Everlasting Conceited Supreme



0This' great An 'wasn't here to capture sea creatures like fish and prawns. He was here to capture some rare treasures that were basically used to refine medicinal pills. Their value was much greater than that of sea creatures like fish and prawns.    


As for the method of capture, it was to fly about 150 feet above the sea. Using his eyes to observe, after he aimed, he suddenly threw down a special fishing hook and caught the rare treasure under the sea.    


Jiang Feng was amazed at first. He thought that Da An used astrology s or some kind of technique to penetrate the ocean to observe and then shake the hook.    


But in reality, that was not the case. He was using his own eyes to look at it. This could also be considered a special skill. If he was doing this sort of work in his year in the Divine Sea, it would be extremely difficult for him to learn it.    


There are rare treasures and they have a spirit. When the time is fixed, they will float up to the surface to breathe, and this is a good time to strike. Moreover, these rare treasures will emit a kind of energy when exposed to the sunlight.    


Perhaps it was just too lonely. It was so difficult to have a companion, so his mouth never closed from the beginning till now.    


According to the method that Da An mentioned, Jiang Feng quickly grasped a bit of a technique. Although it could not be said that it did not work, he could still get hit once every three tries.    


Seeing one treasure after another pulled out from the ocean, Jiang Feng also felt a sense of satisfaction.    


Of course, he didn't want to be a free laborer. While chatting with Big Ann to see if he could get any information from her, he kept his eye on the big ships in the distance.    


Those boats were all controlled by the cultivators from the Brilliant Wind Land. Jiang Feng roughly counted, there were a total of eight ships.    


Eight large ships, each with more than a hundred cultivators on board. This was not a small lineup.    


However, according to the Great An, some of the cultivators on top weren't from the Brilliant Land, but rather mercenaries recruited from the local area.    


"Those people specialize in this sort of work. It's said that they can give me one immortal crystal a day. Honestly, I want to go as well, but I'm afraid my cultivation is too low." Da An said dejectedly, his eyes full of envy.    


One immortal crystal a day, this was indeed a very generous move. Jiang Feng was an inner sect disciple in the Spirit Abyss Sect, and every month, he would only get ten immortal crystals, it would be better for him to come out and work hard. From the looks of it, the Spirit Abyss Sect was completely a landowner, exploiting their disciples.    


In the blink of an eye, it was night. Before the sunset completely fell on the ocean surface, Da An put away his hook and wanted to bring Jiang Feng to rest.    


The resting area was located on an island in the sea. It was only a few hundred feet wide, and there were many coconut trees growing on it. There was also a small forest, as well as some messy rocks.    


"Why don't we buy a smaller boat when we take a break on these islands every time we go to sea?" Jiang Feng asked.    


How can I afford it? Even if it's a small boat, it has to draw a complete immortal pattern array, its value is more than a hundred times more expensive than a normal paddle boat, moreover, this type of boat needs immortal crystals to drive. Just driving it once already requires several immortal crystals, and it's also very fast, so my family is unable to afford it. Big An shook his head. He would never dare to think about it in his life.    


"Are those treasures you picked really that worthless?" Jiang Feng asked.    


I sold all the treasures I obtained after going out to sea for a month, but it was only a few hundred thousand crystals." I went out to sea for a month, and all the treasures I acquired, it was only a few hundred thousand crystals. Da An said dejectedly.    


"You work so hard, don't you think you're wasting your training?" Jiang Feng asked in confusion, although he knew, in Nine Heavens Immortal World, not everyone had a high cultivation, and there were still a large number of normal people, but in such an unique environment, there should not be a need to pursue martial arts cultivation.    


"With my physique and talent, it's difficult for me to develop in my cultivation. I only hope to earn more money to cure my mother's illness and accompany her for a few more years." Big An said with a depressed tone.    


"So that's how it is." Jiang Feng nodded his head, he finally understood why it was so tough for Da An, he did not say anything, after all everyone had their own aspirations, and the road under their feet was different. He was destined not to get too close with Da An, and capturing treasures with him was only because of the protection of the array, he had no choice but to wait.    


It wasn't the first time that Da An came to the island, but he was very familiar with the route. He brought Jiang Feng to an empty area, where there were traces of a bonfire and some animal bones on the ground.    


"Wait a moment, I'll go pick some coconuts." With that, Big An left immediately.    


Jiang Feng had nothing better to do, he gathered some firewood and used the Devouring Flame to light it up, immediately burning it up.    


Just when he was done with his work, Big An eagerly returned. He opened his storage ring and dropped out a dozen coconuts.    


He then took out a small knife and cut a small hole in the coconut with great experience. He then handed one to Jiang Feng and started to drink happily.    


After resting for a while, Big An opened his tattered storage ring and retrieved a few sea creatures.    


There were several meters long prawns, ten or so kilograms of oysters, and a piece of bright red dragon meat ?    


He happily placed it on the bonfire and started roasting. After a while, the juices splattered everywhere and the fragrance of meat wafted in the air.    


Jiang Feng was not stingy either, he took out the wine he got from Fragrant Storey City and leisurely ate it with the big piece of seafood.    


The sun set quickly, and yet another group of people began to arrive on the island.    


It was obvious that Big An and those other people knew each other. They greeted each other one by one, and in the end, everyone gathered together. They took out some food ingredients and began to eat and drink merrily.    


However, not long after, everyone stopped chatting and looked at the sea in the distance. They saw a huge monster heading toward the island's reef.    


"It's a ship piloted by a cultivator from the Brilliant Wind Land." Someone said in a serious tone.    


"What are they doing here?" Big An said, looking uneasy.    


Logically speaking, these large ships should have all sorts of things, so they shouldn't need to rest on the island as well.    


Jiang Feng glanced at them and everyone became nervous, afraid that there would be a fatal disaster.    


The large ship was like a monster as it moved quickly and quickly approached the island. The waves that surged out raised up to a dozen feet high, ferociously smashing against the island and releasing waves of rumbling sounds.    


Jiang Feng and the rest, all of their gazes were fixed on the ship. In the blink of an eye, the ship came to a stop and a few cultivators alighted from it.    


One of them was an old man wearing a silk robe with a gloomy expression. With his hands behind his back, he walked straight towards Jiang Feng and the rest.    


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