Security Guard’s Romance



0Fu Jie asked Huang Xing. What do you think?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly and said: "The conditions given by Director Yu are very tempting."    


Fu Jie was suspicious, "Could it be a trap?"    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "You must have been frightened by Yan He Group's accident, right? How could it be a trap? For such a large-scale second stage project, it is equivalent to the Director Yu giving it to us. Even if there is a problem, we will not lose anything. "    


"That's true." Fu Jie said: "I was just saying. I believe that the Director Yu will not harm us. I'm just worried, our baby shop... If we agree to Director Yu's request, then our plans would be in vain. So, it's a dilemma. "    


Huang Xing sighed, and said: "I never thought that there would be such a strange person like the Director Yu in this world. What do you think she's doing, letting us handle such a large second episode? It was a multi-billion-dollar project! He didn't understand it at all. However, I can feel that Director Yu has no ill intentions. "    


Fu Jie said, "If it was the slightest bit of malicious intent, it would not even be discernable. Do you think we should do it or not? Anyway, we'll give her back ten years for these billions of dollars. She is only protecting Ben, but we have a great platform that falls from the sky. "    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I will listen to you. If you say yes, we will do it. If you say you want to give up, we'll give up. "    


Fu Jie smiled bitterly and said: "I am very hesitant. "To be honest, I've been thinking about the baby project for a long time, and just as I was about to do it, I ?"    


Huang Xing was suddenly enlightened: "I have it!"    


Fu Jie asked: "What do you have?"    


Huang Xing slightly frowned, and said with all kinds of thoughts: "Think about it, the structure of the second phase project's tower. We can just open up our nursery here! This way, I would be able to link up with Shang Chao without worrying about the source of customers or the venue, and would even be able to avoid a large amount of advertising fees. "    


Fu Jie exclaimed: "That's right, why didn't I think of that? So smart, no wonder Director Yu praised you! "    


Huang Xing pinched his nose: "Then, promise Director Yu?"    


Fu Jie raised his eyebrows: Is this food that seems to come from nowhere?    


With the mention of food, Huang Xing suddenly burst out laughing.    


Fu Jie was baffled: "What are you laughing for, to make you laugh like that?"    


Of course, Huang Xing would not laugh foolishly out of nowhere. When he heard about food that came in vain, he remembered something when he first met Fu Jie.    


"Remember the first time we met?" Huang Xing asked Fu Jie mysteriously.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing suspiciously: "I saw you at Gindelli's Fast Food when I was there. What's wrong? Is that about you giggling? "    


Huang Xing lightly coughed, and said with false bravado: "History is always astonishingly similar. At noon that day, you handed me a plate of food that you had already bought. I treated it as a free meal. "    


Fu Jie seemed to remember some details and said, "That's right! You misunderstood me and thought I ate the leftovers. Your pride has been humiliated. "    


Huang Xing nodded, "Of course! At that time, neither of us knew each other. For a stranger to let me eat leftovers, can I not think too much about it? "    


Fu Jie ordered, "But after that, you still ate them."    


Huang Xing said: "That's because you explained it to me clearly. You can't bear to waste it, so you gave me my meal before I even lined up. Therefore, it was not a free meal, but more of a proof of the virtue of your hard work and thrift. Honestly speaking, there were so many people queuing up in Gindelli at that time that they didn't even get a meal, why did you give it to me? Is it... Is it because I'm handsome? " Huang Xing placed his hands on his chin, showing a narcissistic look.    


Fu Jie giggled. "Come on! I just pity you, I'm giving you charity! Haha. I see what you mean. " She suddenly stopped joking and looked deeply at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing asked: "What do you understand? Tell me."    


Fu Jie emphasized: "You are taking that matter as a metaphor for today's matter. On the surface, it seems that the Director Yu is giving us charity. But in fact, as she said, she did want to make a more important project, and that's why she gave it to us. Therefore, this could not be considered as free food. In other words, what we're going to do next is to help her. "    


"Smart!" Huang Xing praised, then said: "Then, shall we accept it?"    


Fu Jie nodded: "Accept! Director Yu said that she did not want the shares, and we should reserve them for her. The principle of my business is to not let good people suffer. "    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up, "Heroes think alike. I love you so much, my wife. "    


Fu Jie blushed, pouted, and snorted: "Don't shout!"    


Huang Xing immediately changed his form of address to: "Wife."    


Fu Jie bashfully patted Huang Xing's shoulder: "None, form!"    


Just like this, Huang Xing and Fu Jie took over the second stage of Xin Meng Merchant House from Yu Mengqin's hands.    


One month later.    


The major media outlets revealed two important news in succession.    


Firstly, Xiao Yan and his wife were sent back to their home country by the foreign police because of their suspected major economic case.    


The second was that Huang Jinjiang used his power to facilitate, corruption and illegal ownership of shares in various companies. After many investigations, he received several combined crimes, was sentenced to life imprisonment, and was deprived of his political rights for life.    


Huang Xing was deeply moved.    


On this day, Fu Jie's mother suddenly found Huang Xing and spoke a few words.    


Huang Xing was so excited that he didn't sleep at night.    


Very quickly, the second phase of Xin Meng's ceremony was held as scheduled.    


The sky was bustling with noise, and the singing and dancing were even. On the clean construction site, thousands of people gathered to witness this historic moment.    


Important people in Jinan's political and business circles were also invited to attend the ceremony.    


Huang Xing acted as the host. He was elegant and skilled, allowing the participants of the ceremony to clap like thunder.    


After the procedures were over, and the leaders were about to leave, Fu Jie heaved a sigh of relief.    


However, Huang Xing suddenly jokingly said: "Everyone please wait patiently for a while longer, and all leaders, I hope that you all can waste some of your precious time to witness this great moment together with me! Today was not only the second stage of Xin Meng's work, but also ? The biggest day of my life! "Next, please welcome the Chairman of Xinmeng Stage Two, Ms. Fu Jie, onto the stage."    


Amidst a burst of warm applause, Fu Jie walked up the stage suspiciously.    


She, was the center of attention.    


Below, there was a wave of exclamations. There was no one who was not amazed by her beauty and her overwhelming elegance.    



Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing suspiciously, thinking, what is he trying to do?    


Huang Xing suddenly waved his hand.    


A burst of warm music rang out.    


Soon after, the big screen on the stage suddenly lit up. Then the PPT started up.    


In the slide show, there were words and pictures. This text and picture contained fragments of Huang Xing and her from when they first met each other to when they had known each other for the past few years.    


To be exact, Huang Xing had spent a lot of effort to prepare for this. He had interviewed almost everyone who was related to Fu Jie, his relatives, friends, and colleagues. He collected thousands of photos, including his own collection.    


Following the play of the music and the PPT, Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie deeply and began to narrate his love for him:    


"Fu Jie, do you still remember the first time we met? At that time, you were so cold and moving that my heart was suddenly taken away by you. I am glad to be able to go from a little security guard into your Xinyuan Company and become an employee. Since then, you and I have been together day and night. It was also from then on that my heart held a dream about you. Joy, happiness, anger, sadness, we have been together for a few years, wind, rain, your every move, every expression, I am clear in the eyes. We had been happy, we had been sad, we had even quarrelled and turned our faces over because of our work. But none of this will change the love I feel for you... Now, you and I are no longer young. Please allow me to confess to you in this most vulgar and truest way! "    


Walla ?    


Amidst the warm applause, a dozen or so people walked towards the stage.    


Some scattered flowers while others threw powder. Soon after, Fu Zhenxin, Wu Qianqian, Cao Aidang, Huang Ling, Xie Yundan and more than ten other good friends danced on the stage, witnessing this beautiful moment.    


Fu Jie's eyes were brimming with tears.    


Fu Jie suddenly reached his hands out to his back, and like a magician in magic, he grabbed, and a bunch of beautiful roses appeared in his hands.    


Then, he knelt on one knee, placed the flower in front of Fu Jie and spoke in a deep voice, "My angel, can you marry me?"    


Another round of applause, shouts, and cheers. Many people couldn't help but cry out, "Marry him, marry him, marry him ?"    


Fu Jie's expression was somewhat panicked. Huang Xing's sudden confession had caught her off guard.    


However, most of them were filled with pleasant surprise.    


The moving photo of the PPT was still being played. Many of those who were familiar with Huang Xing and his wife couldn't help but cry. Together they witnessed this legendary love story.    


Fu Zhenxin kept reminding Fu Jie: "Sister, quickly pick them up, catch the flowers, don't let Brother-in-law kneel to the point of breaking his knee."    


Fu Jie gently wiped the tears from his eyes and stretched out his hand, preparing to receive the beautiful rose.    


Suddenly, a familiar figure walked up the stage.    


Fu Jie was momentarily stunned. It was her mother.    


Her expression suddenly changed and she whispered, "Mom, why did you come up here? There are so many people ?"    


What she meant was to remind the old lady that in this kind of important occasion, Huang Xing should not embarrass himself. After all, the old lady had always disapproved of Fu Jie being with her.    


Fu Zhenxin also realized that the situation was not good. He hurriedly walked to the old lady's side and whispered a few words into her ear.    


But the old lady shook her head firmly.    


For a time, the situation was extremely awkward.    


"Today, I used this occasion as an excuse to say a few words to an old lady who had been addicted to the stage. "Everyone, please forgive us for not having a rough draft." The old lady took the microphone, looked at Fu Jie, and then looked at Huang Xing who was still half-kneeling on the ground.    


There was no applause from the old lady's humor. Everyone's hearts were in their throats as they broke out in a cold sweat for this couple.    


Fu Jie's heart thumped in his chest. She even started to blame Huang Xing. Before the Old Granny had blessed them, he had suddenly proposed to them on such a major occasion.    


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