Security Guard’s Romance



0Facing Han Ergou's emotions, Huang Xing felt helpless.    


Huang Xing was not afraid of a fight. Although Han Ergou was born a special soldier, he did have some skills. However, Huang Xing self-taught himself and grew, and was not inferior to him in actual combat.    


However, Han Ergou was fuming, this was no longer a simple sparring, it was a battle of Dou Qi.    


This kind of battle could not be fought.    


Therefore, Huang Xing laughed, and threw a cigarette towards Han Ergou from afar, and said: "Alright, Ergou, don't be so bored. If you want to fight, I'll play with you another day. Not today. "    


However, Han Ergou threw the cigarette to the side: "No, today is the day!"    


Huang Xing sighed and said reluctantly, "Alright, you've won. I admit defeat. "    


Han Ergou tensed up: "We can't just surrender, we have to fight!"    


Huang Xing stressed: "Definitely not."    


Han Ergou threatened Huang Xing: "If you don't want to fight with me, alright, I will resign tomorrow! I don't want to work with a coward! "    


He was even threatening me? Huang Xing felt that it was kind of funny, and after walking a few steps, he walked in front of Han Ergou and said righteously, "I don't object! If you really don't want to do it, you can go. I didn't force you. But I must tell you this, Han Ergou, Xin Meng Merchant House has left you and it has no effect at all. I want you to do something, but you will pay me back for it! And you still want to fight with me here! And you're threatening me with your resignation! You're overestimating your own strength! Look at you, what are you now? What did it look like!? If he didn't even have the ability to control his emotions, how could he accomplish anything big? How could he be looked down upon by Liu Erni? "Tell me, I despise you even now!"    


Huang Xing hated the fact that he could not make it, so he could only use this kind of method to make him more clear-headed.    


Han Ergou clenched his teeth and said: "Then what you mean is, you advised me to come here as a security guard just to use me as a foil to your great glory? You're the general manager, and I'm your security guard, right? "    


Huang Xing emphasized angrily: "You can understand it that way, but I don't. I won't stop you. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. I was f * cking wrong, taking you as a brother. Other than knowing a bit of martial arts, what else can you do? Do you have a brain? Do you know that not only am I your childhood friend, I also treat you as a relative? But I'm also your boss! Your leader! If you can't even differentiate between these two, then you, Han Ergou, are mentally impaired! What's the use of having well-developed limbs? It could be eaten as food? Can you get a good job? You are only fit to work hard! No, you might as well be a labourer. At the very least, they are not as arrogant and ignorant as you! "    


Being scolded by Huang Xing in this way, Han Ergou seemed to have realized something.    


However, he was still unwilling.    


Han Ergou shook his head, and continued to persevere: "I just want to fight with you, the inside of my body is currently suffering, on the verge of exploding. After the explosion, you can do whatever you want with it. This time, I want to fight you! "    


Huang Xing raised his head, and said with a stern voice: "You're holding yourself back, right? If the Er nier doesn't accept you, you won't be able to take it, right? Go, go, hit the wall! There are trees there, telegraph poles there, go fight to vent. I, Huang Xing, am not your target, not someone who can help you vent your anger! "    


Han Ergou's cheeks shook violently a few times.    


Then he actually walked under a tree in silence, and as if he had gone mad, he swung his fist and hit the tree trunk.    


The tree, which was thicker than the mouth of a bowl, swayed under his abuse, and a few yellowish leaves fell to the ground.    


Huang Xing moved closer and supported his shoulder from behind.    


Han Ergou stopped moving and looked at Huang Xing with teary eyes.    


"Huang Xing saw that his hand was bleeding profusely. Are you feeling better? "Let's go and bandage them up."    


"What the heck?" Han Ergou seemed to not feel any pain at all. "That's enough, you can go now."    


He had just berated Han Ergou and made him vent his emotions onto a tree. Of course, Huang Xing couldn't keep using forceful methods. As a result, he eased up his expression and said: "Don't abuse the tree anymore. Although the tree won't scream out for pain, it still has life. Of course, don't abuse yourself. How can there be so many pleasures in a person's life? Face the setback and face the future bravely. That's what you need to do. I was a security guard a few years ago. Within a day, my wife cheated and my boss fired. Do you know what I think? I'm the opposite of you! Yes, I cried and shouted, but I would not be angry with others like you, much less give up my own responsibility. I think that one day, I will climb to a high point and make those who betrayed me, those who look down on me, regret it! If I had also given up on myself like you did, then I would still be a security guard in some Security Company clan without the current Huang Xing. In fact, it was even more miserable. Your Han Ergou's starting point is much higher than mine, I can help you pave the way. But at that time, I had nothing, no one to rely on. What else are you not satisfied with? What reason was there to complain? Remember my words. As long as you truly like Liu Erni, she will feel and recognize you sooner or later. Otherwise, she'll look down on you ? "    


In order to subdue a person, they usually had to use both force and force.    


Han Ergou obviously did not eat softness nor toughness. Huang Xing used harsh words to first ridicule and then erase his will. After that, she extended her hand to pull him away and give him some examples with her own experience, giving him confidence.    


Now that he was opposites, Han Ergou's mental state seemed to have suffered a purgatory process of ice and fire.    


He squatted down and was silent for a long time.    


Seeing that he had succeeded, Huang Xing could not continue his work. The most ingenious way of getting rid of others was to stop when necessary.    


"That's enough, Er Gou, rest early."    


After lightly patting Han Ergou's shoulder, Huang Xing left without turning back.    


Returning to the car, Huang Xing felt a little bit accomplished. Although he did not completely untie the knot in Han Ergou's heart, at the very least, he was able to calm his emotions. No matter how good the steel was, it would not be able to polish a good sword without experiencing the dual trials of ice and fire.    


Through what had happened today, Huang Xing felt that if he did not put in some effort to train Han Ergou, it would be very difficult for him to become an expert. He might even cause trouble for himself.    


But apart from him, who else in the whole business district could hold him back?    


Huang Xing once again thought of that Liu Chenghe who he had not seen many times before but had a very deep impression of.    


He was definitely an expert. Even the people of Shan Dongyang's generation were completely obedient under his treatment. If he could come to the Xin Meng Merchant House to help her, then she would have no problem controlling Han Ergou.    


But he was the grand captain of the Security Company, with several hundred people in charge, how could he lower himself to serve in the Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Unless he had sufficient strength, it would be difficult for him to obtain Liu Chenghe's help.    


A light flashed, Huang Xing suddenly thought, the Starfall Real Estate that he and Wu Qianqian were working together, could he let Liu Cheng He take over the important position? Or, could I give him a job in the Xin Meng Merchant House, and help him secretly control and operate the Star and Asia Real Estate?    


This idea had a certain possibility. However, he still needed to think carefully before testing Liu Chenghe's reaction after he matured.    


Of course, other than Liu Chenghe, Huang Xing also thought of Shan Dongyang.    


Indeed, from the Xinyuan Company onwards, Shan Dongyang had brought him quite a lot of trouble and trouble.    


But there is no doubt that he did excel in some ways. Back then, when the Xinyuan Company went from an orderly family business to a regular development, Shan Dongyang did a great job. It was a pity that there was something wrong with this person's character, resulting in him ending up like this.    


It was a pity to abandon such a person after much consideration.    


However, when he thought of the formidable Cao Cao of his generation, Huang Xing felt that if there was a chance, he could give it a try.    


As the saying goes, the greatest geniuses of the world must have their weaknesses. The drawbacks of a man who in some ways has the power to stand out must also be obvious. The reason why Cao Cao was able to become the biggest duke in the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty and establish his legacy was because he was good at using people. Under Cao Cao's account, there were all kinds of monsters and snakes. Stealing chickens and dogs, greedy and lecherous people, they all had everything they deserved. But Cao Cao made use of his own wisdom to properly train these people, to fully display their strengths and hide their weaknesses. For example, in the eyes of everyone, Yuan Shao was an ungrateful villain. Although he was full of talent, Yuan Shao couldn't appreciate him because of his character. But Cao Cao was different. When he heard that Xu You had come to submit to him, he ran out to greet him without putting on his shoes. It moved Xu You so much that tears streamed down his face, praising Cao Mengde for his righteousness. This detail also laid the foundation for Xu You's determination to submit to Cao Cao. From then on, he came up with a strange scheme to help Cao Cao attack the Dark Nest, gradually defeating Yuan Shao again and again. Although Cao Cao could not stand Xu's wanton behavior and public humiliation, he was finally killed. But what was undeniable was that without Xu You, the war between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao would have been prolonged for who knew how long. In fact, it was still unknown who would win and who would lose. This was Cao Cao's skill at employing people. Even a vile person like Xu You, who had seen no benefits, was able to use the skill with ease. He was able to display his talent and expertise to the fullest. "It can be seen that Cao Cao's success was not a coincidence.    


Under the same logic, since he was in an important position and he was running a new company with Wu Qianqian in private, it was the right time to hire someone.    


As long as one had the ability, why not give it a try?    


Right, the most pressing matter now was to win over talents and serve him.    



Through the matter with Han Ergou, Huang Xing was able to enlighten and understand a few seemingly simple but precious truths.    


As he thought about it, he had already reached Fu Jie's district.    


But in reality, at this moment in time, the desire in Huang Xing's heart was no longer as strong as it was before.    


After all, how could he have the heart to indulge in the love of a man and a woman after this ordeal?    


But since he came, Huang Xing decided to give it a try. After all, in addition to his career, love and marriage were also a major topic that lay before him.    


Moreover, he really loved Fu Jie.    


Surrender! Continue begging for shelter!    


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