Only Sword Immortal

C388 Using dense forest

C388 Using dense forest

0"Ao, ao, ao!"    


Following the five roars from the big red foxes, they immediately erupted all of their fierce beasts' auras and rushed towards Tian Jian once again.    


This time, the five blood red cunning foxes had a new understanding of Tian Jian.    


So when they pounced towards Tian Jian this time, they were no longer like before, each one taking care of their own; they were instead taking care of each other.    


And this time, Tian Jian did not have a good chance before this either, to so easily injure a big blood-red fox.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


"Dang, dang, dang, dang ~ ~ ~!"    




In the blink of an eye, in this forest, the shadows of sword beams and claws appeared one after another.    


Before, although Tian Jian had heavily injured a big blood-red fox in one move, he did not injure any of its muscles or bones, so this big fox was able to cooperate with the other four big blood-red foxes.    


In that moment, Tian Jian was on par with the five red foxes.    


In this battle, the later it progressed, the more anxious Tian Jian became.    


Initially, he had vowed in front of Gao Cuilan that he would be able to take down these five blood red foxes, but the situation in front of him was not looking good.    


However, Tian Jian had already boasted about it. With his face, it would not be good for him to ask Gao Cuilan for help right now.    


And when Gao Cuilan saw that Tian Jian did not call for help, he did not want to go and help either.    


Therefore, Tian Jian continued to fight with the five big red foxes. The further back they went, the more they coordinated with each other.    


If one of them was in trouble, the other four would definitely be able to arrive in time to assist. In that moment, Tian Jian didn't have any better ideas.    


"I need to disassemble all five of them first!"    


"By the way, by using the narrow gaps in the forest, it's hard for them to cooperate better!"    


Just as Tian Jian was in a dilemma, an idea suddenly occurred to him.    




Suddenly, Tian Jian's figure flashed, and entered the densest part of the forest.    


While Gao Cuilan was watching from afar, he wondered in his heart what Tian Jian was trying to do.    


But the moment Tian Jian flashed into the forest, she suddenly had a feeling that it was only a matter of time before Tian Jian would win this battle.    


Therefore, Gao Cuilan found a big rock nearby and sat down, quietly admiring Tian Jian.    


Gao Cuilan didn't know why, but she was suddenly very interested in this free and easy going Tian Jian.    


If it was the her from yesterday, she too did not have this kind of liking, this kind of admiration towards Tian Jian's mentality.    


From a young age, it was the only time Gao Cuilan had so wholeheartedly admired a young man.    


Looking at, looking at Tian Jian's agile and confident raising posture, for a moment, they suddenly recalled the scene when they were underwater of the great lake.    


When she thought of the time when they were underwater, the feeling of their lips touching made her feel dizzy.    


"What happened to me?"    


In a short while, Gao Cuilan had actually entered into an inexplicable fantasy for a young girl.    


"Awoo —!"    


Suddenly, a scream was heard.    


At this time, Gao Cuilan had just recovered from her reverie as a young girl.    


She immediately looked in the direction of the scream, only to see that Tian Jian's sword had pierced into the heart of a big blood red fox.    


"Puff —!"    


After Tian Jian pulled out his sword, a blood arrow shot out from the location of the big red fox's heart.    


Aowu …    


As the wails of the big blood-red fox became weaker and weaker, it was clear that it would not be able to live for long.    




Sure enough, a moment later, the blood-red fox fell to the ground.    


Gao Cuilan was very smart. Although when Tian Jian assassinated the big blood red fox, she was still immersed in her young girl's fantasies, but when she saw the situation, she could guess a little.    


"Senior Brother, you're really smart. Seeing that it was difficult to kill these five blood-red foxes in such a short time, you thought of taking advantage of the small space in the forest and the dense forest to make the coordination of these five red foxes not as easy as it was in the past."    


"After Senior Brother Tian Jian killed this blood-red fox, the final result is naturally self-evident!"    


Sure enough, as Gao Cuilan had expected, these four remaining blood red big foxes, in a situation where they were missing a big fox's help, no longer had the strength to continue fighting against Tian Jian.    




"Awoo —!"    




"Awoo —!"    





Following the sound of a sword stabbing into flesh, a miserable scream could be heard.    


Before long, following four mournful wails that slowly fell, these five big red foxes also died one after another under Tian Jian's sword.    


"Senior Brother, you're so strong!"    


Seeing Tian Jian walking out of the forest after taking the Beast Core, Gao Cuilan immediately said with a fake smile.    


"Of course, your Senior Brother Tian Jian's godly skills are unparalleled. How could these five insignificant foxes be able to get hold of you, Senior Brother?" Tian Jian grinned, and boasted with his thick skin.    


"Yes, yes, yes. How could five little foxes have trouble getting you, Senior Brother!?" It was only to make Senior Brother run into the forest in a sorry state! " Gao Cuilan was in a good mood as he started a joke with Tian Jian.    


"Hee hee ~ ~ ~!"    


Tian Jian laughed heartily: "And this was seen through by Junior Sister!"    


"Senior Apprentice Brother, how can I not understand you?"    


"Then what is senior brother capable of?"    


"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!"    




"Isn't there really such a thing as a fake one?"    




Thus, the two of them continued to tease each other as they walked towards the foot of Southern Fox Mountain.    


"Who is it?" "He actually dares to barge into Southern Fox Mountain!"    


"Hehe, why wouldn't I dare to challenge this Southern Fox Mountain?"    


A young man with a handsome face and a tall figure walked out of the dense forest with an incomparably beautiful young girl.    


"Humph!" What big words you have there! "    


The person who had just asked the question immediately snorted coldly.    


"You four are the four little foxes from the Southern Fox Mountain, right?"    


That tall and handsome young man and elegant young girl were naturally Tian Jian and Gao Cuilan.    


After Tian Jian killed the five big, blood-red foxes, he followed the dense forest and headed towards the foot of the Southern Fox Mountain. After he walked for half a li, he saw the four small foxes who were hurriedly heading towards him.    


"Hey!" How do you know the names of the four of us? "    


Among these four people, one of them who seemed like the boss of the four asked in disbelief.    


"This!" "Forgive me for not being able to tell you!"    


"In any case, whether you say it or not, you will die by our hands in the end. However, you little girl, you can consider staying to serve me!"    


That person who looked like the boss suddenly had a glint in his eyes, as though he had seen a treasure, he lewdly looked at Gao Cuilan who was beside Tian Jian.    


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