Security Guard’s Romance



0If it was a virgin or something like that, Huang Xing felt that he was wronged. He hasn't done anything to her yet -- how could he --    


What could that be?    


The only answer was that the holidays were coming.    


But it really didn't come at the right time. She didn't see any sign of it just now, let alone a phone call. She didn't even hear the sound of footsteps. In just a blink of an eye, she had arrived in person.    


Huang Xing muttered angrily in his heart. Why did the Creator of God have to give a woman a binding service and carry this disgusting thing with him? This is subtle, it's annoying when it comes; it's even more annoying if it doesn't come on time. It was just like today, a great scene, but it instantly brought about a bloody disaster.    


What f * cking bad luck!    


Maybe Fu Zhenxin, who had always been in a hallucinating state, hadn't realized that his relatives would come to visit, as he humphed with a dazed expression, as if he was asking for more warmth.    


Huang Xing bore with his huge desire and rolled down from the bed. It was like when he was hit by a car on the way to the lottery that his body went into a paralysis, even though he had won 5 million. However, thinking about it, this hysterical regret was far more painful than being hit by a car in the lottery. At the very least, he still had money to spend if he was paralyzed. But now, what could he use to extinguish the flames he had built up?    


He went to the bathroom and wanted to pee, but he didn't come out for a long time. This wasn't surprising. With two things at the same time, the character wouldn't be able to switch over in a short period of time.    


After settling the problem of peeing with much difficulty, Huang Xing could not help but shiver. He washed his face on the water cage and restrained the boiling blood.    


Returning back to the scene, seeing Fu Zhenxin's dreamy body, Huang Xing was shocked!    


So dangerous! What did he just do?    


I almost became a beast!    


Thinking about it this way, Huang Xing felt that Fu Zhenxin's big aunt had come at the right time. Otherwise, if he took this opportunity to take Fu Zhenxin for himself, then the trouble that would follow would be incalculable, and he might even have the possibility of entering the prison. Moreover, by doing this, what difference was there between him and that f * cking Deng Guanghui?    


Amidst his cold sweat, Huang Xing walked over and covered Fu Zhenxin's blanket. She had fallen asleep, and her breathing had become more regular.    


Huang Xing felt that even though he had the upper hand with his rationality, he was barely able to suppress the evil thoughts. But in the face of such a devastatingly beautiful sleeping beauty, it was extremely difficult for him to have six strands of peace and quiet. Huang Xing could only console himself in his heart. Impulse was tantamount to crime, impulse was the devil.    


After two hours, Huang Xing was extremely tired. After confirming that Fu Zhenxin was fine, he wanted to find a room to have a good rest.    


But there was still no room to be found at the front desk.    


As a result, Huang Xing could only endure the humiliation and return to Fu Zhenxin's room. He picked up a blanket and curled himself on the side of the bed for the whole night.    


The next morning.    


Around 6: 30 PM.    


Huang Xing was awoken by a series of sharp screams.    


The next moment, a few items came in succession. Faintly, Huang Xing struggled free from the restraints in front of him and saw two pillows lying beside him.    


After calming down, he raised his head and could not help but be startled.    


Fu Zhenxin is crazy!    


Her hair was almost disheveled, and she flew towards him without even bothering to put on her clothes.    


He shouted and cursed.    


Huang Xing, who had been sleeping all this time, felt that his legs were not listening to him, but when he tried to stand up, he felt dizzy and blood was flowing. Even so, he could not help but smile wryly as he felt the ferocity of the morning.    


In the blink of an eye, Fu Zhenxin had already rushed in front of him.    


Huang Xing waved his limp and powerless hands to block, and raised his voice to say, "What are you doing, Fu Zhenxin, training in the Nine Yin White Bone Claw?"    


Fu Zhenxin continued to tear and beat as he scolded, "Stop acting, why don't you do it for me!" Why did you sleep in my room? Who took off my clothes? What did you do to me? What did you do to me?    


The enemy's violence quickly awakened the nerve cells on Huang Xing's body. He originally wanted to ruthlessly push Fu Zhenxin to the ground and make her pause her impulses. However, when he recalled what happened yesterday, he felt that he couldn't bear it. Women were weak, after all. Huang Xing properly slapped Fu Zhenxin's hands, and took the chance to stand up, roaring: Fu Zhenxin, what are you messing around for, can you calm down a little?    


Fu Zhenxin still wanted to hit him, but the hand he used to reach out was once again grabbed by Huang Xing.    


Fu Zhenxin said angrily: You want me to calm down? How do you want me to calm down? What the hell is going on? How could I --    


It was only then that she realized that she had just awoken in spring, and didn't have the time to put on her clothes. Panicking, she pulled a blanket over her body, and stared at Huang Xing while trembling.    


Huang Xing pressed his hand on his head and tried to lower his voice: It's me. Indeed, I took off your clothes and washed them to dry. But if it wasn't for me, you would have already been ruined by that bastard Deng Guanghui!    


Fu Zhenxin was greatly shocked, as a hazy imprint seemed to have appeared in his mind. Her eyes widened as she asked, What? What did you say?    


Huang Xing took a deep breath. Sit down and I'll tell you the truth.    


Fu Zhenxin stared at them for a long time before habitually pulling on his butt, wrapping himself tightly with the blanket and sitting down. At that moment, her heart was in a mess. She wanted to change her clothes before questioning Huang Xing. She could vaguely sense that the memory shards that she had left in her mind last night were indeed very strange. She needed further confirmation, further knowledge of the truth, further clarification of all doubts and mysteries.    


Huang Xing took out a cigarette from his pocket. He initially wanted to use this to refresh himself, but Fu Zhenxin grabbed him and crushed him.    


He could understand Fu Zhenxin's excitement and impulsiveness.    


Huang Xing gave a brief summary of what happened last night.    


Fu Zhenxin opened his eyes wide as he heard this, half believing and half doubting Huang Xing's words, he passionately asked: "Is what you said true, is what you said true?"    


In reality, the memory fragments were enough to confirm the authenticity of what Huang Xing had said.    


Huang Xing nodded slightly: It's true.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned and scratched her head, she almost shouted: Animal, Deng Guanghui this beast! You, why didn't you call the police? Why didn't you call the police? Why?    


Huang Xing said: It's still too late to report it.    


Fu Zhenxin scolded: "Horse Shooter!" What's the use of reporting now! Evidence, evidence early...    


Huang Xing interrupted her and said, "I have evidence."    


He took out his phone and showed it to Fu Zhenxin, adding: If you want to call the police, I'll immediately dial 110 for you. I recorded the sound last night, so Deng Guanghui personally admitted to his motives and guilt.    


Fu Zhenxin raised an eyebrow: What? What did you say?    



Huang Xing tried to call him, but Fu Zhenxin quickly stopped him: "Let me think, let me think." Let's put Deng Guanghui aside first. Let me ask you, why do you want to ? Why did you take the initiative to help me take off my clothes, are you... You don't have any good intentions?    


Huang Xing thought that she really didn't know how to get to the crux of the matter. She didn't care about the ox thief, but had to deal with her, a law-abiding citizen. If not for him, she would have become a side dish for Deng Guanghui last night. If not for him, the consequences would have been unimaginable.    


Huang Xing explained with a wry smile: You puke really hard, your clothes are all ?    


Fu Zhenxin almost shouted: Then you don't need to change my clothes! You clearly have evil intentions!    


Huang Xing retorted: "My heart is full of evil intentions?" If I have any bad intentions, now you... You had such a strong medicinal effect last night, if I, Huang Xing had ulterior motives, you would have long ?    


He was almost incoherent!    


Fu Zhenxin raised his voice and shouted, "Who knows if you did this to me ?"    


Huang Xing said: Yes, I do! I'm a normal man, and I admit that when your medicine broke out, I did have... I had that thought. But I restrained myself!    


After he finished speaking, Huang Xing realized that he was not very good at disguising himself, so he could have left out these words.    


Indeed, lying was not his forte.    


Scoundrel, scoundrel!    


Fu Zhenxin's tears unknowingly flowed out as he casually touched his pillow and smacked it.    


Huang Xing did not resist.    


Perhaps he was indeed repenting for his impulsiveness last night.    


Yeah, I almost became a beast.    


Bastard like Deng Guanghui.    


However, the quality of the pillow was not good at all. After a short while, bits of cotton flew all over the place, like snowflakes that had been sent flying into the air. The sky wasn't cold, but Fu Zhenxin felt a very cold feeling in his heart. Huang Xing had the same feeling.    


But because of the extreme movement speed, the bindings on Fu Zhenxin's body were opened up, and her smooth and sexy body bloomed up once again in front of Huang Xing.    


However, Huang Xing did not have the mind to waste time on this familiar and hot spring light.    


Fu Zhenxin sobbed as he wrapped himself tightly and trembled.    


Anger, embarrassment, resentment... What a complicated entanglement.    


Huang Xing saw that Fu Zhenxin had quietened down, and raised his head to take a look.    


But when he saw that it didn't matter, he immediately cried out in alarm.    


Blood! It was blood!    


Huang Xing saw a line of blood trickling down from Fu Zhenxin's thigh that was under the blanket.    


Huang Xing understood his general knowledge, hence he gave Fu Zhenxin a hint without thinking: "What did you do ?" What are you doing there... What was that ?    


Fu Zhenxin didn't understand what Huang Xing was expressing for a moment, but when he looked down with his eyes, he was stunned for a moment. Only now did he realize that his relatives had come knocking on his door. She shyly wrapped herself in a blanket and cursed at Huang Xing in fear and anger. Brawler, you are a gangster!    


Huang Xing originally wanted to argue, but he was worried that he would further enrage Fu Zhenxin, so he gave up.    


Fu Zhenxin looked around in a daze, after which he found a item in his Universe Pouch.    


He grabbed the set of clothes he had bought at the shopping mall and rushed into the washroom.    


A burst of sound of water.    


Huang Xing closed his eyes and sighed.    


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