Only Sword Immortal

C1837 View along river

C1837 View along river

0"Your master has too many considerations, and the two of you have too many considerations. As long as I, Tian Jian, agree to it, I will definitely accomplish it with all my might!"    


Tian Jian had already guessed that the two people were good to him, all because they wanted him to do his best to help Zhao Family to recover the silver darts that they lost this time.    


Hearing that, excitement flashed across Bi'er and Xin'er's eyes, and they immediately asked: "Really?"    


Tian Jian nodded, and said: "It's true! I won't lie to you all! "    


Bi'er immediately laughed: "Since that's the case, then Sir Tian Jian, go back to the cabin and help us bring out the chairs!"    




After Tian Jian heard this, he pretended to sigh and said, "People nowadays like to bully honest people!"    


"Hee hee!"    


Xin'er looked at Tian Jian who was pretending to sigh and also giggled. "Sir Tian Jian, you should also help me arrange the table that Xin'er has brought out!"    


After Tian Jian heard this, he immediately pretended to be angry and said: "Ah, ah! Are the two of you teaming up to bully me? "    


Bi'er looked at Tian Jian who was pretending to be angry, and immediately pretended not to dare say anything: "Sir Tian Jian, how could we possibly dare to bully you! If the old master knows about this, we will be offended! "    


Tian Jian immediately said jokingly: "Alright, let's stop joking, Bi'er, help me call my junior sister here to eat something. Xin'er, bring the delicacies you guys made here!"    


"Understood, Sir Tian Jian!"    


Bi'er and Xin'er immediately acted as if they replied in agreement.    


As a result, under the meticulous care of Bi'er and Xin'er, Tian Jian and the others, the delicious food and good wine were continuously being eaten, causing Tian Jian to not even want to get down from the boat.    


However, after a few days of full speed searching, the large ship that Tian Jian was on was getting closer and closer to those robbers.    


"Brother, we've been searching like this for a few days now. Do you think we'll be able to find those robbers like this?"    


After a few days, Lin Yuzhu couldn't help but start to doubt whether or not they could actually track down those criminals who robbed darts and silver.    


After Zhao Jiafeng heard this, he could not help but doubt in his heart, "That's right! Brother Tian Jian, we have been travelling along the river for a few days already, but we did not find anything abnormal! "    


In the face of the doubt in Lin Yuzhu and Zhao Jiafeng's hearts, Tian Jian appeared to be extremely calm, and said: "Calm down, you two!"    


"Could it be that Brother Tian Jian has discovered an abnormality?"    


When Zhao Jiafeng saw Tian Jian's calm expression, he thought that Tian Jian had already seen something abnormal!    


Tian Jian immediately said: "I still can't see anything abnormal, but I heard from the Bi'er's mouth that in the vast forest nearby, there has always been a sect that built their family by robbing homes!"    




Hearing that, excitement flashed across Zhao Jiafeng's eyes, and he asked: "Could it be that brother you suspect that it was Tiger Wolf Gang that did this?"    


Tian Jian also did not dare to say with certainty: "Brother, I also do not dare to say with certainty! But recently, after knowing how Tiger Wolf Gang can be used to commit crimes, I, your brother, have such a thought! "    


Zhao Jiafeng had also heard about the modus operandi of Tiger Wolf Gang, and immediately exclaimed: "Un! After hearing what you just said, Brother Tian Jian, this truly does sound like a method to commit crimes using Tiger Wolf Gang! "    


But in Tian Jian's heart, he was still suspicious: "However, Tiger Wolf Gang does not extend to within the Three Lakes, so how did they know that Lang Wei Escort Office would take the escort team to Donghu City?"    


After Zhao Jiafeng heard this, he also said with doubt in his heart, "That's right! The Tiger Wolf Gang and the people of the three cities of the east, middle and west do not have any relationship, moreover, each of them have their own forces, so if they do not offend me, I will not offend them. Why would the Tiger Wolf Gang dare to have any thoughts on the Wolf's Might Escort Office? "    


Tian Jian couldn't help but guess in his heart: "Could it be that there's a spy in the 'Wolf's Might Escort Office'? It shouldn't be possible! After this incident, the Wolf's Might Escort Office was no longer in existence! That would not be any good for the traitor! "    


"Brother, perhaps it might not be someone from the Tiger Wolf Gang! Although Tiger Wolf Gang is made rich by robbing homes, it is still far from where the three cities of the Three Lakes are located. If they were to fail in our territory, it would be difficult for them to walk within the jurisdiction of the Three Lakes powers! "    


Hearing that, Tian Jian couldn't help but say: "Maybe not, maybe it's because we should look around their vicinity to see if there are any traces of heavy objects crushing the shore, then we can determine whether or not this is the result of Tiger Wolf Gang!"    




Hearing that, Zhao Jiafeng's eyes lit up again, "Yes! As long as we find traces of being crushed by heavy objects on the coast nearby, they will definitely be unable to escape us! "    


Tian Jian immediately said to Zhao Jiafeng, "Brother Zhao, go and instruct everyone to be on guard duty on both sides of the river. If they find any traces of heavy objects crushing the ground, report it immediately!"    


Zhao Jiafeng nodded in agreement, and said: "En! Bro, this is a good idea! I will immediately give the orders! "    


Following that, Zhao Jiafeng began to gather a hundred Zhao Family elites, and then instructed: "Brothers, we will now divide into three shifts to stand guard, and look around the vicinity to see if there are any traces of heavy objects crushing down!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Very quickly, Zhao Jiafeng had divided the shifts between the hundred people. The Zhao Family Elites who took turns to take turns on the first shift soon began to stand on the deck of the ship, looking towards the shore of the river carefully.    


Time passed by very quickly, and in a flash, another half a day had passed, but the people from the Zhao Family did not notice anything abnormal.    


Zhao Jiafeng, who had not discovered anything abnormal for a long time, could not help but ask Tian Jian somewhat anxiously, "Brother, could it be that our guess was wrong? Maybe it wasn't made with Tiger Wolf Gang? "    


Seeing the anxious Zhao Jiafeng, Tian Jian was not anxious at all: "Brother Zhao, don't be impatient. Since we have chosen to search along the river, if we don't find anything abnormal here, I'm afraid that if we try to look for him somewhere else, the difficulty will increase too!"    


Hearing that, Zhao Jiafeng also felt that what Tian Jian said was reasonable, and could not help but nod his head, and said: "Brother, you are right! "If we choose to go ashore now to investigate, I'm afraid we don't know which direction to go!"    


Tian Jian immediately added, "Moreover, if we don't continue searching along the river, perhaps we will stop halfway. Perhaps we are close to finding clues, but due to our impatience, we have missed the opportunity to find clues! "    


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