Housemaid Knocks at My Door at Night



0Han Qian was shocked. She thought that she had been seen, but soon realized that Zhao Bin had closed his eyes.    


Zhao Bin faced Han Qian. With just a single glance, Han Qian's face turned even redder.    


Han Qian felt that she must have been possessed. She should have immediately turned around and left. However, her eyes were fixed on Zhao Bin's hand. Her body felt as if it was heating up.    


As the man became more and more addicted, Han Qian's breathing also became disorderly.    


She couldn't help but wonder why Zhao Bin took so long ?    


Zhao Bin's movements were getting faster and faster. It was obvious that he was about to reach the peak of his abilities.    


With a low growl, Zhao Bin brought Han Qian back to her senses and ran back into the room with a blush on her face.    


When she returned to her room, Han Qian's mind was still filled with the scenes from the bathroom, as well as ? She shook her head, and the scene became more and more clear in her mind.    


Lying on the bed, Han Qian tightly gripped her legs. She still felt unsatisfied, so she simply reached her hands into her underwear.    


A numbing feeling came over her, and Han Qian hummed softly.    


Because of the stimulation from the previous scene, it didn't take long for Han Qian's body to tremble and become wet.    


She rested for a while, blushing as she changed the sheets. After the incident, she calmed down and thought back to her previous indulgent look. Han Qian was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.    


The last time she saw Zhao Bin using her undergarments, she was so flustered that she wanted to resign. But this time, she actually looked at him for a long time and even imagined him comforting her.    


Shame returned to her heart, and Han Qian reminded herself that she must control herself and not do such a thing again.    


The next day, Han Qian was in the middle of preparing dinner. Her movements back and forth caused the hem of her nightgown to slightly rise up. Unconsciously, it was stuck at the edge of her undergarment, revealing half of her perky beautiful hair.    


The white mass was like a piece of smooth tofu. When Zhao Bin saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel it.    


Zhao Bin realized that as long as he was in the same room as Han Qian, he wouldn't be able to suppress the throbbing in his heart.    


After the two of them had their meal, they sat on the sofa and watched TV. As they approached Zhao Bin, Han Qian thought back to last night. Her mind was filled with wild scenes.    


He felt embarrassed in his heart. He clearly wasn't such a carefree person. How could he have become like this the moment he got close to Zhao Bin?    


Zhao Bin was caught off guard as they got closer to each other. Han Qian's heart skipped a beat.    


"Little Qian, you're so white."    


Zhao Bin said in fascination as he placed his hand on Han Qian's leg.    


Han Qian's body trembled slightly, but she did not move away. This undoubtedly gave Zhao Bin a pass and started to slowly stroke Han Qian's body.    


"You are so beautiful. A man that can marry you is truly fortunate."    


Last night, when he was watched by Han Qian, Zhao Bin was very excited and pleased. He felt that the distance between him and Han Qian was getting closer and closer. The moment he saw Han Qian, he couldn't help but feel itchy and restless.    


In just a short period of time, several methods to make Han Qian's body go soft had already flashed through Zhao Bin's mind.    


He probed with his hands, moving them between his legs.    


Han Qian said shyly, "Brother Zhao, it's not as good as you say ?"    


Hearing Zhao Bin's praise, Han Qian was very happy.    


The hand Zhao Bin had on her leg made Han Qian very nervous. When Zhao Bin's hand was about to reach in, Han Qian twisted her sexy body and moaned, "Brother Zhao, don't be like this ?"    


A strange feeling of numbness came over him from Zhao Bin's touch. If this continued, Han Qian would no longer be like him.    


Zhao Bin's hand paused for a moment, "Little Qian, you are too sexy. I can't hold back any longer. Do you really not like what I did to you? "    


Han Qian didn't know how to respond to Zhao Bin's words, but her reaction didn't fool anyone.    


The atmosphere between the two of them became even hotter. Han Qian felt the numbing sensation that had been doubled as tears welled up in her eyes.    


"Ugh ?"    


Finally, she couldn't help but let out a soft cry, causing Zhao Bin's blood to boil.    


Did Han Qian feel it too? Zhao Bin excitedly thought, and the movements of his hands became even bolder.    


As she caressed Han Qian's tender white thighs, her body slowly moved closer to Han Qian, sticking close to her small ears and emitting a scorching aura.    


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