Housemaid Knocks at My Door at Night



0The black silk undergarment was conjoined, and its upper body was tightly bound, making Han Qian even more plump; her slim waist and perky peaches' buttocks could be seen from a panoramic view.    


It was the first time Han Qian wore such thin black silk, so she was a bit shy.    


Han Qian stood in front of the mirror and looked around, looking pleased and shy. This is too exposed ? Her full, beautiful hair was exposed to the world. In the middle, there was a thin thread tied tightly to it. It revealed a sense of flesh, making people want to touch it with their hands.    


I wonder if Zhao Bin will like it ? When she thought of Zhao Bin's passionate, infatuated gaze, Han Qian actually had some anticipation in her heart.    


That night, when Zhao Bin returned home from work, his eyes lit up when he saw Han Qian.    


The sexy black threads danced in front of his eyes, causing Zhao Bin to subconsciously swallow his saliva.    


If he wasn't mistaken, that was an underwear? I've never seen one before, could it be that Han Qian bought it herself ?    


Last time, Zhao Bin had wanted to see Han Qian wear her sexy underwear, and had grinded it for a long time. But now, Han Qian had taken the initiative to wear her sexy underwear to lure him.    


Zhao Bin's heart thumped wildly. The heavens had finally favored him. Han Qian had finally been enlightened?    


He stared at Han Qian's alluring body, his desire rising bit by bit.    


Zhao Bin approached Han Qian, who had long since grown nervous under his fiery gaze. As she imagined what would happen next, she actually felt a slight numbing sensation in her body.    


Zhao Bin pulled Han Qian into his embrace, "Little Qian, did you intentionally wear it for me to see?"    


Han Qian's face reddened, but she did not refute him.    


Zhao Bin was overjoyed and extremely excited. However, he told himself not to be impatient.    


Must let Han Qian have the best experience, let her be unable to leave him after once.    


He put his arm around Han Qian's limp body and led her to the bedroom.    


When they arrived at the bedroom, Han Qian had already fallen into Zhao Bin's arms like a pool of spring water.    


Her body was very hot, and the emptiness burned even more vigorously. It was even harder to endure than before.    


"Ah ?"    


Han Qian raised her white and beautiful neck and cried out.    


Han Qian's snow-white legs wrapped around Zhao Bin's strong waist, and her face was filled with longing.    


This time, their emotions and desires intertwined. The strong stimulation made Han Qian completely lose her rationality.    


What morality, what bottom line, they had become insignificant in the fiery atmosphere.    


It was also the first time that Zhao Bin had seen Han Qian act so enthusiastically, which made him even more excited.    


When Zhao Bin's hand reached into Han Qian's skirt, Han Qian subconsciously held his hand. The two of them looked at each other in dismay, both feeling a little awkward.    


Although she was burning with desire, when it really came to her, Han Qian was still nervous and afraid at the same time.    


She kept asking herself, Is this right?    


Chen Shan's honest face and Zhao Bin's affectionate eyes constantly flashed in front of her eyes. Han Qian thought about how Zhao Bin had treated her so well that day and the scene of him saving her without any hesitation ?    


In any case, Chen Shan didn't cherish her any more. Zhao Bin treated her so well that it was difficult for her not to be attracted.    


Finally, Han Qian gritted her teeth and let go.    


Having obtained permission, Zhao Bin started to move crazily and boldly.    


"Mm ?"    


Han Qian couldn't help but straighten her back as a strong feeling of numbness assaulted her. A feeling of taboo lingered in her heart, making the excitement even more intense.    


A tormenting emptiness rose up between her legs. However, Zhao Bin was gradually increasing, making it impossible for her to ask for more. The desire in her heart gradually increased.    


Han Qian really hoped that Zhao Bin would barge into her body right now and let her be completely satisfied with the result.    


The two of them were like dry firewood, burning upon contact.    


Zhao Bin was eager to give it a try. He was so excited that he wanted to shout three times. He was finally going to enter this place that he yearned for in his dreams!    


When he thought of the ecstasy that he would feel, Zhao Bin felt as if all the blood in his body was going to burst out.    


Han Qian was also very nervous.    


At this moment, Han Qian's cell phone on the table rang.    


Startled, Han Qian stood up to take it. Zhao Bin rubbed against her and said hoarsely, "Don't ?"    


Han Qian immediately fell back down to the ground under Zhao Bin, lost in her emotions.    


The phone rang more and more urgently. In the end, Han Qian had no other choice but to push Zhao Bin away and pick up the phone.    


When she saw the caller ID, Han Qian's heart skipped a beat.    


"My wife, why haven't you answered the phone in such a long time?"    


Hearing Chen Shan's voice, Han Qian was actually a little nervous. "H-why are you calling me so late?"    


Chen Shan smiled good-naturedly. "I'll enter the city tomorrow, it's just the right time for me to visit you."    


What was Chen Shan doing in the city? Of course, she didn't want Chen Shan to come over now, but before she could stop him, Chen Shan had already hung up.    


After putting down the phone, Han Qian recalled everything that had just happened, and her mind went blank.    


Chen Shan's sudden call had disturbed Han Qian's thoughts, causing her to gradually feel guilty.    


She and Zhao Bin ? Han Qian silently cursed herself, how could he be so irrational!    



Zhao Bin couldn't wait to carry Han Qian and continue, but Han Qian was already in no mood. Her mind was full of the things Chen Shan was coming over to do tomorrow.    


She found a random excuse to go back to her room and lay on her bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.    


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