Everlasting Conceited Supreme



0"There are two people in total. It's enough for Young Master Xia to kill one person, but we can kill one more. That's perfect." Hoff opened his mouth and said, which attracted the nod of agreement from the others. Each of them wanted to kill the other so they didn't waste any time.    


Xia Junyou frowned, this group of people were too bold, he had already said that he would kill Sword of God Gemini alone, but these geniuses were still bargaining, not giving him any face at all.    


"There's no need for all of you to fight. Since you've stepped onto the Emperor's Cliff, everyone is going to die." Just then, Jian Feng's voice suddenly came out, making Xia Junyou, Hoff and the rest all turn to look at him.    


He wanted everyone to come at once, so his goal was to kill everyone at the same time. But, this was simply too whimsical and even Xia Junyou couldn't beat him, so how could he kill all of them?    


"Jian Luo!" Jian Feng ignored the doubtful looks of the crowd and suddenly shouted to Jian Luo.    


Under the suppression of the seven gods, Jian Luo felt like he was in a Purgatory, suffering greatly. Hearing Jian Feng call him, he immediately turned and looked towards Jian Feng, as if he understood what the other party was trying to say, and surprise and bewilderment flashed past his eyes.    


"Are you sure you want to use that move?"    


This move? Which move? When the spectators heard Jian Luo's words, they all revealed looks of surprise. Sword of God Gemini still had a trump card to play?    


"It's time to let everyone know our true ace in the hole!" Jian Feng said with certainty.    


"Alright!" Jian Luo fiercely nodded his head, then let out a roar, and the indestructible sword flew out into the air. At the same time, the iron sword in Jian Feng's hand, also flew out, and combined with the indestructible sword in midair.    


"Sword Truth, Annihilate!" Jian Feng and Jian Luo shouted at the same time, the two steel swords crossed each other, terrifying Sword Qi burst out, flying crazily in the sky.    


"A Heaven Tier Battle Skill!" The spectators all stared at the Sovereign King Cliff, feeling the intense killing intent emanating from the swords, their eyes were filled with terror.    


The combination of two swords, to actually use a heaven grade high grade battle skill, it was simply too terrifying. Even some experts that had stepped into the The Realm of Ruins for thousands of years might not even be able to master a battle skill of this level.    


A Heaven Tier Battle Skill, this was the highest grade battle skill that anyone had ever heard of. As for the Divine Tier Battle Skill at the very top, most people had never even heard of it before.    


Thus, a high level Heaven Tier Battle Skill was the strongest and the most extreme. Compared to a low level Heaven Tier Battle Skill, it was even more powerful!    


Now, the Sword of God Gemini had used a high grade Heaven Ranked battle skill, shocking everyone. With their cultivation, they should not have been able to use such a powerful battle skill.    


Xia Junyou, Hoff and the rest's face changed, a Heaven Tier High Ranked Battle Skill, this was a terrifying battle skill that they could not even touch, the killing intent that was emitted caused everyone to feel fear.    


"Hu Chi!"    


Xia Junyou moved his body, he quickly rushed towards Sword of God Gemini, his reaction was extremely fast, since the other party had used his Heaven Ranked Battle Skill, he could not sit still and wait for death, he had to make a move first.    


Hoff and the rest looked at Xia Junyou, their eyes were focused for a moment, as they considered their options.    


Boom boom boom!    


Sounds of explosions rang out as the space was torn apart by the tyrannical power. Hoff and the others also chose to take action.    


They had already climbed onto the Sovereign King's Cliff, and the other party had said that they wanted to kill all of them. Even if they did not make a move now, the Sword of God Gemini would not let them off, why not work together with Xia Junyou to kill them?    


"Great Grief Palm!" In a blink of an eye, Xia Junyou had already arrived in front of Sword of God Gemini.    


Hoff and the others also took action, using the lightest battle skills they could think of as they charged towards Sword of God Gemini at the same time.    


At this moment, the two swords intersected in the air as if they represented the pinnacle of Yin and Yang. After being combined, their power reached its peak.    


Just as Xia Junyou and the others were about to attack, a terrifying sword light that illuminated the world suddenly exploded from the twin swords. It was several hundred meters long, as though it was the power of heavenly punishment, it hacked down from the sky.    


"Everyone retreat!" The cultivators in the crowd all roared. The destruction of the Dao of the Sword was too terrifying. If this sword landed, everything within thousands of kilometers would be flattened. If everyone didn't retreat, their bodies would explode.    


The crowd did not dare to delay, and even without anyone reminding them, they could already see that the hundred zhang long sword light, like the power of heavenly retribution, was hacking down from above, possessing the terrifying power to destroy all living things in the world.    


A scene of a great escape suddenly appeared in the Scarlet Blood Land. Countless cultivators frantically retreated, their expressions full of fear.    


The Sword Truth, Destruction, was a terrifying Heaven Tier Battle Skill. To everyone's knowledge, it was the most powerful Battle Skill. The lethality of the technique also matched the level of the Battle Skill.    


That 1000 foot long sword light cut through the heavens and earth. It contained an astonishing energy. If it were to be affected, no one present had any confidence in being able to block it.    


Looking at the madly fleeing crowd, Jiang Feng and the others, who were still in the middle of the pavilion, did not make a single move.    


With Chou Tu here, he probably wouldn't let this attack spread to the pavilion. Even if it were to spread to the pavilion, Jiang Feng had the ability to rely on his own strength to block it. There was no need to escape.    


Zhan Tianqiong and Ji Lanyin had also yet to escape. As the top ten geniuses of the Heavenly Star Ranking, they had already grasped peerless forbidden techniques, so they had not reached the point of fleeing when facing Xia Junyou and the others who were battling with the Sword of God Gemini.    


Other than them, there were also a few others who did not move, but only a few.    


It was a group of older generation cultivators, only a few tens of them, their cultivation level was at the peak of the concealment. Even though it was a battle between the younger generation, they were also extremely interested in it.    


However, most of the others had fled in panic, afraid that they would be affected.    


The three hundred meter long sword light cut across the sky, pressuring down everything in the world, clashing directly with Xia Junyou's Grief Palm, Hoff and the others' attacks.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Like a clap of thunder, it shook everyone's eardrums, causing countless cultivators to cough up blood. The moment the sword beam descended, there was also a terrifying sword aura roaring, transforming into endless shockwaves that ruthlessly wreaked havoc in all directions.    


Some of the cultivators that were slow to escape were sucked into the sword qi in an instant, their bodies being pierced through and exploded in the air. As for those who were not killed, they were sent flying by the destructive power of the way of the sword as if they had been struck by beasts.    


The originally densely packed crowd within a thirty thousand meter radius of the Sovereign King Cliff suddenly became incomparably spacious. Only a small number of people were left standing on the same spot.    


Jiang Feng and the rest who were in the pavilion were safe and sound, Chou Tu had made his last move, with a wave of his hand, he blocked the Sword Qi, and was unable to hurt them at all.    


In the surrounding lands, some of the older generation cultivators who had reached the peak of the concealment were not killed, but their faces were still a little pale. Facing the might of a heaven class battle skill, even they would find it difficult to resist.    


Jiang Feng's eyes swept across the area, and immediately fixed on a spot, his eyes revealing a look of shock.    


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