Only Sword Immortal

C331 Submergeddivision

C331 Submergeddivision

0"Then who will stay until the end? Then who will be the first to lure the puppets away? " Cao Tian Sect felt that Tian Jian's idea was not bad.    


"The three of us have never seen Xiao Lan before, so the person who was left last is naturally Junior Brother Tian Jian!" Li Qingyu said without thinking.    


"Then who will be the first to lure the puppets away?" Zhao Xiangshan asked again.    


"Then let me, senior, arrange the order of appearance!"    


"Good!" Senior Brother Qingyu, you can arrange it! "    


Li Qingyu then said: "The ones in charge of luring the puppets away is me, the first is senior brother, the second is junior brother Tian Clan, and the third is junior brother Xiang Shan! Hopefully there will not be a fourth! "    


"Good!" Just do as Senior Brother Qingyu says! " Tian Jian and the other two nodded in agreement.    


After they had finished their discussion, the last group of four, Song Ziqian and the other three, also came to meet up with them.    


"Sir Tian Jian! Sir Tian Jian... "    


When Huang Mengman saw Tian Jian from far away, he shouted out with glee.    


"Is it that exciting to see him?" Li Leng'an looked at it and muttered in his heart in jealousy.    


"I'm more excited than if I saw you! And it would be a lot more exciting! " After Huang Mengman heard this, he immediately told Li Leng'an.    


"Ha ha!"    


Song Ziqiang and Zhao Fufeng looked at the two of them. They had been quarreling with each other from time to time. Who knew how many times they had laughed to such an extent?    


"Much more excited!" Can you get excited in bed? " Li Leng'an retorted back with ill intentions.    


"You … You... Dirty, dirty! " Huang Mengman was so angry at Li Leng'an that he started to stutter.    


"Junior Brother Leng'an, we consider ourselves to be part of the righteous sects, you can't say such words!" Song Ziqian immediately reprimanded Li Leng'an.    


"Yes!" Senior brother Zi Kui, I know I was wrong! "    


Seeing Song Ziqian's reprimand, Li Leng'an knew clearly in his heart that these words could not be said casually within the Heavenly Immortal City disciples of his, and immediately had a look of acceptance.    


"Junior Brother Zi Kui, you guys are here!" Have you met any poison beasts along the way? " Li Qingyu looked at the four people who were walking towards them and asked Song Ziqiang.    


"Reporting to Senior Brother Qingyu, our journey has been relatively smooth, and we have not encountered any poison beasts. I believe the four seniors helped us handle these poison beasts in advance!" Song Zi Kui immediately answered.    


"Since the four of you are already here, senior brother will tell you all about the plan that we have discussed tonight!"    


"Good!" Senior Brother Qingyu, please speak! "    


Thus, Li Qingyu explained the plan that the four of them had discussed earlier to the other four.    


"Then don't the four of us have a mission?"    


After Huang Mengman finished listening to Li Qingyu's narration, it was as if no one had anything to do with the four of them.    


"The four of you should just support us. After the four of us enter the Tong Clan Division, you four can support us on the wall at any time! I'm waiting for the best opportunity to make my move! "    


"If the time is right, we can destroy this tiller in one fell swoop!"    


"Yes!" Senior Brother Qingyu! "    


He had to go.    


Around midnight, after Tian Jian and the rest changed into a set of dark gray night walking clothes, they looked at each other and nodded their heads. With a slight movement of their feet, they started to move towards the direction of the Earth Immortal Tong Clan.    


The four of them had been painstakingly training in the Heavenly Immortal Mountain for dozens of years.    


Under the faint yellow moonlight, the four of them were like smoke. In just a moment, they were already close to the Earth Immortal Tong Clan division.    


Meanwhile, the Earthly Immortal Tong Clan was divided into three branches, and the towering pavilion was erected amidst the dim yellow moonlight.    


In less than a moment, the four of them had arrived at the side wall of the Earth Immortal Tong Clan Division.    


Tian Jian and the other three flipped up from the most secretive side of the wall, all four climbed up to the top of the wall, only to see a huge division of the wall, actually pitch black with no lights, it was completely silent!    


Tian Jian and the rest of the four looked at each other, then flipped over and quietly entered the Earth Immortal's Tong Clan division.    


The Earthly Immortal Tong Clan was divided into several kilometers of land, the interior was vast, and the paths were complex.    


The door to the Earthly Immortal Stage was dozens of feet high. On both sides of the door, there were statues of dozens of feet high tigers. These statues were made entirely out of translucent white rock, and their expressions were incomparably fierce.    


And at the place where Tian Jian and the rest of the four climbed over the wall, there were ten different tunnels that led to various parts of the Earth Immortal Tong Clan division.    


Tian Jian followed Tong Meitong's instructions and chose the first passage on the right. The wide passage was about three to four Zhang wide and the ground was engraved with patterns similar to that of ferocious tigers.    


Tian Jian knew from Tong Meitong's words that although the division seemed to be unprepared on the surface, there were actually puppets patrolling everywhere.    


As for the puppets, once they discovered that there was movement, there would be a set pattern to their patrols and they wouldn't head in the same direction.    


After all, these puppets didn't know how to speak, and so long as they didn't cause too much of a commotion, the other puppets wouldn't be able to detect their presence at the moment.    


Tian Jian and the others all knew in their hearts that although this place looked like a place where the patrolling would be relaxed, the puppets would not be so easily hidden.    


Therefore, Tian Jian used the method of throwing stones to ask for directions, and threw a rock not far away.    




After Tian Jian threw the stone out, after it landed on the ground and made a light, crisp sound, the four carefully looked at it and did not discover anything strange in front of them.    


Thus, the four of them quickly headed towards the direction of the stone in front of them.    


After the four of them walked for several meters, Tian Jian threw out another stone just like before.    


When the stone dropped to the ground and they didn't discover any reaction from the front, the four quickly rushed forward.    



Just as Tian Jian and the rest of the four were rushing forward, they did not see a sound after the third attempt,.    


"Ta ta ta ~ ~ ~!"    


Suddenly, the four of them heard a series of orderly footsteps that rapidly approached the four of them.    


"Not good, we were still discovered by them!" Cao Tianmen could not help but inwardly curse.    


"My three junior brothers, don't move. Senior brother will lead them away!"    


As Li Qingyu spoke, he unhesitatingly headed in the other direction. And when he was heading in the other direction, he deliberately made his footsteps sound very loud.    


Following that, Tian Jian and the other two, who were hiding in the dark, heard the orderly sounds of footsteps and immediately turned towards the direction in which Li Qingyu had flown.    


When Li Qingyu had just flown out, not far away, perhaps he had alarmed the guarding Tong Clan member in this area.    


"Swoosh swoosh!"    


Following that, from the windows on the other side of the stairs and on the left, two intense lights suddenly shot out towards Li Qingyu.    


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