


Just at this moment, Li Chen began to attack, his fist fiercely smashing into the youth's face, the force of the punch was so strong that the youth's body began to tremble, and blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth.    


The youth didn't even have time to react before he was sent flying like a puppet by the force of the swing.    


At this time, the entire arena was completely silent, as if they were all shocked by Li Chen's divine strength.    




The sound of the youth being smashed to the ground was exceptionally ear-piercing.    


Smoke and dust flew into the air, and it was as if the earth trembled a few times. The faint spiritual strength enveloping the youth quickly retreated, and did not even make a sound of pain.    


The thousands of people present were all shocked, even Li Huaiyuan did not expect Li Chen to be so strong, he looked at the young man in shock, and four words flashed past his heart: "Li Family has a chance!"    


Li Cheng who was at the side looked at Li Chen, and felt that he was stronger than he was in the past. If Li Chen had defeated him previously, then now, he would probably only be able to stand in front of and be crushed! Thinking of this, he could not help but curse in his heart! How does this fellow cultivate! He was actually such a monster!    


In fact, everyone present felt that Li Chen was like a monster. Even though he looked weak and frail, his strength was actually this strong.    


At the side, Ji Longzhi looked at Li Chen in shock, then squinted his eyes and quickly calculated.    


Li Chen turned around and saw the scheme in Ji Longzhi's eyes that he had yet to conceal. He gave a low laugh with a face full of contempt.    


Ji Longzhi's heart froze. He wanted to grit his teeth in hatred, but in the end, he clenched his fists.    


The judge finally regained his senses, looked at the young man lying on the ground, then looked at Li Chen with a gaze that held no contempt: "Li Family ? ? Li Chen wins!"    


At this time, the audience seemed to have just recovered from the previous match. Everyone was so excited that they were speechless, and a flurry of discussions broke out.    


This was a competition for the championship.    


He did not think that such a person would appear out of nowhere, which was truly out of his expectations. He gently rotated the thumb ring on his hand, as if he was brewing something, and in the end, his eyes slightly narrowed as he secretly looked at Li Chen. This youth, could not be kept alive!    


The round for the championship was about to begin, everyone seemed to be exceptionally excited, and all of them watched the competition silently, afraid that they would miss out on the fight between Li Chen and Ji Longzhi.    


Ji Longzhi knew from the previous matches that Li Chen possessed great strength, and did not fight directly with Li Chen. He extended one hand and directly struck Li Chen's mingmen.    


At the same time, he suddenly kicked out with his foot. If he was simply kicked by Li Chen in that way, then Ji Longfei would not be able to win against Li Cheng.    


His body suddenly pulled back, and an iron chain carrying a cyan light suddenly flew out, quickly sweeping towards Li Chen.    


Li Chen dodged quickly, but the iron chain almost brushed past his body, and started to wrap around him again.    


Li Chen could imagine that if he was hit by this thing, no matter how strong his body was, he would be injured.    


This was the first time the power of a azygos was shown in front of Li Chen!    


In the past, he relied on his strong physique to fight with azygos level people, and did not allow them the chance to use his weapon. But this time, Ji Longzhi was not a good person, he naturally knew to use the things that he was good at to deal with Li Chen.    


This was the first time Li Chen came into contact with someone who could control their weapon to fight against him. The iron chain followed him like a shadow, and green light rippled from it, forcing Li Chen to dodge left and right, he had no way of retaliating! Even more infuriating was that if Li Chen was slightly slower, he would be easily attacked. This way, the two people in the field seemed to be playing a game of cat and mouse!    


Li Chen found an opportunity to stop, he quickly took out the sword he was carrying, and since the iron chain was already at his side, he could only quickly grab the sword to block.    




The moment the two clashed, a dazzling spark appeared, and Li Chen's face instantly became ugly.    


In terms of pure strength, Li Chen's strength was not considered small, but at this time, Ji Longzhi's iron chain was unsatisfied and dense with spiritual strength, after all, he was a level higher. When the two clashed, Li Chen felt the blood in his body churn.    


And at this time, the light on the sword in Li Chen's hand dimmed a lot.    


Below the stage, Li Huaiyuan sighed, this time he was probably going to lose.    


As he moved forward, he quickly brandished the sword in his hand while a layer of spiritual strength appeared on his left hand. Ji Longzhi felt that Li Chen's speed had suddenly increased by many times, and in almost the blink of an eye, he dodged the iron chain's attack to the front of his eyes. A cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead!    




Li Chen ruthlessly smashed his fist towards Ji Longzhi. With a wave of his hand, he seemed to carry an aura that could destroy Ji Longzhi's body and spirit, heavily smashing onto the center of Ji Longzhi's nose. Ji Longzhi was sent flying on the spot! However, this was not the end. Li Chen's body suddenly stretched out gracefully, and Ji Longzhi only felt that the surrounding spiritual strength seemed to quickly flow into Li Chen's body. He was shocked in his heart.    


Seizing the opportunity while Li Chen was gathering spirit energy, Ji Longhao instantly stood up, waving his weapon once more in an attempt to attack Li Chen.    


Li Chen who was surrounded by the spiritual strength snorted coldly, and threw out a punch, as though he was bringing along the aura of suppression as he ruthlessly smashed towards Ji Longzhi's Cyan Shackled Chain!    


Is he crazy?    


This was what everyone present was thinking!    


No one had ever been able to withstand the azygos's fatal blow with their martial disciple physique!    


Was this young man trying to kill himself?    


However, something unexpected happened! Li Chen's body was not sent flying by the iron chains as everyone had imagined. Instead, the light on his fist shone brightly as the powerful spiritual strength smashed into the surrounding air, creating a powerful whirlpool.    


Both of them were sent flying at the same time.    


The surrounding people held their breath as they looked at the two lying on the ground. They didn't know who would get up first.    


His eyes tried to open them, but he felt like his internal organs had suffered some kind of injury as well. However, right at this moment, the surrounding spiritual strength s suddenly gathered around Li Chen, surrounding him in a bun shape.    


The inside was sealed tightly, everyone was shocked, no one knew what Li Chen was trying to do!    


"This!" Is he trying to achieve a breakthrough? "    


Finally, someone could not hold back and shouted. After speaking, everyone was shocked as they looked at the spiritual strength around Li Chen getting stronger and stronger, to the point that even they felt that the spiritual strength around them had become thinner!    


Although Li Chen was injured, he instinctively felt that this was an opportunity for a breakthrough. As the number of spiritual strength in his body increased, Li Chen only felt that the Kunlun in his body started to spin rapidly. Not enough! From the moment the Kunlun started to spin, Li Chen felt that the originally rich number of spiritual strength had decreased by quite a bit!    


Everyone felt the color of the spiritual strength beside Li Chen suddenly darken, then the surrounding spiritual strength increased their speed and rushed towards Li Chen. They could not help but be shocked: "What rank is this guy at? How could it cause such a strong disturbance in the spiritual strength? "    



Ji Longzhi who was at the side had long fainted. At this moment, everyone was waiting for two people: One of them stood up from the ground, but looking at the situation, it seemed like Li Chen had a higher chance of crawling out from the ground.    


As if confirming everyone's suspicions, the light on Li Chen's body suddenly started to dissipate.    


Once the huge light disappeared, everyone realised that Li Chen had already stood up from within the spiritual strength. He held a sword in his hand, as if he was a descendant of a god, extremely tall and inviolable.    


The crowd instantly burst into exclamations.    


"Li Clan ? ? Li Chen wins!" The referee hurriedly announced after coming back to his senses.    


Below the stage, Li Huaiyuan's face revealed a relieved expression. Li Fanyin who had already stabilized had a complicated expression on his face, I wonder, if I were to fight Li Chen, who will be the victor? If he had the chance, he really wanted to fight Li Chen!    


On the stage, Ning Guozheng's face also carried a smile, "The results of our match are finally out! That is Li Chen from the Beixuan City's Li Family! "    


Li Chen's gaze landed on the nearby Ji Family's Family Head. At the moment, Ji Zhonghui was staring fiercely at Li Chen, his scorpion-like eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty light, and staring at Li Chen, caused Li Chen to feel a bit of pressure. But in an instant, the pressure became lighter, and when Li Chen looked at Li Huaiyuan, he saw that Li Huaiyuan was looking at him from afar, and his eyes were filled with warning.    


Li Chen went up to touch the sword that was made of many profound seals, but unexpectedly, after walking a few rounds, the sword returned to his hands.    


The surrounding people looked at the sword like wolves and tigers. It was said that with this sword in hand, even a Stage Four devil beast would be unable to do anything to it!    


Sensing the greedy gazes from the surrounding people, Li Chen's brows twitched, and laughed, it seemed that he had to give up the sword earlier, in case he became a thorn in everyone's side!    


If people knew that Li Chen did not care about this sword at all, they would probably feel heartache and think that Li Chen was a prodigal!    


After this battle, Li Chen's reputation had spread far and wide!    


From then on, the Li family did not only have Li Fanyin's name, in an instant, Li Chengfeng was unrivalled!    


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