Housemaid Knocks at My Door at Night



0Chen Shan was coming over tomorrow, why would he enter the city?    


If he were to be discovered, it was easy to imagine Chen Shan's fury.    


Han Qian shuddered when she thought of that frightening scene.    


Although nothing had happened between her and Zhao Bin, she definitely couldn't let Chen Shan know!    


"Your husband is coming over?"    


He had made Zhao Bingkong happy last night, and his husband was still coming to visit ? Han Qian was also very nervous. Would Zhao Bin be angry?    


She was confused herself, swaying between the two men, not knowing what to do.    


"Come on."    


On second thought, Zhao Bin thought it was just right that he came. Perhaps he could take the opportunity to lay his cards on the table. Han Qian was such a good woman, how could he, a man who cheated, be worthy of her?    


Chen Shan was about to arrive, and Han Qian's mind was becoming more and more chaotic.    


At noon, Chen Shan arrived, carrying a big bag and a small bag of food for Han Qian.    


Han Qian did not know what to feel in her heart, but she quickly made Chen Shan sit down to drink a glass of water.    


Chen Shan looked around the luxurious villa and inwardly exclaimed how rich he really was!    


Having not seen his daughter-in-law for over two months, Chen Shan was getting restless. Han Qian's snow-white skin and her perfectly round bottom had appeared who knows how many times in his dreams.    


There was no helping it, he was also a normal man and naturally had strong demands.    


The couple warmed up for a while, then dragged Han Qian into the bedroom.    


After last night's incident, she did not know how to face Chen Shan. The guilt in her heart tormented her. When Han Qian saw Chen Shan painstakingly carrying so much food for her and showing her warmth, the guilt in her heart grew even stronger.    


Chen Shan hugged Han Qian, pouted and kissed her, but Han Qian rejected him on the grounds that she wasn't feeling well.    


He looked disappointed and glum. When he saw Zhao Bin, Chen Shan was puzzled.    


His wife had been with a single man for more than two months?    


And it even became so beautiful ? Chen Shan wasn't stupid, so he paid more attention.    


Fortunately, Zhao Bin had restrained himself quite a bit. However, this didn't dispel Chen Shan's doubts.    


Zhao Bin knew that as long as his performance was normal, Chen Shan would naturally think about it.    


Han Qian felt that this was perhaps the most embarrassing meal she had ever had. Chen Shan and Zhao Bin sat on either side of her, so as to not let Chen Shan see anything, she could only bite the bullet and continuously feed him.    


As he ate, he suddenly felt a pair of hands on his legs.    


She was very nervous and quickly gave Zhao Bin a wink. How could Zhao Bin be so daring when her husband was beside her!    


However, Zhao Bin didn't seem to notice as he continued to move his hand up and down Han Qian's thigh. The skin on his leg was as white and tender as tofu, making him unable to let go.    


Han Qian was so nervous that her back tensed up. She kept looking at Chen Shan from the corner of her eyes, afraid that he would notice something amiss.    


Zhao Bin's hands became more and more impudent, causing Han Qian's body to involuntarily feel numb.    


"Ugh ?"    


She blushed and let out a soft moan.    


"What's wrong, daughter-in-law?"    


"I'm fine ?" "It's a bit uncomfortable."    


Han Qian tried her best to calm her expression, suppressing her desire to moan. If Chen Shan were to see what was happening under the table, Han Qian wouldn't even dare to believe what was happening.    


She looked at Zhao Bin for help, hoping that he would stop as soon as possible. However, Zhao Bin turned a blind eye to her request.    


The two hands that were moving between her legs gave Han Qian an unavoidable feeling. She subconsciously clamped her legs tightly together and silently rubbed them together.    


Shame and an intense feeling of taboo lingered in her heart, making her feel even more agitated. The corners of Han Qian's eyes reddened, she really wanted to shout out loud.    


Maybe I really am a bad woman, my husband is by my side, and she is being caressed by another man... The more he thought about it, the stronger the thrill became.    


Taking advantage of Chen Shan's lack of attention, Han Qian would swing her hair in her chair, hoping for more comfort.    


Seeing the spring in the corner of Han Qian's eyes, Zhao Bin knew that she had fallen in love and felt proud of himself.    


Doing this under the nose of Han Qian's husband also made him very excited.    


Chen Shan had no idea that his virtuous and gentle wife was being caressed by another man under the table.    


Chen Shan was the only one left at the table, yet he was still focused on eating. Zhao Bin thought to himself that it would be more exciting ?    


Just as Zhao Bin was about to reach into Han Qian's dress, Chen Shan suddenly called out, "Wifey, help me cook some food."    


Han Qian was surprised for a moment before she hurriedly stood up to fill Chen Shan's bowl with food.    


After dinner that night, Chen Shan stayed at Zhao Bin's house after Zhao Bin's repeated attempts to persuade him to stay.    


He thought it would be better if he stayed in a small hotel with thirty pieces, and he could get bored with his wife.    


Han Qian looked at Chen Shan who was lying on the bed. She opened her mouth several times, but it seemed like she had thoroughly asked about the matter between him and Li Chunxiu.    


Right now, her heart was already leaning towards Zhao Bin. If it wasn't for Chen Shan's sudden appearance, she and Zhao Bin ? Han Qian's mind was in a mess. She wanted to get to the bottom of this and thoroughly explain the situation to Chen Shan, but she was reluctant to do so.    


In her extremely conflicted mood, Han Qian lay down gloomily. Chen Shan came over and rubbed her fleshy body, wanting to ask for a hug, but was rejected by Han Qian on the grounds that her body wasn't feeling well.    


Chen Shan soon started snoring, and Han Qian suddenly received a message from Zhao Bin.    



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